779 resultados para LENS SUBLUXATION
El abuso de poder en Venezuela ha sido el principal causante del deterioro de la democracia. A través del uso degenerativo del poder político prácticas antidemocráticas han surgido en la sociedad venezolana caracterizando, desde el presidente Hugo Chávez Frías hasta el presidente Nicolás Maduro, las políticas de gobierno. Como consecuencia de ello, una crisis prolongada en materia de DD.HH., la debilidad institucional, la discriminación política y la represión indiscriminada hacia sectores de oposición por parte del gobierno, son sólo algunos de tantos síntomas que actualmente forman parte de la realidad venezolana y que estarían encaminando al país hacia el surgimiento de un Estado fallido. Los síntomas antidemocráticos representativos de la Venezuela del presidente Nicolás Maduro, ponen en entredicho la existencia de una democracia contitucional en el país y con ello, la precariedad del Estado para cumplir sus funciones básicas para con los ciudadanos. Palabras Clave: Abuso de poder, poder político, Democracia, Democracia Constitucional, Estado Fallido.
Esta tesis se ocupa de analizar la eficacia de la cláusula de solución de controversias contractuales dispuesta en la contratación estatal que es financiada con recursos del Banco Mundial –regla de excepción a la aplicación del Estatuto General de Contratación Pública– pues en las normas de contratación de dicho organismo, se ha previsto que ante un conflicto contractual corresponde a un conciliador (versión 2008 de las normas Banco Mundial) o a un mediador (versión 2013) “tomar una decisión” para resolver la controversia con fuerza vinculante para las partes. La reflexión aborda el papel del “conciliador” o “mediador” según las facultades que le atribuyen las normas del Banco Mundial y su distinción respecto al concepto legal que prevé el ordenamiento nacional, donde el conciliador o mediador no toman decisiones y en consecuencia no es clara la forma de acudir a estas figuras. El reto nos lleva a considerar dos alternativas de aplicación de la cláusula para hacerla eficaz: el primero, considerar a la mediación como una figura autónoma regulada en el contrato por autorización de nuestro Estatuto de Contratación Estatal y de los Convenios suscritos con organismos internacionales, a partir de la cual se reconozca la producción de los efectos indicados por el Banco Mundial en cabeza del mediador; en segundo lugar y para desatar el efecto útil de la cláusula, considerar a la mediación como figura análoga a la amigable composición, y tramitar la solución de controversias bajo esta figura.
Introducción: En la literatura, han aparecido reportes de neoplasia escamosa de superficie ocular (NESO) asociado con pterigio en un mismo paciente. Sin embargo, Colombia no cuenta con una estadística para ninguna de estas patologías. Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia de NESO en pterigios resecados, en la Fundación Oftalmológica Nacional. Identificar factores de riesgo y características clínicas que predispongan a su aparición. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se realizó una clasificación prequirúrgica y estudio histopatológico de los pterigios resecados en 93 pacientes, para confirmar su coexistencia con NESO. Se efectuó un análisis de frecuencias para datos demográficos y factores de riesgo asociados su aparición. Resultados: La frecuencia de NESO asociado a pterigio fue 7,07%. De estos, 28,5% identificados como sospechosos en la evaluación preoperatoria. La mayoría se presentaron en mujeres (71,4%), las ocupaciones con mayor frecuencia: labores domésticas (42,8%) y el comercio (28.5%). La exposición a derivados del petróleo y tabaquismo fue del 14,28%. No se presentaron casos asociados a infección por VIH. No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas sobre la presencia de NESO al comparar los casos en edad (p=0,8), procedencia (p=0,6) tabaquismo (p=0,4), leucoplaquia (p=1,0), queratinización (p=0,137), o vasos amputados (p=0,137). Conclusiones: De los pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico de NESO, un porcentaje mínimo es sospechado clínicamente. Además se encontró este diagnóstico en pacientes más jóvenes que lo reportado en la literatura. Se recomienda realizar estudios con mayor número de pacientes para una mejor identificación de factores de riesgo. Palabras clave:
El proyecto pretende mejorar la respuesta a la multiculturalidad, a través del conocimiento de las diferentes realidades sociales y culturales presentes en el centro. Los objetivos son favorecer la integración escolar; desarrollar actitudes de integración, solidaridad, respeto y cooperación; impulsar el intercambio cultural; iniciar en el desarrollo de la expresión corporal y musical; conectar la escuela con la vida cotidiana; conocer las culturas de los alumnos a través de la literatura infantil; ampliar el vocabulario; apreciar la importancia de la propia lengua y la existencia de otras; y usar el ordenador de forma cotidiana. La metodología utiliza estrategias de diversificación para ayudar a vincular y a implicar a la diversidad del alumnado. Las actividades son el trabajo con el vídeo y el cuento de Trip, el gusano viajero; creación de un diccionario de clase; elaboración de banderas de los países de los alumnos; representación plástica de Trip; elaboración de un mural para el Día de la Paz con todos los pueblos y razas del mundo; creación del libro viajero; taller de cocina intercultural; grabación de canciones de otros países; taller de ordenador; y cuentacuentos, como cierre de la actividad Cuentos de Colores. La evaluación se realiza mediante observación de los trabajos individuales y en grupo, y el grado de participación de las familias. Se elaboran materiales, que se incluyen como anexos, como el cuento de Trip, panel para la pared de Trip, diccionario de clase, libro viajero, mural para el Día de la Paz, libro de cocina, casete con música de otros países, y dossier de instrumentos musicales. Se incluye un disquete con la memoria del proyecto..
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Large scale image mosaicing methods are in great demand among scientists who study different aspects of the seabed, and have been fostered by impressive advances in the capabilities of underwater robots in gathering optical data from the seafloor. Cost and weight constraints mean that lowcost Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) usually have a very limited number of sensors. When a low-cost robot carries out a seafloor survey using a down-looking camera, it usually follows a predetermined trajectory that provides several non time-consecutive overlapping image pairs. Finding these pairs (a process known as topology estimation) is indispensable to obtaining globally consistent mosaics and accurate trajectory estimates, which are necessary for a global view of the surveyed area, especially when optical sensors are the only data source. This thesis presents a set of consistent methods aimed at creating large area image mosaics from optical data obtained during surveys with low-cost underwater vehicles. First, a global alignment method developed within a Feature-based image mosaicing (FIM) framework, where nonlinear minimisation is substituted by two linear steps, is discussed. Then, a simple four-point mosaic rectifying method is proposed to reduce distortions that might occur due to lens distortions, error accumulation and the difficulties of optical imaging in an underwater medium. The topology estimation problem is addressed by means of an augmented state and extended Kalman filter combined framework, aimed at minimising the total number of matching attempts and simultaneously obtaining the best possible trajectory. Potential image pairs are predicted by taking into account the uncertainty in the trajectory. The contribution of matching an image pair is investigated using information theory principles. Lastly, a different solution to the topology estimation problem is proposed in a bundle adjustment framework. Innovative aspects include the use of fast image similarity criterion combined with a Minimum spanning tree (MST) solution, to obtain a tentative topology. This topology is improved by attempting image matching with the pairs for which there is the most overlap evidence. Unlike previous approaches for large-area mosaicing, our framework is able to deal naturally with cases where time-consecutive images cannot be matched successfully, such as completely unordered sets. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed methods is discussed and a comparison made with other state-of-the-art approaches, using a series of challenging datasets in underwater scenarios
In this article, I examine the implications of rewriting definitions of sanity and insanity through the use of noise, silence, and language,positioningElizabeth Bishop’s short story “In the Village” as a form of resistance against traditional readings of madness, logocentrism, and identity. I suggest that by writing her characters as undivided from the world of sound, Elizabeth Bishop’s story shifts understandings of insanity, which is often conceptualized through denials of agency, allowing her characters to escape in noises and hesitations in language and communication. “In the Village” avoids silencing the “insane” mother through her placement in a caesura of sound and silence. This article avoids a biographical reading of “In the Village,” which is often connected with her own mother’s “mental breakdown,” because Bishop’s writing would have been as much affected by her conscious awareness of her past as it was by the unconscious impulses and histories of writing in the West. Rather, I take into account Bishop’s own personal history as well as the repetitions that reflect a placement in a tradition appearing in the story itself. Using this particular lens, I believe a rereading of “In the Village” is in order, where the “mad mother” is not silenced by the oppressive social structures that control the insane,” but she instead finds escape in the multitudes of sounds that associate with her, erasing the power of language and opening a new world where agency exists in a scream or in a striking hammer.
El artículo, bajo la óptica de la gobernanza y la supranacionalidad, muestra el funcionamiento de la OMC y Sistema de Resolución de Disputas, presentándola como una Organización Internacional con capacidad "para convertirse en un ente omnipotente" no dependiente de ningún Estado en particular, para la cual debe emprender una amplia tarea para asegurarse que sus fallos y decisiones sean cumplidos por parte de sus miembros.
La agenda internacional de Colombia, durante los siete años de Uribe, se ha securitizado y terrorizado en el ámbito temático y se ha concentrado y bilateralizado en Estados Unidos desde un punto de vista geográfico. En consecuencia, ni Latinoamérica ni Europa han merecido la atención de otros tiempos. Por ello, se califica la actual política exterior de Colombia, que determina hoy las estrategias de integración de Colombia, de neo Respice Polum (mirar al polo).
It is now accepted that some human-induced climate change is unavoidable. Potential impacts on water supply have received much attention, but relatively little is known about the concomitant changes in water quality. Projected changes in air temperature and rainfall could affect river flows and, hence, the mobility and dilution of contaminants. Increased water temperatures will affect chemical reaction kinetics and, combined with deteriorations in quality, freshwater ecological status. With increased flows there will be changes in stream power and, hence, sediment loads with the potential to alter the morphology of rivers and the transfer of sediments to lakes, thereby impacting freshwater habitats in both lake and stream systems. This paper reviews such impacts through the lens of UK surface water quality. Widely accepted climate change scenarios suggest more frequent droughts in summer, as well as flash-flooding, leading to uncontrolled discharges from urban areas to receiving water courses and estuaries. Invasion by alien species is highly likely, as is migration of species within the UK adapting to changing temperatures and flow regimes. Lower flows, reduced velocities and, hence, higher water residence times in rivers and lakes will enhance the potential for toxic algal blooms and reduce dissolved oxygen levels. Upland streams could experience increased dissolved organic carbon and colour levels, requiring action at water treatment plants to prevent toxic by-products entering public water supplies. Storms that terminate drought periods will flush nutrients from urban and rural areas or generate acid pulses in acidified upland catchments. Policy responses to climate change, such as the growth of bio-fuels or emission controls, will further impact freshwater quality.
The chess endgame is increasingly being seen through the lens of, and therefore effectively defined by, a data ‘model’ of itself. It is vital that such models are clearly faithful to the reality they purport to represent. This paper examines that issue and systems engineering responses to it, using the chess endgame as the exemplar scenario. A structured survey has been carried out of the intrinsic challenges and complexity of creating endgame data by reviewing the past pattern of errors during work in progress, surfacing in publications and occurring after the data was generated. Specific measures are proposed to counter observed classes of error-risk, including a preliminary survey of techniques for using state-of-the-art verification tools to generate EGTs that are correct by construction. The approach may be applied generically beyond the game domain.
Purpose. Some children with visual stress and/or headaches have fewer symptoms when wearing colored lenses. Although subjective reports of improved perception exist, few objective correlates of these effects have been established. Methods. In a pilot study, 10 children who wore Intuitive Colorimeter lenses, and claimed benefit, and two asymptomatic children were tested. Steady-state potentials were measured in response to low contrast patterns modulating at a frequency of 12 Hz. Four viewing conditions were compared: 1) no lens; 2) Colorimeter lens; 3) lens of complementary color; and 4) spectrally neutral lens with similar photopic transmission. Results. The asymptomatic children showed little or no difference between the lens and no lens conditions. When all the symptomatic children were tested together, a similar result was found. However, when the symptomatic children were divided into two groups depending on their symptoms, an interaction emerged. Children with visual stress but no headaches showed the largest amplitude visual evoked potential response in the no lens condition, whereas those children whose symptoms included severe headaches or migraine showed the largest amplitude visual evoked potential response when wearing their prescribed lens. Conclusions. The results suggest that it is possible to measure objective correlates of the beneficial subjective perceptual effects of colored lenses, at least in some children who have a history of migraine or severe headaches.
A robot mounted camera is useful in many machine vision tasks as it allows control over view direction and position. In this paper we report a technique for calibrating both the robot and the camera using only a single corresponding point. All existing head-eye calibration systems we have encountered rely on using pre-calibrated robots, pre- calibrated cameras, special calibration objects or combinations of these. Our method avoids using large scale non-linear optimizations by recovering the parameters in small dependent groups. This is done by performing a series of planned, but initially uncalibrated robot movements. Many of the kinematic parameters are obtained using only camera views in which the calibration feature is at, or near the image center, thus avoiding errors which could be introduced by lens distortion. The calibration is shown to be both stable and accurate. The robotic system we use consists of camera with pan-tilt capability mounted on a Cartesian robot, providing a total of 5 degrees of freedom.
This chapter considers two questions. Firstly, in what ways might drama be an effective medium through which to explore difficult and sensitive issues that concern teenagers? And secondly, what ethical questions surround the use of drama to explore such issues? A practical workshop on teenage suicide is used as a platform for a discussion on the use and implications of different drama strategies and the role of humour as a critical lens and distancing device. The work of actual teenagers is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the techniques in both raising awareness and facilitating both critical and creative responses to the delicate issue explored in the workshop.
It is easy to read Hobbes's moral thinking as a deviant contribution to 'modern' natural law, especially if Leviathan (1651) is read through a lens provided by De Cive (1642). But The Elements of Law (1640) encourages the view that Hobbes's argument is 'physicalist', that is, that it requires no premises beyond those required by his physics of matter in motion. The Elements included a draft De Homine and its argument is intimately connected with De Cive's; it shows how such concepts as 'reason', 'right', 'natural law' and 'obligation' can be understood in physicalist terms. But Hobbes's decision to print the latter work in isolation has led to serious misunderstandings