909 resultados para Neo-Feudalistic Reactions
Cochin University of Science & Technology
Standard redox potentials E^0(M^z+x/M^z+) in acidic solutions for group 5 elements including element 105 (Ha) and the actinide, Pa, have been estimated on the basis of the ionization potentials calculated via the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method. Stability of the pentavalent state was shown to increase along the group from V to Ha, while that of the tetra- and trivalent states decreases in this direction. Our estimates have shown no extra stability of the trivalent state of hahnium. Element 105 should form mixed-valence complexes by analogy with Nb due to the similar values of their potentials E^0(M^3+/M^2+). The stability of the maximumoxidation state of the elements decreases in the direction 103 > 104 > 105.
Femtosecond time-resolved techniques with KETOF (kinetic energy time-of-flight) detection in a molecular beam are developed for studies of the vectorial dynamics of transition states. Application to the dissociation reaction of IHgI is presented. For this system, the complex [I---Hg---I](++)* is unstable and, through the symmetric and asymmetric stretch motions, yields different product fragments: [I---Hg---I](++)* -> HgI(X^2/sigma^+) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I*(^2P_l/2)] (1a); [I---Hg---I](++)* -> Hg(^1S_0) + I(^2P_3/2) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I* (^2P_1/2)] (1 b). These two channels, (1a) and (1b), lead to different kinetic energy distributions in the products. It is shown that the motion of the wave packet in the transition-state region can be observed by MPI mass detection; the transient time ranges from 120 to 300 fs depending on the available energy. With polarized pulses, the vectorial properties (transition moments alignment relative to recoil direction) are studied for fragment separations on the femtosecond time scale. The results indicate the nature of the structure (symmetry properties) and the correlation to final products. For 311-nm excitation, no evidence of crossing between the I and I* potentials is found at the internuclear separations studied. (Results for 287-nm excitation are also presented.) Molecular dynamics simulations and studies by laser-induced fluorescence support these findings.
Real-time studies of the dynamics were performed on the reaction of HgI_2 in a molecular beam. Excitation was by either one or multi pump photons (311 nm), leading to two separate sets of dynamics, each of which could be investigated by a time-delayed probe laser (622 nm) that ionized the parent molecule and the fragments by REMPI processes. These dynamics were distinguished by combining the information from transients taken at each mass (HgI_2, HgI, I_2, Hg, and I) with the results of pump (and probe) power dependence studies on each mass. A method of plotting the slope of the intensity dependence against the pump-probe time delay proved essential. In the preceding publication, we detailed the dynamics of the reaction initiated by a one photon excitation to the A-continuum. Here, we present studies of higher-energy states. Multiphoton excitation accesses predissociative states of HgI_2, for which there are crossings into the symmetric and asymmetric stretch coordinates. The dynamics of these channels, which lead to atomic (I or Hg) and diatomic (HgI) fragments, are discussed and related to the nature of the intermediates along the reaction pathway.
Femtosecond reaction dynamics of OClO in a supersonic molecular beam are reported. The system is excited to the A^2A_2 state with a femtosecond pulse, covering a range of excitation in the symmetric stretch between v_1 = 17 to v_1 = 11 (308-352 nm). A time-delayed femtosecond probe pulse ionizes the OClO, and OClO^+ is detected. This ion has not been observed in previous experiments because of its ultrafast fragmentation. Transients are reported for the mass of the parent OClO as well as the mass of the ClO. Apparent biexponential decays are observed and related to the fragmentation dynamics: OClO+hv \rightarrow (OClO)^{(++)*} \rightarrow ClO+O \rightarrow Cl+O_2. Clusters of OClO with water (OClO)_n (H_2 0)_m with n from 1 to 3 and m from 0 to 3 are also observed. The dynamics of the fragmentation reveal the nuclear motions and the electronic coupling between surfaces. The time scale for bond breakage is in the range of 300-500 fs, depending on v_1; surface crossing to form new intermediates is a pathway for the two channels of fragmentation: ClO+O (primary) and Cl+O_2 (minor). Comparisons with results of ab initio calculations are made.
This book explains why it was possible for the Worker’s Party (PT) in Brazil and the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa to pursue a developmental state trade policy, in spite of neoliberal constraints. The major theoretical lenses are three-fold. It applies state theory (macrolevel), policy network analysis (meso-level) and theories on political parties with emphasis on factional politics (micro-level). This book highlights the socio-political relevance of comparatively progressive policy frameworks and expands the debate on how to re-gain national policy space for progressive reform policies even under neoliberal constraints.
Gu??a did??ctica realizada con motivo de la exposici??n del mismo nombre cuyo objetivo es crear conciencia de la inmensa tarea que nos ata??e a todos los ciudadanos, potenciar el respeto por la naturaleza, su desarrollo y conservaci??n y llegar a un compromiso de toda la sociedad para proteger nuestro bosque como patrimonio natural, el m??s rico de Europa. Concebido en cuatro bloques, el primero 'Bosque Mediterr??neo' aborda un conjunto de aspectos sobre su funcionamiento como ecosistema y sobre las caracter??sticas b??sicas que lo definen: estructura, relaciones con el medio, intercambios, etc. 'El Bosque amigo' resalta los aspectos esenciales en la relaci??n bosque-seres humanos y los usos que hemos obtenido de ??l. 'El Bosque en Peligro' es una peque??a muestra de las consecuencias del desarrollo desequilibrado, de la insostenibilidad de nuestro progreso. El ??ltimo ??mbito, 'La Conservaci??n del Bosque', supone la reacci??n contra el progresivo deterioro.
In this work we have made significant contributions in three different areas of interest: therapeutic protein stabilization, thermodynamics of natural gas clathrate-hydrates, and zeolite catalysis. In all three fields, using our various computational techniques, we have been able to elucidate phenomena that are difficult or impossible to explain experimentally. More specifically, in mixed solvent systems for proteins we developed a statistical-mechanical method to model the thermodynamic effects of additives in molecular-level detail. It was the first method demonstrated to have truly predictive (no adjustable parameters) capability for real protein systems. We also describe a novel mechanism that slows protein association reactions, called the “gap effect.” We developed a comprehensive picture of methioine oxidation by hydrogen peroxide that allows for accurate prediction of protein oxidation and provides a rationale for developing strategies to control oxidation. The method of solvent accessible area (SAA) was shown not to correlate well with oxidation rates. A new property, averaged two-shell water coordination number (2SWCN) was identified and shown to correlate well with oxidation rates. Reference parameters for the van der Waals Platteeuw model of clathrate-hydrates were found for structure I and structure II. These reference parameters are independent of the potential form (unlike the commonly used parameters) and have been validated by calculating phase behavior and structural transitions for mixed hydrate systems. These calculations are validated with experimental data for both structures and for systems that undergo transitions from one structure to another. This is the first method of calculating hydrate thermodynamics to demonstrate predictive capability for phase equilibria, structural changes, and occupancy in pure and mixed hydrate systems. We have computed a new mechanism for the methanol coupling reaction to form ethanol and water in the zeolite chabazite. The mechanism at 400°C proceeds via stable intermediates of water, methane, and protonated formaldehyde.
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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Contiene la etnología de los chibchas, etnología de las armas, la escultura en América, los tunjos de oro y sus usos.
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Resumen del v??deo en catal??n