934 resultados para BRS Magna
This work focuses on the educational policies, on the necessity of adopting new models of administration of the education, as well as the implementation of reforms in this filed during the 1990 s. It analyzes the strategies of decentralization of the education in Rio Grande do Norte, disclosing practices conceived in the governmental plans and programs. It also aims to evidence the aspects of the decentralization proposed in the educational system management model, adopted by the Department of Education and Culture of Rio Grande do Norte from 1995 to 1999. Bibliographic researches and documental analysis were used as sources and semi-structured interviews were held in order to collect data. This work also highlights the concepts of participation, autonomy and democratic management intrinsic to the process of decentralization in the education field. It is clear that decentralization, as the vector of democracy, requires not only certain conditions that assure the universal access to the necessary information, but also that all segments of the institution have a voice in the collegiates and that the management and decision-making processes be transparent. This analysis reveals the importance of creating means to promote autonomy, participation and democratic management in order to consolidate a decentralized system. It is also clear that these mechanisms have been proposed in a vague way by the governmental guidelines, which makes it harder to consolidate a democratic management model. Having this perspective as a parameter, it is possible to realize that the adoption of a management model prompted by the law hasn t established effective means of participation that, consequently, should provide decision centralizers which opposed to the democratic actions
The present research to explorer the configurations that come being given to the autonomy of the school, since the decade of 1990. We investigate the implementation of the principle of the autonomy in the public system of education of the State of Pernambuco and, specifically, in four school units and this schools its in the quarters of Stubborn Brasilia Teimosa and Casa Amarela, both located in Recife. We try to know if the implementation of the autonomy of the school is circumscribed in the process of productive reorganization, it was evidenced that the inclusion of this principle in the educational politics - in the scopes national and state - obeyed the dynamics of retraction that, in the neoliberal context, the performance of the State in relation to the public education and the school characterizes, with consequence impact in the investigated schools. From the empirical inquiry it was identified to the occurrence of a movement realized for the social actors of the schools research in direction to the construction of the pertaining to school autonomy; this movement presenting some limits and fragilities. It was evidenced despite this movement varied of intensity in the measure where the social actors of the schools had developed levels of dinamics processes (in greater or minor degree) related with the diverse expressions of democratic management that can occur into the school, such as: elaboration of the Politician-Pedagogical Project, institution and functioning of the Pertaining to school Advice, etc. The set of the carried through analyses made possible that it concluded that, in the context neoliberal and delimited to the investigated time and space, the implementation of the autonomy of the school comes if giving in way to a complex movement of construction
Le présent étude analyse les effets de la politique de financement de l éducation de base, par les Fonds contables, Fundef et Fundeb, et sa proposition de valorisation de l enseignement, en considerant les dimensions de la carrière et de la rémunération des professeurs de l éducation publique de l état du Rio Grande do Norte, entre les années de 1996 et 2000. Pour comprendre les contraintes de l évaluation des politiques publiques, en cherchant aussi les contribution en Marx (1996) selon qui « le concret est concret » et que la dialétique du concret peut appuyer pour la tentative de capter le fenomène étudié. On a utilisé encore le référentiel bibliographique relatif au financement de l éducation et la valorisation de l enseignement à partir de la littérature reférente aux dimensions de l objet (Fundef et Fundeb) et (carrière et rémuneration). Dans la recherche documental, au-delà des législations, directrices nationales et locales pertinentes, se sont utilisés des donnés référents aux ressources, disponibles à la Finbra, Trésor National, SIOPE/RN, INEP/MEC, des informations du résumé de la feuille et feuille de payement du Secrétariat d État, de l Éducation et de la Culture (SEEC) et 289 bulletins de salaire de 21 professeurs. On a réalisé interview semi structurée avec une quantité de 9 professeurs, reférent à la carrière, et un questionaire appliqué à 12 professeurs relatif à la remuneration. On considère que sur les résultats reférents aux indicateurs éducationnel, dans la période Fundef il y a eu une réduction des inscriptions aux écoles de l état comme aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de l Enseignement Fondamental, et cela correspond à 37%. À partir de la vigence du Fondebe (2007 - 2010) ces indicateurs ont équalisé. Pendant toute la période, 1996 et 2010 il y a eu une augmentation des inscriptions de 119,03%, et aussi aux fonctions des professeurs de 77,44%. Par rapport aux informations de financement, on a constaté que, du minimum exigé (60%) sur l aplication des fonds à la rémuneration de l enseignant, on applique pour la période des deux fonds, plus que le minimum exigé, c est-à-dire de 83,29% à 98,89% des fonds. Les effets des fonds sur la carrière des 9 professeurs n ont pas été satisfactoires, si l on considère la promotion et la progression. Au cas de la promotion des 9 de ces professeurs, un seul a évolué son niveau (les titres) mais a, au même temps, rétroagit dans sa progression. Pour la progression des 9 professeurs, 8 d entre eux ont sa progression retardée, ce qui correspond à entre 2 et 5 classes, et ce qui provoque un préjudice qui varie entre 10% à 45% sur sa remunération. La différence d une classe à l autre correspond à 5% de son salaire. On évalue que les avantages financières contribuent pour la remunération avec un pourcentage plus élevé que son salaire, ce qui diminuent pendant lo Fundeb. Par rapport à la remunération un professeur de 24 ans de service avec formation, n arrive même pas à gagner 2 salaires minimums. Le professeur de 30 ans de service, maître, reçoit un salaire, en 2010, qui correspond a moins de 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 2,82 et une remuneration qui correspond à un peu plus que 3 salaires minimums, c est-à-dire, une proportion de 3,66. L enseignement n est pas très favorisé si on le met face à d autres profession qui ont aussi l exigence de formation supérieure, ce qui provoque un effet négatif pour voir l enseignement comme profession. À propos des effets sur la rémuneration, on conclue qu il y a eu une amélioration mais encore insufisante, surtout si l on compare au Salaire Minimum annuel. On évalue que les fonds Fundef et Fundeb n ont pas été capables de promouvoir la valorisation de l enseignement dans le contexte de carrière et rémuneration. On observe quelques résultats négatif dans la politique de fonds, une fois qu il y aurait en avoir avec l incapacité de tel politique en promouvoir la dite valorisation de l enseignement, ce qui est une des causes, le financement avec des restriction budgétaire
This work discusses about the teacher salary in the primary school after the creation of the Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e Valorização do Magistério (Fundef), in the public schools in Natal/RN, from 1996 to 2006. The salary is considered one of the politic dimensions of the valorization of teaching. We aim to analyze the implication of this fund to the teacher remuneration, with different levels of training, in the early career, comparing it to the annual minimum salary, during the same period. This study has a historic-critic approach, establishing the relationship between the elements into a particular context (valorization of teaching/ teacher salary) and the elements from general contexts (financing/ Fundef). Analyzing data of the teacher remuneration from municipal payroll and comparing them to the annual national minimum salary gave us the result that the teachers, in their early career, do not have remuneration with a satisfactory evolution. Teachers that finished high school received until three minimum salaries before the creation of Fundef (1996-1997), after that (in 1998) they received under two minimum salary. In addition to this, independently of the level of the teacher training, their remuneration is under three minimum salaries. Hence, we can infer that the politic of funds is distant from the ideal to valorize the professional of the municipal teaching
This study board the FUNDEF social control council implementation in Parnamirim/RN city, concerning their representatives participation in the accompaniment (decision power) in resort, in front of governmental politics of decentralization, unleashed in 90´s, seen in decentralization process needs the society participation in decisions of educative institutions and represent an efficient way of solve the problems difficult the educational management actions. For this, the council creation of Brazil manager configure, since the 80´s, detaching, and the single characterizing, in actual context. The objective is raise pertinent questions of thematic of representatives members participation of collegiate organs, evidencing the decision power of these, in public resource control. The theory-methodological referential the literature treat the participation and power decision of FUNDEF social control decision, such as politics directrix that rules this council. It utilizes as proceeding of collecting data the semi-structured interview and analyze of meeting register to understand the empirics of council implantation in this city, in view of that the electoral process configured in 2003, showed as a innovation, because the counselor is indicated by the local public power representatives (in this case the education municipal secretary). The research result show the representatives have difficult, to accompany the FUNDEF resources amount, particularly in concern in the financial resources (ratio) over plus. Finally, emphasize the importance of democratization in the relations between the state and civil society, elucidating and exciting reflections a: democratic participation in control of public recourses for education, educational management and civil society mobilization in access of public and cultural cash which the citizen has rights
Sementes contaminadas ou infectadas no campo podem ter sua sanidade alterada durante o armazenamento, pela perda da viabilidade dos patógenos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o efeito do armazenamento na qualidade sanitária de sementes de soja. Variedades de soja BRS 133, MSoy 6101, Conquista e Liderança foram inoculadas, no campo, por pulverização com suspensão de esporos de dois isolados de Colletotrichum dematium var. truncata e Phomopsis sojae. Após a colheita foram realizados testes de sanidade, sem e com desinfestação superficial das sementes com hipoclorito de sódio a 1% por 3 min. As sementes foram armazenadas em câmara fria, por seis meses, e testes de sanidade foram novamente realizados. Os resultados do trabalho permitem concluir que o armazenamento das sementes de soja contaminadas por fungos em câmara fria, por um período de seis meses, diminuiu a incidência de Phmopsis sojae e Colletotricum dematium var. truncata.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Vários procedimentos são utilizados para avaliar o potencial fisiológico de sementes, sendo fundamental a utilização daqueles que reflitam melhor o desempenho em campo. A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial fisiológico de sementes de soja por meio de testes de avaliação rápida, de vigor, de emergência de plântulas em campo e análise computadorizada de imagens (SVIS®), procurando identificar o procedimento mais eficiente na separação de lotes. Cinco lotes das cultivares BRS Valiosa RR e CD 208 foram avaliados em duas épocas (antes e após armazenamento) pelos testes de germinação, de avaliação rápida (embebição em água e pH do exsudato), de vigor (envelhecimento acelerado e condutividade elétrica), de emergência de plântulas em campo e análise computadorizada de imagens (SVIS®). Os testes de germinação em areia, de condutividade elétrica e de embebição em água foram eficientes na separação dos lotes, mas apenas este último possibilitou identificar diferenças consistentes entre os lotes nos dois períodos avaliados. Assim, o teste de embebição em água pode ser considerado promissor na composição de programas de controle de qualidade.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Com o objetivo de identificar cultivares de milho pipoca que se constituam em alternativa viável aos produtores foi conduzido um experimento em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com cinco genótipos de milho pipoca (BRS Ângela, Zélia, IAC 112, IAC 12 e IAC TC-01) e quatro repetições, na safra 2003/2004. O experimento foi instalado em espaçamento entre as linhas de 60 cm, com densidade populacional de 75 mil plantas por hectare. No decorrer do experimento, foram avaliadas características agronômicas e comerciais em condição de campo e de laboratório. A variedade BRS Ângela apresentou maior produtividade, seguida pelos híbridos simples IAC, com Zélia (híbrido triplo) apresentando menor produtividade. O híbrido simples IAC 12 apresentou pior qualidade comercial de pipoca. A produção de grãos está associada positivamente com o número de grãos por espiga e com a massa de 1.000 grãos e negativamente com o teor de Ntotal no grão. A qualidade comercial se correlacionou negativamente com a massa de 1.000 grãos.
Na agricultura moderna, o tráfego de máquinas sobre o solo é a principal causa da compactação, que, muitas vezes, causa decréscimos da produtividade de soja. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja, considerando os níveis de compactação do solo. Para tal, foi realizado um experimento em Jaboticabal, SP, em Latossolo Vermelho textura média. Os tratamentos de compactação foram: T0 = 0; T1* = 1; T1 = 1; T2 = 2; T4 = 4 e T6 = seis passadas, no mesmo local, de um trator de 11 t, uma ao lado da outra, perfazendo toda a superfície do solo. No tratamento T1*, a compactação ocorreu quando o solo estava mais seco para obter um menor nível de compactação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em parcelas subdivididas (seis níveis de compactação e quatro cultivares), com quatro repetições. Foram coletadas amostras indeformadas de solo nas camadas de 0,03-0,06; 0,08-0,11; 0,15-0,18 e 0,22-0,25 m, para determinação dos atributos físicos. em dezembro de 2003, foram semeados os cultivares de soja (Glycine max) IAC Foscarin 31, MG/BR 46 (Conquista), BRS/MG 68 (Vencedora) e IAC 8-2. O cultivar de soja IAC Foscarim 31 foi o mais produtivo no Latossolo Vermelho, quando comparado aos cultivares MG/BR 46 (Conquista), BRS/MG 68 (Vencedora) e IAC 8-2. Os valores de resistência do solo à penetração a partir dos quais a produtividade dos cultivares de soja decresceu foram de 2,24 a 2,97 MPa, conforme os cultivares.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) stands out as a staple food of the world population due to important nutritional properties. However, rice physico-chemical parameters vary according to genotype and management, for example, the use of nitrogen fertilizer. The aim of this work was to evaluate physico-chemical parameters of grains from thirteen cultivars of upland rice under supplemental sprinkler irrigation and fertilized with different nitrogen rates by topdressing (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha(-1)). Parameters such as milling efficiency, commercial grade, gelatinization temperature, as well as total nitrogen and crude protein contents of grains were evaluated. Nitrogen fertilization positively influences the whole grain yield, especially IAC 25 and BRS Colosso. BRS Aroma, IAC 202, IAC 500, BEST 2000, Curinga and Baldo have a high percentage of broken grains. The cultivars Baldo and Carnaroli (appropriate for Italian cuisine), IAC 25 and Caiapo are classified as long grain and the others, as long-thin. The cultivars, except CIRAD 141, displayed grain gelatinization temperature between intermediate and low, providing quick cooking. The grain content protein varies among cultivars, and it can be increased with nitrogen fertilization.
A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study, using technical procedures of document consultation from secondary sources and health household survey with application form for face to face inter views, with the assent nº.039/2011 from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The aim of this study was to analyze the cervix cancer control in the area47 of the Health Family Centre Nova Natal II. The cancer cervix is the second most common cancer among women worldwide. In Brazil screening for early detection and treatment of disease has been poorly done and follow-up to reduce mortality has not been executed. From a total of1170women belonging to area 47, who under went screening by the Pap test in the period from 2005 to 2010,was elected a sample of 38 women with positive cervical changes, over 18 years old. The calculation of frequency analysis of socio demographic and clinical and epidemiological selected variables with the results of cervical changes, using the X2 test and taking as significance level of p<0.05 was not statistically significant. The predominant age range was 25 to 64 years (68.9%), most no white women (60.5%), predominantly with primary education (57.9%), most married (68.4%) and housewives (68.4%) with early age of sexual activity (86.8%), the minority smokers (13.2%), with a sexual partner (36.8%). At the time of interview, 42.1% of the women voiced complaint of discharge, while only 2.6% reported bleeding. In relation to the occurrence of STDs (including HPV), 10.5% of women reported being a carrier. The use of oral contraceptives was 32.3% of women, from 2 to 4 years (44.4%). The result of the last screening test performed, showed prevalence of immature squamous metaplasia (55.3%), followed by intraepithelial low- grade lesion (including the cytopathologic HPV effect and cervical intra epithelial neoplasia grade I) (31.6%); intraepithelial high-grade lesion (including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II and III) (7.9%), atypical squamous non neoplastic cells (5.3%). There was no squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Most women received information about the action that should be done after the last screening test result (55.3%), but how to perform follow, most women did not report having done so (55.3%). The follow-up group of women studied, with varying degrees of cervical abnormalities, should only be completed with the discharge by cure, established inconsecutive negative cytology, a goal that is not being achieved in the area 47 of the Health Family Centre of Nova Natal II
The bean is a nutrient demanding plant, either due to the small and shallow root system or due to the short cycle. A study with doses of lime and boron was conducted and correlations were made between two types of leaf (+ 1 and + 3) of the bean with the contents of these elements in plants and production, aiming to establish the most appropriate leaf for diagnosis of nutritional status. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions employing bean seeds cv. BRS Talisma. Lime rates considering the saturation of bases (70%), were calculated as zero, half the standard dose, dose to increase V = 70% (default), one and a half and twice the standard dose, while the boron amounts used were: zero, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8 and 2.4 mg B dm(-3). At the time of flowering, diagnostic leaves + 1 and + 3 (mature leaves from the apex) were collected along with sampling of a plant (aerial part) per pot and the measurement of production. Through correlations it was verified that nutrients, calcium, magnesium and boron in the leaf + 3 showed higher correlation coefficients with levels in the plant and production data.
O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de três cultivares de uvas de mesa sem semente submetidas ao processamento mínimo e armazenadas sob refrigeração e à temperatura ambiente. Para tanto, foram utilizadas uvas das cultivares BRS Clara, BRS Linda e BRS Morena, produzidas na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Uva e Vinho/Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, em Jales-SP. Os cachos, depois de higienizados e imersos em água clorada a 200 mg de cloro.L-1 por 5 minutos, foram mantidos em câmara fria, a 12ºC, por 12 h. As bagas foram degranadas e lavadas em solução de álcool a 70%, por 5 segundos. Depois de escorrido o excesso da solução alcoólica, as bagas foram acondicionadas em bandejas de tereftalato de polietileno (PET) transparente com tampa e com capacidade para 500 mL. Cada unidade, contendo 200 g de bagas, foi armazenada a 12±1,8ºC e 24±0,8ºC, por 12 dias. Avaliaram-se, a cada três dias, a perda de massa fresca, a aparência, a coloração e os teores de sólidos solúveis (SS) e de acidez titulável (AT). A temperatura de 12ºC manteve a turgidez, a coloração, as qualidades organoléptica (relação SS/AT) e comercial das bagas das três cultivares testadas, por nove dias, enquanto no armazenamento à temperatura ambiente (24ºC), ocorre perda da qualidade comercial das bagas aos três dias para as cvs. BRS Clara e BRS Linda, e aos seis dias para a cv. BRS Morena.