Th-234 and Po-210 as POC flux proxies during the ARK-XXVII/3 expedition (August-October 2012)

Autoria(s): Roca-Martí, Montserrat; Puigcorbé, Viena; Stimac, Ingrid; Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel M; Masqué, Pere

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 84.474511 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 84.610033 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 81.925000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 17.597830 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 88.803000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 131.105670 * DATE/TIME START: 2012-08-11T07:08:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2012-09-28T22:52:00




The Arctic sea-ice extent reached a record minimum in September 2012. Sea-ice decline increases the absorption of solar energy in the Arctic Ocean, affecting primary production and the plankton community. How this will modulate the sinking of particulate organic carbon (POC) from the ocean surface remains a key question. We use the 234Th/238U and 210Po/210Pb radionuclide pairs to estimate the magnitude of the POC export fluxes in the upper ocean of the central Arctic in summer 2012, covering time scales from weeks to months. The 234Th/238U proxy reveals that POC fluxes at the base of the euphotic zone were very low (2 ± 2 mmol C/m**2/d) in late summer. Relationships obtained between the 234Th export fluxes and the phytoplankton community suggest that prasinophytes contributed significantly to the downward fluxes, likely via incorporation into sea-ice algal aggregates and zooplankton-derived material. The magnitude of the depletion of 210Po in the upper water column over the entire study area indicates that particle export fluxes were higher before July/August than later in the season. 210Po fluxes and 210Po-derived POC fluxes correlated positively with sea-ice concentration, showing that particle sinking was greater under heavy sea-ice conditions than under partially ice-covered regions. Although the POC fluxes were low, a large fraction of primary production (>30%) was exported at the base of the euphotic zone in most of the study area during summer 2012, indicating a high export efficiency of the biological pump in the central Arctic. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Supplement to: Roca-Martí, Montserrat; Puigcorbé, Viena; Rutgers van der Loeff, Michiel M; Katlein, Christian; Fernández-Méndez, Mar; Peeken, Ilka; Masqué, Pere (2016): Carbon export fluxes and export efficiency in the central Arctic during the record sea-ice minimum in 2012: A joint 234Th/238U and 210Po/210Pb study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121(7), 5030-5049, doi:10.1002/2016JC011816

Palavras-Chave #(234Th/238U); (234Th/238U) std dev; 210Pb; 210Pb part; 210Pb part std dev; 210Pb std dev; 210Po; 210Po/210Pb; 210Po/210Pb std dev; 210Po part; 210Po part std dev; 210Po std dev; 234Th part; 234Th part std dev; 234Th std dev; 234Th tot; 238U; 238U std dev; Bottle; Bottle number; Carbon, organic, particulate; Carbon, organic, particulate/Polonium 210 ratio; Carbon, organic, particulate/Polonium 210 ratio, standard deviation; Carbon, organic, particulate/Thorium 234 ratio; Carbon, organic, particulate/Thorium 234 ratio, standard deviation; DEPTH, water; Depth water; Event; Lead 210; Lead 210, particulate; Lead 210, particulate, standard deviation; Lead 210, standard deviation; Nitrogen, organic, particulate; POC; POC/234Th; POC/234Th std dev; POC/Po210; POC/Po210 std dev; Polonium 210; Polonium 210, particulate; Polonium 210, particulate, standard deviation; Polonium 210, standard deviation; Polonium 210/Lead 210, standard deviation; Polonium 210/Lead 210 activity ratio; PON; size fraction >53 µm; Station; Thorium 234, particulate; Thorium 234, particulate, standard deviation; Thorium 234, total; Thorium 234, total, standard deviation; Thorium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio; Thorium 234/Uranium 238 activity ratio, standard deviation; Uranium 238; Uranium 238, standard deviation
