993 resultados para profit center accounting
Aquest projecte consisteix en un petit servei web de comptabilitat desenvolupat amb Vaadin framework, MySQL i Java. Dita aplicació permet crear factures i altres documents i portar-ne unes estadístiques de les figures relacionades amb aquesta comptabilitat. El fet d'utilitzar Vaadin permet desenvolupar aquest servei web mitjançant Java. Aquesta entrega es composa d'una presentació, la memòria i el producte (servei web+BD+instruccions).
Customer profitability accounting is a well-researched topic in the academic field, and it has been proved to posses rather undisputable benefits. However, the calculation of the customer profitabilities can be challenging, therefore the usage of the accounting is not self-explanatory in organizations. The aim of this study was to create a customer profitability accounting model for a wholesales unit in the case company to function as a sales management tool. The literature review of the study presents certain fundamental issues related to customer profitability accounting, in addition a theoretical framework for accounting model design is provided. The creation of the model was commenced by setting the requirements for it and examining the foundation of the model design, which consisted of for instance price setting and cost structure of products. This was followed by selecting approaches to the creation of the model. The result of the study was an accounting model, for which a determination of included revenues and costs was executed, along with the formulation of an allocation criteria of the costs. Lastly, the customer profitabilities were calculated in accordance with the accounting principles and the calculation logic of the model. The attained figures proved the model to provide an appropriate solution for obtaining the customer profitabilities and thus to use the accounting information as a sales management tool in for instance decision making and negotiation situations.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia IAS 39 -standardin mukaista suojauslaskentaa ja rahavirran suojauksen soveltamista neljässä suomalaisessa pörssiyhtiössä kolmelta eri toimialalta. Tutkielman perusteella suojauslaskennan soveltamisessa ei havaittu suuria eroavaisuuksia eri toimialojen yhtiöiden välillä. Tutkielmassa päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että suojauslaskennan soveltamiseen vaikuttaa enemminkin yhtiön liikevaihdon suuruus ja liiketoiminnan laajuus kuin esimerkiksi toimialan luonne. Suojauslaskennan mahdollistama tuloksen volatiliteetin tasaaminen on ensisijainen ja suurin hyöty. Tuloksiin kohdistunut huomio on nykypäivänä kasvanut, ja myös sen vuoksi tuloksen muutosten eliminointi ja suojauslaskenta on yhtiöiden mukaan tärkeää. Soveltamista harkittaessa prosessia tarkastellaan monesta eri näkökulmasta. Nykyisellä taloustilanteella on ollut vaikutuksia yhtiöiden liiketoimintaan ja suojauksiin, mutta suojauslaskentaan vain välillisesti.
The analysis of efficiency and productivity in banking has received a great deal of attention for almost three decades now. However, most of the literature to date has not explicitly accounted for risk when measuring efficiency. We propose an analysis of profit efficiency taking into account how the inclusion of a variety of bank risk measures might bias efficiency scores. Our measures of risk are partly inspired by the literature on earnings management and earnings quality, keeping in mind that loan loss provisions, as a generally accepted proxy for risk, can be adjusted to manage earnings and regulatory capital. We also consider some variants of traditional models of profit efficiency where different regimes are stipulated so that financial institutions can be evaluated in different dimensions—i.e., prices, quantities, or prices and quantities simultaneously. We perform this analysis on the Spanish banking industry, whose institutions have been deeply affected by the current international financial crisis, and where re-regulation is taking place. Our results can be explored in multiple dimensions but, in general, they indicate that the impact of earnings management on profit efficiency is of less magnitude than what might a priori be expected, and that on the whole, savings banks have performed less well than commercial banks. However, savings banks are adapting to the new regulatory scenario and rapidly catching up with commercial banks, especially in some dimensions of performance.
CeO2 and mixed CeO2-ZrO2 nanopowders were synthesized and efficiently deposited onto cordierite substrates, with the evaluation of their morphologic and structural properties through XRD, SEM, and FTIR. The modified substrates were employed as outer heterogeneous catalysts for reducing the soot originated from the diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends incomplete combustion. Their activity was evaluated in a diesel stationary motor, and a comparative analysis of the soot emission was carried out through diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The analyses have shown that the catalyst-impregnated cordierite samples are very efficient for soot oxidation, being capable of reducing the soot emission in more than 60%.
Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.
This diploma thesis has been done to international organization which takes care from the accounting actions of two major companies. In this organization are used three different purchasing tools which are used when new asset master data is wanted to input to SAP R/3- system. The aim of this thesis is to find out how much changing the user interface of one of these three e-procurement programs will affect to overall efficiency in asset accounting. As an addition will be introduced project framework which can be used in future projects and which help to avoid certain steps in the development process. At the moment data needs to be inputted manually with many useless mouse clicks and data needs to be searched from many various resources which slow down the process. Other organization has better tools at the moment than the myOrders system which is under investigation Research was started by exploring the main improvement areas. After this possible defects were traced. Suggested improvements were thought by exploring literature which has been written from usability design and research. Meanwhile also directional calculations from the benefits of the project were done alongside with the analysis of the possible risks and threats. After this NSN IT approved the changes which they thought was acceptable. The next step was to program them into tool and test them before releasing to production environment. The calculations were made also from implemented improvements and compared them to planned ones From whole project was made a framework which can be utilized also to other similar projects. The complete calculation was not possible because of time schedule of the project. Important observation in the project was that efficiency is not improved not only by changing the GUI but also improving processes without any programming. Feedback from end user should be also listened more in development process. End-user is after all the one who knows the best how the program should look like.
Suomessa verotuksen tarkoituksena ei ole vaikuttaa yritysmuodon valintaan. Yritystä perustettaessa kiinnitetään kuitenkin usein erityistä huomiota verotukseen. Yrityksen ja omistajayrittäjän verotukseen vaikuttavat monet eri tekijät. Yleispäteviä saantoja yritysmuodon vaikutuksesta verotuksen edullisuuteen on mahdoton antaa ja siksi harkinta täytyy tehdä aina tilannekohtaisesti. Tärkeintä verotuksen edullisuuslaskelmissa on kokonaisrasituksen mittaaminen. Tutkimuksessa on vertailtu kahden samalla toimialalla toimivan pienyrityksen yritysmuodon vaikutusta verotuksen edullisuuteen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut selvittää omistajayrittäjille jäävän nettotulon määrä. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevat yritykset ovat Lahden Betonilattiat Oy ja Tmi MR-Rakennus & Remontti, joista ensimmäinen on yritysmuodoltaan osakeyhtiö ja toinen yksityisliike. Tutkimusongelman ratkaisemiseksi tutkimuksessa on perehdytty yritysten kirjanpitoon ja tilinpaatostietoihin. Niiden avulla on laskettu yritysten nettovarallisuus, tulonmuodostus ja verot. Siten on saatu konkreettinen tulos siitä, kuinka paljon on ollut omistajayrittäjien kokonaisverorasitus ja käteen jäävän nettotulon määrä. Tutkimuksessa on oletettu tilikauden voiton otetun kokonaisuudessaan osakkaan käyttöön. Lisäksi on tutkittu miten tilanne muuttuu voiton ja nettovarallisuuden kasvaessa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella todetaan yksityisliikkeen olevan verotuksen kannalta osakeyhtiötä edullisempi vaihtoehto. Yritysten voiton ja nettovarallisuuden kasvaessa havaitaan yksityisliikkeen lähes aina olevan osakeyhtiötä edullisempi yritysmuoto. Osakeyhtiö on yksityisliikettä edullisempi vaihtoehto ainoastaan silloin, kun sen nettovarallisuus on huomattavan suuri ja paljon yksityisliikkeen nettovarallisuutta suurempi.
Reformation of electricity markets has initiated creation of ancillary services markets all over the world. The Russian electricity market reform is in transition period, that is why the problem of ancillary services market has just arisen. Since the model of market rules was created, ancillary services market became a topical question for generating companies. This master’s thesis is focused on the describing the possible ancillary services around the world and in Russia specifically. Moreover, the physical interpretation of ancillary services is defined. In addition, possibility of generation company to participate in the ancillary services market was considered. Calculations were made for primary frequency regulation service, where necessary level of price bids and payback period were evaluated.
The main purpose of this study is to examine whether accounting-based variables can be used to measure systematic risk of a company using Finnish data. When the fundamental sources of systematic risk are known, companies are able to manage these risks and increase company value. Accounting beta was formed based on OLS regression models. Theoretical background for the study was based on the findings of studies according to which business risk, financial risk, operating risk and growth risk can be theoretically regarded as determinants of the systematic risk. The results reveal that accounting variables describe systematic risk of a company. The accounting beta is found to be particularly sensitive to the changes in the risk components. The investigation is confidential until 15.10.2012.
The main objective of this research is creating a performance measurement system for accounting services of a large paper industry company. In this thesis there are compared different performance measurement system and then selected two systems, which are presented and compared more detailed. Performance Prism system is the used framework in this research. Performance Prism using success maps to determining objectives. Model‟s target areas are divided into five groups: stakeholder satisfaction, stakeholder contribution, strategy, processes and capabilities. The measurement system creation began by identifying stakeholders and defining their objectives. Based on the objectives are created success map. Measures are created based on the objectives and success map. Then is defined needed data for measures. In the final measurement system, there are total just over 40 measures. Each measure is defined specific target level and ownership. Number of measures is fairly large, but this is the first version of the measurement system, so the amount is acceptable.
The purpose of the dissertation is to investigate how different institutional settings affect accounting conservatism. These aspects are of interest because prior studies show that accounting quality is influenced not only by accounting standards, but also by incentives from the financial reporting environment. Accounting quality could be defined as the usefulness of financial reporting to investors and other parties in contractual relationships with the firm. In this thesis it is measured by a single, but important attribute, accounting conservatism. Conservatism is understood as asymmetric timeliness of loss and gain recognition. The study examines the role and the users of financial statements, and how changes in both respectively affect accounting conservatism. These two questions are explored in two different research environments, the Nordic countries and the transitional economies of Europe. The results of the dissertation indicate that the degree of accounting conservatism increases the closer the financial statement comes to fulfilling the informational role of financial reporting. Secondly, it is also implied that foreign investors demand conservative accounting numbers in order to mitigate the problem of information asymmetry. Overall, the findings suggest that earnings conservatism is useful and increases the quality of financial information for the purpose of decision-making and contracting. These results are of relevance to managers, investors and other users of financial reporting information, as well as to standard setters.
Medium-resolution satellite images have been widely used for the identification and quantification of irrigated areas by center pivot. These areas, which present predominantly circular forms, can be easily identified by visual analyses of these images. In addition to identifying and quantifying areas irrigated by center pivot, other information that is associated to these areas is fundamental for producing cadastral maps. The goal of this work was to generate cadastral mapping of areas irrigated by center pivots in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with the purpose of supplying information on irrigated agriculture. Using the satellite CBERS2B/CCD, images were used to identify and quantify irrigated areas and then associate these areas with a database containing information about: irrigated area, perimeter, municipality, path row, basin in which the pivot is located, and the date of image acquisition.3,781 center pivots systems were identified. The smallest area irrigated was 4.6 hectares and the largest one was 192.6 hectares. The total estimated value of irrigated area was 254,875 hectares. The largest number of center pivots appeared in the municipalities of Unaí and Paracatu, with 495 and 459 systems, respectively. Cadastral mapping is a very useful tool to assist and enhance information on irrigated agriculture in the State of Minas Gerais.
In this study, it was discussed the efficiency criteria in each of the elements that compose a central pivot, and this analysis was applied to two sets of systems located in regions of Cruz Alta and Santo Augusto, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The methodology used combines water and energy assessment through an indicator called Normalized Specific Consumption in Irrigation (C ENI), allowing thus a comparison between equipment and projects. The C ENI in Cruz Alta region showed 72% of the equipment above the standard (8.68 kWh mm-1 ha-1 100m-1), and in Santo Augusto region 64.28% with consumption above the standard. The mean irrigation efficiency for Cruz Alta region was 29.85%, with standard deviation of 5.41%, and for Santo Augusto region, it was 29.02%, with standard deviation of 5.15%.
Although several studies have been conducted to evaluate the uniformity of water application under center pivot irrigation systems, there are few studies concerning the economic perspective of such coefficient. The aim of this study is to present a methodology to accomplish an economic analysis as support for the decision-making to retrofit emitters in center pivot irrigation systems, and to attribute an economic meaning to the uniformity coefficient of water application taking into account the response function productivity to the amount of water applied and the sale price of the crops. In the hypothetic calculation example considering the variation of revenue of potato crop under center pivot irrigation system, it was verified that the area with uniformity coefficient of water application of 90% brought an income increase of BR$ 1,992.00, considering an area about 1,0 ha. Thus, it can be concluded that the methodology presented has met the objectives proposed in the study and made it possible to attribute an economical meaning to the coefficient of water uniformity application.