999 resultados para Planejamento urbano - Palmas (TO)


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La duración de la cinta de vídeo es de siete minutos


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As transformações na dinâmica demográfica ocorrida nas últimas décadas nos espaços urbanos passam, em grande medida, pela reconfiguração territorial, econômica e social das áreas metropolitanas, na qual os movimentos das pessoas exercem influência fundamental. Para este trabalho, propomos uma abordagem sobre o movimento migratório intra-metropolitano em 14 áreas metropolitanas brasileiras, quais sejam: Belém, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Campinas, Curitiba, Florianópolis, Fortaleza, Goiânia, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo e Vitória; questionamos se este fenômeno estaria alterando a histórica “pressão pelas áreas centrais metropolitanas” ou se essa população está mudando de residência, mas continua trabalhando no núcleo. Pensando sobre os movimentos da população ocupada nas regiões metropolitanas, buscamos ainda considerar os tipos de movimentos realizados (núcleo-periferia; periferia-núcleo e periferia-periferia) com uma caracterização desta população. Portanto, nossa reflexão está relacionada às diferentes lógicas que operam sobre o lugar de moradia das pessoas e os lugares de outros fazeres que determinam a vida urbana, especialmente o lugar de trabalho. A localização dos postos de trabalho em áreas mais “centrais” e a quantidade considerável de pessoas que se deslocam para estes municípios também são fenômenos expressivos ainda. Será que os movimentos cotidianos podem se apresentar como uma alternativa para a residência em outras áreas da metrópole e o trabalho nas áreas centrais? Nossa proposta é a de que esses processos precisam ser analisados cada vez mais em conjunto com a migração intra-metropolitana.


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Este artículo ofrece un estado del arte de los principales trabajos realizados desde la geografía en torno a la diversidad de experiencias vividas en la ciudad por parte de las mujeres y otros colectivos tradicionalmente olvidados en la planifi cación urbanística por razón de su sexualidad (gays y lesbianas) o su edad (niños).


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In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.


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The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.


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The study of the growth of large cities, in the urban periphery or the peri-urban areas specifically, it relates to environmental degradation due to urbanization, if it is estimated that since 2008 more than half of the world population living in urban areas, this sector is affected as it presents overcrowding, segregation and deterioration of physical conditions, which will impact on the social aspects within localities. This great urban growth has usually developed with the lack of environmental planning.So it is necessary to include urban development, guidelines towards environmental conservation and rehabilitation of the territory. The future of cities will depend largely on the actions taken now. As urban development inevitably requires planning urban settlements through sustainable development so as to provide alternative technologies, based on the reality of Latin American countries.In the peripheral area of the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara, is taken as a case study of the town of La Venta del Astillero, which by its nature allows access and functionality to develop a set of criteria and indicators to urban sustainability, which can take as a model for other communities in the urban periphery.


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Urban tree management in the city of Bogotá has become particularly important because it has been greatly affected by the District urban renovation and also because it is a high risk source due to the worrying physical and sanitary conditions of most of them, which result in many and frequent accidents for falling of branches or the whole structure. Since 1998, Bogotá established an institutional, legal, and technical order for the proper management of the urban woodland coverage and for ensuring thereby its survival in appropriate conditions that allow them to coexist with the urban infrastructure. This document presents the details that enabled such organization, reviews the statistics resulting from addressing the silvicultural topic in the city, and establishes a new starting point for its management based on the tree inventory as a planning tool.


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In the Venezuela cities, and particularly in Maracaibo, the dynamics has caused the deterioration, transformation, or desappearence of architectural works of cultural interest. In order to rescue the urban and architectural image that has characterized the city of Maracaibo in the last 50 years, a case-study approach was used in the analysis of the main artery called Avenida las Delicias.


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The aim of this work is to recover Henri Lefèbvre's methodological contributions for (re)thinking the right to the city, based on the need to know the appropriation of space´s dialectical triad. Empirically, it refers to the urban genesis of Mar del Plata (Argentina), an intermediate Latin American city, and its heterogeneous socio-territorial forms of appropriating inhabitance, or different forms of appropriating goods of use, that lead to think about opening to the transformation of the capitalist social order, and of its urban order, naturalized after the fetischism of private property.


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La participación en plusvalías (PPV) es el instrumento de política de una reforma de gran transcendencia en Colombia: la recuperación de las rentas del suelo y su movilización social. Durante la fase de implementación de la PPV se han venido estableciendo esquemas operativos fragmentados que propician una visión procedimental y atomizada del tributo, la cual promueve lógicas institucionales que potencialmente retardan su evolución plena como instrumento de política de suelo. El análisis de la trayectoria de varias décadas de las ciudades colombianas con la contribución por valorización (CV) sugiere que la continuidad y evolución de este instrumento y sus instituciones se derivan en gran parte del manejo “ingenioso” de esta política frente a su entorno de implementación. Por tratarse de un instrumento de recuperación parcial de plusvalías, constituye un precedente para la PPV a partir del cual es posible derivar valiosas lecciones. Este artículo presenta para discusión los factores de viabilidad y sostenibilidad identificados a través del análisis de la experiencia de implementación y del proceso general de consolidación de la CV; así como reflexiones que de allí surgieron sobre la dirección que en el mismo contexto debería dársele a la implementación de la PPV, de manera que se propicien condiciones de entorno favorables a la evolución institucional y sostenibilidad de la reforma.-----Participation in Land Value Increments (participación en plusvalías-PPV) is an essential policy instrument of the urban Reform in Colombia designed to capture and socially mobilize land rents originated by public decisions and investments. The analysis of its recent implementation process in Bogota provides evidence that current institutional arrangements are creating a general tendency amongst the institutions involved towards isolated procedural management, which potentially hinders the integrated vision required to manage the instrument at the policy level. Special Assessment (contribución por valorización-CV), an earlier form of partial value capture, has a long history in Colombia as an effective financialinstrument for urban management. Analysis of the factors that have contributed to successfully consolidate CV show that its technical evolution, continuity and political legitimacy have been strongly supported by integrated institutions and strategic management. Through comparative analysis, the experience with CV is used to draw some useful parallels and insights for a discussion about how PPV´s implementation process should be redirected towards strategic policy thinking and “smart value capture”.


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Los instrumentos de la reforma urbana se han concebido para disciplinar el funcionamiento de los mercados inmobiliarios. Este artículo trata sobre uno de estos instrumentos, el reajuste de tierras. En la primera parte se esbozan, de manera sucinta, algunos rasgos de las formaciones sociales y territoriales del Japón y de Colombia con relación a la propiedad y el uso del suelo urbano. En la segunda presentamos tres experiencias en el empleo del reajuste tierras, comenzando por la restauración posguerra de Nagoya por ser, según nuestro parecer, la más emblemática y original de las múltiples que se pueden encontrar en el Japón. Las otras dos corresponden al proceso de reconstrucción posterremoto de la ciudad de Armenia en Colombia: una de ellas fracasada y otra exitosa.-----The instruments of the Urban Reform have been conceived to discipline the operation of the real estate markets. This work deals with on one these instruments, the Land Readjustment. In the first part they are outlined, of way succinct, some social and territorial characteristics of the formation of Japan and Colombia in relation to the property and the use of the urban land. In second we displayed three experiences in the use of the readjustment land, beginning by the one of the restoration postwar period of Nagoya to be, according to ours to seem, most emblematic and original of the manifold that can be found in Japan. The other two correspond to the reconstruction process post-earthquake of the city of Armenia in Colombia: one of them failed and another successful one.


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Se presenta una consideración conceptual y teórica sobre la ciudad-región y sus especificidades en el caso particular del Eje cafetero colombiano; se reflexiona sobre los procesos de metropolización en general y se llama la atención hacia los procesos metropolitanos de Pereira, Manizales y Armenia; se describe y se analiza la red de ciudades en el contexto de la ecorregión Eje Cafetero; se aportan consideraciones desde lo urbano-regional sobre el proyecto de ley orgánica de ordenamiento territorial; se sintetizan los principales progresos, limitaciones y retos en la construcción de esta ciudad-región y, por último, se ofrecen unas recomendaciones para fortalecer su proceso de construcción colectiva.-----A conceptual and theoretical consideration about the city region and its specifications are presented for the particular case of the Colombian Coffee Region; general metropolitan processes are carefully thought, and the attention is drawn over Pereira, Manizales and Armenia metropolitan dynamics; the city net is analyzed within coffee Eco-region context, considerations about territorial organization law project are given from the urban-regional point of view; main progresses, limitations and challenges from this City Region are summarized, and finally some recommendations are given in order to strengthen its collective construction process.


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La década de los noventa marcó el inicio de la modernización del transporte urbano en las principales ciudades de Venezuela, entre ellas en la ciudad de Maracaibo, segunda ciudad en importancia en el país, proceso que tuvo lugar formalmente desde la Alcaldía de Maracaibo, pero en el cual participaron numerosos actores nacionales e internacionales que dan cuenta de un proceso que se inserta en un modelo de transporte urbano de origen foráneo, vinculado a la necesidad de poner esta actividad a tono con los requerimientos de una economía de mercado. El propósito de este trabajo es identificar la política que en definitiva se formó, los distintos actores involucrados y el rol de cada uno. Se parte de la hipótesis que es escasa la participación local en este proceso, el cual se origina en los organismos multilaterales. Los resultados revelan: 1) Los principales actores involucrados en la formación de la política fueron: Banco Mundial, Consorcio Systra-Sofrrtu, Instituto Municipal de Transporte Colectivo Urbano de la ciudad de Maracaibo (IMTCUMA), Fondo Nacional de Transporte Urbano (FONTUR), Ministerio de Infraestructura (MINFRA), antiguo Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones (MTC), La Universidad del Zulia, Comisión Presidencial del transporte para la ciudad de Maracaibo, Consejo Venezolano de transporte, Alcaldía de Maracaibo y Metro de Maracaibo; 2) La participación de estos organismos fue muy variada, correspondiéndole el rol de orientador al Banco Mundial y el resto en distintos niveles y en el rol de asesores y ejecutores; 3) La política estuvo dirigida a: reducir los tiempos de viaje de los trabajadores; incorporar empresas privadas en el sector transporte y dar prioridad en la prestación del servicio en los sectores comerciales e industriales. Se concluye que la política de transporte de la ciudad de Maracaibo ha tenido lugar con la participación de los organismos multilaterales y la escasa participación del gobierno local y los usuarios.-----The 1990s marked the start of the urban transport modernization in the main cities of Venezuela, including Maracaibo, the second city. It was formally managed from the Mayor’s Office of Maracaibo, but involved a number of national and international actors in a process that became embedded into an urban transport model of foreign origin, linked to the need of aligning this activity with the market economy requirements. The purpose of this paper is to identify the policy that resulted in the end, the different actors involved, and the role played by each of them. The basis assumption is the scarce local participation in this process, which arose from multilateral organizations. The results reveal that: 1) The main actors involved in the policy structuring were: World Bank, Systra-Sofrrtu Consortium, Maracaibo Urban Mass Transport Institute (Instituto Municipal de Transporte Colectivo Urbano de la ciudad de Maracaibo –IMTCUMA–), National Urban Transport Fund (Fondo Nacional de Transporte Urbano –FONTUR–), Ministry of Infrastructure (MINFRA), former Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), La Universidad del Zulia, President’s Transport Commission for the city of Maracaibo, Venezuelan Transport Board, Mayor’s Office of Maracaibo, and Metro of Maracaibo; 2) The participation of these organizations was very varying, the World Bank playing the directing role, and the others in different levels as advisors and implementers; 3) The policy was addressed to: reducing workers commuting times; incorporating private companies into the transport sector; and giving priority to the service provision in commercial and industrial sectors. The conclusion is that the transport policy in the city of Maracaibo occurred with the participation of multilateral organizations and very little participation of the local government and users.


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El propósito de este ensayo es promover reflexiones sobre el paisaje urbano que vayan más allá del concepto de paisaje natural y de la noción de paisaje como objeto de representación pictórica. Gracias a una excursión inicial por la estética de la impureza propuesta por Mathieu Kessler, se describen los modos de ser del viajero y del turista: dos de los posibles enfoques perceptivos del paisaje que implican, cada uno a su manera, una particular disposición para la felicidad en el espacio geográfico. Semejante descripción ético-estética se amplia para recorrer, en sus complicidades, tensiones y paradojas, el modo de ser “citadino” o “ciudadano” de quien transita la ciudad contemporánea. Se defiende así la idea de que el exceso de ciudad que constituye ontológicamente la urbe contemporánea es en parte compensado —felicidad en la infelicidad— con la disposición ético-estética del transeúnte urbano.-----The aim of this essay is to promote thought on urban landscapes that go further than the concept of natural landscapes and than the notion of a landscape as an object of pictorial representation. Thanks to an initial digression of the esthetics of impurity proposed by Mathieu Kessler, the traveler’s and tourist’s way of being are described: two of the possible landscape’s perceptive focuses that imply, each in their own way, a particular disposition towards joy in the geographical area. Such ethical-esthetic description is widened to cover, the “urban city dweller” or the “citizen’s” ways of being and transiting the contemporary city within its complicities, pressures and paradoxes; thus defending the idea that the excess city which ontologically constitutes the contemporary metropolis is in part compensated –happiness in unhappiness– with the ethical-esthetic disposition of the temporary urban resident.


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Este trabajo de investigación busca analizar la importancia de la participación ciudadana en los procesos de transformación física de la ciudad. El trabajo parte de la revisión del proceso llamado Urbanismo Social, un modelo de gestión específico de la administración, que enmarcó el desarrollo de los Proyectos Urbanos Integrales PUI en Medellín, Colombia, entre 2004 y 2007. Se analiza la Metodología participativa dentro del Proyecto Urbano Integral Nororiental, la cual promovió el uso de diferentes mecanismos que facilitaron la participación ciudadana. Se identifican factores de éxito y factores críticos dentro de la Metodología, con el propósito de contribuir a la discusión y construcción de estrategias de participación más efectivas y eficientes para los proyectos de ciudad.