998 resultados para Turgenev, Ivan


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Past research in using ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in interpersonal communication showed that age plays an important role. There is a general assumption that the elderly are left behind regarding the adoption and the use of ICTs. Furthermore, elders tend to use ICTs mainly for instrumental purposes and the use is rather non-sophisticated. When elders are using ICTs to maintain their social network, similar patterns could be found: They start using internet, or intensify its use, when their children move abroad while they might decrease using the tool if the motivation ends. In this research we explore elders' incentives to go online and use internet services to communicate; the type of agencies they use to communicate with children and grandchildren abroad; and the situations that make them stop using the ICTs or even reject internet mediated communications. We base our discussion on the empirical evidence the two authors gathered in different cities and countries: Barcelona, Romania, Toronto, Los Angeles, Montevideo and Lima, through semi-structured interviews and observation, with people aged 60 years old and over. The results show that the ability for using ICT tools in an autonomous way is a better explanation than age. In this, we distinguish between assisted users and autonomous users. We found that oldest seniors and those seniors who are less socially active are more likely to be assisted users than those who are socially or professionally active. For them communication with their children and grandchildren abroad follows no agency or it is mediated by significant others from their local social network, who are able to use ICTs and select specific information to share, in the second step, with the elder. For some younger participants the use of ICTs is rather situational and imposed by their children or grandchildren, who installed the tool in the first place and assisted them in using it. Finally, other elders describe a proficient and independent use of ICTs so they use the devices and services the way they want to.We discuss the implications of the patterns in using ICTs, for elders' social life and their relationships with children and grandchildren. First, we emphasis the fact that those elders rejecting the ICTs or being unskilled in using them to communicate might be left out from their family circle, particularly when children are abroad -they would experience more isolation. Second, we underline the fact that when children and grandchildren are the ones that control the ICTs used by their parents and grandparents, they are controlling also the information flow and this will redefine the power relations between elders and their younger relatives.


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El present treball de recerca posa de relleu que la música és un element fonamental de la configuració de les societats humanes actuals i analitza un cas concret, el de l'artista britànic David Bowie, per il·lustrar els mecanismes pels quals un artista pot convertir-se en una icona i, d'aquesta manera, influir decissivament en la configuració d'elements de l'imaginari social compartit.


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An automatic dispenser based on a flow-injection system used to introduce sample and analytical solution into an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer through a spray chamber is proposed. Analytical curves were constructed after the injection of 20 to 750 µL aliquots of a multielement standard solution (20.0 µg L-1 in Li, Be, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Sr, Ag, Cd, Ba, Tl, Pb) and the acquisition of the integrated transient signals. The linear concentration range could be extended to ca. five decades. The performance of the system was checked by analyzing a NIST 1643d reference material. Accuracy could be improved by the proper selection of the injected volume. Besides good precision (r.s.d. < 2%), the results obtained with the proposed procedure were closer to the certified values of the reference material than those obtained by direct aspiration or by injecting 125 µL of several analytical solutions and samples.


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This paper describes the construction and performance of homemade electrodes for voltammetric purpose using cheap materials, like pipette tips and asbestos fiber. A good cost-to-benefit relation makes this devices specially designed for student use, expecting to improve the broadcasting of electroanalytical methods in Brazilian schools.


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A simple flow cell for potentiometric detection is described. It was assembled by making use of two perspex pieces fixed together by means of four screws, and allow the connection of plane membrane conventional electrodes to flow system. Details about its construction are presented. The device performance was evaluated by making use of a cyanide ion-selective electrode. The relative standard deviation was about 0.5% with a detection limit of 8.0 x 10-6 mol CN- dm-3. Under experimental conditions, the linear range was 10-5 to10-2 mol dm-3.


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An automatic system for the direct determination of lead and tin by atomic absorption spectrometry is described. The on-line treatment of the metallic samples was obtained by anodic electrodissolution in a flow injection system. Lead was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and tin by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS). A computer program managed the current source and the solenoid valves that direct the fluids. Good linear correlations between absorbance and current intensity for lead and tin were observed. Results were in agreement with the certified values. Precision was always better than 5%. The recommended procedure allows the direct determination of 60 or 30 elements/h using FAAS or GFAAS, respectively.


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A new automated system for acid-base flow titrations is proposed. In the operation mode, several sample to titrant volumetric ratios are injected in an air segmented plug. Five three way solenoid valves and three acrilic junctions, assembled in a hidrodynamic injection system, were accountable for the monosegmented reagents plug formation. A turbulent flow reactor was used for a perfect mix of reagents in the plug. The detector system employed a glass combined electrode fitted in an acrilic holder. Titrations of hydrochloric, nitric and acetic acids, in several concentrations, were performed with standard sodium hidroxide, for evaluation of the efficiency of the system. The relative standard deviation of the determinations was about ±0,5% and each titration was carried out in 3-4 minutes. A Quick BASIC 4.5® program was developed for the titrator control.


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A on-line thermostatization system that use simples materials, for flow injection and continuous flow analysis is described. The proposed system showed good performance between 10 to 40ºC.


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The hexane extract of leaves of B. microphylla afforded a mixture of triterpenes esterified with fatty acids. Analyses of spectral data of the mixture and of the derivatives obtained by a transesterification reaction with NaOMe/MeOH permitted to identify the composition of the mixtures as being 24-hydroxy-urs-12-enyl 3b-eicosanate, estearate and palmitate as well as of the 24-hydroxy-olean-12-enyl 3b-eicosanate, estearate and palmitate. From the choroform and ethyl acetate extracts were isolated the oleanolic and 3b,24-dihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acids, quercetin and methyl galic ester, respectively. The compounds were identified through analysis of their spectral data.


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Laser scanning is becoming an increasingly popular method for measuring 3D objects in industrial design. Laser scanners produce a cloud of 3D points. For CAD software to be able to use such data, however, this point cloud needs to be turned into a vector format. A popular way to do this is to triangulate the assumed surface of the point cloud using alpha shapes. Alpha shapes start from the convex hull of the point cloud and gradually refine it towards the true surface of the object. Often it is nontrivial to decide when to stop this refinement. One criterion for this is to do so when the homology of the object stops changing. This is known as the persistent homology of the object. The goal of this thesis is to develop a way to compute the homology of a given point cloud when processed with alpha shapes, and to infer from it when the persistent homology has been achieved. Practically, the computation of such a characteristic of the target might be applied to power line tower span analysis.


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An on-line electrodissolution procedure implemented in a flow injection system for determination of copper, zinc and lead in brasses alloys by ICP-AES is described. Sample dissolution procedure was carried out by using a PTFE chamber and a DC power supply with constant current. Solid sample was attached to chamber as anode and a gold tubing coupled in the chamber was used as cathode. An electrolytic solution flowing through the gold tubing closed the electric circuit with sample, in order to provide condition for electric dissolution when the DC power supply was switched on. The best results were achieved by using a 1.5 mol l-1 nitric acid solution as electrolyte and a 2.5 A current intensity. The procedure presented a good performance characterized by a relative standard deviation better than < 5% (n=5) and a sample throughput of 180 determinations per hour for Cu, Zn and Pb. Results were in agreement with those obtained by conventional acid dissolution (99% confidence level).


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Anodic electrodissolution procedure in a flow injection system for determination of constituents in alloys is discussed. This approach implement sample preparation procedure by using a chamber and a DC power supply with constant direct current. Solid sample was attached to chamber as anode. In this review a general overview of these procedure is presented. The procedure presented a good performance characterized by a high sample throughput determinations, good accuracy and relative standard deviation.