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We demonstrate an integrated on-chip locally-oxidized silicon surface-plasmon Schottky detector for telecom wavelengths based on the internal photoemission process. Theoretical model and experimental results will be presented and discussed. © 2011 Optical Society of America.


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This paper demonstrates on chip sub bandgap detection of light at 1550 nm wavelength using the configuration of interleaved PN junctions along a silicon waveguide. The device operates under reverse bias in a nearly fully depleted mode, thus minimizing the free carrier plasma losses and significantly increases the detection volume at the same time. Furthermore, substantial enhancement in responsivity is observed by the transition from reverse bias to avalanche breakdown regime. The observed high responsivity of up to 7.2 mA/W at 3 V is attributed to defect assisted photogeneration, where the defects are related to the surface and the bulk of the waveguide. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We demonstrate an on-chip all-optical broadband modulation of light in submicron silicon waveguide based on linear free carriers' absorption using side coupling configuration of a pump signal. © 2010 Optical Society of America.


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Electronic systems are a very good platform for sensing biological signals for fast point-of-care diagnostics or threat detection. One of the solutions is the lab-on-a-chip integrated circuit (IC), which is low cost and high reliability, offering the possibility for label-free detection. In recent years, similar integrated biosensors based on the conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology have been reported. However, post-fabrication processes are essential for all classes of CMOS biochips, requiring biocompatible electrode deposition and circuit encapsulation. In this work, we present an amorphous silicon (a-Si) thin film transistor (TFT) array based sensing approach, which greatly simplifies the fabrication procedures and even decreases the cost of the biosensor. The device contains several identical sensor pixels with amplifiers to boost the sensitivity. Ring oscillator and logic circuits are also integrated to achieve different measurement methodologies, including electro-analytical methods such as amperometric and cyclic voltammetric modes. The system also supports different operational modes. For example, depending on the required detection arrangement, a sample droplet could be placed on the sensing pads or the device could be immersed into the sample solution for real time in-situ measurement. The entire system is designed and fabricated using a low temperature TFT process that is compatible to plastic substrates. No additional processing is required prior to biological measurement. A Cr/Au double layer is used for the biological-electronic interface. The success of the TFT-based system used in this work will open new avenues for flexible label-free or low-cost disposable biosensors. © 2013 Materials Research Society.


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We demonstrate for the first time coding/decoding for OCDMA networks using electronic transversal filters at 18Gchips/s-a ten-fold improvement over previous demonstrations. The chip rate allows users at Gb/s rates in access applications. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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In the past decade, passively modelocked optically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (OPVECSELs), sometimes referred to as semiconductor disk lasers (OP-SDLs), impressively demonstrated the potential for generating femtosecond pulses at multi-Watt average output powers with gigahertz repetition rates. Passive modelocking with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) is well established and offers many advantages such as a flexible design of the parameters and low non-saturable losses. Recently, graphene has emerged as an attractive wavelength-independent alternative saturable absorber for passive modelocking in various lasers such as fiber or solid-state bulk lasers because of its unique optical properties. Here, we present and discuss the modelocked VECSELs using graphene saturable absorbers. The broadband absorption due to the linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons in graphene makes this absorber interesting for wavelength tunable ultrafast VECSELs. Such widely tunable modelocked sources are in particularly interesting for bio-medical imaging applications. We present a straightforward approach to design the optical properties of single layer graphene saturable absorber mirrors (GSAMs) suitable for passive modelocking of VECSELs. We demonstrate sub-500 fs pulses from a GSAM modelocked VECSEL. The potential for broadband wavelength tuning is confirmed by covering 46 nm in modelocked operation using three different VECSEL chips and up to 21 nm tuning in pulsed operation is achieved with one single gain chip. A linear and nonlinear optical characterization of different GSAMs with different absorption properties is discussed and can be compared to SESAMs. © 2014 SPIE.


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A new approach, short-oligonucleotide-ligation assay on DNA chip (SOLAC), is developed to detect mutations in rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The method needs only four common probes to detect 15 mutational variants of the rpoB gene within 12 h. Fifty-five rifampin-resistant M. tuberculosis isolates were analyzed, resulting in 87.3% accuracy and 83.6% concordance relative to DNA sequencing.


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InGaN/GaN multi-quantum-well-structure laser diodes with an array structure are successfully fabricated on sapphire substrates. The laser diode consists of four emitter stripes which share common electrodes on one laser chip. An 800-mu m-long cavity is formed by cleaving the substrate along the < 1 (1) over bar 00 >. orientation using laser scriber. The threshold current and voltage of the laser array diode are 2A and 10.5 V, respectively. A light output peak power of 12W under pulsed current injection at room temperature is achieved. We simulate the electric properties of GaN based laser diode in a co-planar structure and the results show that minimizing the difference of distances between the different ridges and the n-electrode and increasing the electrical conductivity of the n-type GaN are two effective ways to improve the uniformity of carrier distribution in emitter stripes. Two pairs of emitters on a chip are arranged to be located near the two n-electrode pads on the left and right sides, and the four stripe emitters can laser together. The laser diode shows two sharp peaks of light output at 408 and 409 nm above the threshold current. The full widths at half maximum for the parallel and perpendicular far field patterns are 8 degrees and 32 degrees, respectively.


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We report on normal incidence p-i-n heterojunction photodiodes operating in the near-infrared region and realized in pure germanium on planar silicon substrate. The diodes were fabricated by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition at 600 degrees C without thermal annealing and allowing the integration with standard silicon processes. Due to the 0.14% residual tensile strain generated by the thermal expansion mismatch between Ge and Si, an efficiency enhancement of nearly 3-fold at 1.55 mu m and the absorption edge shifting to longer wavelength of about 40 nm are achieved in the epitaxial Ge films. The diode with a responsivity of 0.23 A/W at 1.55 mu m wavelength and a bulk dark current density of 10 mA/cm(2) is demonstrated. These diodes with high performances and full compatibility with the CMOS processes enable monolithically integrating microphotonics and microelectronics on the same chip.


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We demonstrate a sub-nanosecond electro-optical switch with low crosstalk in a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) dual-coupled micro-ring embedded with p-i-n diodes. A crosstalk of -23 dB is obtained in the 20-mu m-radius micro-ring with the well-designing asymmetric dual-coupling structure. By optimizations of the doping profiles and the fabrication processes, the sub-nanosecond switch-on/off time of < 400 ps is finally realized under an electrical pre-emphasized driving signal. This compact and fast-response micro-ring switch, which can be fabricated by complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible technologies, have enormous potential in optical interconnects of multicore networks-on-chip.


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A wafer-level testable silicon-on-insulator-based microring modulator is demonstrated with high modulation speed, to which the grating couplers are integrated as the fiber-to-chip interfaces. Cost-efficient fabrications are realized with the help of optical structure and etching depth designs. Grating couplers and waveguides are patterned and etched together with the same slab thickness. Finally we obtain a 3-dB coupling bandwidth of about 60nm and 10 Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero modulation by wafer-level optical and electrical measurements.


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A novel uncalibrated CMOS programmable temperature switch with high temperature accuracy is presented. Its threshold temperature T-th can be programmed by adjusting the ratios of width and length of the transistors. The operating principles of the temperature switch circuit is theoretically explained. A floating gate neural MOS circuit is designed to compensate automatically the threshold temperature T-th variation that results form the process tolerance. The switch circuit is implemented in a standard 0.35 mu m CMOS process. The temperature switch can be programmed to perform the switch operation at 16 different threshold temperature T(th)s from 45-120 degrees C with a 5 degrees C increment. The measurement shows a good consistency in the threshold temperatures. The chip core area is 0.04 mm(2) and power consumption is 3.1 mu A at 3.3V power supply. The advantages of the temperature switch are low power consumption, the programmable threshold temperature and the controllable hysteresis.


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A triplexer is fabricated based on SOI arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs). Three wavelengths of the triplexer operate at different diffraction orders of an arrayed waveguide grating. The signals of 1490 nm and 1550 nm, which are input from central input waveguide of an AWG, are demultiplexed and the signal of 1310 nm, which is input from central output waveguide of an AWG, is uploaded. The tested results show that the downloaded and uploaded signals have flat-top response. The insertion loss is 9 dB on chip, the nonadjacent crosstalk is less than -30 dB for 1490 nm and 1301 nm, and is less than -25 dB for 1550 nm, the 3 dB bandwidth equates that of the input light source.


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This paper reports the development of solar-blind aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN) 128x128 UV Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs). The back-illuminated hybrid FPA architecture consists of an 128x128 back-illuminated AlGaN PIN detector array that is bump-mounted to a matching 128x128 silicon CMOS readout integrated circuit (ROIC) chip. The 128x128 p-i-n photodiode arrays with cuton and cutoff wavelengths of 233 and 258 nm, with a sharp reduction in response to UVB (280-320 nm) light. Several examples of solar-blind images are provided. This solar-blind band FPA has much better application prospect.


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A simple method for analyzing the effects of TO packaging network on the high-frequency response of photodiode modules is presented. This method is established based on the relations of the scattering parameters of the packaging network, photodiode chip, and module. It is shown that the results obtained by this method agree well with those obtained by the conventional comparison method. The proposed method is much more convenient since only the electrical domain measurements are required. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.