936 resultados para Best practices.
This thesis is a research study, which is aimed to be published later, in the form of a practical guide for those who have an idea and plan to go one step forward on the creation of a brand and/or a business. The main questions addressed are regarding the main concerns of an entrepreneur, identifiying the main topics that an entrepreneur's practical guide must approach. This work aims to provide relevant and important insights for those who want to start a business, taking in consideration some best practices, advises from entrepreneurs that have already started their own businesses and shared their experience. It means to provide a strong contribution to the Portuguese ecosystem, more specifically, startups, small companies, projects or ideas at seed or startup stage, brands, clubs, and every initiative which is starting from nothing, or almost nothing. Apart from books and online researches, primary information and testimonials were collected through an online survey, from a target audience of entrepreneurs, leading to the main findings of this study. The conclusion of this thesis is the gross index of the future startuper's practical guide, which will be divided in 4 different stages: Preparation, Implementation, Leverage and Closure.
As Tecnologias de Informação são responsáveis pelas transformações que vivemos, pois permitiram a construção de um mundo global, quebraram fronteiras, gerando conhecimento de uma forma cada vez mais rápida o que levanta enormes desafios às organizações. Estas transformações originam a necessidade de as organizações procurarem soluções e inovarem o seu modelo de estratégia organizacional, para conseguirem sobreviver e agregarem valor ao negócio. As Tecnologias de Informação são parte integrante nos processos das empresas, levando à necessidade de estarem alinhados com a estratégia de Governance, procurando aumentar a confiabilidade das suas operações e o presente trabalho aborda a adoção das melhores práticas das frameworks orientadas para esta área nomeadamente o COBIT 5, a ITIL V3, introduzindo os conceitos de Governance de TI e Gestão de TI. A Design Science Research foi a metodologia de investigação adotada, pois permite a construção e operacionalização de artefactos para os SI e encontrar uma solução para a construção de um Catálogo de Serviços como fator diferenciador para o negócio. Para a construção de um Catálogo de Serviços, é proposto um método baseado nas melhores práticas para a área dos Sistemas de informação, em que este passa a ser o principal ponto de contacto, permitindo o registo dos pedidos, mas também a definição de tempos de resposta, custos, faturação de serviços e ainda a construção de um repositório de conhecimento. São definidos os processos que se consideram mais relevantes, são propostos artefactos para a construção do catálogo, é efetuada a modelação em BPMN dos processos inerentes ao registo de pedidos, pois desta forma facilita o entendimento, bem como a sua implementação.
Members of the General Assembly requested that we conduct an audit of the Small Business Development Centers program. We planned to review the accuracy of the program’s reporting of its effectiveness, expenditures, and structure. The audit objectives were listed as follows: Determine if the SBDC program’s reporting, including the program’s effectiveness, is in compliance with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s guidelines and is accurate and complete ; Determine if the current structure of the SBDC is the most beneficial to the small business clients, provides appropriate oversight to SBDC staff, and allows for necessary sharing of best practices throughout all SBDC offices ; Review a sample of SBDC’s use of funding to ensure that the program is efficiently handling federal, state, and other funds for expenditures, including technology upgrades and training conferences.
Numerous academic libraries participate in their campuses' systems for faculty status for librarians, in separate tracks or identical tracks as those for teaching faculty. In either case, a practice is to encourage or require mentoring for librarians without tenure or permanent status. This chapter will cover the special challenges and benefits of mentoring and faculty status, the need for mentoring, and processes for best practices to make mentoring meaningful for all involved. The chapter will draw on the authors’ experiences, an environmental scan, a survey of selected institutional practice where librarians have faculty status, and published research and related literature. It will also feature mentoring programs developed by various institutions, including the University of Maryland Libraries.
O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo apresentar a caracterização do estágio realizado na Equipa Móvel de Desenvolvimento Infantil e Intervenção Precoce (EMDIIP) no âmbito da promoção do desenvolvimento infantil de crianças em contexto de creche, ao longo do segundo ano do mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora. Toda a intervenção psicomotora foi planeada consoante os resultados das avaliações formais, das observações informais de cada criança e das preocupações e dificuldades enunciadas pela Educadora de Infância da creche tendo sempre em conta as práticas recomendadas da Intervenção Precoce. Para além das sessões de psicomotricidade realizadas em grupo e individualmente, foi desenvolvido um trabalho de formação parental, com o intuito de promover as interações familiares e divulgar informação sobre o desenvolvimento normal das crianças, e um ajustamento do contexto da sala Arco-Íris. A psicomotricidade revelou ser uma ferramenta essencial na promoção do desenvolvimento infantil não só na sua vertente (re)educativa e terapêutica mas também na sua vertente preventiva.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
O presente trabalho de investigação aplicada tem como titulo “Processo de Awareness dos Utilizadores nas Redes Militares”, com o intuito de “identificar a forma mais eficiente e eficaz de efetuar um design de um processo de awareness de forma a sensibilizar os utilizadores do sistema de e-mail do Exército para os ataques de phishing” que é o objetivo desta investigação. Por este motivo, de início foram selecionados objetivos específicos que remetem para este principal. Foi definido que precisamos de conhecer as principais teorias comportamentais que influenciam o sucesso dos ataques de phishing, de forma a perceber e combater estes mesmos. Foi, também, necessário perceber quais os principais métodos ou técnicas de ensino de atitudes, para possibilitar a sensibilização dos utilizadores, como também era necessário definir o meio de awareness para executar esta mesma. Por último, era necessário o processo de awareness, portanto, precisamos de critérios de avaliação e, para isso, é importante definir estes mesmos para validar a investigação. Para responder a estes quatro objetivos específicos e ao objetivo geral da investigação foi criada a questão central do trabalho que é “Como efetuar o design de um processo de awareness para o Exército que reduza o impacto dos ataques de phishing executados através do seu sistema de e-mail?” Devido ao carácter teórico-prático desta investigação, foi decidido que o método de investigação seria o Hipotético-Dedutivo, e o método de procedimento seria o Estudo de Caso. Foi uma investigação exploratória, utilizando as técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental para executar uma revisão de literatura completa com o intuito de apoiar a investigação, como, também, fundamentar todo o trabalho de campo realizado. Para a realização deste estudo, foi necessário estudar a temática Segurança da Informação, já que esta suporta a investigação. Para existir segurança da informação é necessário que as propriedades da segurança da informação se mantenham preservadas, isto é, a confidencialidade, a integridade e a disponibilidade. O trabalho de campo consistiu em duas partes, a construção dos questionários e da apresentação de sensibilização e a sua aplicação e avaliação (outputs da investigação). Estes produtos foram usados na sessão de sensibilização através da aplicação do questionário de aferição seguido da apresentação de sensibilização, e terminando com o questionário de validação (processo de awareness). Conseguiu-se, após a sensibilização, através do processo de awareness, que os elementos identificassem com maior rigor os ataques de phishing. Para isso utilizou-se, na sensibilização, o método de ensino ativo, que incorpora boas práticas para a construção de produtos de sensibilização, utilizando os estilos de aprendizagem auditivo, mecânico e visual, que permite alterar comportamentos.
This report examines the Genesis II irradiator made by Gray*Star Incorporated, Mississippi Department of Health radiation safety regulations, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection guidelines for irradiators. The purpose for this report is to evaluate any hazards which may lead to a catastrophic water loss, evaluate protective action distances during a reduced shielding situation, and evaluate the safety engineering measures incorporated by Mississippi and Federal regulations to ensure the mitigation of risk for pool irradiators. Due to safeguard controls prohibiting release of precise data on emergency response measures and radioactivity of the isotopes utilized this report will be focused on regulations mandating specific engineering controls and manufacturer recommended guidelines for best practices.
Ever since the birth of the Smart City paradigm, a wide variety of initiatives have sprung up involving this phenomenon: best practices, projects, pilot projects, transformation plans, models, standards, indicators, measuring systems, etc. The question to ask, applicable to any government official, city planner or researcher, is whether this effect is being felt in how cities are transforming, or whether, in contrast, it is not very realistic to speak of cities imbued with this level of intelligence. Many cities are eager to define themselves as smart, but the variety, complexity and scope of the projects needed for this transformation indicate that the change process is longer than it seems. If our goal is to carry out a comparative analysis of this progress among cities by using the number of projects executed and their scope as a reference for the transformation, we could find such a task inconsequential due to the huge differences and characteristics that define a city. We believe that the subject needs simplification (simpler, more practical models) and a new approach. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the smart city transformation process in Spain and provides a support model that helps us understand the changes and the speed at which they are being implemented. To this end we define a set of elements of change called "transformation factors" that group a city's smartness into one of three levels (Low/Medium/Fully) and more homogeneously identify the level of advancement of this process. © 2016 IEEE.
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the performance of Iowa's mental health system in relation to current standards, benchmarks and best practices found in public health systems in the United States.
This meeting brings together Iowa Department of Public Health Office of Minority and Multicultural Health and The OMMH Advisory Council in facilitated processes using the Technology of Participation Methods: Focused Conversation; and Consensus Workshop. The workshop question: “Over the next three years what community coalition building strategies continue to move us toward our vision?” Best practices are defined as those actions that are successfully undertaken and make a difference in the target population. They are studied, documented and can be prescribed for others. For groups who seek to make a difference the study of best practices from other similar communities and populations offers the best opportunity to successfully make change. 2
This review of preventative controls for fraud, waste, and abuse in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), administered by the Department of Social Services, was self-initiated by the State Inspector General as part of a broader statewide review of preventative fraud, waste, and abuse management controls of major benefit programs in State agencies. This review’s scope and objectives were: Assess SNAP’s preventative management controls for fraud, waste, and abuse; Identify SNAP preventative management control best practices; and Identify opportunities to improve SNAP management controls to cost/effectively mitigate risks of fraud, waste, and abuse.
Things change. Words change, meaning changes and use changes both words and meaning. In information access systems this means concept schemes such as thesauri or clas- sification schemes change. They always have. Concept schemes that have survived have evolved over time, moving from one version, often called an edition, to the next. If we want to manage how words and meanings - and as a conse- quence use - change in an effective manner, and if we want to be able to search across versions of concept schemes, we have to track these changes. This paper explores how we might expand SKOS, a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) draft recommendation in order to do that kind of tracking.The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) Core Guide is sponsored by the Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group. The second draft, edited by Alistair Miles and Dan Brickley, was issued in November 2005. SKOS is a “model for expressing the basic structure and content of concept schemes such as thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, folksonomies, other types of controlled vocabulary and also concept schemes embedded in glossaries and terminologies” in RDF. How SKOS handles version in concept schemes is an open issue. The current draft guide suggests using OWL and DCTERMS as mechanisms for concept scheme revision.As it stands an editor of a concept scheme can make notes or declare in OWL that more than one version exists. This paper adds to the SKOS Core by introducing a tracking sys- tem for changes in concept schemes. We call this tracking system vocabulary ontogeny. Ontogeny is a biological term for the development of an organism during its lifetime. Here we use the ontogeny metaphor to describe how vocabularies change over their lifetime. Our purpose here is to create a conceptual mechanism that will track these changes and in so doing enhance information retrieval and prevent document loss through versioning, thereby enabling persistent retrieval.
L'ulcère du pied diabétique (UPD) affecte 15 à 25 % des personnes diabétiques. Le traitement recommandé de la mise en décharge de l'ulcère est peu appliqué, entraînant des délais de guérison excessifs et des coûts élevés pour le système de santé. Peu d'études abordent le sujet des facteurs responsables de la faible adoption des pratiques exemplaires pour le traitement de décharge de l'UPD en soins de première ligne. Les objectifs spécifiques de ce projet de maîtrise sont d'élaborer et de valider deux questionnaires, un dédié aux patients et un dédié aux professionnels de la santé, explorant les facteurs influençant l'adoption des pratiques exemplaires pour le traitement de la mise en décharge de l’UPD en soins de première ligne. En guise de référence à l'élaboration des questionnaires, un guide de développement d'instrument de mesure, inspiré de la théorie du comportement planifié, a été utilisé. L'analyse de deux types de validation a été entreprise, soit l'analyse de la validité de contenu et de la stabilité temporelle. Les résultats ont démontré des scores particulièrement élevés de validité de contenu et des scores de stabilité temporelle satisfaisants pour le questionnaire dédié aux patients. Le questionnaire dédié aux professionnels de la santé a aussi remporté des scores de validité de contenu particulièrement élevés, mais les items ont obtenu des scores de stabilité temporelle faibles. Le niveau de connaissance des participants sur le sujet exploré a eu une influence majeure sur les résultats de stabilité temporelle. Pour la version finale des questionnaires, seulement les items obtenant des scores élevés de validité de contenu et de stabilité temporelle ont été conservés. Cette étude a fait l'objet d'un article de recherche intitulé Development of Survey Tools to Explore Factors Influencing the Adoption of Best Practices for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Offloading et a été soumis à la revue Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing. Les réponses obtenues aux items remportant des coefficients de validité forts sont brièvement examinées à la partie discussion. Les résultats de ce projet de maîtrise permettent de souligner la nécessité de recourir à une méthodologie rigoureuse pour l'obtention d'instruments de mesure valides; un élément trop souvent négligé dans les études sur les soins de santé.
Background : Developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder. Best practices include raising parents’ awareness and building capacity but few interventions incorporating these best practices are documented. Objective : To examine whether an evidence-based online module can increase the perceived knowledge and skills of parents of children with DCD, and lead to behavioural changes when managing their child’s health condition. Methods : A mixed-methods, before-after-follow-up design guided by the theory of planned behaviour was employed. Data about the knowledge, skills and behaviours of parents of children with DCD were collected using questionnaires prior to completing the module, immediately after, and three months later. One-way repeated measures ANOVAs and thematic analyses were performed on data as appropriate. Results : Fifty-eight participants completed all questionnaires. There was a significant effect of time on self-reported knowledge [F(2.00,114.00)=16.37, p=0.00] and skills [F(1.81,103.03)=51.37, p=0.00] with higher post- and follow-up scores than pre-intervention scores. Thirty-seven (65%) participants reported an intention to change behaviour postintervention; 29 (50%) participants had tried recommended strategies at follow-up. Three themes emerged to describe parents’ behavioural change: sharing information, trialing strategies and changing attitudes. Factors influencing parents’ ability to implement these behavioural changes included clear recommendations, time, and ‘right’ attitude. Perceived outcomes associated with the parental behavioural changes involved improvement in well-being for the children at school, at home, and for the family as a whole. Conclusions : The online module increased parents’ self-reported knowledge and skills in DCD management. Future research should explore its impacts on children’s outcomes long-term.