749 resultados para migrant labourer


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Der Artikel führt in das Themenheft ein. "Migration ist […] Thema einer inzwischen breiten aktuellen Forschung. Ein Teil der Beiträge des Themenschwerpunktes entstammt einem solchen Forschungszusammenhang, dem DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 'Folgen der Arbeitsmigration für Bildung und Erziehung' (Faber); zusammen mit Beiträgen aus anderen Forschungsvorhaben zeigen sie exemplarisch die europäische Problematik, die Migration und Multikulturalität gewonnen haben (u. a. Allemann-Ghionda; Hopf/Hatzichristou; Jungbluth; Reich). Die historische Dimension des Themas und seine Konflikte repräsentieren die Beiträge von Depaepe/Simon/Verbeeck und Krüger-Potratz. Die Autoren richten ihr Augenmerk auf so unterschiedliche Nationen wie Polen, Türken, Griechen und Marokkaner, auf Aussiedler aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und auf Kinder von Einwohnern ehemals niederländischer Kolonien (Jungbluth); sie thematisieren ihre Situation als Erwachsene, Sekundarschüler, Grundschüler oder als Kinder vor dem Schulalter; sie behandeln die Lebensmöglichkeiten von Frauen (Gümen/Herwartz-Emden/Westphal) und sie gehen der Frage nach, mit welchen Schwierigkeiten Remigranten in ihren Herkunftsländern zu kämpfen haben (Hopf/Hatzichristou). Gestützt auf unterschiedliche methodische Zugänge - quantitativ-empirisch, qualitativ oder historisch-hermeneutisch - versuchen sie sowohl die Lebenssituation der Migranten wie Möglichkeiten pädagogischer Arbeit darzustellen. Die Beiträge von Reich und Auernheimer tragen schließlich der Tatsache Rechnung, daß man über die Praxis interkultureller Erziehung in Europa und über die Möglichkeiten der Erforschung von Migration inzwischen so viel weiß, daß auch bilanzierende und begriffskritische Analysen möglich sind." (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Beitrag stellt empirische Befunde aus einer standardisierten Befragung von je 200 Mutter-Tochter- und Vater-Sohn-Dyaden in türkischen Migrantenfamilien dar, die in zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Erhebungskontexten (West-Berlin und Oberschwaben) gewonnen wurden. In einem Kohortenvergleich wird zunächst die hohe Persistenz familiärer Werte sowohl in der Türkei als auch bei Migranten der ersten und zweiten Zuwanderungsgeneration festgestellt. In der sich anschließenden Analyse der Wahrnehmungen, Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen von türkischen Migranten-Müttern und -Vätern einerseits und ihren jugendlichen Töchtern bzw. Söhnen andererseits wird das Ausmaß der Übereinstimmung in den (gleichgeschlechtlichen) Dyaden untersucht. Dabei kann die intergenerative Transmission von Werten und Einstellungen, insbesondere was die Leistungs- und Aufstiegserwartungen anbetrifft, bei beiden Geschlechtern als ein bedeutsamer Faktor der Sozialisation in der Migrations- und Minoritätssituation identifiziert werden. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Beitrag behandelt das Thema der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf aus der Perspektive von drei verschiedenen Gruppen von Frauen: Einwanderinnen/Arbeitsmigrantinnen aus der Türkei, Aussiedlerinnen aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion und westdeutsche Frauen. Berichtet wird über Ergebnisse der Hauptuntersuchung eines derzeit laufenden empirischen Projektes. Obwohl sich das Problem der Vereinbarkeit im allgemeinen als ein frauenspezifisches Problem darstellt, wird seine Lösung von den drei befragten Gruppen von Frauen unterschiedlich gehandhabt. Dies wird sowohl auf die jeweilige soziale Stellung der Befragten in der BRD als auch auf die jeweilige Situation der Einwanderinnen in Beruf und Familie im Herkunftskontext zurückgeführt. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Autor legt dar, daß es in den Niederlanden immer noch eine indirekt von ständischen Prinzipien bestimmte Schule gibt, in der die soziale Herkunft der Schüler das Lehrerverhalten bestimmt und an den Schüler je nach Schichtzugehörigkeit unterschiedliche Anforderungen gestellt werden. Der Beitrag untersucht aber auch die Rolle des Faktors Ethnizität bei der Behandlung und Beurteilung von Schülern. Die Arbeit ist Teil einer größeren Repräsentativstudie, die an 44 niederländischen Grundschulen mit einem hohen Anteil von Migrantenschülern durchgeführt wurde. In der Untersuchung erwies sich die Schichtzugehörigkeit der Schüler als bedeutsamer als die ethnische Zugehörigkeit. Das hat auch Konsequenzen für pädagogische Maßnahmen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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La cornée est la couche la plus antérieure de l’oeil et sa transparence permet de laisser passer les ondes lumineuses vers la rétine. Cependant, la localisation de la cornée la prédispose à des blessures chimiques et mécaniques. La guérison des blessures cornéennes est un mécanisme complexe faisant intervenir la mort cellulaire, la migration, la prolifération, la différenciation et le remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire (MEC). Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé la cornée humaine reconstruite par génie tissulaire composée d’un épithélium et d’un stroma afin d’étudier les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires de la guérison des plaies, en particulier le remodelage de la MEC exercé par les métalloprotéinases matricielles (MMPs). Les analyses en profilage génique sur biopuces à ADN nous ont permis de démontrer que l’expression de plusieurs gènes était dérégulée lors de la guérison des plaies dans notre modèle. L’expression des gènes codant pour les MMPs, tel que confirmée en qPCR, est augmentée dans l’épithélium migrant afin de recouvrir la plaie. Les analyses en zymographie sur gel ont démontré que les MMPs étaient converties en leur forme enzymatiquement active au fur et à mesure que la lésion se referme. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que l’expression des MMPs par les cellules épithéliales est influencée par la présence des fibroblastes dans le stroma ainsi que par leur sécrétion d’une MEC enrichie en collagènes. De plus, les analyses en spectrométrie de masse ont confirmé que la présence d’un épithélium stratifié est requise pour la synthèse et l’organisation adéquate de la MEC. Enfin, les résultats de ces travaux améliorent nos connaissances des mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui modulent la guérison des plaies cornéennes et pourront certainement mener à des progrès en clinique, notamment au niveau du développement de thérapies visant à traiter les troubles de la cornée.


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The present work has as an objective to seize up some particular meanings of the Feast of Sant Ana (The saint which represents the city of Caicó/RN), a central event of the calendar festive-religious of that city, looking for to perceive on how it combines with the symbolic poles sacred: profane through the social bonds that are present there performed and expressed through the social networking and of local belongings. Such bond ties reveal themselves through a very especial manner, through the migration of returning to the feast, when collectively are produced and updated knowledge and codes that reinforce the representation of the local belonging, nominated as being caicoense . We seek on perceiving how the many events of this feast (from a perspective of a religious order as well as laic) acting on a conclusive way to an identity of the re-meaning of that city, especially in its relation with the migrant natives: the sons and daughters that return to the arms of Sant Ana


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Ying Chen et Ook Chung sont deux auteurs québécois d’origine asiatique qui ont fait l’objet d’études comparées en raison de leur statut d’écrivain migrant et de leur appartenance à une aire culturelle commune. Bien que leurs oeuvres mettent fréquemment en scène des narrateurs-personnages marginaux et en situation d’exil, celles-ci s’inscrivent au coeur d’intérêts actuels en littérature contemporaine qui permettent de les aborder au-delà de la culture d’origine des auteurs. S’intéressant à la marginalité du narrateur autodiégétique dans Un enfant à ma porte (2009) et dans La Trilogie coréenne (2012), notre mémoire a pour objectif d’étudier l’altérité des narrateurs et de montrer de quelle façon ceux-ci se retrouvent en décalage par rapport à leur récit. L’analyse de la figure de l’étranger dans le roman de Chung et de la folle dans celui de Chen, plus particulièrement de leur prise de parole respective, conduit à montrer en quoi l’altérité des narrateurs-personnages n’est pas que culturelle. L’altérité dans ces romans témoignerait plutôt d’une posture ontologique beaucoup plus fondamentale et générale, qui se répercute à la fois sur le rôle du personnage dans le récit et sur sa fonction de narrateur. Menée en deux temps (le personnage Autre puis le narrateur Autre), notre étude permet d’établir un lien entre l’inadéquation énoncée et la compétence narrative.


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Rezension von: Ebru Tepecik: Bildungserfolge mit Migrationshintergrund, Biographien bildungserfolgreicher MigrantInnen türkischer Herkunft, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag 2011 (327 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-17657-4)


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This chapter examines the poetry of Scottish South Asians, the "New Scots" who bring a whole history of displacement, dislocation and relocation with them, as their memory of the "elsewhere" enters their writing. Their voices are significant as they embody multicultural Scotland with postcolonial dialects that signify an encounter in the Third Space where they are affected by and affect the "host" community. This chapter will question whether the writing of "New Scots" has added more than just "colour" to Scottish Poetry, as it traces the recent migrant history and analyses the lives and "voices" of diasporic communities as evident in their poetry. The objective is to assess how the new "voices" have blended in, expanded and/or challenged the boundaries of what defines Scottish Poetry, and determine whether they form a "community" of poets distinguished by the complexity of their regional allegiances, both past and present.


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Over recent years, it became widely accepted that alternative, renewable energy may come at some risk for wildlife, for example, when wind turbines cause large numbers of bat fatalities. To better assess likely populations effects of wind turbine related wildlife fatalities, we studied the geographical origin of the most common bat species found dead below German wind turbines, the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula). We measured stable isotope ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in fur keratin to separate migrants from local individuals, used a linear mixed-effects model to identify temporal, spatial and biological factors explaining the variance in measured stable isotope ratios and determined the geographical breeding provenance of killed migrants using isoscape origin models. We found that 72% of noctule bat casualties (n = 136) were of local origin, while 28% were long-distance migrants. These findings highlight that bat fatalities at German wind turbines may affect both local and distant populations. Our results indicated a sex and age-specific vulnerability of bats towards lethal accidents at turbines, i.e. a relatively high proportion of killed females were recorded among migratory individuals, whereas more juveniles than adults were recorded among killed bats of local origin. Migratory noctule bats were found to originate from distant populations in the Northeastern parts of Europe. The large catchment areas of German wind turbines and high vulnerability of female and juvenile noctule bats call for immediate action to reduce the negative cross-boundary effects of bat fatalities at wind turbines on local and distant populations. Further, our study highlights the importance of implementing effective mitigation measures and developing species and scale-specific conservation approaches on both national and international levels to protect source populations of bats. The efficacy of local compensatory measures appears doubtful, at least for migrant noctule bats, considering the large geographical catchment areas of German wind turbines for this species.


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Résumé : Le développement durable est un processus d'évolution dans lequel toutes les ethnies coexistent en harmonie avec un environnement sain. Depuis une quarantaine d'années, le Laos a connu de nombreux bouleversements. Des groupes minoritaires, dont les Hmongs, ont subi les contrecoups des changements socio-politiques et économiques. Les Hmongs, qui habitent les régions montagneuses et qui pratiquent l'agriculture itinérante, sont particulièrement touchés par des inégalités économiques et sociales malgré la politique d'égalité ethnique. Les transformations progressives de leur méthode d'utilisation du sol, de leur mode de production et de leur mode de vie itinérants en sédentarisation durable deviennent fondamentales et cruciales. Les Hmongs défavorisés aspirent fortement à de meilleures conditions de vie tout comme les populations qui vivent dans les plaines. En effet, les Hmongs, qui habitent dans les régions de Lakhasipsong et de Longsan, province de Vientiane, s'adaptent aux nouvelles conditions de transformation socio-économique, soient la sédentarisation du mode de production et du mode de vie. On peut affirmer que le développement rural et communautaire permet la sédentarisation des Hmongs et que ces derniers sont aptes à s'adapter à la vie moderne. La méthode d'enquête par entrevue sur la base d'un sondage employée sur le terrain nous a permis de découvrir les caractéristiques de développement durable autant socio-économique que politique dans la province de Vientiane avec application particulière aux Hmongs. Les résultats de l'enquête démontrent que les stratégies de sédentarisation sans relocalisation et avec relocalisation sur l'initiative soit personnelle soit gouvernementale ont fait leurs preuves. Des changements dans les modes de production et de vie ont non seulement permis une meilleure utilisation du sol, une augmentation de la production et une amélioration des conditions de vie mais aussi une meilleure préservation de l'écosystème.||Abstract : Sustainable development is an evolutionary process in which all ethnie groups live in harmony with a healthy environment. For approximately forty years, Laos has been subjected to many disruptions. Minority groups, like the Hmong, have felt the full impact of the numerous socio-political and economic changes that took place in the country. The Hmong, in particular, who live in mountainous regions and practice slash and burn agriculture, have suffered from economic and social inequality policies praticed by previous governments. The progressive transformation of their methods of land use, their mode of production and their migrant life style must clearly be understood before any attempt at a sedentary life style with a view to a sustainable development be undertaken. The underprivileged Hmong aspire to better living conditions comparable to those of people living in the plains. More precisely, the Hmong, who live in Lakhasipsong and Longsan in the province of Vientiane, adapt to their new conditions of social and economic transformation by fixing into place their mode of production and their lifestyle. We can state that the rural community development taking place allows an effective sédentarisation for the Hmong and, that they are able to adapt themselves to modem life. The survey method by interview and randown sampling on the ground permits us to discover elements of farming development within the socio-economic as well as political life in Vientiane province with a particular application to the Hmong. The survey results in showing that settling down strategies without relocation or with relocation on personal or governmental initiative are truly operational. Changes in the mode of production and life style have not only permitted a better land use, an increased production and a better life style but also, a better conservation of the environment.


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El presente artículo muestra cómo Internet se convierte en una herramienta de comunicación importante para reconfigurar la red social primaria del adulto mayor, fracturada por efecto de la migración. En la investigación que le da origien, se pudo constatar que hoy esta red se encuentra dividida en red primaria natural, conformada por los parientes y amigos con los que comparte el día a día, y red primaria virtual, integrada por los parientes migrantes. El escrito centra su interés en presentar las características de la red primaria virtual en la que el adulto mayor se vio impelido a participar para satisfacer sus necesidades comunicacionales. Esta red cumple la función de mantener, pero no de extender, su red social primaria. Los resultados dan cuenta de 4 aspectos: las competencias digitales desarrolladas por el adulto mayor, la estructura, las funciones y los atributos de vínculo de la red primaria virtual. Para ello se acudió a autores como Cabrera, Castell; Madarriaga, Abello & Sierra; Narváez A.; Soto, Navarro & Sánchez; Tovar & Villarraga. La investigación fue de tipo etnográfico, con enfoque cualitativo. Se aplicaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Para el tratamiento de la información se utilizó la teoría Fundamentad, de Strauss & Corbin (2002).


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Tropical forests have decreased drastically especially in the Peruvian Amazon. In Peru deforestation is caused especially by migrant people; building of houses and infrastructure, clearing land for agricultural purposes and illegal logging and mining. Deforestation results in hindering ecosystem vitality, boosting climate change and decreasing livelihood possibilities. As a counterpoint to cutting down trees there is reforestation, which refers to re-establishment of forest cover. Deforestation and reforestation can be analysed in the light of Forest Transition theory. According to it, due to economic growth, the amount forest cover first diminishes but then starts to increase as the economy in general strengthens. Thus, the research framework is set to this theory. In this study the focus is on analysing socioeconomically sustainable reforestation possibilities in the community of Tingana, Peru. It is situated in a municipal conservation area around which deforestation has been heavy. Land cover change is analysed from LandsatTM satellite images covering a 15 year time period, 1995–2010, in the surroundings of the study area. Semi-structured interviews have been done with a sample size of 25 people and shed light on the perspectives on forests, reforestation and economical activities. The synthesis created from the two methods gives information about the possibilities to enforce reforestation in Tingana and the phase of forest transition in the area. The results show that forest cover has decreased around the surroundings of Tingana leaving the conservation area isolated from larger forest areas. Knowing that forest cover has also decreased inside the conservation area due to agricultural expansion it is certain that fragmentation harms biodiversity causing changes in local climate, which can have knock-on effects for farming and local livelihoods. Therefore reforestation is welcomed when it ensures both conservation and financial benefits and when carried out on locals’ terms. Regarding conservation and incomes the best option would be to plant native timber species together with fruit production species to create agroforestry systems. Economically the community should aim towards an economy that relies on ecotourism as it already practiced in the area. Reforestation could increase ecotourism, which then could in turn increase reforestation via revenues. Regarding forest transition it is likely that forest re-establishment will occur if reforestation along with ecotourism is implemented on long time scale.


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The labor market in the multicultural society is a major arena where the interrelation of gender and ethnicity is expressed in processes of discrimination, sexism and racism. For women from ethnic minorities, one way to avoid these problems is to work in migrant enterprises. As this may ease tensions related to ethnicity, it does not solve gender-related problems like the subordination of women and the perception of female migrants as ‘just’ daughters, mothers and wives by male co-migrants. Female ethnic minority entrepreneurship may be the way to escape such processes. In the Netherlands, 25% of all ethnic minority entrepreneurs are female. However, little is known about their socio-economic background and the way they perceive their businesses. Moreover, there is a theoretical haphazardness concerning the phenomenon female ethnic minority entrepreneurship. Although recently researchers have opted for an integral theory called the ‘mixed-embeddedness’ approach as to explain ethnic minority entrepreneurship through a combination of personal, sociocultural and structural factors, the role of gender still seems to be underexposed in this theory. Likewise, the literature concerning entrepreneurial networking has hardly interfered with both gender and ethnicity. Therefore, this paper provides a state of affairs concerning the research and literature on ethnic minority entrepreneurship, gender and networks. It argues that a better understanding of female ethnic minority entrepreneurship requires further scientific attention and that a contribution needs to be made to theory development regarding the interrelation of ethnicity and gender in entrepreneurship and in entrepreneurial networks particularly.


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Aim: To investigate how diversity within the African migrant population in Scotland affects their understandings of HIV and uptake of HIV testing and treatment, in order to improve HIV-related outcomes. Background: In the UK, Africans have the worst outcomes for HIV infection, primarily due to late diagnosis. Improvement requires better understanding of the barriers to healthcare engagement. This PhD study investigates how diversity among first generation African migrants in Scotland could affect engagement with general healthcare and HIV related interventions and services. Methods: I conducted qualitative research, involving participant observation at two sites (an African religious group and an asylum seeker/refugee drop-in centre) and interviews with African migrants attending these and three additional sites (two advocacy charities and a student association). Data were collected in two cities (Glasgow and Edinburgh) and two smaller towns (Paisley and Kirkcaldy). I interviewed 27 Africans, including economic migrants (n=8), students (n=9) and asylum seeker/refugees (n=10) and 14 representatives from organisations with high levels of African attendees (e.g., country associations, community organisations, advocacy groups, commercial establishments and religious based organisations). Thematic data analysis was carried out. Results: Diversity of the population and related issues of identity: Participants were highly diverse and reported considerable heterogeneity in the African diaspora in Scotland. The identity of “African” was bound with various negative stereotypes and appeals to this identity did not necessarily have relevance for participants. Nature of African affiliated organisations in Scotland: There were a wide range of organisations that advertised their remit as catering for the African diaspora. They varied in consistency and sustainability and contributed towards healthcare engagement to different degrees. Engagement with healthcare: There were multiple experiences and understandings of the healthcare system within the sample as a whole, and to an extent by migrant type. Whilst the majority reported successful and satisfactory service use, distinct barriers emerged. These included: understandings of rights and access to care based on African models of healthcare; the interplay of religious based understandings with ideas about access to healthcare; and assumptions and anxiety about the connections between visa status and health status. Knowledge of HIV and engagement with HIV related services: Participants had good knowledge about HIV, with some notable exceptions, but there was no patterning by migrant type. They had diverse views about risk of HIV infection, most of which did not align with the HIV epidemiology that identifies African migrants as an at risk group. Most of the sample did not think targeting African migrants for HIV interventions would be successful and were hostile to the proposal for various reasons, especially because they believed it would perpetuate stigma and prejudice towards the African diaspora. There were mixed experiences of HIV related services, and prompts to test for HIV had elicited a range of reactions, the majority negative. Conclusion: Diversity within the African diaspora in Scotland should be taken into account to improve the salience and relevance of future HIV interventions. Attitudes towards current HIV testing promotion suggest that a more cooperative approach could be taken with African communities to build on existing relationships of trust and understandings of HIV.