997 resultados para Art centers


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O controle de ag??ncias de defesa da concorr??ncia sobre a estrutura dos mercados constitui pr??tica comum em pa??ses maduros e vem ganhando import??ncia crescente em economias emergentes. Tal atividade envolve exame de atos de concentra????o econ??mica tais como fus??es, aquisi????es, joint ventures ou incorpora????es. No Brasil este tipo de controle ?? recente, tendo sido institu??do pela Lei n?? 8.884, de junho de 1994. Desde ent??o, o Conselho Administrativo de Defesa da Concorr??ncia - CADE julgou 29 (vinte e nove) atos de concentra????o, em contraste com a experi??ncia secular de pa??ses como EUA, Canad?? e Austr??lia e de v??rias d??cadas nas na????es europ??ias depois da Segunda Guerra. A exemplo de v??rias outras ??reas de pol??tica p??blica, tornou-se imperativo agilizar os ??rg??os de defesa da concorr??ncia. Isto decorre, entre outros fatores, do intenso processo de reestrutura????o produtiva em curso no pa??s associados ?? desestatiza????o e abertura da economia. Diante das circunst??ncias descritas, ?? preciso assegurar agilidade, transpar??ncia, excel??ncia t??cnica no processo decis??rio e estabilidade de regras, todos ingredientes indispens??veis para gerar seguran??a jur??dica. Esta ??ltima, por seu turno, diminui o risco do investimento, estimulando invers??es, produ????o e emprego. Nesse sentido, o CADE promoveu mudan??as importantes no procedimento de an??lise de atos de concentra????o em colabora????o com a Secretaria de Direito Econ??mico do Minist??rio da Justi??a (SDE) e a Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econ??mico do Minist??rio da Fazenda (SEAE) mediante a edi????o da Resolu????o 5, de 28 de agosto de 1996


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A Embrapa, na inten????o de operacionalizar a gest??o dos seus planos estrat??gicos (Plano Diretor da Embrapa ??? PDE e Planos Diretores das Unidades ??? PDUs) desenvolveu a metodologia Mogest para a implementa????o do seu Modelo de Gest??o Estrat??gica (MGE), no ??mbito corporativo e de suas 40 unidades de neg??cio, com base na modifica????o do m??todo Balanced Scorecard ??? BSC, de Kaplan. Posteriormente, ap??s a implementa????o dos MGEs, no per??odo de 1999 at?? os dias atuais, inicia-se e desenvolve-se a fase de acompanhamento por meio da elabora????o do m??todo MGE/Acompanha. Este trabalho aborda, de forma modificada, o uso do diagrama elaborado por Norton, apud Coutinho (2002), para acompanhar/avaliar a implementa????o do BSC para uma organiza????o orientada ?? estrat??gia, inserido no m??todo MGE/Acompanha (2000), elaborado pela Equipe MGE e aplicado em uma das unidades de neg??cio da Embrapa. Os resultados mostraram a efici??ncia do m??todo e proporcionaram a internaliza????o do conceito ???painel de bordo???, desenvolvido no software Oracle BSC (OBSC).


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As organiza????es p??blicas e privadas vivem diante de um cen??rio complexo, em que os fatores econ??micos e sociais de alcance mundial s??o respons??veis pela sua reestrutura????o. Nesse contexto, a Gest??o do Conhecimento (GC) se torna um valioso instrumento estrat??gico para a vida das pessoas e das organiza????es a que pertencem. A cria????o e a implanta????o de processos que gerem, armazenem, gerenciem e disseminem o conhecimento representam o mais novo desafio a ser enfrentado pelas organiza????es. O estudo realizado junto a Centros de Pesquisa Cl??nica (unidades vinculadas principalmente a Hospitais Universit??rios) e organiza????es p??blicas de sa??de integrantes do Programa Nacional de Gest??o P??blica e Desburocratiza????o (GESP??BLICA) tem como objetivo verificar como o tema GC est?? sendo tratado. O artigo identifica as pr??ticas de GC empregadas pelas organiza????es de sa??de abrangidas pelo estudo e sugere recomenda????es para uma dissemina????o mais eficaz do Modelo de Excel??ncia em Gest??o P??blica.


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O presente artigo toma como ponto de partida a revis??o do estado da arte sobre os centros de servi??os compartilhados (CSC). Arranjos de servi??os compartilhados est??o ganhando import??ncia na gest??o p??blica como meio para reduzir despesas e elevar a qualidade dos servi??os. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram investigar as determinantes do surgimento dos CSC na gest??o p??blica, os principais problemas em sua implanta????o e as tend??ncias futuras dos CSC. Al??m da publica????o cient??fica e t??cnica sobre o tema, a metodologia se assenta no estudo da experi??ncia brit??nica de compartilhamento de servi??os entre diferentes esferas de governo. Uma das conclus??es relevantes da pesquisa ?? que o Brasil, embora tenha poucas experi??ncias de servi??os compartilhados na administra????o p??blica, poder?? obter significativos benef??cios financeiros e na qualidade dos servi??os p??blicos.


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A Resolu????o n?? 6, de 21 de junho de 2012 estabelece os crit??rios e procedimentos espec??ficos de avalia????o de desempenho individual e institucional e de atribui????o da Gratifica????o de Desempenho do Plano Geral de Cargos do Poder Executivo (GDPGPE).


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The radial undistortion model proposed by Fitzgibbon and the radial fundamental matrix were early steps to extend classical epipolar geometry to distorted cameras. Later minimal solvers have been proposed to find relative pose and radial distortion, given point correspondences between images. However, a big drawback of all these approaches is that they require the distortion center to be exactly known. In this paper we show how the distortion center can be absorbed into a new radial fundamental matrix. This new formulation is much more practical in reality as it allows also digital zoom, cropped images and camera-lens systems where the distortion center does not exactly coincide with the image center. In particular we start from the setting where only one of the two images contains radial distortion, analyze the structure of the particular radial fundamental matrix and show that the technique also generalizes to other linear multi-view relationships like trifocal tensor and homography. For the new radial fundamental matrix we propose different estimation algorithms from 9,10 and 11 points. We show how to extract the epipoles and prove the practical applicability on several epipolar geometry image pairs with strong distortion that - to the best of our knowledge - no other existing algorithm can handle properly.


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This work presents an analysis of the cultural and artistic field, positively compromised with social and political questions. The authors start with the categorization of the idea of culture and move to vindication art movements. These movements, which followed the first vanguards and worked from the compromise with “otherness”, are at the origin of the contemporary denomination of political art. In this context, the authors approach the origins of activist art, referring to issues of gender, multiculturalism, globalization, and poverty. The different forms of presenting content are also an object of analysis: from art tradition to the contamination of daily life, from local to global, from street contact to digital.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the World Heritage Site (WHS) classification of the historic centers of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipalities of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of the two Portuguese municipalities in 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation in both municipalities. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, residents from Angra do Heroísmo have a stronger agreement about the impacts of tourism on their city than the residents of Évora, except for the negative social and cultural impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these impacts across residents that live near and far from the historic centers reveals that the most valued and least valued impacts in the three categories of impacts (economic, social and cultural, and environmental) are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, residents living in or near the historic center of Angra do Heroísmo have higher means in the majority of tourism impacts (in all categories), with only one negative impact to concern the majority of respondents. Among the residents from Évora, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means in the majority of economic impacts but lower means in almost social and cultural impacts. With regard to the environmental impacts, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means scores in the positive impacts and lower means scores in the negative environmental impacts.


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Resumo: 1 – Sumário do Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 212/1995, de 20 de Abril; 2 – Parte principal do Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional n.º 212/1995, de 20 de Abril: cfr. http://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/acordaos/19950212.html , 18 de Maio de 2012; 3 – Anotação sintética; 3.1 – Introdução à anotação sintética e suas características neste caso concreto; 4 – O RIAECSP (Regime das Infracções Anti-Económicas e Contra a Saúde Pública) e a responsabilidade criminal das pessoas colectivas e equiparadas, prevista no seu art. 3.º; 5 – Societas delinquere non potest?; 6 – Breves traços históricos do brocardo societas delinquere non potest; 7 - Alguns dos marcos relevantes na Doutrina penal portuguesa recente acerca da responsabilidade penal das organizações, entes colectivos, pessoas colectivas, pessoas jurídicas; 8 - Os art.os 12.º/2 e 2.º da CRP e a Responsabilidade Criminal dos Entes Colectivos, pessoas jurídicas; 9 - O art. 29.º/5 da CRP - ou o princípio non bis in idem - e a responsabilidade criminal das organizações, dos entes colectivos, das pessoas colectivas; 10 – Conclusões. § Summary: 1 - Summary Judgment of the Constitutional Court No. 212/1995 of 20 April; 2 - The main part of the Constitutional Court Ruling No. 212/1995 of 20 April: cfr. http://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/acordaos/19950212.html, May 18, 2012; 3 - short annotation; 3.1 - Introduction to synthetic note and its features in this particular case; 4 - The RIAECSP (Status of Anti-Economic Offences and Against Public Health) and the criminal liability of companies and similar persons, provided for in his art. 3; 5 - delinquere Societas non potest ?; 6 - Brief historical traces of societas aphorism delinquere non potest; 7 - Some of the important milestones in recent Portuguese criminal Doctrine about the criminal liability of organizations, public entities, legal persons, legal entities; 8 - art.os 12/2 and 2 of CRP and Criminal Responsibility of loved Collective, legal entities; 9 - Art. 29/5 CRP - or the principle of non bis in idem - and the criminal liability of organizations, collective entities, of legal persons; 10 - Conclusions.


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With the purpose of at lowering costs and reendering the demanded information available to users with no access to the internet, service companies have adopted automated interaction technologies in their call centers, which may or may not meet the expectations of users. Based on different areas of knowledge (man-machine interaction, consumer behavior and use of IT) 13 propositions are raised and a research is carried out in three parts: focus group, field study with users and interviews with experts. Eleven automated service characteristics which support the explanation for user satisfaction are listed, a preferences model is proposed and evidence in favor or against each of the 13 propositions is brought in. With balance scorecard concepts, a managerial assessment model is proposed for the use of automated call center technology. In future works, the propositions may become verifiable hypotheses through conclusive empirical research.


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ABSTRACT In this study, we demonstrate that the art infusion effect, in which the presence of visual art causes a positive impact on consumers' perceptions of products and advertising messages, might have a moderation effect on regulatory fit and non-fit messages. We investigate the impact of visual art on advertisement evaluations in regulatory (non-) fit conditions. Regulatory focus theory suggests that consumers rely on their motivational focus (prevention vs. promotion) for their evaluations and decisions. Usually, consumers prefer products that fit with their personal motivational focus. In the present study, the results of three experiments indicate that using visual art with a promotion or prevention fit message is recommended, while non-art images increase message persuasiveness when non-fit messages are presented. Therefore, not all information compatible with the consumer's motivational focus are best evaluated. When non-art images are presented, non-fit messages might be more persuasive.