989 resultados para Squares


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Nas últimas décadas as instituições de ensino superior têm sido alvo de uma pressão crescente para aumentar a sua eficiência e a sua eficácia. Fatores como a diversificação da oferta formativa, a massificação, o aumento da internacionalização, entre outros, conduziram a uma maior monitorização das instituições e, por sua vez, geraram o desenvolvimento de novos sistemas de informação. A constante solicitação de informação, quer pelo Estado, quer pelo mercado constitui a base para a definição do objetivo desta investigação: construir um modelo integrado de medição e gestão de desempenho para as universidades públicas e testá-lo no universo português. Para a construção conceptual deste modelo foi realizada uma revisão da literatura baseada em diferentes contextos: organizacional, europeu e nacional. Este modelo foi depois aplicado às universidades públicas portuguesas recorrendo a dados disponibilizados por entidades públicas, tendo em conta a área de educação e formação (CNAEF). Uma análise descritiva aos dados constituiu uma contribuição desta investigação para a prática, no sentido de que permitiu fornecer um conjunto de recomendações às universidades e às entidades oficiais responsáveis pela recolha de dados a nível nacional, relativamente aos sistemas de informação e processos de recolha de dados. O modelo proposto constitui a contribuição teórica desta investigação, no sentido de que integra, no mesmo modelo, as diferentes dimensões de desempenho, a visão dos diferentes stakeholders, quer no contexto do ensino, quer no da investigação, quer no da própria gestão da universidade. A vertente analítica deste modelo, representada pelas diferentes relações entre os grupos de indicadores, foi testada recorrendo à técnica de análise de equações estruturais baseada na variância (nomeadamente Partial Least Squares) em quatro áreas CNAEF. Os resultados demonstraram que o comportamento em termos de medição e gestão de desempenho difere consoante a CNAEF, identificando um maior ajustamento às áreas hard e evidenciando que as áreas soft necessitam de indicadores mais ajustados às suas especificidades.


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In his introduction, Pinna (2010) quoted one of Wertheimer’s observations: “I stand at the window and see a house, trees, sky. Theoretically I might say there were 327 brightnesses and nuances of color. Do I have ‘327’? No. I have sky, house, and trees.” This seems quite remarkable, for Max Wertheimer, together with Kurt Koffka and Wolfgang Koehler, was a pioneer of Gestalt Theory: perceptual organisation was tackled considering grouping rules of line and edge elements in relation to figure-ground segregation, i.e., a meaningful object (the figure) as perceived against a complex background (the ground). At the lowest level – line and edge elements – Wertheimer (1923) himself formulated grouping principles on the basis of proximity, good continuation, convexity, symmetry and, often forgotten, past experience of the observer. Rubin (1921) formulated rules for figure-ground segregation using surroundedness, size and orientation, but also convexity and symmetry. Almost a century of research into Gestalt later, Pinna and Reeves (2006) introduced the notion of figurality, meant to represent the integrated set of properties of visual objects, from the principles of grouping and figure-ground to the colour and volume of objects with shading. Pinna, in 2010, went one important step further and studied perceptual meaning, i.e., the interpretation of complex figures on the basis of past experience of the observer. Re-establishing a link to Wertheimer’s rule about past experience, he formulated five propositions, three definitions and seven properties on the basis of observations made on graphically manipulated patterns. For example, he introduced the illusion of meaning by comics-like elements suggesting wind, therefore inducing a learned interpretation. His last figure shows a regular array of squares but with irregular positions on the right side. This pile of (ir)regular squares can be interpreted as the result of an earthquake which destroyed part of an apartment block. This is much more intuitive, direct and economic than describing the complexity of the array of squares.


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Attention is usually modelled by sequential fixation of peaks in saliency maps. Those maps code local conspicuity: complexity, colour and texture. Such features have no relation to entire objects, unless also disparity and optical flow are considered, which often segregate entire objects from their background. Recently we developed a model of local gist vision: which types of objects are about where in a scene. This model addresses man-made objects which are dominated by a small shape repertoire: squares, rectangles, trapeziums, triangles, circles and ellipses. Only exploiting local colour contrast, the model can detect these shapes by a small hierarchy of cell layers devoted to low- and mid-level geometry. The model has been tested successfully on video sequences containing traffic signs and other scenes, and partial occlusions were not problematic.


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In this paper a parallel implementation of an Adaprtive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm is presented. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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In this paper a parallel implementation of an Adaprtive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm is presented. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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In this paper a parallel implementation of an Adaprtive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm is presented. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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The Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control (AGPC) algorithm can be speeded up using parallel processing. Since the AGPC algorithm needs to be fed with the knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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The Adaptive Generalized Predictive Control (GPC) algorithm can be speeded up using parallel processing. Since the GPC algorithm needs to be fed with knowledge of the plant transfer function, the parallelization of a standard Recursive Least Squares (RLS) estimator and a GPC predictor is discussed here.


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In this paper the parallelization of a new learning algorithm for multilayer perceptrons, specifically targeted for nonlinear function approximation purposes, is discussed. Each major step of the algorithm is parallelized, a special emphasis being put in the most computationally intensive task, a least-squares solution of linear systems of equations.


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Dissertação de mest., Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2013


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Auch für das Teilnehmeranschlußnetz werden neben dem heute üblichen „Sternnetz" neuerdings „Ring-" und „Verzweigungsnetze" genannt, und es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob damit geringere Kosten zu erwarten sind. Mit Begriffen der Graphentheorie werden hier z.B. die Strukturen Stern, Ring, Baum definiert. Ein gedachtes Ortsnetz wird dann in quadratische Bereiche mit der Seitenlänge l und mit M Teilnehmern aufgeteilt. Für verschiedene Strukturen des Leiternetzes in der Teilnehmerebene werden die Mindestlängen der Leiter und der Kabelkanäle berechnet. Unter anderem zeigt sich, daß unabhängig von der Struktur des Leiternetzes die Kabelkanäle, ein dominierender Kostenanteil in der Teilnehmerebene, praktisch gleich lang sind, nämlich l/M^0,5 je Teilnehmer.


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Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Forty years after the Carnation Revolution, the relatively young Portuguese democracy is experiencing dramatically low levels of public specific support for democracy. This article tests the leverage of demand-side and supply-side accounts to explain differentials in public satisfaction with democracy. Through ordinary least squares regression analyses that draw on the unique data of the ‘Barometer 40 Years of Democracy in Portugal (2014)’, this articles shows that age cohort, identification with extreme parties, evaluation of the country’s political past, and economic performance are strong correlates of citizens’ specific support for democracy


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Os anexos não se encontram disponíveis em formato digital, apenas poderão ser consultados na biblioteca da FBAUL : COTA TES 881


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Freshness and safety of muscle foods are generally considered as the most important parameters for the food industry. To address the rapid determination of meat spoilage, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy technique, with the help of advanced learning-based methods, was attempted in this work. FTIR spectra were obtained from the surface of beef samples during aerobic storage at various temperatures, while a microbiological analysis had identified the population of Total viable counts. A fuzzy principal component algorithm has been also developed to reduce the dimensionality of the spectral data. The results confirmed the superiority of the adopted scheme compared to the partial least squares technique, currently used in food microbiology.