865 resultados para high-functioning autism spectrum disorder


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial. Apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.


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O presente relatório procura refletir o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio profissionalizante, inserido no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Este estágio decorreu na Associação Crescer com Sentido, em Lisboa, onde se procurou aprofundar as competências ao nível da observação, avaliação e intervenção psicomotora. Nesta instituição foi feita observação de sessões de psicomotricidade de crianças com Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Dificuldades de Aprendizagem. A estagiária teve ainda oportunidade de realizar as suas atividades de estágio noutras instituições, com as quais a Associação Crescer com Sentido estabeleceu parceria. Uma das instituições foi a Creche e Jardim-de-Infância “O Botãozinho”, sediada em Carcavelos, onde foram feitos rastreios das competências pré-académicas a todas as crianças do último ano da educação pré-escolar. Após a análise dos rastreios foi selecionado um grupo de crianças, com resultados mais baixos, que foi alvo de sessões de estimulação das competências de literacia emergente, de forma a prevenir eventuais dificuldades de aprendizagem. Noutra instituição, o Externato “A Ritinha”, foram realizadas sessões semanais, em grupo, de psicomotricidade, de forma a estimular o desenvolvimento das crianças em idade pré-escolar. Por fim, a estagiária teve, ainda, oportunidade de avaliar e acompanhar uma criança, de nove anos, com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo. As intervenções realizadas consideram-se benéficas e contributivas para um melhor desenvolvimento e percurso académico destas crianças.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.


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O presente relatório descreve as atividades de estágio desenvolvidas no âmbito do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, realizado na Associação Portuguesa para as Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Autismo (APPDA) - Lisboa, justamente no Centro de Atividades Ocupacionais (CAO) com 47 jovens e adultos e no Centro de Recursos para a Inclusão (CRI) com 21 crianças e jovens, alunos de seis escolas do ensino regular, integrados em Unidades de Ensino Estruturado para o Autismo (UEEA). O estágio profissionalizante desenrolou-se mediante sessões de intervenção psicomotora em ginásio e meio aquático, em contexto de grupo ou individual acompanhando crianças, jovens e adultos com Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e da Aprendizagem, com maior incidência com Perturbações do Espectro do Autismo. O relatório apresenta o enquadramento teórico, legal e institucional e realização da prática profissional, sendo descritos cinco estudos de caso, enquanto modelos exemplificativos do trabalho desenvolvido, adicionando-se uma reflexão acerca da experiência de estágio. Para cada estudo-caso encontra-se descrito o processo de avaliação, estabelecimento de objetivos, programa pedagógico-terapêutico, resultados e respetiva análise. Da referida intervenção foi possível constatar melhorias, tanto a nível psicomotor como emocional e comportamental, sugerindo os benefícios do contributo da intervenção psicomotora nas Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem.


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Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Design de Comunicação, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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This research investigated pedagogical approaches required for the successful inclusion of children and young people living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. The research applied an Indigenist constructivist qualitative method working with one school community. The development of a National Framework for Achieving Inclusion for Australian Students with FASD demands urgent policy and support for educators to meet the complex learning needs of students with FASD.


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Las enfermedades raras o huérfano son una problemática que ha tomado mucha importancia en el contexto mundial del presente siglo, estas se han definido como crónicas, de difícil tratamiento de sus síntomas y con baja prevalencia en la población; muchas de estas enfermedades cursan con varios tipos de discapacidad, siendo el objetivo del presente trabajo el enfocarse en aquellas enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual. Para poder profundizar en estas enfermedades se realizó una revisión teórica sobre las enfermedades raras, así como de la discapacidad psíquica y su importancia a nivel mundial y nacional. A partir de estas definiciones, se revisaron en profundidad 3 enfermedades raras que cursan con discapacidad intelectual en el contexto colombiano, como son: el síndrome de Rett, el síndrome de Prader-Willi y el síndrome de X frágil. En cada una de estas enfermedades además se explicaron los tipos de diagnóstico, intervención, prevención, grupos de apoyo y tipos de evaluación que más se usan en el contexto nacional


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Recent research in social neuroscience proposes a link between mirror neuron system (MNS) and social cognition. The MNS has been proposed to be the neural mechanism underlying action recognition and intention understanding and more broadly social cognition. Pre-motor MNS has been suggested to modulate the motor cortex during action observation. This modulation results in an enhanced cortico-motor excitability reflected in increased motor evoked potentials (MEPs) at the muscle of interest during action observation. Anomalous MNS activity has been reported in the autistic population whose social skills are notably impaired. It is still an open question whether traits of autism in the normal population are linked to the MNS functioning. We measured TMS-induced MEPs in normal individuals with high and low traits of autism as measured by the autistic quotient (AQ), while observing videos of hand or mouth actions, static images of a hand or mouth or a blank screen. No differences were observed between the two while they observed a blank screen. However participants with low traits of autism showed significantly greater MEP amplitudes during observation of hand/mouth actions relative to static hand/mouth stimuli. In contrast, participants with high traits of autism did not show such a MEP amplitude difference between observation of actions and static stimuli. These results are discussed with reference to MNS functioning.


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Abstract Background Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a chronic, recurrent and highly prevalent illness. Despite the need for correct diagnosis to allow proper treatment, studies have shown that reaching a diagnosis can take up to ten years due to the lack of recognition of the broader presentations of BD. Frequent comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are a major cause of misdiagnosis and warrant thorough evaluation. Methods/Design ESPECTRA (Occurrence of Bipolar Spectrum Disorders in Eating Disorder Patients) is a single-site cross-sectional study involving a comparison group, designed to evaluate the prevalence of bipolar spectrum in an eating disorder sample. Women aged 18-45 years will be evaluated using the SCID-P and Zurich criteria for diagnosis and the HAM-D, YOUNG, SCI-MOODS, HCL-32, BIS-11, BSQ, WHOQoL and EAS instruments for rating symptoms and measuring clinical correlates. Discussion The classificatory systems in psychiatry are based on categorical models that have been criticized for simplifying the diagnosis and leading to an increase in comorbidities. Some dimensional approaches have been proposed aimed at improving the validity and reliability of psychiatric disorder assessments, especially in conditions with high rates of comorbidity such as BD and Eating Disorder (ED). The Bipolar Spectrum (BS) remains under-recognized in clinical practice and its definition is not well established in current diagnostic guidelines. Broader evaluation of psychiatric disorders combining categorical and dimensional views could contribute to a more realistic understanding of comorbidities and help toward establishing a prognosis.


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Autism is a developmental disorder that is currently defined in terms of a triad of impairments in social interaction, communication, and behavioural flexibility. Psychological models have focussed on deficits in high level social and cognitive processes, such as ‘weak central coherence’ and deficits in ‘theory of mind’. Converging evidence from different fields of neuroscience research indicates that the underlying neural dysfunction is associated with atypical patterns of cortical connectivity (Rippon et al., 2007). This arises very early in development and results in sensory, perceptual and cognitive deficits at a much earlier and more fundamental level than previously suggested, but with cascading effects on higher level psychological and social processes. Earlier research in this sphere has focussed mainly on patterns of underconnectivity in distributed cortical networks underpinning process such as language and executive function. (Just et al., 2007). Such research mainly utilises imaging techniques with high spatial resolution. This paper focuses on evidence associated with local over-connectivity, evident in more low level and transitory processes and hence more easily measurable with techniques with high temporal resolution, such as MEG and EEG. Results are described which provide evidence of such local over-connectivity, characterised by atypical results in the gamma frequency range (Brown et al., 2005) together with discussions about the future directions of such research and its implications for remediation.


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Objective: To determine the expression of autistic and positive schizotypal traits in a large sample of adults with bipolar I disorder (BD-I), and the effect of co-occurring autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning in BD-I. Method: Autistic and positive schizotypal traits were self-assessed in 797 individuals with BD-I recruited by the Bipolar Disorder Research Network. Differences in global functioning (rated using the Global Assessment Scale) during lifetime worst depressive and manic episodes (GASD and GASM respectively) were calculated in groups with high/low autistic and positive schizotypal traits. Regression analyses assessed the interactive effect of autistic and positive schizotypal traits on global functioning. Results: 47.2% (CI=43.7-50.7%) showed clinically significant levels of autistic traits, and 23.22% (95% CI=20.29-26.14) showed clinically significant levels of positive schizotypal traits. In the worst episode of mania, the high autistic, high positive schizotypal group had better global functioning compared to the other groups. Individual differences analyses showed that high levels of co-occurring traits were associated with better global functioning in both mood states. Limitations: Autistic and schizotypal traits were assessed using self-rated questionnaires. Conclusions: Expression of autistic and schizotypal traits in adults with BD-I is prevalent, and may be important to predict illness aetiology, prognosis, and diagnostic practices in this population. Future work should focus on replicating these findings in independent samples, and on the biological and/or psychosocial mechanisms underlying better global functioning in those who have high levels of both autistic and positive schizotypal traits.


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Attachment theory has been conceptualised as an affect regulation theory, proposing that attachment is associated with the expression and recognition of emotions as well as interpersonal functioning. Previous research has reported affect regulation difficulties in substance use disorders and addiction has been considered an attachment disorder. However, scarce empirical research exists on the relationship of attachment in relation to affect regulation and interpersonal functioning in those with substance use problems. Thus, the objective of the present study was to investigate potential associations between attachment, negative mood regulation (NMR) expectancies, fear of intimacy and self-differentiation in substance abusers. The revised adult attachment scale (RAAS), the NMR expectancies scale, the fear of intimacy scale and the differentiation of self inventory were administered to a sample of 100 substance use disorder inpatients. Attachment accounted for significant variance in NMR expectancies and was also a strong predictor of fear of intimacy. The predictive utility of attachment also extended to self-differentiation, suggesting that attachment was strongly related to overall self-differentiation score, Emotional reactivity, Emotional cut-off and I position. These findings support attachment theory suggesting that attachment is associated with and predicts affect regulation abilities and difficulties in interpersonal functioning in a sample of substance use disorder inpatients. The inclusion and assessment of attachment appears to be important in the development of treatment programmes for substance abusing individuals.


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The hypothesis to be tested in this study was that the cognitive deficits that have been documented in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are largely the consequence of organic insult, either developmental or acquired. Using a cross–sectional design, 80 subjects (males and females) who met the criteria for BPD participated in the study. They completed a battery of neuropsychological tests and a comprehensive interview assessing organic status as well as measures of the potentially confounding factors of current levels of depression and anxiety. It was expected that BPD-patients with a probable history of organic insult would perform significantly worse than would BPD patients without such a history. Analyses of the results provided partial support for the hypothesis. Subjects with both BPD and a history of organic insult were significantly more impaired on several measures including measures of attention than were BPD only subjects. The results suggested that the impaired cognitive performance of persons diagnosed with BPD may, in part, be attributed to organic factors.


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Although the endocannabinoid system (ECS) has been implicated in brain development and various psychiatric disorders, precise mechanisms of the ECS on mood and anxiety disorders remain unclear. Here, we have investigated developmental and disease-related expression pattern of the cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and the cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) genes in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) of humans. Using mice selectively bred for high and low fear, we further investigated potential association between fear memory and the cannabinoid receptor expression in the brain. The CB1, not the CB2, mRNA levels in the PFC gradually decrease during postnatal development ranging in age from birth to 50 years (r 2 > 0.6 & adj. p < 0.05). The CB1 levels in the PFC of major depression patients were higher when compared to the age-matched controls (adj. p < 0.05). In mice, the CB1, not the CB2, levels in the PFC were positively correlated with freezing behavior in classical fear conditioning (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the CB1 in the PFC may play a significant role in regulating mood and anxiety symptoms. Our study demonstrates the advantage of utilizing data from postmortem brain tissue and a mouse model of fear to enhance our understanding of the role of the cannabinoid receptors in mood and anxiety disorders


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Visual pigments of different animal species must have evolved at some stage to match the prevailing light environments, since all visual functions depend on their ability to absorb available photons and transduce the event into a reliable neural signal. There is a large literature on correlation between the light environment and spectral sensitivity between different fish species. However, little work has been done on evolutionary adaptation between separated populations within species. More generally, little is known about the rate of evolutionary adaptation to changing spectral environments. The objective of this thesis is to illuminate the constraints under which the evolutionary tuning of visual pigments works as evident in: scope, tempo, available molecular routes, and signal/noise trade-offs. Aquatic environments offer Nature s own laboratories for research on visual pigment properties, as naturally occurring light environments offer an enormous range of variation in both spectral composition and intensity. The present thesis focuses on the visual pigments that serve dim-light vision in two groups of model species, teleost fishes and mysid crustaceans. The geographical emphasis is in the brackish Baltic Sea area with its well-known postglacial isolation history and its aquatic fauna of both marine and fresh-water origin. The absorbance spectrum of the (single) dim-light visual pigment were recorded by microspectrophotometry (MSP) in single rods of 26 fish species and single rhabdoms of 8 opossum shrimp populations of the genus Mysis inhabiting marine, brackish or freshwater environments. Additionally, spectral sensitivity was determined from six Mysis populations by electroretinogram (ERG) recording. The rod opsin gene was sequenced in individuals of four allopatric populations of the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). Rod opsins of two other goby species were investigated as outgroups for comparison. Rod absorbance spectra of the Baltic subspecies or populations of the primarily marine species herring (Clupea harengus membras), sand goby (P. minutus), and flounder (Platichthys flesus) were long-wavelength-shifted compared to their marine populations. The spectral shifts are consistent with adaptation for improved quantum catch (QC) as well as improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of vision in the Baltic light environment. Since the chromophore of the pigment was pure A1 in all cases, this has apparently been achieved by evolutionary tuning of the opsin visual pigment. By contrast, no opsin-based differences were evident between lake and sea populations of species of fresh-water origin, which can tune their pigment by varying chromophore ratios. A more detailed analysis of differences in absorbance spectra and opsin sequence between and within populations was conducted using the sand goby as model species. Four allopatric populations from the Baltic Sea (B), Swedish west coast (S), English Channel (E), and Adriatic Sea (A) were examined. Rod absorbance spectra, characterized by the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax), differed between populations and correlated with differences in the spectral light transmission of the respective water bodies. The greatest λmax shift as well as the greatest opsin sequence difference was between the Baltic and the Adriatic populations. The significant within-population variation of the Baltic λmax values (506-511 nm) was analyzed on the level of individuals and was shown to correlate well with opsin sequence substitutions. The sequences of individuals with λmax at shorter wavelengths were identical to that of the Swedish population, whereas those with λmax at longer wavelengths additionally had substitution F261F/Y in the sixth transmembrane helix of the protein. This substitution (Y261) was also present in the Baltic common gobies and is known to redshift spectra. The tuning mechanism of the long-wavelength type Baltic sand gobies is assumed to be the co-expression of F261 and Y261 in all rods to produce ≈ 5 nm redshift. The polymorphism of the Baltic sand goby population possibly indicates ambiguous selection pressures in the Baltic Sea. The visual pigments of all lake populations of the opossum shrimp (Mysis relicta) were red-shifted by 25 nm compared with all Baltic Sea populations. This is calculated to confer a significant advantage in both QC and SNR in many humus-rich lakes with reddish water. Since only A2 chromophore was present, the differences obviously reflect evolutionary tuning of the visual protein, the opsin. The changes have occurred within the ca. 9000 years that the lakes have been isolated from the Sea after the most recent glaciation. At present, it seems that the mechanism explaining the spectral differences between lake and sea populations is not an amino acid substitution at any other conventional tuning site, but the mechanism is yet to be found.