La gestión de las empresas debe ser uno de los puntos clave para gobernar adecuadamente cualquier negocio. De esta gestión dependerá el éxito de la empresa y los gestores deberían ser los máximos responsables y encargados de llevar a cabo este proceso a través de la planifi cación e implicación de todos los miembros de la organización. Asimismo, todo el mundo debe colaborar para que la empresa logre las metas y objetivos propuestos. El objetivo principal de cualquier organización es ofrecer un producto y/o servicio para satisfacer o generar unas necesidades, generalmente identificadas en los reales o potenciales clientes y/o usuarios. En un entorno tan competitivo, no solamente debemos hacer las cosas bien, sino que debemos hacerlo mejor que el resto de nuestros competidores. Es posible que alguien siga pensando que entre organizaciones públicas no existe competencia, pero por suerte, esto en los últimos años ha cambiado, y ya en las instituciones públicas, y en concreto en las sanitarias, se da también esta situación de competencia. El cliente debe ser el centro de nuestras actuaciones, porque la competitividad la marca él, creando sus necesidades y transformándolas con el tiempo. Por ello nuestra principal estrategia para ser competitivos debe ser un enfoque perfectamente práctico hacia el cumplimiento de sus requisitos...
Organizations of the Social Economy in Spain accounted for 13% of employment and 12% of GDP in 2013, according to the Spanish Confederation fo Social Economy. Also, according to various institutions and studies, the role of Social Economy has become relevant due to they represent a model promoting the creation of collective business projects with greater sustainability and potential than models of individual self-employment. However, despite all this, there are few academic studies or sectoral reports analyzing employment in this sector, especially in the case of youth employment. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature analyzing the scared available data in order to show the numbers and characteristics of youth employment in this sector. Results show the weight of youth employment in the Social Economy is higher than the economy overall.
En este artículo presentamos un balance de la Antropología de la Conservación en el Estado español. Durante las últimas décadas, la protección de los espacios naturales ha aumentado de una manera exponencial en todo el mundo. A la vez que se extendía esta patrimonialización de la naturaleza, los trabajos etnográficos sobre las áreas protegidas han ido ganando terreno dentro de la disciplina y, en particular, en el campo de la Antropología Ambiental. La mencionada bibliografía ha puesto de relieve los múltiples aspectos derivados de las nuevas políticas territoriales de regulación, apropiación y mercantilización de la ‘naturaleza’. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la producción generada a raíz de este interés por las áreas protegidas en nuestro país subrayando sus principales aportaciones, características y debilidades. De este modo pretendemos reflexionar acerca de su continuidad, con el fin de evitar la mera reiteración y favorecer el avance en sus resultados.
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
To implement policies and plans at the tourist sector involve disposition to the establishment of parceries among government and private initiative, space to the action of studious, researchers and professionals of several areas of knowledge and formation, able of to give new courses no only at the tourism, but to the economy how a every, seen which the tourism had a effect multiplicator, reaching 52 sectors of the economy. At this sense, the Brazil came pruning for a new phase of politic actuation at the touristy activity. Until the year 2002, the tourism politic in the Brazil no had detail, because herself treated of isolated actions and many without continuity. However, at to start 2003, several actions were developed in order to contribute for the national touristy planning. The principal was the creation of Ministério do Turismo, accompanied of the formulation and implementation of the Plano Nacional do Turismo (2003/2007). This work pretend to understand the implementation at the Rio Grande do Norte of the model of participative administration extolled by Plano Nacional do Turismo. The your centre detail the action of the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte (CONETUR), to promote the participation at the tourism public policies. The bibliographical research contemplated diverse sources in order to compile knowledge of credential authors in the quarrel of inherent subjects to the participation and to the tourism public policies, especially at the Brazil. A qualitative perspective the case study was adapted as research method and for attainment of the data interviews with the members of the Conselho had been carried through beyond consultation the referring documents the dynamics of functioning of the Conselho. The principal actuations of the CONETUR, the directives tourism public policies already made and directed to implementation, the type of participation at made decision, the principal difficulties of the implementation of the participative administration model of the Plano Nacional do Turismo and the degree of participation of the members of the Conselho at the reunions had been identified. The results had shown that exist some difficulties at the implementation of the participation at the Conselho Estadual de Turismo do Rio Grande do Norte, knowledge of the Conselheiros of CONETUR function, the presence of bodies which doesn t directly connected at the touristy activity; the absence of time of the Conselheiros to be presents at reunions; the discontinuity of the presidency of the Conselho; among others. So, the CONETUR show himself how a Conselho with participative characteristics, but with some adapted needs.
With the need of the companies in becoming more competitive within the market, it arises an incessant search for selective human potential, with a high level of capacity and low rotativity, which motivation results in production raise, quality optimization and waste reduction. This scenario requires a strategy development which advantages the Human Resources Quality Management. This way, the model of the Human System Audit (HSA), developed by the Spanish researchers Ouijano and Navarro, presents itself as an important tool to diagnosis and evaluation, contemplating the environment where the organization is inserted, its strategies, its organizational design, its processes and its organizational effectiveness. In this sense, the present study has identified the existent relation between the professional satisfaction and the Organizational Culture, based in the model HSA. The research has been a quantitative-descriptive one and has had as population the technical-administrative workers from the Federal Center of Technical Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET RN). The data collection has occurred during May, 2008, by means of the application of a questionnaire in the HSA model. The sample was composed by 167 subjects, distributed among the Five units of the institution. It was used the factorial analysis, with the extraction method of main components and orthogonal rotation varimax, in order to extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and of the organizational culture and the calculation of Cronbach s Alpha coefficient, to evaluate the reliability of these dimensions. The factorial analysis of the satisfaction indicators has identified four factors,, all of them showing significance: gratefulness and relationship , self-realization , stability and security and physical conditions and social benefits . The result of the factorial analysis with the indicators of the organizational culture has extracted four factors and among them, three of them have obtained significance: Personal Satisfaction Style , Competitive-Denial-Power Style and the Conventional-Dependent Style . After identifying the dimensions of the satisfaction and culture found at CEFET-RN, it has been notice the existence or not of relation among them, through the application of Pearson s coefficient. It has been verified that all of the dimensions of the Professional satisfaction are correlated with some dimension of the organizational culture, having in outstand position, with higher intensity, the relation between the culture style of Personal Satisfaction and the satisfaction factor referring to the self-realization
This research aims to understand the factors that influence intention to online purchase of consumers, and to identify between these factors those that influence the users and the nonusers of electronic commerce. Thus, it is an applied, exploratory and descriptive research, developed in a quantitative model. Data collection was done through a questionnaire administered to a sample of 194 graduate students from the Centre for Applied Social Sciences of UFRN and data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, confirmatory factorial analysis and simple and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of descriptive statistics revealed that respondents in general and users of electronic commerce have positive perceptions of ease of use, usefulness and social influence about buying online, and intend to make purchases on Internet over the next six months. As for the non-users of electronic commerce, they do not trust the Internet to transact business, have negative perceptions of risk and social influence over purchasing online, and does not intend to make purchases on Internet over the next six months. Through confirmatory factorial analysis six factors were set up: behavioral intention, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, trust and social influence. Through multiple regression analysis, was observed that all these factors influence online purchase intentions of respondents in general, that only the social influence does not influence the intention to continue buying on the Internet from users of electronic commerce, and that only trust and social influence affect the intention to purchase online from non-users of electronic commerce. Through simple regression analysis, was found that trust influences perceptions of ease of use, usefulness and risk of respondents in general and users of electronic commerce, and that trust does not influence the perceptions of risk of non-users of electronic commerce. Finally, it was also found that the perceived ease of use influences perceived usefulness of the three groups. Given this scenario, it was concluded that it is extremely important that organizations that work with online sales know the factors that influence consumers purchasing intentions in order to gain space in their market
Currently the organizations are passing for continuous cycles of changes due to necessity of survival in the work market. The administration of the future points a way to the organizations of today and tomorrow, the search of the competitiveness from loyalty and motivation of its staff. Of this form, the model of the Auditoria do Sistema Humano (ASH), developed for Spanish researchers and that now it is being applied in Brazil, contemplates a series of dimensions about Human Resources management quality in the companies and the organizational effectiveness, such as the environment where the company is inserted, the strategies, the organizational drawing, the psychological and psychosocial processes, e the reached results. In this direction, the present research analyzed the factors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment, making, also, a relation of causality between the same ones. The quantitative-descriptive research had as population the employees of twenty three nourishing industries of the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), registered in the Federacy of the Industries of the state. The collection of the data occurred for the months of October of 2005 and March of 2006, by means of the application of questionnaire of model ASH. The sample was composed for 197 employees, however it was observed presence of five outliers, that they had been excluded from the analysis of the data. To extract the dimensions of the satisfaction and the commitment and identification the factorial analysis was used, with extraction method of principal components, rotation Varimax and normalization Kaiser. The gotten dimensions had been evaluated with the calculation of the coefficient Alpha of Cronbach. The factorial analysis of the pointers of the organizational commitment and identification had extracted ten factors. Of these, four had gotten significance of the analyses inside: affective commitment, values commitment, continuance commitment and necessity commitment. The result of the analysis of the pointers of job satisfaction indicated four factors: extrinsic, motivations, relation with the friends and auto-accomplishment. To deal with the data the relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment it was used technique of multiple regression. The correlation between commitment and satisfaction was satisfactory, detaching the affective commitment with bigger index of correlation, followed of the affective one
Las microempresas y las empresas medianas y pequeñas, conocidas con la sigla Pymes, han venido cobrando cada vez más importancia tanto en su contribución a la economía de Colombia, como al bienestar de sus habitantes, al ir ganando participación a las grandes empresas en el volumen de producción y las plazas de empleo generadas en el país. Igualmente, las empresas de estas categorías han venido aumentando su participación en la cantidad de puestos de trabajo en Colombia, en la producción, en el Producto Interno Bruto y en las exportaciones. En 1998, según el estudio desarrollado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y el Centro de Desarrollo Empresarial se encontró que la principal debilidad que tienen las Pymes colombianas es la planeación. Para efectos de llevar a cabo la planeación de sus negocios, los empresarios cuentan con algunos recursos externos a la empresa. Las entidades que pueden prestar ayuda a los empresarios en sus procesos de planeación son de dos tipos: instituciones cuyo objetivo es promover la creación y desarrollo de empresas y empresas privadas dedicadas a actividades de consultoría, con fines comerciales. No obstante, hay un vacío en lo referente a recursos que les permitan llevar a cabo sus propios procesos de planeación.
La evaluación del desempeño se ha convertido en un factor crítico para el éxito de las organizaciones, ya que realizarla de forma consciente y adecuada permite tomar decisiones y acciones que llevan a la obtención de mejores resultados. El presente trabajo muestra el impacto que tiene la evaluación del desempeño en los demás procesos de Gestión Humana: Incorporación, Desarrollo Humano (Formación y Capacitación, Plan Carrera y Bienestar) y Compensación. Se realizó una encuesta a los colaboradores de una empresa de servicio de tercerización de procesos de negocio (o BPO por sus siglas en inglés) de la ciudad de Medellín para conocer la percepción que tienen acerca de la importancia y utilidad de la evaluación de desempeño dentro de la organización, realizando una comparación con la teoría y encontrando que existen algunos procesos que las personas sienten que no son tan impactados por la evaluación del desempeño, por ejemplo, selección. Se plantea un modelo capaz de demostrar la forma como afecta la evaluación del desempeño los demás procesos de Gestión Humana y los resultados de la organización desde el momento en que la persona se incorpora a la misma, siendo fundamental el rol de los líderes, el análisis de las competencias de las personas y la alineación con la estrategia organizacional.
A Grande Guerra foi o acontecimento ápice de tensões acumuladas entre as potências da Europa ainda no começo da segunda década do século XX. O conflito deflagrado no verão de 1914 expandiu-se e envolveu nações de outros continentes, tornando-o mundial, com repercussões que extrapolaram os mais de quatro anos de batalhas oficiais – atualmente pode-se concluir que a Segunda Guerra Mundial nada mais foi do que a segunda parte de um conflito que não acabou de forma a contentar todos os países beligerantes. Entretanto, a Grande Guerra também demarcou o final de uma era conhecida como belle époque, um tempo que simbolicamente representava o apogeu cultural, econômico e social na Europa, inspirador do modelo civilizador em nações no novo mundo, inclusive no Brasil. Na Amazônia, sobretudo na capital do Estado do Pará, Belém, vivia-se ainda sob o imaginário da era da abundância provocada pela exportação da borracha nativa, cujo inicio ocorreu no final do século XIX e na primeira década do século passado. Nesse cenário, desenvolveu-se um jornalismo forte e muito sintonizado com as questões nacionais, regionais e de além-mar. Formado por intelectuais, políticos e escritores, o jornalismo paraense cobriu de forma sistemática os acontecimentos em torno da Grande Guerra, desde a morte do herdeiro do trono do Império Austro-húngaro, Francisco Ferdinando, até a paz ser selada. Com base neste panorâma, o objetivo desta investigação centra-se no esforço para compreender a natureza da cobertura jornalística dos jornais paraenses acerca da Primeira Guerra Mundial, tendo como objeto de análise três jornais diários que circulavam à época: Estado do Pará, Folha do Norte e A Tarde. Os dois primeiros eram jornais generalistas e de longo período de circulação. O terceiro foi um jornal vespertino, publicado entre setembro de 1915 e setembro de 1916, portanto, de caráter ocasional. Para alcançar esse objetivo, a metodologia usada compreende as análises quantitativa e qualitativa de conteúdo, conforme descrito por Sousa (2006). A primeira parte das análises centra-se em avaliar os dados relativos ao número de peças, de espaços dedicados ao tema da guerra, entre outros aspectos quantificáveis. Na segunda parte usou-se a análise qualitativa com base no estudo do diálogo establecido entre os aspectos da historiografia e os achados jornalísticos nos três jornais.
En este trabajo se busca, que los líderes tengan herramientas adecuadas que le permitan implementar los cambios en los diferentes procesos que se dan en las empresas, para lograr este objetivo, se abordarán problemas como: la resistencia al cambio, el poco sentido de urgencia y el desconocimiento que tienen los empresarios que, en ciertos casos, es necesario gestionarlos. Este proyecto se realizará entre el segundo semestre de 2014 y el primer semestre de 2015, en este tiempo el proyecto se enfocará en un objetivo general que es: Diseñar una guía acorde a la naturaleza de la gestión del cambio, con el propósito de que las organizaciones cuenten con las herramientas para hacer la adecuada gestión que implica el cambio y para lograr ésto se trabajará en los siguientes objetivos específicos: Identificar a través de la revisión de literatura, las barreras que pueden anteponerse para la adopción de un proceso de cambio en las organizaciones. Definir la forma, cómo funciona el proceso de gestión del cambio, identificando los elementos del proceso para llevarlo a cabo. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos: se buscará, recolectará y analizará la información en libros, artículos de revistas especializadas y documentos de la Internet para realizar una comprensión más detallada que dé a entender todos los aspectos determinantes de la gestión del cambio en las organizaciones. Esto se realizará por medio de un mapa semántico que permita mostrar los elementos determinantes y las herramientas recomendadas dándole la importancia de la gestión del cambio.
O conceito de Escola Inclusiva reforça o direito de todos os alunos frequentarem o mesmo tipo de ensino, preconizando um modelo de atendimento adequado a cada um. Com a publicação de nova legislação entre 2009 e 2012, a escola, ao nível do ensino secundário, encontra-se perante o repto de responder a um grupo de alunos cada vez mais heterogéneo, nomeadamente a alunos com Currículo Específico Individual (CEI). O que implica a existência de novos desafios para as escolas e para os professores. Este estudo essencialmente quantitativo, visa identificar e descrever as atitudes e práticas de professores do ensino secundário, relativamente à inclusão de alunos com CEI na sala de aula, assim como identificar e descrever as dificuldades sentidas pelos mesmos. No que diz respeito à recolha da informação, recorreu-se à opção do inquérito por questionário a 94 professores do ensino secundário. Os resultados obtidos mostram-nos que, no geral, os professores revelam atitudes e práticas favoráveis à inclusão dos alunos com CEI na sala de aula, no entanto, quando se aprofunda a questão, nos itens de resposta descritiva, as atitudes e práticas não são tão favoráveis como as perguntas fechadas pareciam revelar. Concluiu-se que as variáveis “género” e “idade” exercem influência sobre as atitudes, enquanto o “grau académico” e a “experiência profissional a lecionar turmas com alunos com CEI” influenciam as práticas pedagógicas dos professores inquiridos. Por sua vez, a “formação na área da Educação Especial (EE)” influência de forma significativa as atitudes dos professores inquiridos, bem como de forma menos significativa as práticas. Os professores referem como principais dificuldades a existência de um número elevado de alunos por turma, a falta de equipamento pedagógico/didático adequado, a falta de formação em EE e de técnicos, bem como dificuldades na elaboração de um Currículo Específico Individual e na gestão do currículo. As dificuldades sentidas são influenciadas pelas variáveis “funções desempenhadas” e “formação na área da EE”. Sendo esta última essencial para a superação das dificuldades sentidas.
The business environment context points at the necessity of new forms of management for the sustainable competitiveness of organizations through time. Coopetition is characterized as an alternative in the interaction of different actors, which compete and cooperate simultaneously, in the pursuit of common goals. This dual relation, within a gain-increasing perspective, converts competitors into partners and fosters competitiveness, especially that of organizations within a specific sector. The field of competitive intelligence has, in its turn, assisted organizations, individually, in the systematization of information valuable to decision-making processes, which benefits competitiveness. It follows that it is possible to combine coopetition and competitive intelligence in a systematized process of sectorial intelligence for coopetitive relations. The general aim of this study is, therefore, to put forth a model of sectorial coopetitive intelligence. The methodological outlining of the study is characterized as a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative methods), of an applied nature, of exploratory and descriptive aims. The Coordination of the Strategic Roadmapping Project for the Future of Paraná's Industry is the selected object of investigation. Protocols have been designed to collect primary and secondary data. In the collection of the primary ata, online questionary were sent to the sectors selected for examination. A total of 149 answers to the online questionary were obtained, and interviews were performed with all embers of the technical team of the Coordination, in a total of five interviewees. After the collection, all the data were tabulated, analyzed and validated by means of focal groups with the same five members of the Coordination technical team, and interviews were performed with a representative of each of the four sectors selected, in a total of nine participants in the validation. The results allowed the systematization of a sectorial coopetitive intelligence model called ICoops. This model is characterized by five stages, namely, planning, collection, nalysis, project development, dissemination and evaluation. Each stage is detailed in inputs, activities and outputs. The results suggest that sectorial coopetition is motivated mainly by knowledge sharing, technological development, investment in R&D, innovation, chain integration and resource complementation. The importance of a neutral institution has been recognized as a facilitator and incentive to the approximation of organizations. Among the main difficulties are the financing of the projects, the adhesion of new members, the lack of tools for the analysis of information and the dissemination of the actions.
La formación de un empresario es un proceso en el cual intervienen un sinnúmero de variables sociales, culturales, psicológicas y económicas que contribuyen, con un conjunto de conocimientos específicos, a desarrollar una serie de competencias que buscan lograr que este empresario en formación tenga altas probabilidades de convertirse en un empresario exitoso, capaz de generar riqueza y desarrollo social a lo largo de su vida. Esta investigación, cuyo objetivo principal es plantear un modelo de formación empresarial teniendo en cuenta el ciclo de carrera empresarial ha tomado en cuenta diversos elementos de la teoría general de Entrepreneurship y las experiencias que el CDEE (Centro de Desarrollo de Espíritu Empresarial) ha tenido en sus veintiún años de actividad en el área, con diversos públicos. Como resultado de este análisis, la investigación propone un modelo de formación empresarial fundamentado en dos tipos de competencias: las competencias de conocimiento (CC) relacionadas con los conocimientos requeridos para el desarrollo de la empresa, y las competencias personales entendidas como las habilidades, comportamientos, actitudes y valores necesarios para convertirse en un empresario exitoso a lo largo del tiempo. Adicionalmente el modelo contiene seis etapas en el proceso: la de formación en espíritu empresarial la de formación en generación y evaluación de ideas de negocio, la de evaluación de oportunidad de negocio, la de elaboración del plan de negocio, la del proceso de arranque y la de crecimiento y desarrollo, cada una de ellas apoyadas en un proceso educativo y con recursos especialmente asignados, y todas interrelacionadas.