706 resultados para muusikot - mustalaiset - Bulgaria


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Статията разглежда славянския превод на Посланието на патриарх Фотий до българския княз Борис- Михаил, запазен само в руски преписи от началото на XVI до началото на XX в. Специално внимание се отделя на езика на славянския превод (правопис, морфосинтаксис, лексика и словообразуване), чрез който става възможно датирането на превода, тъй като липсват всякакви други (литературни, исторически, палеографски, кодикологични) сведения за това. Изследването на езика позволява пре- водът да се отнесе към книжовната продукция на XIV в. и по-точно към школата на Евтимий Търновски. Причината за появата на славянския превод на Фотиевия трактат трябва да се търси в основното послание на съчинението – запазване устоите на християнската вяра и въплъщаването й в държавното управление.


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Estudiamos una pieza inédita de una colección privada de Barcelona. Es una escultura votiva, ofrecida por un soldado. Representa al dios Silvano, si bien el nombre de este dios no aparece citado en la inscripción griega de la base, donde se indica que el voto va dirigido a Zeus Dalbenus. Este epíteto Dalbenos / Dalbenus es un hápax. Ofrecemos una lectura del texto e intentamos dar una respuesta a las “incongruencias” entre imagen y texto inscrito.


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Clustering algorithms, pattern mining techniques and associated quality metrics emerged as reliable methods for modeling learners’ performance, comprehension and interaction in given educational scenarios. The specificity of available data such as missing values, extreme values or outliers, creates a challenge to extract significant user models from an educational perspective. In this paper we introduce a pattern detection mechanism with-in our data analytics tool based on k-means clustering and on SSE, silhouette, Dunn index and Xi-Beni index quality metrics. Experiments performed on a dataset obtained from our online e-learning platform show that the extracted interaction patterns were representative in classifying learners. Furthermore, the performed monitoring activities created a strong basis for generating automatic feedback to learners in terms of their course participation, while relying on their previous performance. In addition, our analysis introduces automatic triggers that highlight learners who will potentially fail the course, enabling tutors to take timely actions.


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Rhythm analysis of written texts focuses on literary analysis and it mainly considers poetry. In this paper we investigate the relevance of rhythmic features for categorizing texts in prosaic form pertaining to different genres. Our contribution is threefold. First, we define a set of rhythmic features for written texts. Second, we extract these features from three corpora, of speeches, essays, and newspaper articles. Third, we perform feature selection by means of statistical analyses, and determine a subset of features which efficiently discriminates between the three genres. We find that using as little as eight rhythmic features, documents can be adequately assigned to a given genre with an accuracy of around 80 %, significantly higher than the 33 % baseline which results from random assignment.


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Opinion mining and sentiment analysis are important research areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and have become viable alternatives for automatically extracting the affective information found in texts. Our aim is to build an NLP model to analyze gamers’ sentiments and opinions expressed in a corpus of 9750 game reviews. A Principal Component Analysis using sentiment analysis features explained 51.2 % of the variance of the reviews and provides an integrated view of the major sentiment and topic related dimensions expressed in game reviews. A Discriminant Function Analysis based on the emerging components classified game reviews into positive, neutral and negative ratings with a 55 % accuracy.


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The Court of Justice’s decision of the 16 July 2015, in Case C-83/14 CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD v Komisia za zashtita ot diskriminatsia, is a critically important case for two main reasons. First, it represents a further step along the path of addressing ethnic discrimination against Roma communities in Europe, particularly in Bulgaria, where the case arises. Second, it provides interpretations (sometimes controversial interpretations) of core concepts in the EU antidiscrimination Directives that will be drawn on in the application of equality law well beyond Bulgaria, and well beyond the pressing problem of ethnic discrimination against Roma. This article focuses particularly on the second issue, the potentially broader implications of the case. In particular, it will ask whether the Court of Justice’s approach in CHEZ is subtly redrawing the boundaries of EU equality law in general, in particular by expanding the concept of direct discrimination, or whether the result and the approach adopted is sui generis, one depending on the particular context of the case and the fact that it involves allegations of discrimination against Roma, and therefore of limited general application.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the social/economic costs and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of patients with epidermolysis bullosa (EB) in eight EU member states. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of patients with EB from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Data on demographic characteristics, health resource utilisation, informal care, labour productivity losses, and HRQOL were collected from the questionnaires completed by patients or their caregivers. HRQOL was measured with the EuroQol 5-domain (EQ-5D) questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 204 patients completed the questionnaire. Average annual costs varied from country to country, and ranged from euro9509 to euro49,233 (reference year 2012). Estimated direct healthcare costs ranged from euro419 to euro10,688; direct non-healthcare costs ranged from euro7449 to euro37,451 and labour productivity losses ranged from euro0 to euro7259. The average annual cost per patient across all countries was estimated at euro31,390, out of which euro5646 accounted for direct health costs (18.0 %), euro23,483 accounted for direct non-healthcare costs (74.8 %), and euro2261 accounted for indirect costs (7.2 %). Costs were shown to vary across patients with different disability but also between children and adults. The mean EQ-5D score for adult EB patients was estimated at between 0.49 and 0.71 and the mean EQ-5D visual analogue scale score was estimated at between 62 and 77. CONCLUSION: In addition to its negative impact on patient HRQOL, our study indicates the substantial social/economic burden of EB in Europe, attributable mostly to high direct non-healthcare costs.


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Paper based on the text to be published in Moniz, A.B. and Okuwada, K. (2016), Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe, Karlsruhe, KIT Scientific Publishing


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This dissertation addresses the broader antecedents of the Communist Party of Albania (CPA) as one of a number of associations whose experience was central to Albanian political history. This long experience dates back to the informal national associations formed in the Ottoman Empire of the late nineteenth century. The dissertation examines the role of these associations which, pursuing language rights and political representation through imperial state reforms, set a pattern that struggled to connect nation and state, rather than asserting the territorial demands for a nation-state familiar across the region. Starting out in the Ottoman Empire, but then maturing in the Albanian diaspora in Romania, Bulgaria, Egypt and the United States, this dissertation shows politically significant processes of longer-term adaptation that created informal associations as institutional structures able to channel collective action. It then traces the reframing of these patterns through their destruction in the Balkan Wars and the First World War to the emergence of communist associations in the interwar period and beyond. This dissertation is a sustained study that traces long-term Ottoman imperial political legacies in the Albanian successor state. The story of the associations, based on hitherto unexamined archival documents, shows that the Albanians possessed a far greater capacity for political mobilization that previously acknowledged by historians. Moreover, the dissertation successfully challenges the conventional wisdom that portrays the Albanians as irreparably divided along sectarian and regional faultlines. It finds that Albanian national activism was civic in character rather than ethnic as elsewhere in the Balkans. The Albanians fought to remain within a multinational framework because this afforded them political security, social advancement and potential economic growth. In the late Ottoman period, this political objective was manifested in the acceptance of the supranational imperial order whereas during the Second World War, in the aspiration to become members of the Comintern internationalist movement. Another important find, is the newly-discovered evidence concerning the founding of the CPA and its wartime conduct as an organization created and led by the Albanians themselves, albeit with Yugoslav ideological assistance under the transnational umbrella of the Comintern.


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BACKGROUND:Tackling inequalities in overweight, obesity and related determinants has become a top priority for the European research and policy agendas. Although it has been established that such inequalities accumulate from early childhood onward, they have not been studied extensively in children. The current article discusses the results of an explorative analysis for the identification of inequalities in behaviours and their determinants between groups with high and low socio-economic status. METHODS: This study is part of the Epode for the Promotion of Health Equity (EPHE) evaluation study, the overall aim of which is to assess the impact and sustainability of EPODE methodology to diminish inequalities in childhood obesity and overweight. Seven community-based programmes from different European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, The Netherlands) participate in the EPHE study. In each of the communities, children aged 6-8 years participated, resulting in a total sample of 1266 children and their families. A parental self-administrated questionnaire was disseminated in order to assess the socio-economic status of the household, selected energy balance-related behaviours (1. fruit and vegetable consumption; 2. soft drink/ fruit juices and water consumption; 3. screen time and 4. sleep duration) of the children and associated family environmental determinants. The Mann-Whitney U test and Pearson's chi-square test were used to test differences between the low and high education groups. The country-specific median was chosen as the cut-off point to determine the educational level, given the different average educational level in every country. RESULTS: Children with mothers of relatively high educational level consumed fruits and vegetables more frequently than their peers of low socio-economic status. The latter group of children had a higher intake of fruit juices and/or soft drinks and had higher screen time. Parental rules and home availability were consistently different between the two socio-economic groups in our study in all countries. However we did not find a common pattern for all behaviours and the variability across the countries was large. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are indicative of socio-economic inequalities in our samples, although the variability across the countries was large. The effectiveness of interventions aimed at chancing parental rules and behaviour on health inequalities should be studied.


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Sign.: 2a-2c8, d4, a-z8, A-Z8, 2A-2C8, 2D4


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BACKGROUND The recent occurrence and spread of African swine fever (ASF) in Eastern Europe is perceived as a serious risk for the pig industry in the European Union (EU). In order to estimate the potential risk of ASF virus (ASFV) entering the EU, several pathways of introduction were previously assessed separately. The present work aimed to integrate five of these assessments (legal imports of pigs, legal imports of products, illegal imports of products, fomites associated with transport and wild boar movements) into a modular tool that facilitates the visualization and comprehension of the relative risk of ASFV introduction into the EU by each analyzed pathway. RESULTS The framework's results indicate that 48% of EU countries are at relatively high risk (risk score 4 or 5 out of 5) for ASFV entry for at least one analyzed pathway. Four of these countries obtained the maximum risk score for one pathway: Bulgaria for legally imported products during the high risk period (HRP); Finland for wild boar; Slovenia and Sweden for legally imported pigs during the HRP. Distribution of risk considerably differed from one pathway to another; for some pathways, the risk was concentrated in a few countries (e.g., transport fomites), whereas other pathways incurred a high risk for 4 or 5 countries (legal pigs, illegal imports and wild boar). CONCLUSIONS The modular framework, developed to estimate the risk of ASFV entry into the EU, is available in a public domain, and is a transparent, easy-to-interpret tool that can be updated and adapted if required. The model's results determine the EU countries at higher risk for each ASFV introduction route, and provide a useful basis to develop a global coordinated program to improve ASFV prevention in the EU.


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Understanding the complexity of live pig trade organization is a key factor to predict and control major infectious diseases, such as classical swine fever (CSF) or African swine fever (ASF). Whereas the organization of pig trade has been described in several European countries with indoor commercial production systems, little information is available on this organization in other systems, such as outdoor or small-scale systems. The objective of this study was to describe and compare the spatial and functional organization of live pig trade in different European countries and different production systems. Data on premise characteristics and pig movements between premises were collected during 2011 from Bulgaria, France, Italy, and Spain, which swine industry is representative of most of the production systems in Europe (i.e., commercial vs. small-scale and outdoor vs. indoor). Trade communities were identified in each country using the Walktrap algorithm. Several descriptive and network metrics were generated at country and community levels. Pig trade organization showed heterogeneous spatial and functional organization. Trade communities mostly composed of indoor commercial premises were identified in western France, northern Italy, northern Spain, and north-western Bulgaria. They covered large distances, overlapped in space, demonstrated both scale-free and small-world properties, with a role of trade operators and multipliers as key premises. Trade communities involving outdoor commercial premises were identified in western Spain, south-western and central France. They were more spatially clustered, demonstrated scale-free properties, with multipliers as key premises. Small-scale communities involved the majority of premises in Bulgaria and in central and Southern Italy. They were spatially clustered and had scale-free properties, with key premises usually being commercial production premises. These results indicate that a disease might spread very differently according to the production system and that key premises could be targeted to more cost-effectively control diseases. This study provides useful epidemiological information and parameters that could be used to design risk-based surveillance strategies or to more accurately model the risk of introduction or spread of devastating swine diseases, such as ASF, CSF, or foot-and-mouth disease.


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O mecanismo da condicionalidade pode ser considerado como um dos sucessos da UE na avaliação da forma como este afectou os processos de transição nos países pós-comunistas, em particular no caso dos países envolvidos no Quinto Alargamento. Este trabalho avalia a importância do mecanismo da condicionalidade na região da Europa de Leste, buscando analisar as políticas da UE em relação à Bulgária no período de 20 anos de difícil transição de um sistema comunista planificado para uma economia de mercado. Avaliamos também as políticas europeias de pré-adesão e as condições de adesão. Além disso, prestamos ainda atenção ao fenómeno do mecanismo da condicionalidade específico da UE, como tal, comparamos o seu impacto com os mecanismos do FMI e do Banco Mundial. Concluímos com a tentativa de fornecer alguns elementos sobre a utilidade prática do mecanismo de condicionalidade no Sudeste da Europa, definindo as suas principais realizações, bem como os problemas enfrentados. Através de uma revisão da literatura disponível, e adoptando uma perspectiva histórica, procuramos avaliar também as novas responsabilidades que a Bulgária assumiu ao alargar a fronteira exterior da UE e as consequências que daí decorreram para as relações políticas e económicas com os países vizinhos. /ABSTRACT: The conditionality mechanism can be considered one of the successes of the EU when estimated its influence over the transition process in the post-communist countries, especially for the countries involved in the Fifth Enlargement. This study evaluates the significance of the mechanism of conditionality in the region of Eastern Europe, analyzing the policies of the EU for Bulgaria during the 20 years of difficult transition from a planned communist system to a market economy. The European policies of pre-accession and the accession conditions are evaluated. Also, it pays attention to the phenomenon of the conditionality mechanism specific for EU, comparing its impact with the mechanisms of the IMF and World Bank. And concludes with an attempt to provide some elements about how useful has been the conditionality mechanism in South East Europe, defining the main achievements and difficulties that it faces. Having a look at the available literature and also reviewing it from historical point of view, it's evaluated the new responsibilities that Bulgaria assumed after extending the external frontiers of EU and the consequences for the political and economic relations with neighbor countries.