940 resultados para PISA-Leseergebnisse


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The purpose of this work is twofold: first, to develop a process to automatically create parametric models of the aorta that can adapt to any possible intraoperative deformation of the vessel. Second, it intends to provide the tools needed to perform this deformation in real time, by means of a non-rigid registration method. This dynamically deformable model will later be used in a VR-based surgery guidance system for aortic catheterism procedures, showing the vessel changes in real time.


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This paper describes a case study in WCET analysis of an on-board spacecraft software system. The attitude control system of UPMSat-2, an experimental micro-satellite which is scheduled to be launched in 2013, is used for an experiment on analysing the worst-case execution time of code automatically generated from a Simulink model. In order to properly test the code, a hardware-in-the-loop configuration with a simulation model of the spacecraft environment has been used as a test bench. The code has been analysed with RapiTime, with some modifications to the original instrumentation routines, in order to take into account the particularities of the test configuration. Results from the experiment are described and commented in the paper.


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Enhanced learning environments are arising with great success within the field of cognitive skills training in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) because they provides multiple benefits since they avoid time, spatial and cost constraints. TELMA [1,2] is a new technology enhanced learning platform that promotes collaborative and ubiquitous training of surgeons. This platform is based on four main modules: an authoring tool, a learning content and knowledge management system, an evaluation module and a professional network. TELMA has been designed and developed focused on the user; therefore it is necessary to carry out a user validation as final stage of the development. For this purpose, e-MIS validity [3] has been defined. This validation includes usability, contents and functionality validities both for the development and production stages of any e-Learning web platform. Using e-MIS validity, the e-Learning is fully validated since it includes subjective and objective metrics. The purpose of this study is to specify and apply a set of objective and subjective metrics using e-MIS validity to test usability, contents and functionality of TELMA environment within the development stage.


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We propose the use of the "infotaxis" search strategy as the navigation system of a robotic platform, able to search and localize infectious foci by detecting the changes in the profile of volatile organic compounds emitted by and infected plant. We builded a simple and cost effective robot platform that substitutes odour sensors in favour of light sensors and study their robustness and performance under non ideal conditions such as the exitence of obstacles due to land topology or weeds.


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The road to the automation of the agricultural processes passes through the safe operation of the autonomous vehicles. This requirement is a fact in ground mobile units, but it still has not well defined for the aerial robots (UAVs) mainly because the normative and legislation are quite diffuse or even inexistent. Therefore, to define a common and global policy is the challenge to tackle. This characterization has to be addressed from the field experience. Accordingly, this paper presents the work done in this direction, based on the analysis of the most common sources of hazards when using UAV's for agricultural tasks. The work, based on the ISO 31000 normative, has been carried out by applying a three-step structure that integrates the identification, assessment and reduction procedures. The present paper exposes how this method has been applied to analyze previous accidents and malfunctions during UAV operations in order to obtain real failure causes. It has allowed highlighting common risks and hazardous sources and proposing specific guards and safety measures for the agricultural context.


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In Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) of a structure, the data acquisition process may be repeated many times. In these cases, the analyst has several similar records for the modal analysis of the structure that have been obtained at di�erent time instants (multiple records). The solution obtained varies from one record to another, sometimes considerably. The differences are due to several reasons: statistical errors of estimation, changes in the external forces (unmeasured forces) that modify the output spectra, appearance of spurious modes, etc. Combining the results of the di�erent individual analysis is not straightforward. To solve the problem, we propose to make the joint estimation of the parameters using all the records. This can be done in a very simple way using state space models and computing the estimates by maximum-likelihood. The method provides a single result for the modal parameters that combines optimally all the records.


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A PET imaging system demonstrator based on LYSO crystal arrays coupled to SiPM matrices is under construction at the University and INFN of Pisa. Two SiPM matrices, composed of 8×8 SiPM pixels, and 1,5 mm pitch, have been coupled one to one to a LYSO crystals array and read out by a custom electronics system. front-end ASICs were used to read 8 channels of each matrix. Data from each front-end were multiplexed and sent to a DAQ board for the digital conversion; a motherboard collects the data and communicates with a host computer through a USB port for the storage and off-line data processing. In this paper we show the first preliminary tomographic image of a point-like radioactive source acquired with part of the two detection heads in time coincidence.


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In this paper we describe the specification of amodel for the semantically interoperable representation of language resources for sentiment analysis. The model integrates "lemon", an RDF-based model for the specification of ontology-lexica (Buitelaar et al. 2009), which is used increasinglyfor the representation of language resources asLinked Data, with Marl, an RDF-based model for the representation of sentiment annotations (West-erski et al., 2011; Sánchez-Rada et al., 2013)


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An AH (affine hypersurface) structure is a pair comprising a projective equivalence class of torsion-free connections and a conformal structure satisfying a compatibility condition which is automatic in two dimensions. They generalize Weyl structures, and a pair of AH structures is induced on a co-oriented non-degenerate immersed hypersurface in flat affine space. The author has defined for AH structures Einstein equations, which specialize on the one hand to the usual Einstein Weyl equations and, on the other hand, to the equations for affine hyperspheres. Here these equations are solved for Riemannian signature AH structures on compact orientable surfaces, the deformation spaces of solutions are described, and some aspects of the geometry of these structures are related. Every such structure is either Einstein Weyl (in the sense defined for surfaces by Calderbank) or is determined by a pair comprising a conformal structure and a cubic holomorphic differential, and so by a convex flat real projective structure. In the latter case it can be identified with a solution of the Abelian vortex equations on an appropriate power of the canonical bundle. On the cone over a surface of genus at least two carrying an Einstein AH structure there are Monge-Amp`ere metrics of Lorentzian and Riemannian signature and a Riemannian Einstein K"ahler affine metric. A mean curvature zero spacelike immersed Lagrangian submanifold of a para-K"ahler four-manifold with constant para-holomorphic sectional curvature inherits an Einstein AH structure, and this is used to deduce some restrictions on such immersions.


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In this paper we study non-negative radially symmetric solutions of a parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system. The system describes the chemotactic movement of cells under the additional circumstance that an external application of a chemo attractant at a distinguished point is introduced.


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Road accidents are a very relevant issue in many countries and macroeconomic models are very frequently applied by academia and administrations to reduce their frequency and consequences. The selection of explanatory variables and response transformation parameter within the Bayesian framework for the selection of the set of explanatory variables a TIM and 3IM (two input and three input models) procedures are proposed. The procedure also uses the DIC and pseudo -R2 goodness of fit criteria. The model to which the methodology is applied is a dynamic regression model with Box-Cox transformation (BCT) for the explanatory variables and autorgressive (AR) structure for the response. The initial set of 22 explanatory variables are identified. The effects of these factors on the fatal accident frequency in Spain, during 2000-2012, are estimated. The dependent variable is constructed considering the stochastic trend component.


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En el presente Trabajo Fin de Grado se realiza un estudio y análisis geomático de la calidad de la educación secundaria mediante procedimientos de Cartografía y SIG, con datos espaciales y temáticos de fuentes oficiales que garantizan la precisión y certeza necesaria para la obtención de unas conclusiones objetivas y de calidad. Dicha calidad de la educación secundaria será estudiada bajo el marco de referencia de los estudios dek informe PISA (por sus siglas en inglés: Programme for International Student Assessment), apoyado por el sistema de indicadores de la educación de la OECD (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos) y el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y deporte, datos relevantes referidos a la educación de otras fuentes y datos socio-económicos que se encuentran en relación directa e indirecta con el foco del proyecto desarrollado. Todos ello será apoyado con la opinión y los estudios de los expertos, focalizando en Xavier Melgarejo y José Antonio Marina, que serán la piedra angular que sostenga el discurso de este Trabajo Fin de Grado. Al ser un proyecto de investigación, el análisis y estudio se realizará enfocando el proceso de discusión en cuatro preguntas: ¿Por qué?, ¿Para qué?, ¿Qué? Y ¿Cómo? Con la resolución de estas preguntas se formará el discurso objetivo, convincente y útil. El marco temporal se extiende entre el año de la primera participación en PISA de cada país y 2014, serie temporal de la que se tienen datos de las diversas fuentes de datos oficiales nacionales e internacionales en un marco geográfico compuesto por los distintos países miembros de las distintas agrupaciones y diversas divisiones administrativas de la que se han recopilado datos. Una vez recopilado los datos se llevará a cabo una normalización e integración de base de datos y cartografía para el análisis SIG y estudio de correlación entre las distintas variables que forman parte del proyecto. El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado permitirá, entre otros, descubrir las debilidades del sistema educativo español, observar las fortalezas de los demás países a estudio en el proyecto y su análisis para una posible implantación de las mismas en el ámbito local.


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In this paper, the authors introduce a novel mechanism for data management in a middleware for smart home control, where a relational database and semantic ontology storage are used at the same time in a Data Warehouse. An annotation system has been designed for instructing the storage format and location, registering new ontology concepts and most importantly, guaranteeing the Data Consistency between the two storage methods. For easing the data persistence process, the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern is applied and optimized to enhance the Data Consistency assurance. Finally, this novel mechanism provides an easy manner for the development of applications and their integration with BATMP. Finally, an application named "Parameter Monitoring Service" is given as an example for assessing the feasibility of the system.


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The capping of epitaxially grown Quantum Dots (QD) is a key process in the fabrication of devices based on these nanostructures because capping can significantly affect the QDs morphology [3]. We have studied the QD morphology after capping in order to better understand the role of the capping process. We have grown real structures and compared the QD morphology obtained by cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (X-STM) with the morphology of QDs that were virtually grown in simulations based on a Kinetic Monte Carlo model (KMC) [1].


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Tendo em vista a atual crise das licenciaturas, especialmente em termos da pouca atratividade que a formação para a docência vem apresentando em nosso contexto educacional e, considerando, ainda, as críticas sobre a fragilidade da formação inicial de professores ocorrer na modalidade a distância (no caso, o curso de Pedagogia), o PIBID - Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência surge como uma política de incentivo e valorização do magistério com o propósito de contribuir para uma formação mais sólida e articulada em termos da relação teoria-prática, especialmente pela proximidade que favorece aos alunos bolsistas, com o cotidiano escolar – este é o foco desta investigação que teve por objetivos: refletir sobre o histórico da formação docente em interface com a desvalorização do magistério que, consequentemente, levou à crise das licenciaturas e, a partir disso, analisar a proposição do PIBID como uma política pública para o enfrentamento desta crise; analisar as representações de bolsistas do PIBID, de um curso de Pedagogia a distância, sobre a experiência que estão tendo, e se ela contribui, no caso dos licenciandos, para o fortalecimento da escolha pela carreira docente; verificar as contribuições do programa para a formação dos licenciandos, dos supervisores (professores das escolas públicas parceiras) e do coordenador de área e se este oportuniza uma complementação na preparação para o exercício da docência. A pesquisa realizou uma revisão da literatura sobre a crise das licenciaturas e o contexto do aparecimento do PIBID, bem como sobre a formação de professores ocorrer na modalidade a distância, tendo como referencial teórico autores como Libâneo (1998), Gatti e Barreto (2009), Bahia e Duran (2011), Scheibe (2006), Sommer (2010), FCC (2009), Tardif (2005). Realizou, também, uma pesquisa de campo que teve como sujeitos sete bolsistas do PIBID de um curso de Pedagogia a distância (de uma instituição de ensino superior, particular, de São Paulo), sendo: quatro licenciandas, duas supervisoras e uma coordenadora de área do subprojeto. Foram aplicados dois instrumentos para a coleta de dados: um questionário para o delineamento do perfil dos sujeitos e a realização de entrevistas de aprofundamento. As reflexões realizadas a partir da revisão da literatura e das análises dos dados coletados junto aos sujeitos indicam que: em relação à proposição da formação inicial de professores a distância, esta denota maiores críticas, diferentemente da formação continuada de professores a distância, que apresenta uma maior aceitabilidade; em relação ao PIBID, os estudos vêm apontando a positividade das diversas experiências que vêm se desenvolvendo no território nacional e que denotam um trabalho articulado entre teoria e prática, bem como no resgate da identidade docente, com uma ênfase na valorização, inserção e permanência dos licenciandos nos seus cursos; as representações dos sujeitos investigados sobre a experiência que estão tendo com o PIBID apontam para: o reconhecimento de que o Programa garante, efetivamente, a reflexão e vivência entre a teoria e prática; a contribuição para a aquisição de maior segurança na relação com os alunos das escolas parceiras e também no desenvolvimento das atividades práticas; a certeza e/ou convicção de que realmente querem ser professoras