902 resultados para point-of-care testing (POCT)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
Early detection assays play a key role in the successful treatment of most diseases. Redox capacitive biosensors were recently introduced as a potential electroanalytical assay platform for point-of-care applications but alternative surfaces (besides a mixed layer containing ferrocene and antibody receptive component) for recruiting important clinical biomarkers are still needed. Aiming to develop alternative receptive surfaces for this novel electrochemical biosensing platform, we synthesized a ferrocene redoxtagged peptide capable of self-assembly into metallic interfaces, a potentially useful biological surface functionalization for bedside diagnostic assays. As a proof of concept we used C-reactive protein (CRP), as a model biomarker, and compared the obtained results to those of previously reported capacitive assays. The redox-tagged peptide approach shows a limit of detection of 0.8 nmol L 1 (same as 94 ng mL 1 ) and a linear range (R2 ∼98%) with the logarithm of the concentration of the analyte comprising 0.5–10.0 nmol L 1 , within a clinical relevant range for CRP.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Opportunistic diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is an omnipresent global challenge. In order to manage these epidemics, we need to have low cost and easily deployable platforms at the point-of-care in high congestions regions like airports and public transit systems. In this dissertation we present our findings in using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR)-based detection of pathogens and other clinically relevant applications using microfluidic platforms at the point-of-care setting in resource constrained environment. The work presented here adopts the novel technique of LSPR to multiplex a lab-on-a-chip device capable of quantitatively detecting various types of intact viruses and its various subtypes, based on the principle of a change in wavelength occurring when metal nano-particle surface is modified with a specific surface chemistry allowing the binding of a desired pathogen to a specific antibody. We demonstrate the ability to detect and quantify subtype A, B, C, D, E, G and panel HIV with a specificity of down to 100 copies/mL using both whole blood sample and HIV-patient blood sample discarded from clinics. These results were compared against the gold standard Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). This microfluidic device has a total evaluation time for the assays of about 70 minutes, where 60 minutes is needed for the capture and 10 minutes for data acquisition and processing. This LOC platform eliminates the need for any sample preparation before processing. This platform is highly multiplexable as the same surface chemistry can be adapted to capture and detect several other pathogens like dengue virus, E. coli, M. Tuberculosis, etc.
ROTEM(®) is considered a helpful point-of-care device to monitor blood coagulation. Centrally performed analysis is desirable but rapid transport of blood samples and real-time transmission of graphic results are an important prerequisite. The effect of sample transport through a pneumatic tube system on ROTEM(®) results is unknown. The aims of the present work were (i) to determine the influence of blood sample transport through a pneumatic tube system on ROTEM(®) parameters compared to manual transportation, and (ii) to verify whether graphic results can be transmitted on line via virtual network computing using local area network to the physician in charge of the patient.
Dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been used to manipulate cells in low-conductivity suspending media using AC electrical fields generated on micro-fabricated electrode arrays. This has created the possibility of performing automatically on a micro-scale more sophisticated cell processing than that currently requiring substantial laboratory equipment, reagent volumes, time, and human intervention. In this research the manipulation of aqueous droplets in an immiscible, low-permittivity suspending medium is described to complement previous work on dielectrophoretic cell manipulation. Such droplets can be used as carriers not only for air- and water-borne samples, contaminants, chemical reagents, viral and gene products, and cells, but also the reagents to process and characterize these samples. A long-term goal of this area of research is to perform chemical and biological assays on automated, micro-scaled devices at or near the point-of-care, which will increase the availability of modern medicine to people who do not have ready access to large medical institutions and decrease the cost and delays associated with that lack of access. In this research I present proofs-of-concept for droplet manipulation and droplet-based biochemical analysis using dielectrophoresis as the motive force. Proofs-of-concept developed for the first time in this research include: (1) showing droplet movement on a two-dimensional array of electrodes, (2) achieving controlled dielectric droplet injection, (3) fusing and reacting droplets, and (4) demonstrating a protein fluorescence assay using micro-droplets. ^
Los sectores de detección biológica demandan continuamente técnicas de análisis y diagnóstico más eficientes y precisas para identificar enfermedades y desarrollar nuevos medicamentos. Actualmente se considera que hay una gran necesidad de desarrollar herramientas de diagnóstico capaces de asegurar sensibilidad, rapidez, sencillez y asequibilidad para aplicaciones en sectores como la salud, la alimentación, el medioambiente o la seguridad. En el ámbito clínico se necesitan profundos avances tecnológicos capaces de ofrecer análisis rápidos, exactos, fiables y asequibles en coste y que tengan como consecuencia la mejora clínica y económica a partir de un diagnóstico eficiente. En concreto, hay un interés creciente por la descentralización del diagnóstico clínico mediante plataformas de detección cercanas al usuario final, denominadas POCs (Point Of Care devices). La utilización de POCs (referidas al diagnóstico cercano al usuario final o fuera del laboratorio de análisis clínico), mediante detección in vitro (IVD), será extremadamente útil en centros de salud, clínicas o unidades hospitalarias, entornos laborales o incluso en el hogar. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de la genómica, proteómica y otras tecnologías conocidas como “omics” (sufijo en inglés para referirse, por ejemplo, a genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics) está incrementando la demanda de nuevas tecnologías mucho más avanzadas con una clara orientación hacia la medicina personalizada y la necesidad de hacer frente a cambios en los tratamientos en el caso de enfermedades complejas. Desde hace poco tiempo se han definido las Celdas Biofónicas (BICELLs) como una metodología novedosa para la detección de agentes biológicos que ofrecen una serie de características que las hacen interesantes como son: Capacidad de multiplexación, alta sensibilidad, posibilidad de medir en gota, compatible con otras tecnologías. En este trabajo se hace un estudio y optimización sobre diferentes tipos de BICELLs y se valoran una serie de figuras de merito a tener en cuenta desde el punto de vista del lector óptico a emplear.
The growing demand for physical rehabilitation processes can result in the rising of costs and waiting lists, becoming a threat to healthcare services’ sustainability. Telerehabilitation solutions can help in this issue by discharging patients from points of care while improving their adherence to treatment. Sensing devices are used to collect data so that the physiotherapists can monitor and evaluate the patients’ activity in the scheduled sessions. This paper presents a software platform that aims to meet the needs of the rehabilitation experts and the patients along a physical rehabilitation plan, allowing its use in outpatient scenarios. It is meant to be low-cost and easy-to-use, improving patients and experts experience. We show the satisfactory results already obtained from its use, in terms of the accuracy evaluating the exercises, and the degree of users’ acceptance. We conclude that this platform is suitable and technically feasible to carry out rehabilitation plans outside the point of care.
En Argentina, en consonancia con el resto del mundo, la Nanotecnología es considerada un área estratégica. Sin embargo, las investigaciones en Nanobiotecnología todavía constituyen un área de vacancia. El uso de nanomateriales para desarrollar plataformas bioanalíticas que permitan la construcción de biosensores ofrece múltiples ventajas y una promisoria perspectiva de aplicación en diversas áreas. En la actualidad, los laboratorios de análisis clínicos, la industria farmacéutica y alimentaria, y los laboratorios de control bromatológico y ambiental requieren de metodologías analíticas que proporcionen resultados exactos, reproducibles, rápidos, sensibles y selectivos empleando pequeños volúmenes de muestra, con un mínimo consumo de reactivos y una producción de deshechos limpia y escasa. Las investigaciones en nanobiosensores se encuentran dirigidas hacia el logro de estas metas. Uno de los grandes desafíos es lograr biosensores miniaturizados con potencialidad para el desarrollo de dispositivos de medición descentralizada (“point of care”) y la detección simultánea de multianalitos. Aún cuando se han hecho innumerables desarrollos en los casi 50 años de vida de los biosensores, todavía hay numerosos interrogantes por dilucidar. La modificación con nanomateriales juega un rol preponderante en los transductores tanto en los electroquímicos como en los plasmónicos. El uso de películas delgadas de Au para SPR modificadas con grafeno u óxido de grafeno, es un campo de una enorme potencialidad y sin embargo es muy poco explotado, por lo que reviste gran importancia. En lo referido a la capa de biorreconocimiento, se trabajará con moléculas capaces de establecer interacciones de bioafinidad, como los anticuerpos y también moléculas que son muy poco usadas en nuestro país y en Latinoamérica como ADN, aptámeros, PNA y lectinas. RESUMEN: El Objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar nuevas plataformas bioanalíticas para la detección de diferentes eventos de bioafinidad a partir de la integración de transductores electroquímicos (EQ) y plasmónicos con materiales nanoestructurados (nanotubos de carbono, nanoláminas de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos); biomoléculas (ADN, “peptide nucleic acid” (PNA), aptámeros, anticuerpos, lectinas) y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas. Las arquitecturas supramoleculares resultantes estarán dirigidas al desarrollo de biosensores EQ y plasmónicos para la cuantificación de biomarcadores de relevancia clínica y medioambiental. Se funcionalizarán CNT, grafeno, óxido de grafeno, nanoalambres metálicos empleando homopéptidos y proteínas con alta afinidad por cationes metálicos, los que se integrarán a transductores de carbono y oro y biomoléculas de reconocimiento capaces de formar complejos de afinidad (antígeno-anticuerpo, aptámero-molécula blanco, ADN-ADN, PNA-ADN, lectinas-hidratos de carbono, ligandos-cationes metálicos y avidina-biotina). Se sintetizarán y caracterizarán nuevos monómeros y polímeros funcionalizados con moléculas bioactivas y/o grupos rédox empleando diferentes rutas sintéticas. Se desarrollarán genosensores para la detección del evento de hibridación de secuencias de interés médico (cáncer de colon y de mama, tuberculosis); aptasensores para la detección de marcadores proteicos de T. cruzi, enfermedades cardiovasculares y contaminantes catiónicos; inmunosensores para la detección de biomarcadores proteicos relacionados con enfermedades cardiovasculares y cáncer; y biosensores de afinidad con lectinas para la detección de hidratos de carbono. La caracterización de las plataformas y las señales analíticas se obtendrán empleando las siguientes técnicas: voltamperometrías cíclica, de pulso diferencial y de onda cuadrada; stripping; resonancia de plasmón superficial; espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica; microscopías de barrido electroquímico, SEM, TEM, AFM,SNOM, espectroscopías: UV-vis, FTIR,Raman;RMN, TGA y DSC.
Enquadramento – A Early Warning Scores é uma escala de alerta, baseada num sistema de atribuição de pontos (scores) aos parâmetros vitais e deterioração do SNC, sendo a sua principal finalidade a identificação precoce do risco de deterioração fisiológica do doente. Objetivos – Determinar os parâmetros da escala que foram avaliados; identificar a periodicidade de avaliação dos parâmetros da escala; determinar as situações identificadas como risco de deterioração fisiológica; avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da escala Early Warning Scores (validade e fiabilidade). Material e Método – Estudo quantitativo e descritivo-correlacional, cuja população alvo consistiu nos doentes vítimas de acidente ou doença súbita, submetidos a atendimentos por parte de enfermeiros afetos ao INEM, nomeadamente nas ambulâncias de Suporte Imediato de Vida, mediante ativação via 112. O instrumento de avaliação utilizado consiste na Escala Early Warning Scores. Resultados – Verificou-se que o índice de fiabilidade se traduziu num valor de alfa de Cronbach, para a globalidade da escala, fraco (α=0.462). Concluiu-se que houve uma redução progressiva dos scores, em termos de risco, indicando a ocorrência de uma deteção precoce da degradação clínica dos 214 doentes, o que se traduziu numa atuação mais eficaz no pré-hospitalar. Conclusão - A redução progressiva dos scores, em termos de risco ao longo dos três momentos de avaliação com a Early Warning Scores, sugere que houve uma deteção precoce da degradação clínica dos doentes, resultando numa atuação mais eficaz no pré-hospitalar. Palavras-chave: Pré-hospitalar; Risco de deterioração fisiológica; Early Warning Scores.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Ultrasonics offers the possibility of developing sophisticated fluid manipulation tools in lab-on-a-chip technologies. Here we demonstrate the ability to shape ultrasonic fields by using phononic lattices, patterned on a disposable chip, to carry out the complex sequence of fluidic manipulations required to detect the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei in blood. To illustrate the different tools that are available to us, we used acoustic fields to produce the required rotational vortices that mechanically lyse both the red blood cells and the parasitic cells present in a drop of blood. This procedure was followed by the amplification of parasitic genomic sequences using different acoustic fields and frequencies to heat the sample and perform a real-time PCR amplification. The system does not require the use of lytic reagents nor enrichment steps, making it suitable for further integration into lab-on-a-chip point-of-care devices. This acoustic sample preparation and PCR enables us to detect ca. 30 parasites in a microliter-sized blood sample, which is the same order of magnitude in sensitivity as lab-based PCR tests. Unlike other lab-on-a-chip methods, where the sample moves through channels, here we use our ability to shape the acoustic fields in a frequency-dependent manner to provide different analytical functions. The methods also provide a clear route toward the integration of PCR to detect pathogens in a single handheld system.
Albumin is not endogenous to the tear film and is present as a product of plasma leakage. It is used as a diagnostic marker of ocular insult and inflammation. Tear albumin is, however, poorly understood, with large variations in reported concentrations between studies. There is also no authoritative information on whether its presence in tears is responsive or part of an adaptive reaction.The presented research aimed to resolve the disparities in published tear albumin concentrations and investigate the role of albumin in the tear film. Collation and evaluation of the available literature identified collection method, stimulus, assay technique, and disease state as factors able to influence quoted tear albumin to different extents. Difference in sampling technique exhibited the largest variations in mean tear albumin concentrations. Review of the literature also highlighted that little systematic investigations of the daily cycle of tear albumin levels, and subject-to-subject-variation, had been carried out. In order to remedy this shortcoming, variations in tear albumin concentration were investigated in 13 subjects throughout the waking day. Results identified a time period where albumin levels are relatively stable (2-6 hours post-waking). This was designated a suitable baseline for the determinations of tear albumin concentrations and subject-to-subject comparisons. Significantly, a previously unrecognised progressive increase in albumin concentration during the latter part of the day was also identified in the population. This increase suggests that albumin may play a more active and dynamic role in the ocular environment than is commonly perceived. To facilitate the collection of additional tear albumin data, tear sampling and point-of-care analysis in contact lens clinics were investigated. Two instruments were evaluated and were found to be suitable for the analysis of tear albumin in commercial institutions. Collectively, the described research has provided new insight into tear albumin and a strong foundation for further studies.
Nucleic Acid hairpins have been a subject of study for the last four decades. They are composed of single strand that is
hybridized to itself, and the central section forming an unhybridized loop. In nature, they stabilize single stranded RNA, serve as nucleation
sites for RNA folding, protein recognition signals, mRNA localization and regulation of mRNA degradation. On the other hand,
DNA hairpins in biological contexts have been studied with respect to forming cruciform structures that can regulate gene expression.
The use of DNA hairpins as fuel for synthetic molecular devices, including locomotion, was proposed and experimental demonstrated in 2003. They
were interesting because they bring to the table an on-demand energy/information supply mechanism.
The energy/information is hidden (from hybridization) in the hairpin’s loop, until required.
The energy/information is harnessed by opening the stem region, and exposing the single stranded loop section.
The loop region is now free for possible hybridization and help move the system into a thermodynamically favourable state.
The hidden energy and information coupled with
programmability provides another functionality, of selectively choosing what reactions to hide and
what reactions to allow to proceed, that helps develop a topological sequence of events.
Hairpins have been utilized as a source of fuel for many different DNA devices. In this thesis, we program four different
molecular devices using DNA hairpins, and experimentally validate them in the
laboratory. 1) The first device: A
novel enzyme-free autocatalytic self-replicating system composed entirely of DNA that operates isothermally. 2) The second
device: Time-Responsive Circuits using DNA have two properties: a) asynchronous: the final output is always correct
regardless of differences in the arrival time of different inputs.
b) renewable circuits which can be used multiple times without major degradation of the gate motifs
(so if the inputs change over time, the DNA-based circuit can re-compute the output correctly based on the new inputs).
3) The third device: Activatable tiles are a theoretical extension to the Tile assembly model that enhances
its robustness by protecting the sticky sides of tiles until a tile is partially incorporated into a growing assembly.
4) The fourth device: Controlled Amplification of DNA catalytic system: a device such that the amplification
of the system does not run uncontrollably until the system runs out of fuel, but instead achieves a finite
amount of gain.
Nucleic acid circuits with the ability
to perform complex logic operations have many potential practical applications, for example the ability to achieve point of care diagnostics.
We discuss the designs of our DNA Hairpin molecular devices, the results we have obtained, and the challenges we have overcome
to make these truly functional.
Introduction: Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) use in clinical care is growing rapidly, and advocates have recently proposed the integration of ultrasound into undergraduate medical education (UME). The evidentiary basis for this integration has not been evaluated critically or systematically. In this study, we conducted a critical and systematic review framed by the rationales enumerated by advocates of ultrasound in UME in academic publications.
Methods: This research was conducted in two phases. First, the dominant discursive rationales for the integration of ultrasound in UME were identified using techniques from Foucauldian critical discourse analysis (CDA) from an archive of 403 academic publications. We then sought empirical evidence in support of theses rationales, using a critical synthesis methodology also adapted from CDA.
Results: We identified four dominant discursive rationales, with different levels of evidentiary support. Ultrasound was not demonstrated to improve students’ understanding of anatomy. The benefit of ultrasound in teaching physical examination was inconsistent,and rests on minimal evidence. With POCUS, students’ diagnostic accuracy was improved for certain pathologies, but findings were inconsistent for others. Finally, the rationale that ultrasound training in UME will improve quality of patient care was difficult to evaluate.
Discussion: Our analysis has shown that the frequently repeated rationales for the integration of ultrasound in UME are not supported by a sufficient base of empirical research. The repetition of these dominant discursive rationales in academic publications legitimizes them and may preclude further primary research. Since the value of clinical ultrasound use by medical students remains unproven, educators must consider whether the associated financial and temporal costs are justified or whether more research is required.