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National Natural Science Foundation of China 60536030 60776024 60877035 90820002 National High-Technology Research and Development Program of China 2007AA04Z329 2007AA04Z254


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InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well-structure laser diodes with an array structure are successfully fabricated on sapphire substrates. The laser diode consists of four emitter stripes which share common electrodes on one laser chip. An 800-mu m-long cavity is formed by cleaving the substrate along the < 1 (1) over bar 00 >. orientation using laser scriber. The threshold current and voltage of the laser array diode are 2A and 10.5 V, respectively. A light output peak power of 12W under pulsed current injection at room temperature is achieved. We simulate the electric properties of GaN based laser diode in a co-planar structure and the results show that minimizing the difference of distances between the different ridges and the n-electrode and increasing the electrical conductivity of the n-type GaN are two effective ways to improve the uniformity of carrier distribution in emitter stripes. Two pairs of emitters on a chip are arranged to be located near the two n-electrode pads on the left and right sides, and the four stripe emitters can laser together. The laser diode shows two sharp peaks of light output at 408 and 409 nm above the threshold current. The full widths at half maximum for the parallel and perpendicular far field patterns are 8 degrees and 32 degrees, respectively.


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We theoretically simulate and experimentally demonstrate ultra-large through-port extinctions in silicon-based asymmetrically-coupled add-drop microring resonators (MRs). Through-port responses in an add-drop MR are analyzed by simulations and large extinctions are found when the MR is near-critically coupled. Accurate fabrication techniques are applied in producing a series of 20 mu m-radii add-drop microrings with drop-side gap-widths in slight differences. A through-port extinction of about 42.7 dB is measured in an MR with through-and drop-side gap-width to be respectively 280 nm and 295 nm. The large extinction suggests about a 20.5 dB improvement from the symmetrical add-drop MR of the same size and the through-side gap-width. The experimental results are finally compared with the post-fabrication simulations, which show a gap-width tolerance of > 30 nm for the through-port extinction enhancement.


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Mode radiation loss for microdisk resonators with pedestals is investigated by three-dimensional (3D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. For the microdisk with a radius of 1 mu m, a thickness of 0.2 mu m, and a refractive index of 3.4, on a pedestal with a refractive index of 3.17, the mode quality (Q) factor of the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) quasi-TE7,1 first increases with the increase of the radius of the pedestal, and then quickly decreases as the radius is larger than 0.75 mu m. The mode radiation loss is mainly the vertical radiation loss induced by the mode coupling between the WGM and vertical radiation mode in the pedestal, instead of the scattering loss around the perimeter of the round pedestal. The WG M can keep the high Q factor when the mode coupling is forbidden.


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We propose an ultracompact triplexer based on a shift of the cutoff frequency of the fundamental mode in a planar photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) with a triangular lattice of air holes. The shift is realized by modifying the radii of the border holes adjacent to the PCW core. Some defect holes are introduced to control the beam propagation. The numerical results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that the presented triplexer can separate three specific wavelengths, i.e. 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm with the extinction ratios higher than - 18 dB. The designed device with a size as compact as 12 mu m x 6.5 mu m is feasible for the practical application, and can be utilized in the system of fiber to the home.


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We demonstrate a sub-nanosecond electro-optical switch with low crosstalk in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) dual-coupled micro-ring embedded with p-i-n diodes. A crosstalk of -23 dB is obtained in the 20-mu m-radius micro-ring with the well-designing asymmetric dual-coupling structure. By optimizations of the doping profiles and the fabrication processes, the sub-nanosecond switch-on/off time of < 400 ps is finally realized under an electrical pre-emphasized driving signal. This compact and fast-response micro-ring switch, which can be fabricated by complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible technologies, have enormous potential in optical interconnects of multicore networks-on-chip.


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A wafer-level testable silicon-on-insulator-based microring modulator is demonstrated with high modulation speed, to which the grating couplers are integrated as the fiber-to-chip interfaces. Cost-efficient fabrications are realized with the help of optical structure and etching depth designs. Grating couplers and waveguides are patterned and etched together with the same slab thickness. Finally we obtain a 3-dB coupling bandwidth of about 60nm and 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero modulation by wafer-level optical and electrical measurements.


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We demonstrate a photonic crystal hetero-waveguide based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) slab, consisting of two serially connected width-reduced photonic crystal waveguides with different radii of the air holes adjacent to the waveguide. We show theoretically that the transmission window of the structure corresponds to the transmission range common to both waveguides and it is in inverse proportion to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Also the group velocity of guided mode can be changed from low to high or high to low, depending on which port of the structure the signal is input from just in the same device, and the variation is proportional to the discrepancy between the two waveguides. Using this novel structure, we realize flexible control of transmission window and group velocity of guided mode simultaneously.


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Hexagonal GaN is grown on a Si(111) substrate with AlN as a buffer layer by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) with ammonia. The thickness of AlN buffer is changed from 9 to 72 nm. When the thickness of AlN buffer is 36 nm, the surface morphology and crystal quality of GaN is optimal. The in-situ reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) reveals that the transition to a two-dimensional growth mode of AlN is the key to the quality of GaN. However, the thickness of AlN buffer is not so critical to the residual in-plane tensile stress in GaN grown on Si(111) by GSMBE for AlN thickness between 9 to 72 nm.


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We investigate the uniaxial strain effect in the c-plane on optical properties of wurtzite GaN based on k center dot p theory, the spin-orbit interactions are also taken into account. The energy dispersions show that the uniaxial strain in the c-plane gives an anisotropic energy splitting in the k(x) - k(y) plane, which can reduce the density of states. The uniaxial strain also results in giant in-plane optical polarization anisotropy, hence causes the threshold carrier density reduced. We clarify the relations between the uniaxial strain and the optical polarization properties. As a result, it is suggested that the compressive uniaxial strain perpendicular to the laser cavity direction in the c-plane is one of the preferable approaches for the effcient improvement of GaN-based laser performance.


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Effects of interface roughness and dislocation density on the electroluminescence (EL) intensity of InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs) are investigated. It is found that the EL intensity increases with the number of satellite peaks in the x-ray diffraction experiments of InGaN MQW samples. It is indicated that the rough interface will lead the reduction of EL intensity of InGaN MQW samples. It is also found that the EL intensity increases with the decrease of dislocation density which is characterized by the x-ray diffraction measurements. It is suggested that the EL intensity of InGaN MQWs can be improved by decreasing the interface roughness and dislocation density.


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A distributed feedback laser with the sampled grating has been designed and fabricated. The typical threshold current of the sampled grating based DFB laser is 32 mA, and the output power is about 10mW at the injected current of 100 mA. The lasing wavelength is 1.5564 mu m, which is the -1(st) order mode of the sampled grating.


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A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) hydrophone with high sensitivity was demonstrated. This hydrophone used a rubber diaphragm and a copper hard core as the sensing element. To compensate the hydrostatic pressure, a capillary tube was fixed at the end of the hydrophone. Theoretical analysis of the acoustic pressure sensitivity was given in this letter. Experiments were carried out to test the frequency response of the hydrophone. The result shows that when the Young's modulus of the diaphragm is higher, a flatter frequency response will be obtained.


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We present the monolithic integration of a sampled-grating distributed Bragg reflector (SC-DBR) laser with a quantum-well electroabsorption modulator (QW-EAM) by combining ultra-low-pressure (55 mbar) selective-area-growth (SAG) metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) and quantum-well intermixing (QWI) for the first time. The QW-EAM and the gain section can be grown simultaneously by using SAG MOCVD technology. Meanwhile, the QWI technology offers an abrupt band-gap change between two functional sections, which reduces internal absorption loss. The experimental results show that the threshold current I-th = 62 mA, and output power reaches 3.6 mW. The wavelength tuning range covers 30 nm, and all the corresponding side mode suppression ratios are over 30 dB. The extinction ratios at available wavelength channels can reach more than 14 dB with bias of -5 V.


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An efficient fabrication scheme of buried ridge waveguide devices is demonstrated by UV-light imprinting technique using organic-in organic hybrid sol-gel Zr-doped SiO2 materials. The refractive indices of a guiding layer and a cladding layer for the buried ridge waveguide structure are 1.537 and 1.492 measured at 1550 nm, respectively. The tested results show more circular mode profiles clue to existence of the cladding layer. A buried ridge single-mode waveguide operating at 1550 nm has a low propagation loss (0.088 dB/cm) and the 1 x 2 MMI power splitter exhibits uniform outputs, with a very low splitting loss of 0.029 dB at 1549 nm.