Ginzburg-Landau turbulence in quasi-CW Raman fiber lasers

Autoria(s): Sugavanam, Srikanth; Tarasov, Nikita; Wabnitz, Stefan; Churkin, Dmitry V.



Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers. Fiber lasers operating via Raman gain or based on rare-earth-doped active fibers are widely used as sources of CW radiation. However, these lasers are only quasi-CW: their intensity fluctuates strongly on short time scales. Here the framework of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equations, which are well known as an efficient model of mode-locked fiber lasers, is applied for the description of quasi-CW fiber lasers. The vector Ginzburg-Landau model of a Raman fiber laser describes the experimentally observed turbulent-like intensity dynamics, as well as polarization rogue waves. Our results open debates about the common underlying physics of operation of very different laser types - quasi-CW lasers and passively mode-locked lasers.


Sugavanam, Srikanth; Tarasov, Nikita; Wabnitz, Stefan and Churkin, Dmitry V. (2015). Ginzburg-Landau turbulence in quasi-CW Raman fiber lasers. Laser and Photonics Reviews, 9 (6), L35-L39.





