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In an ethanolic extract of leaves of Ottonia corcovadensis (Piperaceae) were identified sixteen terpenoids of essential oil and the three flavonoids 3',4',5,5',7-pentamethoxyflavone (1), 3',4',5,7-tetramethoxyflavone (2) and 5-hydroxy-3',4',5',7-tetramethoxyflavone (3) and cafeic acid (4). Two amides (5 and 6) were isolated from an ethanolic extract of the roots. The structures were established by spectral analysis, meanly NMR (1D and 2D) and mass spectra. Extensive NMR analysis was also used to complete ¹H and 13C chemical shift assignments of the flavonoids and amides. The components of the essential oil were identified by computer library search, retention indices and visual interpretation of mass spectra.
The aim of this paper is to present a simple way of treating the general equation for acid-base titrations based on the concept of degree of dissociation, and to propose a new spreadsheet approach for simulating the titration of mixtures of polyprotic compounds. The general expression, without any approximation, is calculated a simple iteration method, making number manipulation easy and painless. The user-friendly spreadsheet was developed by using MS-Excel and Visual-Basic-for-Excel. Several graphs are drawn for helping visualizing the titration behavior. A Monte Carlo function for error simulation was also implemented. Two examples for titration of alkalinity and McIlvaine buffer are presented.
Tutkimus kuvaa tapahtumia mainonnan suunnittelun kulissien takana ja niiden vaikutusta suunnittelutyöhön mainonnan suunnittelijan näkökulmasta. Lähestymistapa on systeemiteoreettinen: tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä mainostoimiston suunnittelijoiden, projektijohtajien ja muiden mainonnan suunnitteluun osallistuvien keskinäistä vuorovaikutusta että mainostoimiston ja mainoksia tilaavan asiakkaan vuorovaikutuksen asettamia rajoja ja mahdollisuuksia. Keskeinen työväline on Kurt Lewinin kentän käsite. Tutkimuksessa se konkretisoituu esitystavaksi mainonnan suunnittelun olennaisista piirteistä, jotka ovat toisistaan riippuvaisia. Tutkimusta pohjustaa ajatus mainonnan suunnittelun perusrakenteesta, joka on riippumaton taloudellisista, yhteiskunnallisista tai mainostoimialan liiketoimintaympäristön muutoksista. Mainostoimistossa työtä tehdään usein ryhmässä. Ydinryhmä muodostuu kirjoittavan ja visuaalisen suunnittelijan työparista, mutta projektijohtaja on avainasemassa hoitaessaan yhteydenpitoa mainostoimiston asiakkaaseen. Tutkimustyötä viitoittivat kysymykset mainonnan suunnittelijoiden tehtävästä ja asemasta, työssä koetuista haasteista sekä osuudesta ja vastuusta lopullisissa töissä. Keskiössä ovat suunnittelutyötä raamittavat haasteet, jotka ohjaavat suunnittelijoiden kykyjä ja haluja toteuttaa luovuuttaan. Tutkimus ammentaa teoreettisia aineksia työnjaon ja tiimityön käsitteiden ohella vallan tilanteisuudesta ja suhteista sekä sosiaalisen pääoman ja luottamuksen moniaineksisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin syksyllä 2008 ja alkuvuodesta 2009 haastattelemalla suomalaisten mainostoimistojen suunnittelijoita. Haastatteluaineisto koostuu kymmenestä ryhmähaastattelusta, johon kuhunkin osallistui 3–4 suunnittelijaa. Muu aineisto sisältää toimialan tilastoja ja julkaisuja sekä yksityisiä sähköpostikirjeenvaihtoja ja keskusteluja mainosammattilaisten kanssa. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin Milesin ja Hubermannin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla ja sitä täydennettiin retorisella diskurssianalyysilla. Analyysin alkuvaiheessa koemetodina sovellettiin Straussin ja Corbinin aineistolähtöisen teorian (grounded theory) kolmivaiheista koodausta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on malli mainonnan suunnittelun kentän jännitteistä, jotka johtavat toimimaan tietyllä tavalla. Mainonnan suunnittelijan tehtävinä näyttäytyvät vaikuttaminen, asiakkaan tarpeiden tunnistaminen ja tyydyttäminen sekä omakohtainen menestyminen. Suunnittelijan asema näyttää työssä koettujen haasteiden kautta häilyvän asiantuntijuuden ja alihankkijuuden välimaastossa. Työn henkilökohtaisina haasteina piirtyvät tarmokkuuden ja jatkuvan oivaltamisen vaateet. Ulkoisina tekijöinä talouden, teknologian ja sen myötä median murros sekä haastaa että kehittää: alituiseen kiireeseen näytetään verhoavan pulmia, joiden todellinen alkuperä paikantuu muualle. Keskeiset ristiriidat ja toiminnan edellytykset ilmenevät juuri yhteistyössä: mainostoimiston sisäinen yhteistyö ja asiakkaan antama palaute ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä luottamuksen taustalla. Siten avoin ja vastavuoroinen kommunikaatio piirtyy olennaiseksi asetettujen tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa ja asiakkaan menestymisessä. Mainonnan suunnittelussa tärkeäksi kysymykseksi nousevat portinvartijoiden roolit. Mainostoimiston sisäisessä työskentelyssä projektijohtajat hallinnoivat suunnitteluresursseja, välittävät tietoa asiak kaalta suunnittelijalle ja päinvastoin sekä tekevät tärkeimmät päätökset. Asiakkaan puolella mainoksia tilaava asiakashenkilö hallinnoi valjastamiaan resursseja, mutta varsinainen päätöksenteko tapahtuu tämän esimiehen toimesta. Tulosten valossa on perusteltua uskoa, että mainonnan suunnittelijat kokevat oman työnsä arvon alentuneen ja päätösvaltansa vähentyneen. Mainostoimialan murroksen kannalta tutkimus tuo esiin uudenlaisen tiimityön ymmärtämisen ja korostaa yksilöiden vahvuuksien tunnistamisen merkitystä. Kiristyvässä taloudessa se suuntaa huomion sekä mainostoimistojen että niiden asiakasyritysten sisäisten ja ulkoisten resurssien tehokkaaseen ja tuottavaan hyödyntämiseen ja organisoimiseen. Sosiologisesti tutkimus tarjoaa yhdenlaisen näkökulman ryhmätyön ulottuvuuksiin ja työelämän yhteistyöhaasteiden pohtimiseen. Siten tutkimuksen tuloksilla voi nähdä arvoa myös muiden kuin mainosalan yhteistyökäytäntöjentarkasteluun.
Diabetes is a rapidly increasing worldwide problem which is characterised by defective metabolism of glucose that causes long-term dysfunction and failure of various organs. The most common complication of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which is one of the primary causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults. The rapid increase of diabetes pushes the limits of the current DR screening capabilities for which the digital imaging of the eye fundus (retinal imaging), and automatic or semi-automatic image analysis algorithms provide a potential solution. In this work, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy is statistically studied using a supervised algorithm based on one-class classification and Gaussian mixture model estimation. The presented algorithm distinguishes a certain diabetic lesion type from all other possible objects in eye fundus images by only estimating the probability density function of that certain lesion type. For the training and ground truth estimation, the algorithm combines manual annotations of several experts for which the best practices were experimentally selected. By assessing the algorithm’s performance while conducting experiments with the colour space selection, both illuminance and colour correction, and background class information, the use of colour in the detection of diabetic retinopathy was quantitatively evaluated. Another contribution of this work is the benchmarking framework for eye fundus image analysis algorithms needed for the development of the automatic DR detection algorithms. The benchmarking framework provides guidelines on how to construct a benchmarking database that comprises true patient images, ground truth, and an evaluation protocol. The evaluation is based on the standard receiver operating characteristics analysis and it follows the medical practice in the decision making providing protocols for image- and pixel-based evaluations. During the work, two public medical image databases with ground truth were published: DIARETDB0 and DIARETDB1. The framework, DR databases and the final algorithm, are made public in the web to set the baseline results for automatic detection of diabetic retinopathy. Although deviating from the general context of the thesis, a simple and effective optic disc localisation method is presented. The optic disc localisation is discussed, since normal eye fundus structures are fundamental in the characterisation of DR.
Centrifugal pumps are widely used in industrial and municipal applications, and they are an important end-use application of electric energy. However, in many cases centrifugal pumps operate with a significantly lower energy efficiency than they actually could, which typically has an increasing effect on the pump energy consumption and the resulting energy costs. Typical reasons for this are the incorrect dimensioning of the pumping system components and inefficiency of the applied pump control method. Besides the increase in energy costs, an inefficient operation may increase the risk of a pump failure and thereby the maintenance costs. In the worst case, a pump failure may lead to a process shutdown accruing additional costs. Nowadays, centrifugal pumps are often controlled by adjusting their rotational speed, which affects the resulting flow rate and output pressure of the pumped fluid. Typically, the speed control is realised with a frequency converter that allows the control of the rotational speed of an induction motor. Since a frequency converter can estimate the motor rotational speed and shaft torque without external measurement sensors on the motor shaft, it also allows the development and use of sensorless methods for the estimation of the pump operation. Still today, the monitoring of pump operation is based on additional measurements and visual check-ups, which may not be applicable to determine the energy efficiency of the pump operation. This doctoral thesis concentrates on the methods that allow the use of a frequency converter as a monitoring and analysis device for a centrifugal pump. Firstly, the determination of energy-efficiency- and reliability-based limits for the recommendable operating region of a variable-speed-driven centrifugal pump is discussed with a case study for the laboratory pumping system. Then, three model-based estimation methods for the pump operating location are studied, and their accuracy is determined by laboratory tests. In addition, a novel method to detect the occurrence of cavitation or flow recirculation in a centrifugal pump by a frequency converter is introduced. Its sensitivity compared with known cavitation detection methods is evaluated, and its applicability is verified by laboratory measurements for three different pumps and by using two different frequency converters. The main focus of this thesis is on the radial flow end-suction centrifugal pumps, but the studied methods can also be feasible with mixed and axial flow centrifugal pumps, if allowed by their characteristics.
The use of domain-specific languages (DSLs) has been proposed as an approach to cost-e ectively develop families of software systems in a restricted application domain. Domain-specific languages in combination with the accumulated knowledge and experience of previous implementations, can in turn be used to generate new applications with unique sets of requirements. For this reason, DSLs are considered to be an important approach for software reuse. However, the toolset supporting a particular domain-specific language is also domain-specific and is per definition not reusable. Therefore, creating and maintaining a DSL requires additional resources that could be even larger than the savings associated with using them. As a solution, di erent tool frameworks have been proposed to simplify and reduce the cost of developments of DSLs. Developers of tool support for DSLs need to instantiate, customize or configure the framework for a particular DSL. There are di erent approaches for this. An approach is to use an application programming interface (API) and to extend the basic framework using an imperative programming language. An example of a tools which is based on this approach is Eclipse GEF. Another approach is to configure the framework using declarative languages that are independent of the underlying framework implementation. We believe this second approach can bring important benefits as this brings focus to specifying what should the tool be like instead of writing a program specifying how the tool achieves this functionality. In this thesis we explore this second approach. We use graph transformation as the basic approach to customize a domain-specific modeling (DSM) tool framework. The contributions of this thesis includes a comparison of di erent approaches for defining, representing and interchanging software modeling languages and models and a tool architecture for an open domain-specific modeling framework that e ciently integrates several model transformation components and visual editors. We also present several specific algorithms and tool components for DSM framework. These include an approach for graph query based on region operators and the star operator and an approach for reconciling models and diagrams after executing model transformation programs. We exemplify our approach with two case studies MICAS and EFCO. In these studies we show how our experimental modeling tool framework has been used to define tool environments for domain-specific languages.
Many cognitive deficits after TBI (traumatic brain injury) are well known, such as memory and concentration problems, as well as reduced information-processing speed. What happens to patients and cognitive functioning after immediate recovery is poorly known. Cognitive functioning is flexible and may be influenced by genetic, psychological and environmental factors decades after TBI. The general aim of this thesis was to describe the long-term cognitive course after TBI, to find variables that may contribute to it, and how the cognitive functions after TBI are associated with specific medical factors and reduced survival. The original study group consisted of 192 patients with TBI who were originally assessed with the Mild Deterioration Battery (MDB) on average two years after the injury, during the years 1966 – 1972. During a 30-year follow-up, we studied the risks for reduced survival, and the mortality of the patients was compared with the general population using the Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR). Sixty-one patients were re-assessed during 1998-2000. These patients were evaluated with the MDB, computerized testing, and with various other neuropsychological methods for attention and executive functions. Apolipoprotein-E (ApoE) genotyping and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based on volumetric analysis of the hippocampus and lateral ventricles were performed. Depressive symptoms were evaluated with the short form of the Beck depression inventory. The cognitive performance at follow-up was compared with a control group that was similar to the study group in regard to age and education. The cognitive outcome of the patients with TBI varied after three decades. The majority of the patients showed a decline in their cognitive level, the rest either improved or stayed at the same level. Male gender and higher age at injury were significant risk factors for the decline. Whereas most cognitive domains declined during the follow-up, semantic memory behaved in the opposite way, showing recovery after TBI. In the follow-up assessment, the memory decline and impairments in the set-shifting domain of executive functions were associated with MRI-volumetric measures, whereas reduction in information-processing speed was not associated with the MRI measures. The presence of local contusions was only weakly associated with cognitive functions. Only few cognitive methods for attention were capable of discriminating TBI patients with and without depressive symptoms. On the other hand, most complex attentional tests were sensitive enough to discriminate TBI patients (non-depressive) from controls. This means that complex attention functions, mediated by the frontal lobes, are relatively independent of depressive symptoms post-TBI. The presence of ApoE4 was associated with different kinds of memory processes including verbal and visual episodic memory, semantic memory and verbal working memory, depending on the length of time since TBI. Many other cognitive processes were not affected by the presence of ApoE4. Age at injury and poor vocational outcome were independent risk factors for reduced survival in the multivariate analysis. Late mortality was higher among younger subjects (age < 40 years at death) compared with the general population which should be borne in mind when assessing the need for rehabilitation services and long-term follow-up after TBI.
As long as the incidence of stroke continues to grow, patients with large right hemisphere lesions suffering from hemispatial neglect will require neuropsychological evaluation and rehabilitation. The inability to process information especially that coming from the left side accompanied by the magnetic orientation to the ipsilesional side represents a real challenge for rehabilitation. This dissertation is concerned with crucial aspects in the clinical neuropsychological practice of hemispatial neglect. In studying the convergence of the visual and behavioural test batteries in the assessment of neglect, nine of the seventeen patients, who completed both the conventional subtests of the Behavioural Inattention Test and the Catherine Bergego Scale assessments, showed a similar severity of neglect and thus good convergence in both tests. However, patients with neglect and hemianopia had poorer scores in the line bisection test and they displayed stronger neglect in behaviour than patients with pure neglect. The second study examined, whether arm activation, modified from the Constraint Induced Movement Therapy, could be applied as neglect rehabilitation alone without any visual training. Twelve acute- or subacute patients were randomized into two rehabilitation groups: arm activation training or traditional voluntary visual scanning training. Neglect was ameliorated significantly or almost significantly in both training groups due to rehabilitation with the effect being maintained for at least six months. In studying the reflections of hemispatial neglect on visual memory, the associations of severity of neglect and visual memory performances were explored. The performances of acute and subacute patients with hemispatial neglect were compared with the performances of matched healthy control subjects. As hypothesized, encoding from the left side and immediate recall of visual material were significantly compromised in patients with neglect. Another mechanism of neglect affecting visual memory processes is observed in delayed visual reproduction. Delayed recall demands that the individual must make a match helped by a cue or it requires a search for relevant material from long-term memory storage. In the case of representational neglect, the search may succeed but the left side of the recollected memory still fails to open. Visual and auditory evoked potentials were measured in 21 patients with hemispatial neglect. Stimuli coming from the left or right were processed differently in both sensory modalities in acute and subacute patients as compared with the chronic patients. The differences equalized during the course of recovery. Recovery from hemispatial neglect was strongly associated with early rehabilitation and with the severity of neglect. Extinction was common in patients with neglect and it did not ameliorate with the recovery of neglect. The presence of pusher symptom hampered amelioration of visual neglect in acute and subacute stroke patients, whereas depression did not have any significant effect in the early phases after the stroke. However, depression had an unfavourable effect on recovery in the chronic phase. In conclusion, the combination of neglect and hemianopia may explain part of the residual behavioural neglect that is no longer evident in visual testing. Further research is needed in order to determine which specific rehabilitation procedures would be most beneficial in patients suffering the combination of neglect and hemianopia. Arm activation should be included in the rehabilitation programs of neglect; this is a useful technique for patients who need bedside treatment in the acute phase. With respect to the deficit in visual memory in association with neglect, the possible mechanisms of lateralized deficit in delayed recall need to be further examined and clarified. Intensive treatment induced recovery in both severe and moderate visual neglect long after the first two to first three months after the stroke.
The aim of this study was to define the photographic patterns that represent the use and occupation of the landcover of the "spring" of the Rico Stream subbasin, located at Monte Alto, state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, for environmental adaptation regarding the Brazilian Forest Law. The mapping was performed using remote sensing techniques and visual interpretation of the World View image, followed by the digitalization of the net of drainage and vegetation (natural and agricultural) at the AutoCad software with documents and field work. The study area has 2141.53 ha and the results demonstrated that the main crop is sugarcane with 546.34 ha, followed by 251.22 ha of pastures, 191.71 ha of perennial crops, 57.31 ha of Eucalyptus and 49.52 ha of onion, confirming the advance of sugarcane culture in the region. The region has 375.04 ha of areas of permanent preservation (APPs), and of this area it was found that only 72.17 ha (19.24%) has arboreal vegetation or natural forest, and 302.87 ha of these areas need to be enriched and reforested with native vegetation from the region, according to the current legislation. The data of the area enable future proposals of models for environmental adaptation to the microbasin according to the current environmental legislation.
Denne avhandlinga er resultatet av eit behov for å forske på og utvikle ein didaktikk for tekstilfaget ved Folkekunststudiet, Institutt for folkekultur, Høgskolen i Telemark, Noreg. Studiet med folkekunst som fagfelt er eit relativt ungt studium på høgskolen, som vart etablert i 1984. Problemstillinga i denne avhandlinga er korleis ein kan utvikle ein forskingsbasert didaktikk der dei grunnleggjande prinsippa som særmerkjer den tradisjonelle folkekunsten, vert tekne vare på. I arbeidet med avhandlinga har eg prøvd på å klårgjere problemstillinga ut frå ulike perspektiv. Forskingsarbeidet har fokus på kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar i ljos av ulike teoriar. Det er ei hermeneutisk tilnærming som er vald for den didaktiske forståinga. Det fyrste drøftingstemaet har søkjeljos på kommunikasjon og dialog ved vidareføring av tekstil folkekunst. Både estetiske, teoretiske, praktiske og sosiale aspekt er nedfelte i læreplanen for studiet og skal utgjere grunnlaget for kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar. I den skapande og kopierande prosessen er det utvikla språklege reiskapar for både den sosiale og den estetiske sida der den teoretiske og praktiske faktoren er integrert. Møte med døme på tekstile tradisjonar så vel som praktisk forming av tekstilar har ført til refleksjon og dialog som involverer kontemplasjon, korrespondens og imaginasjon. Det andre temaet som er drøfta, er vidareføring av tradisjonelt visuelt formspråk. Her er merksemda retta mot kva som har skjedd formalt med ei gruppe tradisjonelle formelement i tekstilar i den institusjonelle vidareføringa over eit lengre tidsperspektiv. Resultatet syner at mange tradisjonelle formelement er borte frå den institusjonelle produksjonen. Formelementa kan ha fått ei meir naturalistisk utforming, eller dei er overførte til andre tradisjonelle tekstilteknikkar enn dei som var utgangspunktet. Rombeforma i den institusjonelle produksjonen er utført i færre variasjonar og kombinasjonar enn i den tradisjonelle produksjonen. Konklusjonen på drøftingstemaet er at spelereglar og spatialitet i høve til den formale komponenten i utvalet med tradisjonelle tekstilar ikkje er vidareført i alle gruppene av institusjonelle produkt. Resultatet kan få innverknad og fylgjer for utforming av ein framtidig didaktikk for faget. Arbeidsmåte og erfaring frå vidareføring av tekstile tradisjonar er det tredje temaet som er drøfta i avhandlinga. Kopiering og skapande prosessar er arbeidsmåtar som er brukte ved studiet i dag, og dei utgjer grunnlag for drøftingar i relasjon til vidareføring og erfaring. Konklusjonen er at i den skapande prosessen korrigerer tradisjonen utforminga, medan i kopiprosessen er eigen stilvilje og improvisering resultat av prosessane. Personar som deltek i prosessane, har sett seg sjølve og si historiske forankring inn i spelet, der visuelt og verbalt språk er resultat av integrasjon av tradisjonar. Dei tre drøftingstemaa utgjer grunnlaget for at didaktikk for folkekunst og tekstil kan bli intersubjektiv forståing av kva ein didaktikk for vidareføring av folkekunst med vekt på tekstil kan vere i utdanninga i dag. Indre og ytre dialog i skapande og kopierande prosessar femner om estetiske, materielle og tekniske faktorar sett i høve til spelereglar, spelerom, spatialitet og samspel i møte med tekstile tradisjonar. Samla utgjer det ein forskingsbasert didaktikk for faget der den overordna intensjonen er samtykke mellom tradisjon og spel.
Tässä pro gradu – tutkielmassa tutkin kuvataiteen ja kuvataiteellisten menetelmien käyttöä organisaatioissa psykologisen omistajuuden tarpeiden ilmentäjänä. Tarkoituksenani on kuroa umpeen aukkoa tutkimuksen ja käytännön välillä mitä tulee kuvataiteen käyttöön organisaatioissa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä lisäarvoa kuvataiteen käyttö tuo organisaatioille ja miten se ilmentää psykologista omistajuutta. Tutkimus on laadullista ja aineistona ovat strukturoimattomat haastattelut, jotka on analysoitu diskurssinanalyysillä. Haastatteluaineisosta löysin eritasoisia diskursseja. Päädiskurssi näkymättömästä näkyväksi ilmentää psykologiseen omistajuuteen motivoivista tarpeista stimuluksen tarvetta, tilan diskurssi ilmentää kodin tarvetta ja identiteetin diskurssi ilmentää identiteetin tarvetta. Tilan ja identiteetin diskurssit menevät osittain päällekkäin. Kuvataideteokset ilmentävät psykologisen omistajuuden motivaatiotarpeista erityisesti stimulusta. Ne toimivat stimuluksena tuomalla psykologista läheisyyttä organisaatioihin. Kuvataiteen käytöllä organisaatioissa saadaan näkymättömästä näkyväksi psykologiseen omistajuuteen motivoivia tarpeita. Kuvataideteokset tuovat psykologista läheisyyttä ja stimuloivat näihin liittyviä merkityksellisiä asioita. Kuvataide on esteettinen käytännön työkalu organisaatiokäyttäytymisen kehittämiseksi, tunnejohtamiseen fuusioissa ja henkilöstön sitouttamisee
Genetic and environmental factors have been implicated in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia in the elderly. Mutations in 3 genes mapped on chromosomes 21, 14 and 1 are related to the rare early onset forms of AD while the e4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene (on chromosome 19) is the major susceptibility locus for the most common late onset AD (LOAD). Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) is a key neurotransmitter implicated in the control of mood, sleep, appetite and a variety of traits and behaviors. Recently, a polymorphism in the transcriptional control region upstream of the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) gene has been studied in several psychiatric diseases and personality traits. It has been demonstrated that the short variant(s) of this 5-HTT gene-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) is associated with a different transcriptional efficiency of the 5-HTT gene promoter resulting in decreased 5-HTT expression and 5-HT uptake in lymphocytes. An increased frequency of this 5-HTTLPR short variant polymorphism in LOAD was recently reported. In addition, another common polymorphic variation in the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C serotonin receptor genes previously analyzed in schizophrenic patients was associated with auditory and visual hallucinations in AD. These observations suggest that the involvement of the serotonin pathway might provide an explanation for some aspects of the affective symptoms commonly observed in AD patients. In summary, research on genetic polymorphisms related to AD and involved in receptors, transporter proteins and the enzymatic machinery of serotonin might enhance our understanding of this devastating neurodegenerative disorder.
We assessed the neuropsychological test performances of 26 patients (mean age = 41.5 ± 6.1 years; mean years of education = 9.8 ± 1.8; 20 males) diagnosed with chronic occupational mercurialism who were former workers at a fluorescent lamp factory. They had been exposed to elemental mercury for an average of 10.2 ± 3.8 years and had been away from this work for 6 ± 4.7 years. Mean urinary mercury concentrations 1 year after cessation of work were 1.8 ± 0.9 µg/g creatinine. Twenty control subjects matched for age, gender, and education (18 males) were used for comparison. Neuropsychological assessment included attention, inhibitory control, verbal and visual memory, verbal fluency, manual dexterity, visual-spatial function, executive function, and semantic knowledge tests. The Beck Depression Inventory and the State and Trait Inventory were used to assess depression and anxiety symptoms, respectively. The raw score for the group exposed to mercury indicated slower information processing speed, inferior performance in psychomotor speed, verbal spontaneous recall memory, and manual dexterity of the dominant hand and non-dominant hand (P < 0.05). In addition, the patients showed increased depression and anxiety symptoms (P < 0.001). A statistically significant correlation (Pearson) was demonstrable between mean urinary mercury and anxiety trait (r = 0.75, P = 0.03). The neuropsychological performances of the former workers suggest that occupational exposure to elemental mercury has long-term effects on information processing and psychomotor function, with increased depression and anxiety also possibly reflecting the psychosocial context.
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli standardoida ja kehittää hankinnan prosesseja systemaattisesti. Prosessien standardoiminen edesauttaa organisaation itseohjautuvuutta ja parantaa organisaation kyvykkyyttä. Tämä tutkielma tuottaa uutta tutkimustietoa tutkimusaukkoon hankinnan prosessien systemaattisesta kehittämisestä. Tutkielman teoriaosassa käsitellään prosessiajattelua, ISO 9001 standardin vaikutusta hankintatoimintaan, tunnistetaan hankinnan prosesseja ja esitetään erilaisia hankinnan prosesseihin soveltuvia LEAN Six Sigma kehitystyökaluja. Tutkielman empiirinen osio on toteutettu toimeksiantona suurelle teollisuusyritykselle. Tämän tutkielman empiirisessä osiossa on yhdistelty kvalitatiiviselle ja kvantitatiiviselle tutkimukselle ominaisia tutkimusmetodologioita. Tutkimusmetodologioiden yhdisteleminen tuottaa lisäarvoa tutkielman toteutukselle ja parantaa työn luotettavuutta. Tässä tutkielmassa käytetyt tutkimusmenetelmät koostuvat kvantitatiiviselle tutkimukselle ominaisesta kyselystä hankinnan prosessien nykytilan selvittämiseksi sekä kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmille ominaisesta tapaustutkimuksesta. Kyselyn avulla muodostettiin analyysi hankinnan prosessien nykytilasta, jonka pohjalta toimeksiantajayritykselle ehdotettiin kehitettäviä hankinnan prosesseja. Lopulliseksi kehityskohteeksi valittu prosessi määriteltiin aivoriihessä kerätyn tiedon perusteella kehityspotentiaalin esille tuovasta nelikentästä. Kehitettävä prosessi asemoitui samalla tapaustutkimuksella tutkittavaksi tapaukseksi. Kehitettäväksi prosessiksi valittiin saapuvan tavaran vastaanotto ja visuaalinen tarkastaminen. Prosessia kehitettiin mallintamalla ja LEAN Six Sigma menetelmiä hyödyntäen. Prosessimallinnuksen sekä LEAN Six Sigma menetelmien tueksi kerättiin tietoa aivoriihistä ja teemahaastatteluista. Tutkielman tuloksena toimeksiantajayritys sai kokonaiskuvan hankinnan prosessien nykytilasta, kehitetyn tavoiteprosessin ja työohjeen saapuvan tavaran vastaanotolle ja visuaaliselle tarkastukselle sekä jatkossa hankinnan prosessien standardoimista ja kehittämistä helpottavan hankinnan prosessin systemaattisen kehittämismallin. Hankinnan prosessin systemaattinen kehittämismalli on uutta tutkimustietoa, joka asemoituu hankinnan prosessien kehittämisen tutkimusaukkoon. Hankinnan prosessin systemaattista kehittämismallia ei tämän tutkielman pohjalta voida yleistää, koska tutkielma on toteutettu toimeksiantajayrityksen lähtökohdista. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että toimeksiantajayritys, muut organisaatiot sekä tutkimuskenttä tarvitsevat lisää tietoa hankinnan prosessien kehittämisestä. Hankinnan prosessien kehittämistä tulisi tutkia enemmän ja erityisesti tässä tutkielmassa esitettyä kehittämismallia tulisi jatkossa testata niin, että kehittämismallin toimivuus voitaisiin yleistää.