761 resultados para shopping malls


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This study provides information on retail trade and market surveys in Des Moines, Henry and Lee Counties in Iowa. Maps and tables are included. Transportation facilities, sources of income, trading areas, banking changes, shopping centers and other factors that impact retail trade are discussed.


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The public management reform in Brazil, since 1995, provoked new experiences in public administration. Among the new models of public service the one-stop shopping has distinguished and was adopted at Rio Grande do Norte with the Citizens Center Program. The one-stop shopping assembles in the same place many public services with appropriate structure, enabled human resources and citizens focus processes. The goal of this research was understand how citizens focus processes help to explain Citizens Center Program s longevity. It was made a case study and the research tools were applied with Citizen Center Programs workers and citizen-users at South Unit of Citizen Center Program placed at Via Direta Mall, Natal. The major contributions for Citizen Center Program s longevity were imputed to Basic Operation Processes. The most spoken features in Citizen Center Program mentioned were quality, efficiency, celerity e personal appearance, what demonstrate concern and care with citizen-users. Worker s personal appearance, accommodation, celerity, politeness and attending capacity planning were high evaluated by citizen-users revealing the wisely choice of use a large quality concept and citizenship concept in public administration. Citizen-users also pointed the necessity of refine and enlarge the communication ways that form an essential mechanism to public citizen focus administration. Not ignoring the policy aspect citizen focus processes were noticed like especial management actions that make easier citizen s activities and public service access, what generate satisfaction to citizen-users. It s possible to conclude that the high level approving evaluation of Citizen Center Program consolidates it an especial public policy that serves citizen s necessities e create appropriate legitimacy conditions of the public policy making harder the choice of ending the policy even in more fragile moments strongly contributing for its longevity


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This study presents the results of field research of an exploratory descriptive character that seeks to identify the latent dimensions of leadership and organizational commitment as well as to discover the relationship between these two sets of indicators. In the study, 236 respondents were interviewed, 84 being managers or owners and 152 being sales personnel. The research was undertaken in five shopping centers in the municipality of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, and employed two different questionnaires. One of them was developed by Bass and Avolio, 1992 (in NORTHOUSE, 2004), contained 21 indicators of leadership and was completed by store managers. The other instrument, completed by sales personnel in the stores, was developed by Medeiros, Albuquerque, Marques and Siqueira (2003) and contained a total of 28 indicators of organizational commitment. For the analysis of the data, factor analysis techniques and structural equations modeling were used. Using the factor analysis, five dimensions of leadership and seven dimensions of organizational commitment were found, all of which have a theoretical basis for their explanation. Through the structural equations modeling, a relationship was established between leadership and organizational commitment, in which it was possible to observe that certain leadership styles influence in a positive form the commitment of the employee


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This dissertation is an attempt to understand how families with an income of up to three minimum wages and living in different Areas of Demographic Expansion (AEDs) of Natal municipality specifically in the districts of Igapó and Salinas (North Administrative Zone of the city), Ponta Negra (South Administrative Zone), Santos Reis, Praia do Meio, Areia Preta and Mãe Luíza (East Administrative Zone) and Felipe Camarão (West Administrative Zone) solve their problems of urban mobility. It is, therefore, a reflection upon the mobility needs of poor urban households as expressed in terms of origin-destiny displacements for specific movements (house-work, house-school, house-shopping, house-healthcare and house-leisure), all of which being analyzed within the relationship between public transportation and poverty spaces of the city. In order to develop the study, theoretical aspects and themes related to the production of the urban space, to social and spatial segregation, to urban mobility and to transportation were confronted with the collected data referring to the urban population previously selected. One of the research main findings is the crucial role mobility plays in the social differentiation of such people living in Natal and that any policy for the improvement of their living conditions must take mobility issues into account


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With the proliferation of Internet, online shopping has become an increasingly essential part of global economy and thus, increasingly important field of research. While the internationalization process of a company has for long been in the focus of academic research, internationalization of e-commerce is a much newer field of study. The earlier empirical research has amply pointed out the difficulties of traditional internationalization models to explain the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conversely, business networks have been argued to play a major role in the e-commerce internationalization. The purpose of this study is to study how business networks influence the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conducted as a case study, this research studies the internationalization process of two Finnish e-commerce companies, Hong Kong and Hifi Studio, into possibly one of the most booming online markets - Russia. The empirical findings of the study concur with the earlier literature. The observed internationalization process differs from the assumptions of traditional international business models, and business networks are found influential for the process. However, the behavior of the two studied organizations is observed more independent than the network view to internationalization presumes. The trigger to internationalize rises from within the organizations and market potential is the primary explanation for selection of target markets. No network relationships were found to have an effect on foreign market selection, nor selection of mode of operations. This study indicates that exploring foreign markets is actually about investing in specific relationships within a business network, rather than overcoming economic, institutional, and cultural barriers. Companies utilize a wide array of relationships in their internationalization process and may effectively overcome disadvantages of operating in a foreign market by adopting partnerships with correct partners. However, building and maintaining operational business relationships is a demanding process, and organizations should prefer quality over quantity in their partner selection. Moreover, relationships where the focal party possess significant influence and leverage over other actor should be favored. Lastly, relationships need to be continuously evaluated and assessed in comparison with strategic business goals. Ultimately, e-commerce can be considered a new, low-risk, cost-effective, and relationship-oriented internationalization method, suitable especially in volatile market conditions as Russia today. This revolutionary new mode of international business activity calls for more profound focus of business managers and academia alike, as its weight on global trade continues to grow.


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Diante de um mercado virtual mais competitivo, impulsionado pelo crescimento das compras online e pelo aumento do número de varejistas nessa modalidade, mensurações para avaliar a qualidade do serviço online tornam-se importantes, sobretudo pela identificação de relação positiva entre a qualidade do serviço e a performance do serviço. Nesse sentido, Ding, Hu e Sheng (2011) propuseram uma medida consistente sobre a qualidade percebida do serviço no comércio eletrônico, sob a perspectiva do autosserviço: e-SELFQUAL. Este artigo apresenta resultados da replicação da e-SELFQUAL no contexto brasileiro. Duas coletas de dados foram realizadas, na primeira, para uma amostra final de 106 estudantes, observou-se uma inadequação em um constructo da escala, e uma nova tradução foi proposta. Uma segunda coleta foi aplicada a uma amostra de 175 pessoas. A confiabilidade e a validade (convergente e discriminante) da escala foram atestadas, mantendo os itens originais do instrumento. Desse modo, os resultados indicam possível uso da e-SELFQUAL para mensurar a qualidade do autosserviço online no Brasil.


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This paper is a tutorial on defining recursive descent parsers in Haskell. In the spirit of one-stop shopping, the paper combines material from three areas into a single source. The three areas are functional parsers, the use of monads to structure functional programs, and the use of special syntax for monadic programs in Haskell. More specifically, the paper shows how to define monadic parsers using do notation in Haskell. The paper is targeted at the level of a good undergraduate student who is familiar with Haskell, and has completed a grammars and parsing course. Some knowledge of functional parsers would be useful, but no experience with monads is assumed.


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Este documento contiene los resultados de una investigación para estructurar un modelo de negocio para una aplicación interactiva móvil de publicidad para locales comerciales de los centros comerciales de la ciudad de Medellín -- Una vez identificadas las necesidades de los clientes de los centros comerciales de ubicarse dentro de los mismos y de acceder a información de interés, como ubicación de baños, seguridad, etc., desde su teléfono celular, surge también la oportunidad de ofrecer publicidad digital móvil a los locales comerciales para que puedan atraer a sus consumidores, tras informar de las promociones, eventos y ofertas que tienen para sus clientes -- Esto se resolvió con un modelo de negocio construido según la metodología Lean Startup de Eric Ries y con la ayuda del lienzo Canvas de Alex Osterwalder, en el que se analizan el segmento de clientes, la propuesta de valor por entregar a usuarios, la monetización del negocio, los recursos necesarios para su consecución, las alianzas clave y demás ítems que hicieron posible una investigación de mercado profunda, que se vio plasmada en una aplicación móvil de publicidad digital que integra las características del modelo de negocio realizado -- Con la ayuda de Ruta N y de NXTPLabs e investigación realizada por el autor se analizaron los conceptos básicos de estrategia, modelo de negocio y tipos y herramientas aplicables al proyecto; también se acudió a investigación cualitativa a través de entrevistas y encuestas a los actores más significativos del modelo de negocio como son usuarios, locales comerciales, centros comerciales, mentores entre otros, que supieron compartir su experiencia para lograr los objetivos del presente trabajo de grado


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Este sucinto texto pretende, sem grandes pretensões, ser uma reflexão sobre o capítulo sétimo, Seeing and Theming, do livro The Turist Gaze de John Urry. Na primeira parte do capítulo, Seeing and being seen, Urry analisa a questão do olhar do turista e como a fotografia, a partir do século XIX, suscitou novas formas de olhar, passando depois, em Themes and Malls, a debruçar-se sobre um dos aspetos específicos do olhar do turista, relacionando-o com uma série de ambientes produzidos, de forma orientada, para o consumo turístico. Assim, este breve ensaio será estruturado em dois capítulos, que correspondem à parte primeira e segunda parte do capítulo sétimo do livro de John Urry. Após se fazer uma análise das ideias expressas, partir-se-á para o enunciar de outras teorias, de outros autores, que poderiam, quiçá, relacionar-se com o assunto do capítulo em estudo.


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As rápidas alterações sociais, económicas, culturais e ambientais determinaram mudanças significativas nos estilos de vida e contribuíram para o crescimento e generalização do consumo de alimentos e refeições fora de casa. Portugal acompanha a tendência de aumento do consumo alimentar fora de casa, assim, as refeições fora de casa, que há uns anos eram um acontecimento fortuito, são hoje uma prática habitual das famílias portuguesas, não só durante a semana de trabalho, mas também nos fins-de-semana. As, visitas aos centros comerciais que se tornaram um hábito no nosso país incluem uma paragem nas Praças de Alimentação, espaços de excelência pela diversidade alimentar onde predominam as refeições de fast-food. Porém é fundamental a escolha adequada/equilibrada dos alimentos que se vão consumir. O presente trabalho procurou avaliar os hábitos e percepção dos consumidores de refeições rápidas com base numa ementa específica cujo alimento principal é o pão. Posteriormente e de acordo com as preferências de consumo procedeu-se à avaliação nutricional das escolhas. Neste estudo participaram 150 indivíduos que frequentaram as instalações de um restaurante de comida rápida situada na praça de alimentação de um centro comercial situado em Viseu. Foi aplicado um questionário de autopreenchimento, por nós elaborado dividido em 4 partes: caracterização sociodemográfica; hábitos de consumo dos inquiridos; produtos escolhidos pelos inquiridos; grau de satisfação face aos produtos escolhidos. As análises estatísticas foram efectuadas com recurso ao Programa informático Statistical Package for the Social Sciences - SPSS® for Windows, versão 22. Realizam-se testes de Qui-quadrado com simulação de Monte Carlo, considerando o nível de significância de 0,05. Com base nas escolhas mais frequentes feitas pelos inquiridos procedeu-se à avaliação nutricional dos menus recorrendo ao programa DIAL 1.19 versão 1 e quando não se encontrou informação neste utilizou-se a tabela de composição de alimentos portugueses on line (INSA, 2010). Compararam-se os valores obtidos para o Valor Calórico Total, os macronutrientes, a fibra, o colesterol e o sódio com as Doses Diárias Recomendadas. A amostra era composta por 68,7% mulheres e 31,3% homens, com uma média de idades de 29,9 ± 3 anos e, maioritariamente empregados (64,7%). O grau de instrução da maioria dos inquiridos (54,7%) era o ensino superior. Grande parte da amostra não se considera consumidora habitual de fast-food,referindo ainda efectuar frequentemente uma alimentação equilibrada. Sendo que apenas 5 % frequenta as instalações mais de uma vez por semana. De entre os produtos disponíveis, a preferência fez-se pela sandes e batata-frita, sendo o momento de maior consumo o almoçoA avaliação nutricional das escolhas preferenciais dos inquiridos mostrou que o VCT do menu que inclui água como bebida está dentro dos limites calóricos preconizados para o almoço excepção feita ao menu que inclui sandes quente de frango em pão de orégãos e sandes fria de queijo fresco que se destacam por apresentar um valor inferior ao limite mínimo recomendado. Pelo contrário, a inclusão no menu do refrigerante faz com que haja um aumento do VCT, independentemente da sandes considerada, em 18%. Uma análise detalhada mostra que estas ementas são desequilibradas, apresentando 33,3% delas valores de proteínas superiores à DDR enquanto que os valores de HC e lípidos se encontram maioritariamente dentro dos limites havendo apenas 13,3% das ementas fora desses valores. Relativamente ao aporte de fibra e de sódio 86,7% das ementas aparecem desenquadradas com valores excessivos de sódio e valores de fibra 33% abaixo do limite mínimo recomendado. Tratando-se de um estudo de caso em que apenas se inclui um único restaurante de uma praça de alimentação, que fornece ementas à base de pão (sandes) os resultados são interpretados de forma cautelosa e sem generalização. Podemos no entanto concluir, face aos resultados obtidos a necessidade de redução do teor de sal das ementas. Para além disso parece-nos fundamental, para que o consumidor possa comparar opções alimentares e tomar decisões informadas, a disponibilização da informação nutricional das ementas propostas.


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In the primary studying, known leeches have included into free living and parasitic which the parasitic group, besides of direct impacts like: growth detraction, anemia, making wound in the connecting part with the skin, with making plat for secondary bacterial and molding infections in the toll place, is able to cause to transfer blood flagellate and virus to the fish too. Therefore, by accusing information related to fauna leeches of each area a risk factor from the viewpoint of the possibility of being or accusing transferred diseases by these leeches, one can predict and forehand about them. Freshwater leeches of Iran to present accurate recognition (morphological, molecular) have not been, and there are some limited reports from different parts of the country about them. One of the areas that its leeches have not been identified yet is Kurdistan, By having five latrines and big permanent rivers and 32000 springs and a lot of deep and semi-deep wells and this province is a convenient bed for growing aquatics in the country. Therefore, identifying risk factors for development of aquaculture on water resources is one important factor to access achieving development goals. For recognizing leeches of this province, some samples from 10 stands were token. Samples from under stones, sticking to the fish, turtles, plants and solid substances in the water were separated and after recording their physical characteristics, calming with 10% ethylic alcohol with 10% formalin become fixed and after painting with Carmen acetic acid by standard keys for 7 species of Helobdella stagnalis, Placobdella costata, Hemiclepsis marginata, Erpobdella octoculata, Hirudo medicinalis, Dina lineate lineata have been identified and described. Which Helobdella stagnalis has the highest distribution in the province and the minimum one is Hirudo medicinalis. However, that the data obtained in leeches in Kurdistan is a relatively complete collection in this research, recognizing fauna of these areas needs more studying. The Placobdella costata and Hemiclepsis marginata sticking to the fish were separated among identified species which showed that these are parasites for the fish. The sticking area of those leeches to the skin was accompanied with scales cast, damage to mucous membranes beneath the parasite and bleeding Was associated with Histopathology studying effect includes observing break and disconnection in the leech connecting place to the epithelial layer of epidermis in the skin, destroyed nucleus in skin Epithelial cells with observing necrosis in ulcerative place become of the leech and the sub acute inflammated penetration until acute necrosis with opening in Dermis layer is observable. Kidney of this fish have changes such as: proliferation, like proliferative kidney disease with increasing proliferative glomerular cells and increasing in membranous cells in Capillary corpuscle, observing necrotic cells in haematopoietic tissue of kidney along with increasing in infiltration of leukocyte's cells generally mono nucluars such as lymphocytes and less poly morpho nucluars such as neutrophiles that are symptoms of disorders causing anemia become of nourishing and sucking blood by the leech and creating a chronic kidney infection that originally root is in another place like the skin. Also Hemorrhagic anemia causes losing RBC's is because of using the host blood by the leech. (In this situation, one can see immature RBC red cells in Peripheral blood. To identify potential carriers of the leech to the viruses, after finding them in recorded stands and putting them in 75% ethanol for viruses cause IPN, VHS, IHN, they were tested by PCR that the conclusion of these experiments approved IPN virus in Hemiclepsis marginata and Hirudo medicinalis. This kind of leeches can act like a mechanical carrier and causing spreading the agent of this disease. It is worth mentioning that studying the pathogenicity of this virus for aquaculture sources, mentioned before needs more research. During the study of infected fish with leeches that was done after preparing bloody slides and staining them, no case blood parasites was observed. During a research about infecting fish experimentally to known leeches it become clear that 5 days after being in aquarium including leeches, samples of sticking Hirudo medicinalis leech to the golden carp with scales cast were observed. Including leeches to the fish started with molting the scales in the sticking area in the fish and fish become too uneasy and by rubbing themselves to the malls and things inside the aquarium, tried to separate them. Finally, after around 30 hours, leeches penetrate the skin, feeding from blood and tissue liquids and cause mortality the fish and then they become separated from them. If the corpse of these fish stayed in the aquarium, the Helobdella stagnalis and Erpobdella octoculata would start feeding them.


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Objectif : Examiner la relation entre l’accès aux ressources alimentaires et le degré de l’insécurité alimentaire du ménage parmi les nouveaux utilisateurs des organismes communautaires d’intervention en sécurité alimentaire de Montréal. Méthode : Étude observationnelle transversale. Elle consiste en une analyse secondaire de données (n=785) qui proviennent du premier temps de mesure de l’enquête sur les effets des interventions en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal menée entre 2011 et 2012. La variable dépendante a été l’insécurité alimentaire. Les variables indépendantes ont été le mode de transport utilisé pour transporter les aliments, l’emplacement de l’épicerie la plus fréquentée par le participant, la distance entre l’organisme communautaire fréquenté par le participant et son domicile, la proximité de l’épicerie la plus fréquentée, la satisfaction quant à l’acceptabilité et le caractère abordable des aliments dans l’épicerie la plus fréquentée, et les difficultés d’accès aux aliments. Des régressions logistiques furent effectuées afin d’évaluer la relation entre les variables indépendantes et le degré de l’insécurité alimentaire, en utilisant l’insécurité sévère comme catégorie de référence. Résultats : Nos données suggèrent que la sévérité de l’insécurité alimentaire est associée à la difficulté d’accès aux aliments à cause de la cherté des aliments (pour la sécurité alimentaire, OR=0.13; CI : 0.07-0.25 et pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=0.42; CI : 0.28-0.63), au fait de faire l’épicerie à l’extérieur du quartier ou de faire rarement l’épicerie (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=0.50, CI : 0.30-0.84), au fait d’avoir accès au transport collectif (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=1.73; CI : 1.09-2.73), au fait de résider à une distance moyenne (soit entre 1000 et 2000 mètres) d’un organisme communautaire en sécurité alimentaire (pour l’insécurité alimentaire modérée, OR=1.83; CI : 1.14-2.92), et à la difficulté d’accès aux aliments à cause de contraintes de transport (pour la sécurité alimentaire, OR=0.18, CI : 0.06-0.52). Conclusion : L’accès aux ressources alimentaires est associé au degré de l’insécurité alimentaire des nouveaux ménages participant aux interventions en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal.


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Collecting and analyzing consumer data is essential in today’s data-driven business environment. However, consumers are becoming more aware of the value of the information they can provide to companies, thereby being more reluctant to share it for free. Therefore, companies need to find ways to motivate consumers to disclose personal information. The main research question of the study was formed as “How can companies motivate consumers to disclose personal information?” and it was further divided into two subquestions: 1) What types of benefits motivate consumers to disclose personal information? 2) How does the disclosure context affect the consumers’ information disclosure behavior? The conceptual framework consisted of a classification of extrinsic and intrinsic benefits, and moderating factors, which were recognized on the basis of prior research in the field. The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods. The primary data was collected by interviewing ten representatives from eight companies. The data was analyzed and reported according to predetermined themes. The findings of the study confirm that consumers can be motivated to disclose personal information by offering different types of extrinsic (monetary saving, time saving, self-enhancement, and social adjustment) and intrinsic (novelty, pleasure, and altruism) benefits. However, not all the benefits are equally useful ways to convince the customer to disclose information. Moreover, different factors in the disclosure context can either alleviate or increase the effectiveness of the benefits and the consumers’ motivation to disclose personal information. Such factors include the consumer’s privacy concerns, perceived trust towards the company, the relevancy of the requested information, personalization, website elements (especially security, usability, and aesthetics of a website), and the consumer’s shopping motivation. This study has several contributions. It is essential that companies recognize the most attractive benefits regarding their business and their customers, and that they understand how the disclosure context affects the consumer’s information disclosure behavior. The likelihood of information disclosure can be increased, for example, by offering benefits that meet the consumers’ needs and preferences, improving the relevancy of the asked information, stating the reasons for data collection, creating and maintaining a trustworthy image of the company, and enhancing the quality of the company’s website.


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The public management reform in Brazil, since 1995, provoked new experiences in public administration. Among the new models of public service the one-stop shopping has distinguished and was adopted at Rio Grande do Norte with the Citizens Center Program. The one-stop shopping assembles in the same place many public services with appropriate structure, enabled human resources and citizens focus processes. The goal of this research was understand how citizens focus processes help to explain Citizens Center Program s longevity. It was made a case study and the research tools were applied with Citizen Center Programs workers and citizen-users at South Unit of Citizen Center Program placed at Via Direta Mall, Natal. The major contributions for Citizen Center Program s longevity were imputed to Basic Operation Processes. The most spoken features in Citizen Center Program mentioned were quality, efficiency, celerity e personal appearance, what demonstrate concern and care with citizen-users. Worker s personal appearance, accommodation, celerity, politeness and attending capacity planning were high evaluated by citizen-users revealing the wisely choice of use a large quality concept and citizenship concept in public administration. Citizen-users also pointed the necessity of refine and enlarge the communication ways that form an essential mechanism to public citizen focus administration. Not ignoring the policy aspect citizen focus processes were noticed like especial management actions that make easier citizen s activities and public service access, what generate satisfaction to citizen-users. It s possible to conclude that the high level approving evaluation of Citizen Center Program consolidates it an especial public policy that serves citizen s necessities e create appropriate legitimacy conditions of the public policy making harder the choice of ending the policy even in more fragile moments strongly contributing for its longevity