82 resultados para Carbur de silici


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N-type as well P-type top-gate microcrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) are fabricated on glass substrates at a maximum temperature of 200 °C. The active layer is an undoped μc-Si film, 200 nm thick, deposited by Hot-Wire Chemical Vapor. The drain and source regions are highly phosphorus (N-type TFTs) or boron (P-type TFTs)-doped μc-films deposited by HW-CVD. The gate insulator is a silicon dioxide film deposited by RF sputtering. Al-SiO 2-N type c-Si structures using this insulator present low flat-band voltage,-0.2 V, and low density of states at the interface D it=6.4×10 10 eV -1 cm -2. High field effect mobility, 25 cm 2/V s for electrons and 1.1 cm 2/V s for holes, is obtained. These values are very high, particularly the hole mobility that was never reached previously.


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En el presente trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio de las reacciones de Síntesis Autopropagada a Alta Temperatura (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis, SHS) de Nitruro de Silicio. La síntesis autopropagada a alta temperatura consiste básicamente en la generación de reacciones altamente exotérmicas capaces de automantenerse. Se puede considerar como principal ventaja del método el ahorro energético que supone. La síntesis se realiza sobre una mezcla inicial de silicio metálico sobre la cual se realizan adiciones de diluyente y otros aditivos (sales amónicas) que afectan al desarrollo de la reacción. Se ha estudiado la influencia que en este sistema pueden tener las proporciones de las distintas incorporaciones en la mezcla, tanto en el material resultante como en las condiciones de reacción. Igualmente se ha estudiado la posibilidad de utilización de nuevos aditivos que puedan minimizar el impacto medio ambiental. Se presentan los estudios microestructurales del material obtenido, la identificación cristalográfica de las fases presentes así como los comportamientos de los parámetros que definen la propia reacción. Con la información obtenida se propone el mecanismo predominante de la síntesis del Nitruro de Silicio mediante SHS.


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Undoped hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon was obtained by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition at different silane-to-hydrogen ratios and low temperature (<300 °C). As well as technological aspects of the deposition process, we report structural, optical and electrical characterizations of the samples that were used as the active layer for preliminary p-i-n solar cells. Raman spectroscopy indicates that changing the hydrogen dilution can vary the crystalline fraction. From electrical measurements an unwanted n-type character is deduced for this undoped material. This effect could be due to a contaminant, probably oxygen, which is also observed in capacitance-voltage measurements on Schottky structures. The negative effect of contaminants on the device was dramatic and a compensated p-i-n structure was also deposited to enhance the cell performance.


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This paper deals with the structural properties of a-Si:H/a-Si1-xCx: H multilayers deposited by glow-discharge decomposition of SiH4 and SiH4 and CH4 mixtures. The main feature of the rf plasma reactor is an automated substrate holder. The plasma stabilization time and its influence on the multilayer obtained is discussed. A series of a-Si:H/a-Si1-xCx: H multilayers has been deposited and characterized by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). No asymmetry between the two types of interface has been observed. The results show that the multilayers present a very good periodicity and low roughness. The difficulty of determining the abruptness of the multilayer at the nanometer scale is discussed.


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Spectroscopic ellipsometry and high resolution transmission electron microscopy have been used to characterize microcrystalline silicon films. We obtain an excellent agreement between the multilayer model used in the analysis of the optical data and the microscopy measurements. Moreover, thanks to the high resolution achieved in the microscopy measurements and to the improved optical models, two new features of the layer-by-layer deposition of microcrystalline silicon have been detected: i) the microcrystalline films present large crystals extending from the a-Si:H substrate to the film surface, despite the sequential process in the layer-by-layer deposition; and ii) a porous layer exists between the amorphous silicon substrate and the microcrystalline silicon film.


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The degradation of the catalytic filaments is the main factor limiting the industrial implementation of the hot wire chemical vapor deposition (HWCVD) technique. Up to now, no solution has been found to protect the catalytic filaments used in HWCVD without compromising their catalytic activity. Probably, the definitive solution relies on the automatic replacement of the catalytic filaments. In this work, the results of the validation tests of a new apparatus for the automatic replacement of the catalytic filaments are reported. The functionalities of the different parts have been validated using a 0.2 mm diameter tungsten filament under uc-Si:H deposition conditions.


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The degradation of the filaments is usually studied by checking the silicidation or carbonization status of the refractory metal used as catalysts, and their effects on the structural stability of the filaments. In this paper, it will be shown that the catalytic stability of a filament heated at high temperature is much shorter than its structural lifetime. The electrical resistance of a thin tungsten filament and the deposition rate of the deposited thin film have been monitored during the filament aging. It has been found that the deposition rate drops drastically once the quantity of dissolved silicon in the tungsten reaches the solubility limit and the silicides start precipitating. This manuscript concludes that the catalytic stability is only guaranteed for a short time and that for sufficiently thick filaments it does not depend on the filament radius.


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A simple and effective route has been developed for the synthesis of bimodal (3.6 and 9.4 nm) mesoporous silica materials that have two ordered interconnected pore networks. Mesostructures have been prepared through the self assembly mechanism by using a mixture of polyoxyethylene fluoroalkyl ether and triblock copolymer as building block. The investigation of the RF8(EO)9/P123/water phase diagram evidences that in the considered surfactant range of concentrations, the system is micellar (L1). DLS measurements indicate that this micellar phase is composed of two types of micelles, the size of the first one at around 7.6 nm corresponds unambiguously to the pure fluorinated micelles. The second type of micelles at higher diameter consists of fluorinated micelles which have accommodated a weak fraction of P123 molecules. Thus, in this study the bimodal mesoporous silica are really templated by two kinds of micelles.


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Herein, we report the formation of organized mesoporous silica materials prepared from a novel nonionic gemini surfactant, myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine, synthesized from a polyoxyalkyleneamine (ED900). The behavior of the modified Jeffamine in water was first investigated. A direct micellar phase (L1) and a hexagonal (H1) liquid crystal were found. The structure of the micelles was investigated from the SAXS and the analysis by Generalized Indirect Fourier Transformation (GIFT), which show that the particles are globular of coreshell type. The myristoyl chains, located at the ends of the amphiphile molecule are assembled to form the core of the micelles and, as a consequence, the molecules are folded over on themselves. Mesoporous materials were then synthesized from the self-assembly mechanism. The recovered materials were characterized by SAXS measurements, nitrogen adsorptiondesorption analysis, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results clearly evidence that by modifying the synthesis parameters, such as the surfactant/silica precursor molar ratio and the hydrothermal conditions, one can control the size and the nanostructuring of the resulting material. It was observed that, the lower the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, the better the mesopore ordering.


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Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation


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The quenching of the photoluminescence of Si nanopowder grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition due to pressure was measured for various gases ( H2, O2, N2, He, Ne, Ar, and Kr) and at different temperatures. The characteristic pressure, P0, of the general dependence I(P)=I0exp(-P/P0) is gas and temperature dependent. However, when the number of gas collisions is taken as the variable instead of pressure, then the quenching is the same within a gas family (mono- or diatomic) and it is temperature independent. So it is concluded that the effect depends on the number of gas collisions irrespective of the nature of the gas or its temperature


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A thorough critical analysis of the theoretical relationships between the bond-angle dispersion in a-Si, Δθ, and the width of the transverse optical Raman peak, Γ, is presented. It is shown that the discrepancies between them are drastically reduced when unified definitions for Δθ and Γ are used. This reduced dispersion in the predicted values of Δθ together with the broad agreement with the scarce direct determinations of Δθ is then used to analyze the strain energy in partially relaxed pure a-Si. It is concluded that defect annihilation does not contribute appreciably to the reduction of the a-Si energy during structural relaxation. In contrast, it can account for half of the crystallization energy, which can be as low as 7 kJ/mol in defect-free a-Si


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The structural relaxation of pure amorphous silicon (a-Si) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) materials, that occurs during thermal annealing experiments, has been analyzed by Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Unlike a-Si, the heat evolved from a-Si:H cannot be explained by relaxation of the Si-Si network strain but it reveals a derelaxation of the bond angle strain. Since the state of relaxation after annealing is very similar for pure and hydrogenated materials, our results give strong experimental support to the predicted configurational gap between a-Si and crystalline silicon


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Previous results concerning radiative emission under laser irradiation of silicon nanopowder are reinterpreted in terms of thermal emission. A model is developed that considers the particles in the powder as independent, so under vacuum the only dissipation mechanism is thermal radiation. The supralinear dependence observed between the intensity of the emitted radiation and laser power is predicted by the model, as is the exponential quenching when the gas pressure around the sample increases. The analysis allows us to determine the sample temperature. The local heating of the sample has been assessed independently by the position of the transverse optical Raman mode. Finally, it is suggested that the photoluminescence observed in porous silicon and similar materials could, in some cases, be blackbody radiation


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Oxidation of amorphous silicon (a-Si) nanoparticles grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition were investigated. Their hydrogen content has a great influence on the oxidation rate at low temperature. When the mass gain is recorded during a heating ramp in dry air, an oxidation process at low temperature is identified with an onset around 250°C. This temperature onset is similar to that of hydrogen desorption. It is shown that the oxygen uptake during this process almost equals the number of hydrogen atoms present in the nanoparticles. To explain this correlation, we propose that oxidation at low temperature is triggered by the process of hydrogen desorption