910 resultados para Bond length alternation (BLA)


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The system IrX(CO)[P(C6H5)3]3 in benzene solution adds molecular oxygen reversibly if X is chlorine and irreversibly if X is iodine. The crystal structure of the complex IrIO 2(CO)[P(C6H5)3]2 · CH2Cl2 is reported here and compared with a previous study of the structure of IrClO2(CO)[P(C6H 5)3]2. The O-O bond length is 1.47 ± 0.02 angstroms in the irreversibly oxygenated iodo-compound and 1.30 ± 0.03 angstroms in the reversibly oxygenated chlorocompound.


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In reinforced concrete systems, ensuring that a good bond between the concrete and the embedded reinforcing steel is critical to long-term structural performance. Without good bond between the two, the system simply cannot behave as intended. The bond strength of reinforcing bars is a complex interaction between localized deformations, chemical adhesion, and other factors. Coating of reinforcing bars, although sometimes debated, has been commonly found to be an effective way to delay the initiation of corrosion in reinforced concrete systems. For many years, the standard practice has been to coat reinforcing steel with an epoxy coating, which provides a barrier between the steel and the corrosive elements of water, air, and chloride ions. Recently, there has been an industry-led effort to use galvanizing to provide the protective barrier commonly provided by traditional epoxy coatings. However, as with any new structural product, questions exist regarding both the structural performance and corrosion resistance of the system. In the fall of 2013, Buchanan County, Iowa constructed a demonstration bridge in which the steel girders and all internal reinforcing steel were galvanized. The work completed in this project sought to understand the structural performance of galvanized reinforcing steel as compared to epoxy-coated steel and to initiate a long-term corrosion monitoring program. This work consisted of a series of controlled laboratory tests and the installation of a corrosion monitoring system that can be observed for years in the future. The results of this work indicate there is no appreciable difference between the bond strength of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel and galvanized reinforcing steel. Although some differences were observed, no notable difference in either peak load, slip, or failure mode could be identified. Additionally, a long-term monitoring system was installed in this Buchanan County bridge and, to date, no corrosion activity has been identified.


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Introduction: As opposed to the cementation metal posts, the cementation of fiber posts has several details that can significantly influence the success of post retention. This study evaluated the effect of the relining procedure, the cement type, and the luted length of the post on fiber posts retention. Methods: One hundred eighty bovine incisors were selected to assess post retention; after endodontic treatment, the canals were flared with diamonds burs. Post holes were prepared in lengths of 5, 7.5, and 10 mm; the fiber posts were relined with composite resin and luted with RelyX ARC, RelyX Unicem, or RelyX Luting 2. All cements are manufactured by 3M ESPE (St. Paul, MN). Samples were subjected to a pull-out bond strength test in a universal testing machine; the results (N) were submitted to a three-way analysis of variance and the Tukey post hoc test (alpha = 0.05). Results: The improvement of post retention occurred with the increase of the post length luted into the root canal; the relining procedure improved the pull-out bond strength. RelyX Unicem and RelyX ARC showed similar values of retention, both showing higher values than RelyX Luting 2. Conclusion: Post length, the reining procedure, and the cement type are all important factors for improving the retention of fiber posts. (J Endod 2010;36:1543-1546)


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The objective of this study was to measure the thickness of the hybrid layer (HLT), length of resin tags (RTL) and bond strength (BS) in the same teeth, using a self-etching adhesive system Adper Prompt L Pop to intact dentin and to analyze the correlation between HLTand RTL and their BS. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedures and each restored tooth was sectioned in mesio-distal direction. One section was submitted to light microscopy analysis of HLT and RTL (400x). Another section was prepared and submitted to the microtensile bond test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surfaces were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to determine the failure pattern. Correlation between HLT and RTL with the BS data was analyzed by linear regression. The mean values of HLT, RTL and BS were 3.36 microm, 12.97 microm and 14.10 MPa, respectively. No significant relationship between BS and HLT (R2= 0.011, p>0.05) and between BS and RTL (R2= 0.038) was observed. The results suggested that there was no significant correlation between the HLT and RTL with the BS of the self-etching adhesive to dentin.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a two-step total etch and rinse adhesive, the correlation between the hyybrid layer thickness (HL) and bond strength (BS), and between resin tag length (RT) and bond strength in the same teeth, and also to evaluate the fracture patterns of the tested specimens. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedure and then sectioned in two halves (mesio-distally). The materials used were Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE, Ultra etch gel, Ultradent and Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE. One half were utilized to measure the HL thickness and RT length through light microscopy analysis (400x), and the other half was subject to a microtensile test to measure the BS. The fractured surfaces were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and fracture patterns classified. The Pearson correlation test was applied (p = 0.05). The results of the analyses of each specimen then were correlated: mean HL thickness = 4.39 (0.48) microm, mean length of RT = 9.94 (1.69) microm, mean BS = 23.98 (10.24) MPa. A statistically significant correlation between HL thickness and bond strength was found (r = 0.93). The two step etch and rinse adhesive system, showed a strong correlation between HL thickness and bond strength. The most common fractures were adhesive, followed by cohesive in resin.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the hybrid layer thickness/resin tag length and the microtensile bond strength of conventional two-step adhesive system, when applied to healthy dentinal tissue. After performing the restorative adhesive procedures and tooth extractions, ten specimens were sectioned in the mesiodistal direction. One section was used for microscopic analysis of the resin tag lengths and the hybrid layer thickness, while the other was used for the microtensile bond strength test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surface was classified according to the fracture pattern, under a stereoscopic microscope at 40x magnification. Data obtained were submitted to analysis using one-way ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation test (alpha=0.05). The means corresponding to the hybrid layer thickness, resin tag lengths and the microtensile test were 2.68 microm, 6.43 microm and 16.23 MPa, respectively. There was no correlation between the means of the values obtained for the microtensile test, and those presented by the hybrid layer (r2=0.40, p>0.05) and resin tags (r2=0.21, p>0.05). The microtensile bond strength of the conventional two-step adhesive system Adper Single Bond 2 did not depend on the thickness of the hybrid layer and length of resin tags.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between the hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength of a self-etching adhesive system to sound dentin tissue in vivo. After performing restorative procedures and tooth extractions, ten specimens were sectioned in a mesiodistal direction. One dental section was used for light microscope analysis, in which both the resin tag length and hybrid layer thickness were measured, while the other section was analyzed using a microtensile test (0.5 mm/min). The fractured surface of the latter section was characterized using a stereoscopic magnifying glass (40x magnifcation). The results were subject to statistical analysis using the Pearson Correlation Test (a = 0.05). The hybrid layer thickness, resin tag length and resin bond strength mean values were 2.19 microm (0.34), 4.34 microm (0.28) and 9.73 MPa (5,55), respectively. In addition, correlation tests between the resin tag length and the resin bond strength (r=0.014) and also between the hybrid layer thickness and bond strength (r=0.43), showed no statistically significant correlation. The microtensile bond strength of Adper Prompt L Pop self-etching adhesive system does not depend on hybrid layer thickness or resin tag length.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the metal-ceramic bond strength (MCBS) of 6 metal-ceramic pairs (2 Ni-Cr alloys and 1 Pd-Ag alloy with 2 dental ceramics) and correlate the MCBS values with the differences between the coefficients of linear thermal expansion (CTEs) of the metals and ceramics. Verabond (VB) Ni-Cr-Be alloy, Verabond II (VB2), Ni-Cr alloy, Pors-on 4 (P), Pd-Ag alloy, and IPS (I) and Duceram (D) ceramics were used for the MCBS test and dilatometric test. Forty-eight ceramic rings were built around metallic rods (3.0 mm in diameter and 70.0 mm in length) made from the evaluated alloys. The rods were subsequently embedded in gypsum cast in order to perform a tensile load test, which enabled calculating the CMBS. Five specimens (2.0 mm in diameter and 12.0 mm in length) of each material were made for the dilatometric test. The chromel-alumel thermocouple required for the test was welded into the metal test specimens and inserted into the ceramics. ANOVA and Tukey's test revealed significant differences (p=0.01) for the MCBS test results (MPa), with PI showing higher MCBS (67.72) than the other pairs, which did not present any significant differences. The CTE (10-6 oC-1) differences were: VBI (0.54), VBD (1.33), VB2I (-0.14), VB2D (0.63), PI (1.84) and PD (2.62). Pearson's correlation test (r=0.17) was performed to evaluate of correlation between MCBS and CTE differences. Within the limitations of this study and based on the obtained results, there was no correlation between MCBS and CTE differences for the evaluated metal-ceramic pairs.


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Nest orientation in social insects has been intensively studied in warmer and cooler climates, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Previous studies have consistently shown that species subjected to these climatic conditions prefer to select mostly southern locations where the nests can gain direct sunlight. However, very little is known on nest orientation in tropical and subtropical social insects. We studied nest orientations initiated by swarms throughout a year in a Brazilian swarm-founding wasp, Polybia paulista von Ihering (Hymenoptera: Polistinae). Swarms selected various orientations as nest sites, but there was a particular trend in that swarms in the winter period (May-August) preferred to build northward-facing nests. This preference is opposite from that of social wasps observed in the northern hemisphere. Colonies of this species can potentially last for many years with continuous nesting, but nesting activities of colonies during the winter are severely limited due to cool temperature and a shortened day length. Northward-facing nests are warmer through the gain of direct solar heat during the winter period; consequently, choosing northward-facing sites may be advantageous for swarms in terms of a shortened brood development and shortened time needed to increase metabolic rates during warm-up for flight.


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Objectives. To test the null hypothesis that continuity of resin cement/dentin interfaces is not affected by location along the root canal walls or water storage for 3 months when bonding fiber posts into root canals. Methods. Fiber posts were luted to bovine incisors using four resinous luting systems: Multilink, Variolink II, Enforce Dual and Enforce PV. After cementation, roots were longitudinally sectioned and epoxy resin replicas were prepared for SEM analysis (baseline). The original halves were immersed in solvent, replicated and evaluated. After 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion, a new set of replicas were made and analyzed. The ratio (%) between the length (mm) of available bonding interface and the actual extension of bonded cement/dentin interface was calculated. Results. Significant lower percent values of bond integrity were found for Multilink (8.25%) and Variolink 11 (10.08%) when compared to Enforce Dual (25.11%) and Enforce PV (27.0%) at baseline analysis. The same trend was observed after immersion in solvent, with no significant changes. However, bond integrity was significantly reduced after 3 months water storage and a second solvent immersion to values below 5% (Multilink = 3.31%, Variolink=1.87%, Enforce Dual=1.20%, and Enforce PV=0.75%). The majority of gaps were depicted at the apical and middle thirds at baseline and after immersion in solvent. After 3 months, gaps were also detected at the cervical third. Significance. Bond integrity at the cement/dentin interface was surprisingly low after cementation of fiber posts to root canals with all resin cements. That was not significantly altered after immersion in solvent, but was further compromised after 3 months water storage. Gaps were mainly seen at middle and apical thirds throughout the experiment and extended to the cervical third after water storage for 3 months. Bond integrity of fiber posts luted to root canals was affected both by location and water storage. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To investigate the associations between falls before¦hospital admission, falls during hospitalization, and length of stay in¦elderly people admitted to post-acute geriatric rehabilitation.¦Method: History of falling in the previous 12 months before admission¦was recorded among 249 older persons (mean age 82.3 ± 7.4 years,¦69.1% women) consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. Data¦on medical, functional and cognitive status were collected upon¦admission. Falls during hospitalization and length of stay were recorded¦at discharge.¦Results: Overall, 92 (40.4%) patients reported no fall in the 12 months¦before admission; 63(27.6%) reported 1 fall, and 73 (32.0%) reported¦multiple falls. Previous falls occurrence (one or more falls) was¦significantly associated with in-stay falls (19.9% of previous fallers fell¦during the stay vs 7.6% in patients without history of falling, P = .01),¦and with a longer length of stay (22.4 ± 10.1 days vs 27.1 ± 14.3 days,¦P = .01). In multivariate robust regression controlling for gender, age,¦functional and cognitive status, history of falling remained significantly¦associated with longer rehabilitation stay (2.8 days more than non¦fallers in single fallers, p = .05, and 3.3 days in multiple fallers, p = .0.1).¦Conclusion: History of falling in the 12 months prior to post acute¦geriatric rehabilitation is independently associated with a longer¦rehabilitation length of stay. Previous fallers also have an increased risk¦of falling during rehabilitation stay. This suggests that hospital fall¦prevention measures should particularly target these high risk patients.


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Objectif : En Suisse, la réadaptation est financée en¦partie par l'assureur qui fixe préalablement à l'admission¦un nombre de jours (durée garantie) qu'il s'engage¦à rembourser. Lorsqu'une durée garantie est trop courte,¦une demande de prolongation est nécessaire, induisant¦des démarches administratives. Les objectifs de cette¦étude étaient a) d'étudier le lien entre durées garanties¦et caractéristiques du patient ; b) d'estimer les coûts¦liés aux demandes de prolongation ; c) d'évaluer¦l'impact de l'introduction d'un modèle d'attribution de¦durée garantie basé sur l'état fonctionnel du patient.¦Méthodes : Les corrélations entre état fonctionnel,¦durée effective et durée garantie ont été testées sur¦208 séjours représentatifs. Des durées garanties fictives¦ont été calculées à partir de la médiane de durée de¦séjour de 2 335 patients, groupés selon leur niveau¦fonctionnel (score des activités de base de la vie quotidienne¦(BAVQ) 0-1 vs 2-4 vs 5-6), puis comparées aux¦durées de séjour effectives et garanties.¦Résultats : L'état fonctionnel du patient n'est pas¦corrélé à la durée garantie, et 69 % des séjours nécessitent¦au moins une demande de prolongation, représentant¦2,6 équivalents temps plein en temps administratif¦projeté sur le canton. L'application du modèle proposé¦réduirait de 28 % les demandes de prolongation, et¦n'augmenterait que marginalement la proportion de¦jours garantis en surplus (11,2 % contre 6,5 % actuellement).¦Conclusion : L'utilisation systématique d'un modèle¦d'attribution de durées garanties basées sur l'état¦fonctionnel du patient permettrait de réduire sensiblement¦les coûts administratifs liés aux demandes de¦prolongation, sans entraîner de risque accru d'une augmentation¦de la durée de séjour.


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Distortions of polyacene polymers are studied within a many-body valence-bond framework using a powerful transfer-matrix technique for the valence-bond (or Heisenberg) model of the system. The computations suggest that the ground-state geometry is either totally symmetric or possibly exhibits a slight (A2 or B2 symmetry) bond-alternation distortion. The lowest-energy (nonsymmetric, in-plane) distortions are the A2 and B2 modes, which, within our approximations, are degenerate.


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Side chain liquid crystal polymers and elastomers exhibit a rich phase behaviour which arises from the antagonistic influences of the entropically disordered polymer chain configuration and the long range orientational ordering of the mesogenic units. This competition arises since the natural macroscopic phase separation is inhibited by the inherent chemical connectivity of the system. At the heart of this connectivity is the spacer link and we consider here its influence on the phase behaviour. In particular we consider a series of elastomers in which the number of alkyl units in the spacer is systematically varied from 2 to 6. The lengthening of the coupling spacer is accompanied by an alternation of the sign of coupling between the polymer chain and the mesogenic unit. These results demonstrate the dominating influence of the so-called hinge effect in determining the phase behaviour. In addition to the alternation of the sign there is some decrease in the magnitude of the coupling with increasing spacer length.


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Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the bond strength of different root canal sealers to dentin. Material and Methods: Forty extracted single-rooted human teeth were examined and the coronal and middle thirds of the canals were prepared with a 1.50 mm post drill (FibreKor Post System, Pentron). The teeth were allocated in two experimental groups, irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl+17% EDTA or saline solution (control group) and instrumented using Race rotary files (FKG) to a size #40 at the working length. Then, the groups were divided into four subgroups and filled with Epiphany sealer (Group 1), EndoREZ (Group 2), AH26 (Group 3) and Grossman's Sealer (Group 4). After 2 weeks of storage in 100% humidity at 37 degrees C, all teeth were sectioned transversally into 2-mm-thick discs. Push-out tests were performed at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min using a universal testing machine. The maximum load at failure was recorded and expressed in MPa. Results: Means (+/- SD) in root canals irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA were: G1 (21.6 +/- 6.0), G2 (15.2 +/- 3.7), G3 (14.6 +/- 4.5) and G4 (11.7 +/- 4.1). Two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test showed the highest bond strength for the Epiphany's group (p < 0.01) when compared to the other tested sealers. Saline solution decreased the values of bond-strength (p < 0.05) for all sealers. Conclusion: Epiphany sealer presented higher bond strength values to dentin in both irrigating protocols, and the use of 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA increased the bond strength values for all sealers.