917 resultados para Decolonization of Angola


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El creciente interés de China por África ha modificado y estructurado una nueva política exterior, en donde el fortalecimiento de las relaciones políticas y económicas se ve ligado al uso de la diplomacia cultural como una herramienta de atracción. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo principal indagar cómo China construye una identidad a través de su diplomacia cultural en Angola, demostrando así, que este país utiliza sus costumbres, principios y normas para establecer una identidad de rol en la que se asume como una potencia que debe cooperar. No obstante, sus intereses van más allá de la cooperación al profundizar en relaciones de confianza que lo beneficien política y económicamente. Haciendo un uso del concepto de Imperialismo, la investigación mostrará las limitaciones y los vacíos de la noción de identidad para explicar acciones chinas en Angola, mostrando cómo se hacen uso de herramientas imperialistas para un beneficio propio.


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A agricultura de conservação, conseguindo reduzir as perdas de solo por erosão e aumentando o seu teor em matéria orgânica, permite aos agricultores produzirem mais alimentos com menos trabalho. Oferece-lhes uma possibilidade de melhorar a sua qualidade de vida. Várias abordagens sobre agricultura de conservação do solo, incluindo rotação e consorciação de culturas, são componentes deste sistema aplicável a diferentes níveis. A sementeira direta e o menor distúrbio de solo, são princípios primordiais da conservação do solo, fornecem benefícios direitos para a agricultura e o meio ambiente, questões da maior relevância para a agricultura Angolana, apesar da pouca importância que atualmente lhes é dedicada. Logo, é preciso uma conversão e transição de tecnologias e técnicas para implementar a agricultura de conservação e o controle da erosão dos solos no país. As técnicas de conservação utilizadas pelos pequenos e grandes produtores, embora sejam bem-intencionadas, não oferecem a proteção contra a erosão do solo e a conservação da água. Tanto as entidades políticas, como o Programa de Acão do Ministério da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural (MINADER) e os agricultores angolanos devem entender a importância da agricultura de conservação para a segurança alimentar e dar continuidade para as gerações futuras. Não basta a reformulação e consolidação dos objetivos traçados no período de 2009 a 2013, sem que haja a aplicação prática. Portanto, para sair do atual conceito oficial de agricultura tradicional/convencional e optar para agricultura capaz de responder às necessidades de Angola é necessário seguir modelos semelhantes aos desenvolvidos por países tropicais de condições naturais semelhantes às de Angola; The role of conservation agriculture in the fight against soil erosion particularly in Angola ABSTRACT: Conservation agriculture, managed to reduce soil losses by erosion and to increase its content of organic matter, allow farmers to produce more food with less work. It offers them a chance to improve their quality of life. Several approaches to soil conservation agriculture, including rotation and intercropping, are components of this system applicable to different levels. Direct sowing and less soil disturbance, are key principles of soil conservation providiy benefits for agriculture and the environment, issues of great importance for the Angolan agriculture, in spite of the little importance that is currently dedicated to them. Therefore, we need a conversion and transition technologies and techniques to implement conservation agriculture and soil erosion control in the country. Conservation techniques used by small and large producers, although well-intentioned, do not offer protection against soil erosion and water conservation. Both political entities, such as the Program of Action of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) and Angolan farmers should understand the importance of conservation agriculture for food security and continuity for future generations. Not just the redesign and consolidation of the objectives outlined in the period 2009 to 2013, without practical application. Therefore, to exit the current official concept of traditional / conventional farming and opt for agriculture able to meet the needs of Angola is necessary to follow models similar to those developed by tropical countries of natural conditions similar to Angola.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the degree of persistence in five inflation indicators for Angola, and to identify the implications for decision-making. Understanding inflation persistence in Angola is crucial because the National Bank of Angola is preparing to change its monetary policy focus to a more inflation-targeting regime. Our results suggest that when structural breaks are accounted for, all five inflation indicators are stationary, so that a shock will give temporary effects. Secondly, our findings suggest that persistence is not too high. Moreover, the degree of persistence is similar among the five inflation indicators and throughout the sample period. Finally, our results also show that extracting the most volatile components of the headline inflation indicator does not generate a new inflation indicator that is less volatile and more persistent than the original. These results have important implications for the design, implementation and effectiveness of monetary policy in Angola, especially when following an inflation-targeting regime. First, a not too high degree of persistence means monetary policy aiming for price stability must be implemented with a permanent policy stance. Secondly, a low degree of persistence also means that inflation can be stabilized in a short period of time following a shock. Lastly, the results are also relevant for prediction and modeling purposes.


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The Earth we know today was not always so. Over millions of years have undergone significant ch an g e s brought about by numerous geological phenomena aimed at your balance, some internal order, creating new geological formations and other external order smoothing formations previously created. From t h e tectonic standpoint, Angola is located in a relatively stable area which gives it a certain p ri v i l e g e w h e n compared with some Asian countries or even Americans where quite often occur earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. However, the same cannot be said in relation to the occurrence of an external geodynamics phenomena, such as the ravines, which in recent years has taken shape in many provinces, especially due to anthropogenic activity, giving rise to geological hazards, increasing the risk of damage in buildings and others infrastructures, losses direct or indirect in economic activities and loss of human lives. We understand that the reducing of these risks starts, in particular, by their identification, for later take preventive measures. This work is the result of some research work carried out by the authors through erosion courses of s o i l and stabilization of soils subject to erosion phenomena, carried out by Engineering Laboratory of Angola (LEA). For the realization of this work, we resorted to cartographic data query, literature, listening to s o m e o f the provincial representatives and local residents, as well as the observation in lo co o f s o m e af f e ct ed areas. The results allow us to infer that the main provinces affected by ravine phenomenon are located in Central and Northern highlands, as well as in the eastern region, and more recently in Cuando-Cub an go province. Not ruling out, however, other regions, such as in Luanda and Cabinda [1]. Relatively the causes, we can say that the ravines in Angola are primarily due to the combination of three natural factors: climate, topography and type of soil [2]. When we add the anthropogenic activit y , namely the execution of construction works, the drainage system obstructio n, exploration of m i n e ral s, agriculture and fires, it is verified an increasing of the phenomenon, often requiring immedi at e act i o n . These interventions can be done through structural or engineering measures and by the stabilization measures on the degraded soil cover [3]. We present an example of stabilization measures throu g h t h e deployment of a local vegetation called Pennisetum purpureum. It is expected that the results may contribute to a better understanding of the causes of the ravine phenomenon in Angola and that the adopted stabilization method can be adapted in other affected provinces in order to prevent and making the contention of the ravines.


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After the Congress, a six-day field trip, will be held through three southwestern provinces of Angola (Huíla, Namibe and Cunene), every day starting and ending in the city of Lubango, for overnight stay in Lubango, with the purpose to observe some of the main sites of geological interest in this zone of Angola. The itinerary of this field trip presents the geologic history of Southwestern Angola and its evolution in the scope of the Congo Craton, through a trip that begins in the first excursion days by the oldest geologic formations and phenomena until the recent geologic formations and phenomena on the last excursion days. On the first and second excursion days, September 5th and September 6th, the field trip will go along the Kunene Anorthosite Complex of Angola (KAC), to observe some petrographic features of the KAC that are important to understand the emplacement of this huge igneous massif of the early Kibarean age. These days of the field trip allow the observation of Earthen Construction, because this region of Cunene is privileged to appreciate a kind of Eco-construction, made of raw earth and in wattle and daub, built with ancient techniques, which constitute a real GeoHeritage. On September 7th, in the morning, the destination will be Tundavala, to visit Tundavala Gap, a huge escarpment of more than 1,000 m high cutted in Neo-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic igneous rocks, the Ruins of Tundavala (quartzite blocks with sedimentary structures) and Tundavala Waterfalls on a quartzitic scarp. After lunch, the field trip continues towards Humpata plateau to observe the panoramic view over Lubango city from the Statue of Cristo Rei, then the outcrops of dolomitic limestones with stromatolites and dolerites and finally the Leba passage, a huge escarpment and one of the most spectacular parts of the Serra da Chela, traversed by a mountain road built in the early 70s of the last century, that can be observed from the belvedere of the Serra da Chela. On September 8th, the destination is the carbonatite complexes of Tchivira and Bonga, belonging to the Mesozoic alkaline massifs of ultrabasic rocks, a rift valley system that occurs during the Early Cretaceous. In this forth excursion day, due to the huge dimensions of these two carbonatite structures it will be visited, only, the Complex of Bonga, namely the outcrops of the northern part of the structure and secondary deposits on the boundary on the southern part of the of the Complex. The last two excursion days, September 9th and September 10th, are to observe the Cretaceous Basin of Namibe. On September 9th, the northern part of Namibe Basin will be visited to observe the volcanic basic rocks of Namibe as well as the interesting paleontological site of Bentiaba. On September 10th, the destination is the southern and more recent part of Namibe Basin, where on the Namib Desert, the exotic plant Welwitschia mirabilis can be observed, as well as Arco, an oasis in the desert. This last excursion day, ends up at the dunes of Tombwa near the mouth of Curoca river and the beautiful bay of Tombwa, where can be observed heavy minerals in their beach sands.


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In O retorno (2011), Dulce Maria Cardoso invite us to know the Rui’s story, a Portuguese Angolan teenager that returned from Angola, together his family. He is compelled to rebuild his life in Continental Portugal, from a precarious and limited financial situation. The scenario was the seventies and the turbulent period of return of more than a half million of Portuguese citizens, during the decolonization of former Portugal overseas territories in Africa. In this paper, we have analyzed the theme of diaspora in the contemporaneous Portuguese Literature, considering as the start point the sociocultural context contained in the book O retorno. Thus, we have established a bridge with two other novels, within a comparative perspective, in order to find similarities or dissimilarities among them, once they address the same theme: Pouca terra...Poucá terra, by Júlia Nery (1984), that brings to the center of the narrative the emigrants story from France, under the approach of a girl called  Leonor, and Livro, by José Luís Peixoto (2012), which has the main focus, among the multiplicity of themes, the emigration scenario from France, and the loving disagreements between two young lovers: Ilídio and Adelaide. The goal is to sketch a viewpoint, clarified by the cultural studies, which conduct us to understand more largely some questions which come by the Dulce Maria Cardoso novel, and also the two other books in question.  They give us the measure of the construction of the contemporaneous Portuguese novel, and reflect the idea of a nation which uses to have a condition of discomfort. This discomfort is proper to who are at the mercy of the diasporic fateful experience, since the most remote past.  


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This research aims to evaluate the changes occurred in the Angolan society, showed on the novel Generation of Utopia, written by Pepetela. This text fictionalizes a long historic period of Angola, since the last years of colonialism until some time after the country's independence and, in this sense, it shows the social changes on this historical / political moment. For this analysis, we use some important concepts used by cultural studies, especially the "Carnivalization", coined by Bakhtin. This process is permeated by inversions and contagions, the noble to the vulgar, high and low, popular and erudite, leaded by the dialog, which produces hybrid forms (also called grotesque). The compreension of most contemporary social transformations is made from "Transformation Metaphors" and, in this sense, one of the most useful is the “Carnivalization” that in the case of the Angolan society, represented by Pepetela, is better understood / evaluated from this bakhtinian concept.


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O presente trabalho destina-se a analisar as relações diplomáticas entre o Brasil e Portugal sobre a questão da independência da África lusófona. Até 1961, verifica-se a manutenção de uma relação privilegiada com a pátria lusitana, traduzida no incondicional apoio brasileiro prestado aos assuntos do interesse de Portugal que se colocavam nos foros internacionais, como por exemplo, a questão da descolonização africana, no âmbito da ONU.A Política Externa Independente, projeto formulado em 1961 pelo então Presidente Jânio Quadros e seu Chanceler, Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco, visava a renovação da ação externa do país. O anticolonialismo e a defesa da autodeterminação dos povos faziam parte das formulações da PEI, que, entretanto, acabou encontrando grandes dificuldades para manter a coerência no posicionamento brasileiro na ONU, diante do processo de descolonização dos territórios portugueses na África. Portugal manteve, durante todo o período analisado (1958-1964), uma forte estratégia de defesa da manutenção de seus territórios ultramarinos. O Brasil, por sua vez, encontrou, principalmente no nível interno, os maiores obstáculos para manter uma conduta assertiva na matéria colonial. A leitura das fontes primárias, bem como dos livros escritos pelos Chanceleres da PEI, constituiu importante metodologia para a comprovação de que houve contradições e abstenções por parte do Brasil, sobre a questão colonial portuguesa, entre 1961-1964, na ONU. E que a falta de unidade de posicionamento externada nas Assembléias refletia principalmente os embates internos, que provocaram as grandes oscilações demonstradas pela nossa Delegação nas mais importantes votações sobre a questão.


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The introduction is followed by a resume of the biogeographic factors and the principal work. The characteristics of zooplankton in different regions are presented based on regular research in Santa Helena Bay and Walvis Bay and the research carried out by William Scoresby. Certain factors of the digestive system of South African plankton are discussed. The next section concerns research in intertropical and equatorial regions in the Gulf of Guinea. It considers the littoral region of Angola, the Pointe Noire region and discusses the density and complexity of stocks. The last section concerns the zooplankton of Nigeria, Ghana and the Ivory Coast and discusses the grouping of species and compares the results.


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Representações pós-coloniais em Ruy Duarte de Carvalho: uma leitura de Os papéis do inglês investiga a narrativa ficcional do romancista e antropólogo angolano Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, partindo do pressuposto de que a obra contém uma intricada rede discursiva em que estão confrontados os discursos colonial, pós-colonial e a crítica do modelo utópico de nação que se buscou construir, e efetivamente se construiu, em Angola após a independência. Para-lelamente a essa rede discursiva, a narrativa também se constitui de um encontro de diversas formas literárias distintas a poesia, o diário, a prosa e o ensaio etnográfico, evidenciando a complexidade do romance em questão. Tendo como base o livro de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, abordamos a história literária e política de Angola, seu desenvolvimento, suas relações e ten-sões principalmente com o colonizador europeu, com sua história passada e, mais recente-mente, com seu período independentista, procurando evidenciar como as releituras dos discur-sos históricos e ideológicos coloniais tornaram-se um campo profícuo para o desenvolvimento de narrativas literárias que ampliam os limites da escrita no âmbito ficcional e político-ideológico. Além dos textos de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho, este trabalho foi desenvolvido utili-zando como eixo norteador textos de estudiosos da literatura angolana, como Laura Padilha, Rita Chaves e José Carlos Venâncio; teóricos que discutem a crítica pós-colonial, como An-tonio Negri, Edward Said, Stuart Hall, Russel Hamilton e Boaventura de Sousa Santos; textos históricos escritos pelo colonizador português em solo angolano, como Henrique Galvão, Ralph Delgado e José Ribeiro da Cruz; além de textos escritos por intelectuais africanos, como Aimé Césaire e Amadou Hampaté-Bá, e teóricos que analisam as relações entre antropologia e literatura, como James Clifford


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In recent years, the presence of crusts within near surface sediments found in deep water locations off the west coast of Angola has been of interest to hot-oil pipeline designers. The origin for these crusts is considered to be of biological origin, based on the observation of thousands of faecal pellets in natural crust core samples. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests undertaken on natural and faecal pellet-only samples. These tests investigate the role faecal pellets play in modifying the gemechanical behaviour of clayey sediments. It is found that faecal pellets are able to significantly alter both the strength and the average grain-size of natural sediments, and therefore, influence the permeability and stiffness. Hot-oil pipelines self-embed into and subsequent shear on crusts containing faecal pellets. Being able to predict the time required for installed pipelines to consolidate the underlying sediment and thus, how soon after pipe-laying, the interface strength will develop is of great interest to pipeline designers. It is concluded from wet-sieving samples before and after oedometer tests, that the process of pipe laying is unlikely to destroy pellets. They will therefore, be a major constituent of the sediment subject to soil-pipeline shearing behaviour during axial pipe-walking and lateral buckling. Based on the presented results, a discussion highlighting the key implications for pipeline design is therefore provided. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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Usando documentos oficiais, registos legislativos, memórias e outras fontes documentais escritas produzidos no período entre os anos 60 e início da década de 90 do século XX, o presente estudo procura estabelecer a relação entre a narrativa de ficção e a realidade histórica documentada. O procedimento metodológico consistiu no confronto de registos de factos da realidade nos referidos documentos com o mundo possível criado pelos escritores. A investigação centrou-se nos romances de três escritores angolanos (Pepetela, Wanhenga Xitu e Arnaldo Santos). Os resultados demonstram que os textos ficcionais escolhidos se estruturam a partir da matéria de extracção histórica. O produto da pesquisa contribui para legitimar o valor documental das obras escolhidas entre outras que fazem parte da narrativa de ficção angolana. O trabalho visa, também, uma finalidade didáctica: a explicação de textos de ficção narrativa que analisam momentos marcantes da história recente de Angola; HISTORICAL REALITY IN THE NARRATIVE OF ANGOLAN FICTION ABSTRACT: Using official documents, legislative records, memories, and other written documental sources produced in the period between the sixties and the early nineties of the XX century, this study seeks to establish a relationship between fiction narrative and historical reality. The methodological procedure consisted in the comparison of records of the facts in the aforesaid documents with a possible world created by the author. The research focuses on novels by three Angolan writers (Pepetela, Wanhenga Xitu, and Arnaldo Santos). The results indicate that the selected fictional texts are structured from topics relating to history. The research outcome contributes to legitimate the documental value of the Works selected amongst those forming part of the Angolan fiction. Furthermore, the research serves another didactic purpose: explaining narrative fiction texts that review defining moments of the recent history of Angola.


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O presente trabalho propõe-se analisar a poesia dos autores angolanos que publicaram entre 1965 e 1985, identificando este segmento temporal como uma fase literária da literatura angolana (designada como utópico-patriótica), a qual exprime os princípios anticoloniais e projeta um espaço utópico genuinamente angolano. Tendo em conta a evolução da literatura angolana, subjaz à produção poética dos autores estudados um certo sentido de continuidade, o qual, estimulado pela difusão do nacionalismo, passa pela poesia «da terra» dos mensageiros e continua com os versos encriptados e anticoloniais das décadas de 60 e 70. O espaço utópico projetado na primeira parte da fase utópico-patriótica encontra a sua possibilidade de concretização com a independência de Angola, em 1975, participando os escritores da construção do recém-nascido Estado-Nação. A produção poética da segunda parte da fase utópico-patriótica é, assim, caraterizada pela celebração dos heróis, na ótica de uma (re)perspetivação da história nacional. A partir de 1985, quando se torna evidente o falhanço da utopia, a poesia angolana ensaia um novo rumo pela mão da «geração das incertezas». Ao longo deste percurso, a poesia angolana publicada entre 1965 e 1985 representa um meio de consciencialização ético-política dos cidadãos e concorre para a construção da identidade político-literária da nação angolana, cuja legitimação decorre do processo de conquista da independência.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização. Os orientadores: Prof. Doutor José de Freitas Santos Profª. Doutora Maria Clara Dias Pinto Ribeiro


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Ausgehend von den fortdauernden Ausschlüssen und strukturellen Benachteiligungen der indigenen Bevölkerung Lateinamerikas kritisiert die vorliegende Arbeit die begrenzten Möglichkeiten gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe innerhalb von liberalen Wahldemokratien. Neben materiellen Ungleichheiten stehen immaterielle Formen der Ungleichheit, wie kulturelle und symbolische Barrieren politischer sowie sozialer Teilhabe im Fokus der Analyse. Das Forschungs- und Erkenntnisinteresse zielt darauf, Demokratie nicht länger nur anhand liberal-repräsentativer Normen und Verfahren zu erfassen und zu werten. Es geht um die Reflexion anderer demokratischer Praxen, wie indigener und indigen-gewerkschaftlicher Formen lokaler Selbstregierung in Bolivien. Denn im bolivianischen Transformationsprozess mündete die Kritik der liberal-repräsentativen Demokratie in einer doppelten Forderung: Zum einen wird die Demokratisierung der liberalen Demokratie und zum anderen ihre Dekolonisierung gefordert. Die Dekolonisierung und Institutionalisierung unterschiedlicher Praxen und Vorstellungen wird empirisch am Beispiel des indigenen Autonomieprozesses untersucht. Auf nationaler Ebene werden die Demokratisierungsfortschritte u. a. anhand von Wahlrecht, der Entwicklung der Partizipation und Repräsentation bilanziert und die materielle Dimension von Teilhabe auf Grundlage der sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischen Reformen der Regierung Morales geprüft.