934 resultados para rischio, idrocarburi, ADIOS2, Po
Freshwater is extremely precious; but even more precious than freshwater is clean freshwater. From the time that 2/3 of our planet is covered in water, we have contaminated our globe with chemicals that have been used by industrial activities over the last century in a unprecedented way causing harm to humans and wildlife. We have to adopt a new scientific mindset in order to face this problem so to protect this important resource. The Water Framework Directive (European Parliament and the Council, 2000) is a milestone legislative document that transformed the way that water quality monitoring is undertaken across all Member States by introducing the Ecological and Chemical Status. A “good or higher” Ecological Status is expected to be achieved for all waterbodies in Europe by 2015. Yet, most of the European waterbodies, which are determined to be at risk, or of moderate to bad quality, further information will be required so that adequate remediation strategies can be implemented. To date, water quality evaluation is based on five biological components (phytoplankton, macrophytes and benthic algae, macroinvertebrates and fishes) and various hydromorphological and physicochemical elements. The evaluation of the chemical status is principally based on 33 priority substances and on 12 xenobiotics, considered as dangerous for the environment. This approach takes into account only a part of the numerous xenobiotics that can be present in surface waters and could not evidence all the possible causes of ecotoxicological stress that can act in a water section. The mixtures of toxic chemicals may constitute an ecological risk not predictable on the basis of the single component concentration. To improve water quality, sources of contamination and causes of ecological alterations need to be identified. On the other hand, the analysis of the community structure, which is the result of multiple processes, including hydrological constrains and physico-chemical stress, give back only a “photograph” of the actual status of a site without revealing causes and sources of the perturbation. A multidisciplinary approach, able to integrate the information obtained by different methods, such as community structure analysis and eco-genotoxicological studies, could help overcome some of the difficulties in properly identifying the different causes of stress in risk assessment. In synthesis, the river ecological status is the result of a combination of multiple pressures that, for management purposes and quality improvement, have to be disentangled from each other. To reduce actual uncertainty in risk assessment, methods that establish quantitative links between levels of contamination and community alterations are needed. The analysis of macrobenthic invertebrate community structure has been widely used to identify sites subjected to perturbation. Trait-based descriptors of community structure constitute a useful method in ecological risk assessment. The diagnostic capacity of freshwater biomonitoring could be improved by chronic sublethal toxicity testing of water and sediment samples. Requiring an exposure time that covers most of the species’ life cycle, chronic toxicity tests are able to reveal negative effects on life-history traits at contaminant concentrations well below the acute toxicity level. Furthermore, the responses of high-level endpoints (growth, fecundity, mortality) can be integrated in order to evaluate the impact on population’s dynamics, a highly relevant endpoint from the ecological point of view. To gain more accurate information about potential causes and consequences of environmental contamination, the evaluation of adverse effects at physiological, biochemical and genetic level is also needed. The use of different biomarkers and toxicity tests can give information about the sub-lethal and toxic load of environmental compartments. Biomarkers give essential information about the exposure to toxicants, such as endocrine disruptor compounds and genotoxic substances whose negative effects cannot be evidenced by using only high-level toxicological endpoints. The increasing presence of genotoxic pollutants in the environment has caused concern regarding the potential harmful effects of xenobiotics on human health, and interest on the development of new and more sensitive methods for the assessment of mutagenic and cancerogenic risk. Within the WFD, biomarkers and bioassays are regarded as important tools to gain lines of evidence for cause-effect relationship in ecological quality assessment. Despite the scientific community clearly addresses the advantages and necessity of an ecotoxicological approach within the ecological quality assessment, a recent review reports that, more than one decade after the publication of the WFD, only few studies have attempted to integrate ecological water status assessment and biological methods (namely biomarkers or bioassays). None of the fifteen reviewed studies included both biomarkers and bioassays. The integrated approach developed in this PhD Thesis comprises a set of laboratory bioassays (Daphnia magna acute and chronic toxicity tests, Comet Assay and FPG-Comet) newly-developed, modified tacking a cue from standardized existing protocols or applied for freshwater quality testing (ecotoxicological, genotoxicological and toxicogenomic assays), coupled with field investigations on macrobenthic community structures (SPEAR and EBI indexes). Together with the development of new bioassays with Daphnia magna, the feasibility of eco-genotoxicological testing of freshwater and sediment quality with Heterocypris incongruens was evaluated (Comet Assay and a protocol for chronic toxicity). However, the Comet Assay, although standardized, was not applied to freshwater samples due to the lack of sensitivity of this species observed after 24h of exposure to relatively high (and not environmentally relevant) concentrations of reference genotoxicants. Furthermore, this species demonstrated to be unsuitable also for chronic toxicity testing due to the difficult evaluation of fecundity as sub-lethal endpoint of exposure and complications due to its biology and behaviour. The study was applied to a pilot hydrographic sub-Basin, by selecting section subjected to different levels of anthropogenic pressure: this allowed us to establish the reference conditions, to select the most significant endpoints and to evaluate the coherence of the responses of the different lines of evidence (alteration of community structure, eco-genotoxicological responses, alteration of gene expression profiles) and, finally, the diagnostic capacity of the monitoring strategy. Significant correlations were found between the genotoxicological parameter Tail Intensity % (TI%) and macrobenthic community descriptors SPEAR (p<0.001) and EBI (p<0.05), between the genotoxicological parameter describing DNA oxidative stress (ΔTI%) and mean levels of nitrates (p<0.01) and between reproductive impairment (Failed Development % from D. magna chronic bioassays) and TI% (p<0.001) as well as EBI (p<0.001). While correlation among parameters demonstrates a general coherence in the response to increasing impacts, the concomitant ability of each single endpoint to be responsive to specific sources of stress is at the basis of the diagnostic capacity of the integrated approach as demonstrated by stations presenting a mismatch among the different lines of evidence. The chosen set of bioassays, as well as the selected endpoints, are not providing redundant indications on the water quality status but, on the contrary, are contributing with complementary pieces of information about the several stressors that insist simultaneously on a waterbody section providing this monitoring strategy with a solid diagnostic capacity. Our approach should provide opportunities for the integration of biological effects into monitoring programmes for surface water, especially in investigative monitoring. Moreover, it should provide a more realistic assessment of impact and exposure of aquatic organisms to contaminants. Finally this approach should provide an evaluation of drivers of change in biodiversity and its causalities on ecosystem function/services provision, that is the direct and indirect contributions to human well-being.
O cristianismo, ao se estabelecer como uma religião em torno da mesa, teve na eucaristia uma refeição digna, como um símbolo e um posicionamento diante da realidade. Abordar o sentido do alimento na perícope de Jo 6,22-59 se constitui num marco para o cristianismo que permite ver como esse tema tão ligado às questões do cotidiano, lhe agregou símbolos, imagens e conceitos que ressignificam o alimento.
La Sequenza Sismica Emiliana del 2012 ha colpito la zona compresa tra Mirandola e Ferrara con notevoli manifestazioni cosismiche e post-sismiche secondarie, soprattutto legate al fenomeno della liquefazione delle sabbie e alla formazione di fratturazioni superficiali del terreno. A fronte del fatto che la deformazione principale, osservata tramite tecniche di remote-sensing, ha permesso di individuare la posizione della struttura generatrice, ci si è interrogati sul rapporto tra strutture profonde e manifestazioni secondarie superficiali. In questa tesi è stato svolto un lavoro di integrazione di dati a varia scala, dalla superficie al sottosuolo, fino profondità di alcuni chilometri, per analizzare il legame tra le strutture geologiche che hanno generato il sisma e gli effetti superficiali percepiti dagli osservatori. Questo, non solo in riferimento allo specifico del sisma emiliano del 2012, ma al fine di trarre utili informazioni in una prospettiva storica e geologica sugli effetti di un terremoto “tipico”, in una regione dove le strutture generatrici non affiorano in superficie. Gli elementi analizzati comprendono nuove acquisizioni e rielaborazioni di dati pregressi, e includono cartografie geomorfologiche, telerilevamenti, profili sismici a riflessione superficiale e profonda, stratigrafie e informazioni sulla caratterizzazione dell’area rispetto al rischio sismico. Parte dei dati di nuova acquisizione è il risultato dello sviluppo e la sperimentazione di metodologie innovative di prospezione sismica in corsi e specchi d’acqua continentali, che sono state utilizzate con successo lungo il Cavo Napoleonico, un canale artificiale che taglia ortogonalmente la zona di massima deformazione del sisma del 20 Maggio. Lo sviluppo della nuova metodologia di indagine geofisica, applicata ad un caso concreto, ha permesso di migliorare le tecniche di imaging del sottosuolo, oltre a segnalare nuove evidenze co-sismiche che rimanevano nascoste sotto le acque del canale, e a fornire elementi utili alla stratigrafia del terreno. Il confronto tra dati geofisici e dati geomorfologici ha permesso di cartografare con maggiore dettaglio i corpi e le forme sedimentarie superficiali legati alla divagazione fluviale dall’VIII sec a.C.. I dati geofisici, superficiali e profondi, hanno evidenziato il legame tra le strutture sismogeniche e le manifestazioni superficiali seguite al sisma emiliano. L’integrazione dei dati disponibili, sia nuovi che da letteratura, ha evidenziato il rapporto tra strutture profonde e sedimentazione, e ha permesso di calcolare i tassi geologici di sollevamento della struttura generatrice del sisma del 20 Maggio. I risultati di questo lavoro hanno implicazioni in vari ambiti, tra i quali la valutazione del rischio sismico e la microzonazione sismica, basata su una caratterizzazione geomorfologico-geologico-geofisica dettagliata dei primi 20 metri al di sotto della superficie topografica. Il sisma emiliano del 2012 ha infatti permesso di riconoscere l’importanza del substrato per lo sviluppo di fenomeni co- e post-sismici secondari, in un territorio fortemente eterogeneo come la Pianura Padana.
Obbiettivo della tesi è sviluppare un metodo che valuti la probabilità di rottura arginale nella stesura delle mappe di pericolosità e di rischio alluvione. Ad oggi le mappe di pericolosità, redatte dagli enti regionali, considerano solo la probabilità di superamento dell’argine da parte del livello idrico (overtopping) e non il cedimento dello stesso a causa dell’instabilizzazione dovuta all’innalzamento del livello del fiume. Per la presente tesi si è scelto come caso di studio la rottura dell’argine destro del fiume Secchia del 19 gennaio 2014, presso la frazione di San Matteo, comune di Modena. Questo caso di rottura arginale è particolarmente interessante, poiché dopo l’accaduto la regione Emilia-Romagna ha predisposto una commissione tecnica per valutare le cause dell'evento. La commissione ha quindi predisposto una serie di indagini i cui dati saranno di fondamentale importanza nella presente tesi. Utilizzando, infatti, questo caso di cedimento arginale come esempio si è potuto innanzitutto ricostruire il fenomeno che ha provocato il fallimento dell’argine e ricalcolare il rischio inondazione sulle zone allagate considerando la probabilità di fallimento del sistema arginale. Per fare ciò, si sono inizialmente eseguite varie modellazioni idrauliche, sul corpo arginale, per stabilire gli spostamenti della tavola d’acqua e i valori di pressione interstiziale dei pori al variare dei tiranti idrici utilizzando il software SEEP/W. Successivamente si è utilizzato SLOPE/W allo scopo di verificate le probabilità di cedimento dell'argine in relazione alle modellazioni idrauliche effettuate con SEEP/W. Una volta ricavate le probabilità di rottura alle varie quote idriche con SLOPE/W, le si è riportate su un foglio di calcolo Excel e ricavata la curva di fragilità dell'argine e calcolato le probabilità di accadimento degli eventi alluvionali. Dopo di ciò attraverso l’utilizzo del software CA2D si sono modellate le mappe di alluvione per i vari eventi e con l’ausilio di Qgis si sono ricavate le mappe di pericolosità e calcolato il rischio sugli edifici interessati.
L'integrazione di dati micropaleontologici a dati sedimentologici ha permesso la ricostruzione paleoambientale di una porzione di carota prelevata nel Delta del Po. Sono state riconosciute 5 associazioni di facies riconducibili ad altrettanti ambienti deposizionali: retrobarriera, barriera trasgressiva, piattaforma, transizione fra piattaforma e prodelta e prodelta. Lo studio delle associazioni a foraminiferi bentonici ha consentito la caratterizzazione micropaleontologica delle facies riconosciute. E' stato cosi possibile definire la superficie di massima ingressione marina (MFS) al tetto della associazione di facies di piattaforma al passaggio ai depositi di transizione al prodelta.
Nell'elaborato si presenta un'analisi dei fenomeni di dissesto che coinvolgono il lato nord della rupe di San Leo e il sottostante bacino del Fosso Campone, delle relative campagne di indagine e degli interventi e opere effettuati o in progetto.
The Arctic sea-ice extent reached a record minimum in September 2012. Sea-ice decline increases the absorption of solar energy in the Arctic Ocean, affecting primary production and the plankton community. How this will modulate the sinking of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the ocean surface remains a key question. We use the 234Th/238U and 210Po/210Pb radionuclide pairs to estimate the magnitude of the POC export fluxes in the upper ocean of the central Arctic in summer 2012, covering time scales from weeks to months. The 234Th/238U proxy reveals that POC fluxes at the base of the euphotic zone were very low (2 ± 2 mmol C/m**2/d) in late summer. Relationships obtained between the 234Th export fluxes and the phytoplankton community suggest that prasinophytes contributed significantly to the downward fluxes, likely via incorporation into sea-ice algal aggregates and zooplankton-derived material. The magnitude of the depletion of 210Po in the upper water column over the entire study area indicates that particle export fluxes were higher before July/August than later in the season. 210Po fluxes and 210Po-derived POC fluxes correlated positively with sea-ice concentration, showing that particle sinking was greater under heavy sea-ice conditions than under partially ice-covered regions. Although the POC fluxes were low, a large fraction of primary production (>30%) was exported at the base of the euphotic zone in most of the study area during summer 2012, indicating a high export efficiency of the biological pump in the central Arctic. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
In deze presentatie wordt ingegaan op mogelijkheden het onderwijs voor en het leren van jonge kinderen en leerlingen in het PO, VO en MBO te optimaliseren.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death. In recent years, numerous countries have initiated the prohibition of smoking in restaurants, workplaces and public spaces. The Vietnamese government intends to follow the precautions against public smoking as well. Over and above the number of some hazardous chemical components found in tobacco, 210Po isotope content could enhance the probability of the development of lung cancer. In this study 14 Vietnamese tobacco products (commercial cigarettes and pipe tobacco) 210Po activity concentration were determined using PIPS semiconductor alpha spectrometry. The results showed that the 210Po activity concentration of the investigated samples varied between 7.40 ± 1.09 - 128.64 ± 11.22 mBq g-1. The average 210Po content of commercial cigarettes was 15.5 mBq g-1, whilst the average of pipe tobacco was 20.4 mBq g-1. To estimate the risk of inhalation of 210Po isotopes originating as a result of smoking, dose estimations were carried out. © Versita Sp. z o.o.