998 resultados para Binder, Tuija: Maria in Finnland
This investigation was conducted to study the performance characteristics of low cost roadway surfaces of soil-aggregate-sodium chloride mixtures. Many roads have been successfully stabilized with sodium chloride. However, little information is available on either the properties of the road materials or the effects of sodium chloride on the materials. The performance of some of the sodium chloride stabilized roads in Franklin County, Iowa, and the performance of some near-by nonchemically treated roads has been studied. The study of sodium chloride stabilized roads was restricted to the roads in which the binder soil used in construction came from the same source. The effects of sodium chloride on some of the engineering properties of the soil and soil-aggregate mixtures used were studied in the laboratory.
Memòria del Practicum II realitzat a la Unitat d'aguts del Servei de Psiquiatria de l'Hospital de Santa Maria a Lleida.
Helsingfors : Der Touristenverein in Finnland 1910
In recent decades, European educational systems are facing many challenges related to the treatment of cultural and linguistic diversity. The need to address this diversity requires new approaches to education; this in turn requires changes in the way we prepare teachers for the new reality they face in their classrooms. In this article we highlight some of the major problems that initial teacher training has to address in order to enable teachers to deal effectively, respectfully, and fairly with students whose linguistic and cultural background is different from their own. We also present several models for teacher education from Europe and North America based on clearly identified teacher competences for linguistic and cultural diversity
Invokaatio: I.N.J.
Diese Pro-Gradu-Arbeit behandelt das Thema Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur. Es wird untersucht, ob der Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur nützlich ist, und welche Vor- und Nachteile er hat. Dazu wird erklärt, wie die Fremdsprachen in der Natur unterrichtet werden können und welche Aspekte der Sprache in dieser Umgebung beigebracht werden. Zum Schluss werden auch neue Ideen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht gegeben. Das Material dieser Arbeit besteht aus einer Umfrage, die elektronisch durchgeführt wurde. Folglich ist die Methode dieser Arbeit die Analyse dieser Umfrage, die größtenteils aus offenen Fragen aufgebaut wurde. Diese Umfrage wurde zu den DeutschlehrerInnen in Finnland gesendet. Es wurde beispielsweise gefragt, ob die DeutschlehrerInnen fremde Sprachen in der Natur gelehrt haben, und wie sie den Schülern diese in der Natur beigebracht haben. Die meisten TeilnehmerInnen der Umfrage hatten schon Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur probiert. Auch von den TeilnehmerInnen, die diese Pädagogik noch nicht probiert hatten, waren die meisten an den Unterricht in der Natur interessiert. Viele Antworten, die die TeilnehmerInnen der Umfrage gegeben haben, sind übereinstimmend mit der Sekundärliteratur gewesen. Viele TeilnehmerInnen haben zum Beispiel berichtet, dass sie es nützlich finden, in der Natur zu unterrichten, und dass sie bemerkt haben, dass die SchülerInnen mehr Motivation haben, wenn sie draußen statt des Klassenraums lernen dürfen. Viele LehrerInnen haben gesagt, dass sie mehr Ideen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur brauchen würden. In der Natur können eigentlich alle Aspekte der Sprache unterrichtet werden, aber es gibt noch nicht sehr viele Beispiele dafür, wie die Aufgaben sein könnten. Die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen LehrerInnen ist bedeutend, weil es allein schwierig sein kann, die ganze Klasse zu kontrollieren und neue Ideen für den Unterricht zu finden. In der Natur können zum Beispiel Picknicks oder unterschiedliche Spiele organisiert werden.
Diese Pro-Gradu-Arbeit behandelt das Thema Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur. Es wird untersucht, ob der Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur nützlich ist, und welche Vor- und Nachteile er hat. Dazu wird erklärt, wie die Fremdsprachen in der Natur unterrichtet werden können und welche Aspekte der Sprache in dieser Umgebung beigebracht werden. Zum Schluss werden auch neue Ideen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht gegeben. Das Material dieser Arbeit besteht aus einer Umfrage, die elektronisch durchgeführt wurde. Folglich ist die Methode dieser Arbeit die Analyse dieser Umfrage, die größtenteils aus offenen Fragen aufgebaut wurde. Diese Umfrage wurde zu den DeutschlehrerInnen in Finnland gesendet. Es wurde beispielsweise gefragt, ob die DeutschlehrerInnen fremde Sprachen in der Natur gelehrt haben, und wie sie den Schülern diese in der Natur beigebracht haben. Die meisten TeilnehmerInnen der Umfrage hatten schon Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur probiert. Auch von den TeilnehmerInnen, die diese Pädagogik noch nicht probiert hatten, waren die meisten an den Unterricht in der Natur interessiert. Viele Antworten, die die TeilnehmerInnen der Umfrage gegeben haben, sind übereinstimmend mit der Sekundärliteratur gewesen. Viele TeilnehmerInnen haben zum Beispiel berichtet, dass sie es nützlich finden, in der Natur zu unterrichten, und dass sie bemerkt haben, dass die SchülerInnen mehr Motivation haben, wenn sie draußen statt des Klassenraums lernen dürfen. Viele LehrerInnen haben gesagt, dass sie mehr Ideen für den Fremdsprachenunterricht in der Natur brauchen würden. In der Natur können eigentlich alle Aspekte der Sprache unterrichtet werden, aber es gibt noch nicht sehr viele Beispiele dafür, wie die Aufgaben sein könnten. Die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen LehrerInnen ist bedeutend, weil es allein schwierig sein kann, die ganze Klasse zu kontrollieren und neue Ideen für den Unterricht zu finden. In der Natur können zum Beispiel Picknicks oder unterschiedliche Spiele organisiert werden.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tendo em vista a importância do ambiente, das relações afetivas e dos efeitos negativos da privação materna nos primeiros anos de vida para o desenvolvimento infantil, a presente pesquisa buscou compreender a experiência de crianças em situação de abrigamento. Para tanto, foram observadas duas crianças, na faixa etária de 23 a 31 meses, de nomes fictícios João e Maria, cujas histórias de vida proporcionaram uma analogia com o conto “João e Maria” dos Irmãos Grimm. As observações foram realizadas em um abrigo estadual, que acolhe crianças de zero a seis anos de idade, na cidade de Belém-PA. As sessões ocorreram duas vezes por semana, com duração de uma hora, durante cinco meses, a partir da aplicação do Método Bick de Observação de Bebês, em seus três momentos distintos: observação, anotação e supervisão em grupo. Os resultados foram organizados em três categorias: 1) O ambiente de cuidado de João e Maria, 2) João e Maria revelados por suas peripécias, e 3) Encontros com a observadora-narradora, sendo esses três eixos analisados com base na perspectiva psicanalítica winnicottiana. Na primeira categoria, foram apresentados fragmentos da história de vida de João e Maria, além de aspectos referentes aos cuidados recebidos nesse contexto, que estiveram permeados, principalmente, por carência de afeto e ausência na priorização das necessidades reais, no tempo e ritmo das crianças, possivelmente em função da dinâmica institucional. Na segunda categoria, foram abordadas as brincadeiras de João e Maria, associadas especialmente ao contato corporal e à relação de cuidados envolvendo seus pares e a observadora, cuja temática mais frequente foi da alimentação. Na terceira e última categoria, foram apresentados os sentimentos, as dificuldades e o aprendizado da observadora, bem como, a sua mobilização interna diante da história de vida das duas crianças e das particularidades do ambiente. Portanto, foi constatado que João e Maria buscavam cuidar e serem cuidados, o que, em sua maioria, envolvia contato corporal e afetivo; mostraram-se disponíveis no contato com o outro e se permitiram criar vínculos afetivos, aspectos saudáveis e positivos para o desenvolvimento infantil. Indubitavelmente, o entendimento da teoria winnicottiana e a utilização do Método Bick de Observação de Bebês contribuíram para a compreensão da experiência de João e Maria e colaboraram significativamente para uma apreensão da realidade dessas crianças e dos seus contextos de desenvolvimento.
Asphalt binder is used in the production of hot mixes asphalt (HMA) for paving and, due to the high temperatures used, generates fumes thatcontainn-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Asphalt mixes prepared at lower temperatures, such as warm mixes asphalt (WMA), may contribute to reduce the emissions of those compounds and save energy. This paper investigatesn-alkanes and PAH in the total suspended particles during the preparation of WMA, in comparison with HMA, in laboratory. The results showed that the n-alkanes of the WMA and HMA presented C-max at n-C-26 and n-C-28, respectively; also, the total content of n-alkanes was higher for the HMA than forthe WMA. Besides, benzo[b]fluoranthene and benzo[a]anthracene were the major PAH in the WMA, while the higher temperatures of the HMA were observed to volatilize all larger PAH, demonstrating higher potential of inhalation exposure.
Volatile organic compounds play a critical role in ozone formation and drive the chemistry of the atmosphere, together with OH radicals. The simplest volatile organic compound methane is a climatologically important greenhouse gas, and plays a key role in regulating water vapour in the stratosphere and hydroxyl radicals in the troposphere. The OH radical is the most important atmospheric oxidant and knowledge of the atmospheric OH sink, together with the OH source and ambient OH concentrations is essential for understanding the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. Oceanic emission and / or uptake of methanol, acetone, acetaldehyde, isoprene and dimethyl sulphide (DMS) was characterized as a function of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and a suite of biological parameters, in a mesocosm experiment conducted in the Norwegian fjord. High frequency (ca. 1 minute-1) methane measurements were performed using a gas chromatograph - flame ionization detector (GC-FID) in the boreal forests of Finland and the tropical forests of Suriname. A new on-line method (Comparative Reactivity Method - CRM) was developed to directly measure the total OH reactivity (sink) of ambient air. It was observed that under conditions of high biological activity and a PAR of ~ 450 μmol photons m-2 s-1, the ocean acted as a net source of acetone. However, if either of these criteria was not fulfilled then the ocean acted as a net sink of acetone. This new insight into the biogeochemical cycling of acetone at the ocean-air interface has helped to resolve discrepancies from earlier works such as Jacob et al. (2002) who reported the ocean to be a net acetone source (27 Tg yr-1) and Marandino et al. (2005) who reported the ocean to be a net sink of acetone (- 48 Tg yr-1). The ocean acted as net source of isoprene, DMS and acetaldehyde but net sink of methanol. Based on these findings, it is recommended that compound specific PAR and biological dependency be used for estimating the influence of the global ocean on atmospheric VOC budgets. Methane was observed to accumulate within the nocturnal boundary layer, clearly indicating emissions from the forest ecosystems. There was a remarkable similarity in the time series of the boreal and tropical forest ecosystem. The average of the median mixing ratios during a typical diel cycle were 1.83 μmol mol-1 and 1.74 μmol mol-1 for the boreal forest ecosystem and tropical forest ecosystem respectively. A flux value of (3.62 ± 0.87) x 1011 molecules cm-2 s-1 (or 45.5 ± 11 Tg CH4 yr-1 for global boreal forest area) was derived, which highlights the importance of the boreal forest ecosystem for the global budget of methane (~ 600 Tg yr-1). The newly developed CRM technique has a dynamic range of ~ 4 s-1 to 300 s-1 and accuracy of ± 25 %. The system has been tested and calibrated with several single and mixed hydrocarbon standards showing excellent linearity and accountability with the reactivity of the standards. Field tests at an urban and forest site illustrate the promise of the new method. The results from this study have improved current understanding about VOC emissions and uptake from ocean and forest ecosystems. Moreover, a new technique for directly measuring the total OH reactivity of ambient air has been developed and validated, which will be a valuable addition to the existing suite of atmospheric measurement techniques.
Aerosol particles are strongly related to climate, air quality, visibility and human health issues. They contribute the largest uncertainty in the assessment of the Earth´s radiative budget, directly by scattering or absorbing solar radiation or indirectly by nucleating cloud droplets. The influence of aerosol particles on cloud related climatic effects essentially depends upon their number concentration, size and chemical composition. A major part of submicron aerosol consists of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) that is formed in the atmosphere by the oxidation of volatile organic compounds. SOA can comprise a highly diverse spectrum of compounds that undergo continuous chemical transformations in the atmosphere.rnThe aim of this work was to obtain insights into the complexity of ambient SOA by the application of advanced mass spectrometric techniques. Therefore, an atmospheric pressure chemical ionization ion trap mass spectrometer (APCI-IT-MS) was applied in the field, facilitating the measurement of ions of the intact molecular organic species. Furthermore, the high measurement frequency provided insights into SOA composition and chemical transformation processes on a high temporal resolution. Within different comprehensive field campaigns, online measurements of particular biogenic organic acids were achieved by combining an online aerosol concentrator with the APCI-IT-MS. A holistic picture of the ambient organic aerosol was obtained through the co-located application of other complementary MS techniques, such as aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) or filter sampling for the analysis by liquid chromatography / ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry (LC/UHRMS).rnIn particular, during a summertime field study at the pristine boreal forest station in Hyytiälä, Finland, the partitioning of organic acids between gas and particle phase was quantified, based on the online APCI-IT-MS and AMS measurements. It was found that low volatile compounds reside to a large extent in the gas phase. This observation can be interpreted as a consequence of large aerosol equilibration timescales, which build up due to the continuous production of low volatile compounds in the gas phase and/or a semi-solid phase state of the ambient aerosol. Furthermore, in-situ structural informations of particular compounds were achieved by using the MS/MS mode of the ion trap. The comparison to MS/MS spectra from laboratory generated SOA of specific monoterpene precursors indicated that laboratory SOA barely depicts the complexity of ambient SOA. Moreover, it was shown that the mass spectra of the laboratory SOA more closely resemble the ambient gas phase composition, indicating that the oxidation state of the ambient organic compounds in the particle phase is underestimated by the comparison to laboratory ozonolysis. These observations suggest that the micro-scale processes, such as the chemistry of aerosol aging or the gas-to-particle partitioning, need to be better understood in order to predict SOA concentrations more reliably.rnDuring a field study at the Mt. Kleiner Feldberg, Germany, a slightly different aerosol concentrator / APCI-IT-MS setup made the online analysis of new particle formation possible. During a particular nucleation event, the online mass spectra indicated that organic compounds of approximately 300 Da are main constituents of the bulk aerosol during ambient new particle formation. Co-located filter analysis by LC/UHRMS analysis supported these findings and furthermore allowed to determine the molecular formulas of the involved organic compounds. The unambiguous identification of several oxidized C 15 compounds indicated that oxidation products of sesquiterpenes can be important compounds for the initial formation and subsequent growth of atmospheric nanoparticles.rnThe LC/UHRMS analysis furthermore revealed that considerable amounts of organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates were detected on the filter samples. Indeed, it was found that several nitrooxy organosulfate related APCI-IT-MS mass traces were simultaneously enhanced. Concurrent particle phase ion chromatography and AMS measurements indicated a strong bias between inorganic sulfate and total sulfate concentrations, supporting the assumption that substantial amounts of sulfate was bonded to organic molecules.rnFinally, the comprehensive chemical analysis of the aerosol composition was compared to the hygroscopicity parameter kappa, which was derived from cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) measurements. Simultaneously, organic aerosol aging was observed by the evolution of a ratio between a second and a first generation biogenic oxidation product. It was found that this aging proxy positively correlates with increasing hygroscopicity. Moreover, it was observed that the bonding of sulfate to organic molecules leads to a significant reduction of kappa, compared to an internal mixture of the same mass fractions of purely inorganic sulfate and organic molecules. Concluding, it has been shown within this thesis that the application of modern mass spectrometric techniques allows for detailed insights into chemical and physico-chemical processes of atmospheric aerosols.rn
O estado nutricional dos idosos, nomeadamente a malnutrição constitui um dos principais determinantes de doença e diminuição da qualidade de vida (Elia & Stratton, 2005). A malnutrição deve ser encarada como uma das maiores ameaças para a saúde, bem-estar e autonomia dos idosos; prejudica a saúde física e psicológica predispondo-os ao desenvolvimento de doenças, ao mesmo tempo que condiciona negativamente o seu prognóstico (Cowan, Roberts, Fitzpatrick, While & Baldwin, 2004; Elia & Stratton, 2005). O trabalho de investigação desenvolvido pretende conhecer o estado nutricional dos idosos inscritos no centro de saúde Santa Maria de Bragança. Definem-se como objetivos principais: caracterizar o estado nutricional, identificar a prevalência de malnutrição e relacionar o estado nutricional com variáveis socioeconómicas demográficas, comportamentais e clínicas. Face aos objetivos delineados opta-se por um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra é composta por 385 idosos, representativos da população alvo com distribuição por sexo e faixa etária da população. Para a colheita de dados utiliza-se um formulário, no qual é incluído o MNA® e o Índice de Barthel. Como principais resultados e segundo o IMC, evidencia-se uma acentuada prevalência de malnutrição (57,66%), rastreando-se 43,11% dos idosos como sobrenutridos e 14.54% desnutridos. Através da aplicação do MNA® identificam-se 25% de situações de risco nutricional. Conclui-se que o estado nutricional segundo o MNA® está significativamente associado com o estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, solidão, consumo de álcool, polimedicação, existência de hospitalizações recorrentes, estado de dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso. Segundo o IMC está significativamente associado ao estado civil, escolaridade, coabitação, estado da dentição e ao nível de independência do idoso.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014