939 resultados para quasi-least
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J60, 62M99.
Радослав Павлов - Представен е проектът EuDML – Европейската цифрова библиотека по математика (http://www.eudml.eu), който цели: • да създаде обща инфраструктура за безпроблемна навигация, търсене и взаимодействие в рамките на плътна мрежа от разпределено валидирано многоезично математическо съдържание в цифрова форма, което да е достъпно в цяла Европа, и така да направи математиката лесно достъпна за всички потребители; • да задоволи изискването за надежден и дългосрочен достъп до математическите изследвания. Представен е и българският принос в проекта – BulDML – цифрово хранилище за математическа литература на Института по математика и информатика на БАН (http://sci-gems.math.bas.bg).
Цветан Д. Христов, Недю Ив. Попиванов, Манфред Шнайдер - Изучени са някои тримерни гранични задачи за уравнения от смесен тип. За уравнения от типа на Трикоми те са формулирани от М. Протер през 1952, като тримерни аналози на задачите на Дарбу или Коши–Гурса в равнината. Добре известно е, че новите задачи са некоректни. Ние формулираме нова гранична задача за уравнения от типа на Келдиш и даваме понятие за квазиругулярно решение на тази задача и на eдна от задачите на Протер. Намерени са достатъчни условия за единственост на такива решения.
Петра Г. Стайнова - Квази-линдельофовите пространства са въведени от Архангелски като усилване на слабо-линдельофовите. В тази статия се разглеждат няколко свойства на квази-линдельофовите пространства и се правят сравнения със съответни ре- зултати за линдельофовите и слабо-линдельофовите пространства. Дадени са няколко примера, включително на слабо-линдельофово пространство, което не е квази-линдельофово; на пространство, което е топологично произведение на две линдельофови, но не е дори квази-линдельофово, и на пространство, което е квази-линдельофово, но не Суслиново. Накрая са поставени няколко отворени въпроси.
Data fluctuation in multiple measurements of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) greatly affects the accuracy of quantitative analysis. A new LIBS quantitative analysis method based on the Robust Least Squares Support Vector Machine (RLS-SVM) regression model is proposed. The usual way to enhance the analysis accuracy is to improve the quality and consistency of the emission signal, such as by averaging the spectral signals or spectrum standardization over a number of laser shots. The proposed method focuses more on how to enhance the robustness of the quantitative analysis regression model. The proposed RLS-SVM regression model originates from the Weighted Least Squares Support Vector Machine (WLS-SVM) but has an improved segmented weighting function and residual error calculation according to the statistical distribution of measured spectral data. Through the improved segmented weighting function, the information on the spectral data in the normal distribution will be retained in the regression model while the information on the outliers will be restrained or removed. Copper elemental concentration analysis experiments of 16 certified standard brass samples were carried out. The average value of relative standard deviation obtained from the RLS-SVM model was 3.06% and the root mean square error was 1.537%. The experimental results showed that the proposed method achieved better prediction accuracy and better modeling robustness compared with the quantitative analysis methods based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, standard Support Vector Machine (SVM) and WLS-SVM. It was also demonstrated that the improved weighting function had better comprehensive performance in model robustness and convergence speed, compared with the four known weighting functions.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35S05; Secondary 35A17.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 62M10, 62J02, 62F12, 62M05, 62P05, 62P10; secondary: 60G46, 60F15.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62P15.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45F15, 45G10, 46B38.
We present experimental measurements of intensity spatiotemporal dynamics in quasi-CW Raman fiber laser. Depending on the power, the laser operates in different spatio-temporal regimes varying from partial mode-locking near the generation threshold to almost stochastic radiation and a generation of short-lived pulses at high power. The transitions between the generation regimes are evident in intensity spatio-temporal dynamics. Two-dimensional auto-correlation functions provide an additional insight into temporal and spatial properties of the observed regimes.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47B47, 47B10, 47A30.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 39A10.
Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers. Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers.
The quantization scheme is suggested for a spatially inhomogeneous 1+1 Bianchi I model. The scheme consists in quantization of the equations of motion and gives the operator (so called quasi-Heisenberg) equations describing explicit evolution of a system. Some particular gauge suitable for quantization is proposed. The Wheeler-DeWitt equation is considered in the vicinity of zero scale factor and it is used to construct a space where the quasi-Heisenberg operators act. Spatial discretization as a UV regularization procedure is suggested for the equations of motion.