We report on photoreduction of Ag+ in aluminoborate glasses induced by irradiation of a femtosecond laser. Novel fluorescence was observed in the femtosecond laser irradiated glass when excited by a 365 nm ultraviolet lamp. Optical absorption, emission, and electron spin resonance spectra of the glass samples demonstrated that after the laser irradiation, portions of silver ions near the focused part of the laser beam inside the glass were reduced to silver atoms, which resulted in the formation of the characteristic fluorescence. The observed phenomenon may have promising applications in the fabrication of functional optical devices.
本文研究了红外飞秒激光照射下Ce^3+ 掺杂的YAP和LSO两种闪烁晶体的上转换发光现象.实验发现在飞秒激光泵浦下,这两种晶体的荧光均来自于Ce^3+离子的5d-4f跃迁.荧光强度与泵浦光功率之间的依赖关系揭示了Ce^3+:YAP和Ce^3+:LSO晶体的上转换过程皆由三光子吸收过程所主导.分析表明,Ce^3+:YAP和Ce^3+:LSO晶体中的三光子吸收是三光子同时吸收.
By analysis of impurity elements in HfO2 coating material, the influence of main impurity elements on the characteristic of coatings were studied. The results indicate that the metal elements and absorptive dielectric elements damage the HfO2 coatings. The more the Zr element content is, the more the absorption is for the coatings in ultraviolet wave. The negative ion element will become the gas source center and form an ejection in the process of evaporation of coating material, so decrease the damage threshold of the coatings.
TiO2 coatings were prepared on fused silica with conventional electron beam evaporation deposition. After TiO2 thin films were annealed at different temperatures for 4 h, several properties were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), spectrometer.. photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and AFM. It was found that with the annealing temperature increasing, the transmittance of TiO2 coatings decreased, and the cutoff wavelength shifted to long wavelength in near ultraviolet band. Especially, when coatings were annealed at high temperature, the optical loss is very serious, which can be attributed to the scattering and the absorption of TiO2 coatings. XRD patterns revealed that only anatase phase was observed in TiO2 coatings regardless of the different annealing temperatures. XPS results indicated that the fine chemical shift of TiO2 2p(1/2) should be attributed to existence of oxygen vacancies around Ti+4 ion. The investigation on surface morphology by AFM showed that the RMS of titania thin films gradually increases from less than 0.40 nm to 5.03 nm and it should be ascribed to the growth of titanium dioxide grain size with the increase of annealing temperature. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ZnO films prepared by the thermal oxidation of the ZnS films through thermal evaporation are reported. The as-deposited ZnS films have transformed to ZnO films completely at 400 degrees C. The 400-700 degrees C annealed films with a preferential c-axis (002) orientation have a hexagonal wurtzite structure. The band gap of ZnO films shifts towards longer wavelength with the increase of the annealing temperature. The relationship between the band gap energy of ZnO films and the grain size is discussed. The shift of the band gap energy can be ascribed to the quantum confinement effect in nanocrystal ZnO films. The photoluminescence spectra of ZnO films show a dominant ultraviolet emission and no deep level or trap state defect emission in the green region. It confirms the absence of interstitial zinc or oxygen vacancies in ZnO films. These results indicate that ZnO film prepared by this simple thermal oxidation method is a promising candidate for optoelectronic devices and UV laser. (c) 2005 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.
The optical absorption edge and ultraviolet (UV) emission energy of ZnO films deposited by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering at room temperature have been investigated. With the oxygen ratio increasing, the structure of films changes from zinc and zinc oxide coexisting phase to single-phase ZnO and finally to the highly (002) orientation. Both the grain size and the stress of ZnO film vary with the oxygen partial pressure. Upon increasing the oxygen partial pressure in the growing ambient, the visible emission in the room-temperature photoluminescence spectra was suppressed without sacrificing the band-edge emission intensity in the ultraviolet region. The peaks of photoluminescence spectra were located at 3.06---3.15 eV. From optical transmittance spectra of ZnO films, the optical band gap edge was observed to shift towards shorter wavelength with the increase of oxygen partial pressure.
The effects of post-deposited annealing on structure and optical properties of electron-beam evaporated Al2O3 single layers were investigated. The films were annealed in air for 1.5 h at different temperatures from 250 to 400 degrees C. The optical constants and cut-off wavelength were deduced. Microstructure of the samples was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Profile and surface roughness measurement instrument was used to determine the rms surface roughness. It was found that the cut-off wavelength shifted to short wavelength as the annealing temperature increased and the total optical loss decreased. The film structure remained amorphous even after annealing at 400 degrees C temperature and the samples annealed at higher temperature had the higher rms surface roughness. The decreasing total optical loss with annealing temperature was attributed to the reduction of absorption owing to oxidation of the film by annealing. Guidance to reduce the optical loss of excimer laser mirrors was given. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).
A emodina é uma antraquinona estruturalmente semelhante à aloe-emodina e ambas tem sido apontadas como capazes de causar lesões oxidativas pela produção de ERO. Sua presença em produtos dermocosméticos e de higiene pessoal, associada às informações de que a fotoativação de antraquinonas levaria ao aumento de lesões oxidativas causadas por ERO, torna relevante o estudo da associação da emodina com a radiação UVA. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a citotoxicidade induzida pela associação da emodina com doses subletais de radiação UVA, em células de Escherichia coli (selvagem e cepas deficientes em enzimas do BER), através de ensaios de sobrevivência bacteriana (taxa de dose de UVA igual a 20J/m/s, totalizando 108kJ/m ao final de 90min de experimento), e em células da linhagem A549 pela exclusão do corante azul de tripan e sobrevivência clonogênica(taxa de dose de UVA igual a 20J/m/s, totalizando 36kJ/m ao final de 30min de experimento). Além disso, a genotoxicidade desses agentes foi estudada por eletroforese em gel de agarose de DNA plasmidial (taxa de dose de UVA igual a 16J/m/s, totalizando 57,6kJ/m ao final de 60min de experimento). De acordo com os resultados: i) Concentrações iguais ou abaixo de 5,55mM de emodina não alteraram a sobrevivência em nenhuma das cepas estudas; ii) As proteínas Xth e Fpg parecem ter um papel importante no reparo das lesões causadas pela emodina, em altas concentrações, sugerindo a participação do reparo por excisão de bases (BER) nesse processo; iii) A associação da emodina com a radiação UVA se mostrou citotóxica em todas as cepas de E. coli; iv) O gene nfo foi o mais importante na resistência bacteriana às lesões induzidas pela associação dos dois agentes, reforçando o envolvimento do BER e indicando uma possível participação do reparo por incisão de nucleotídeos (NIR); v) A emodina parece ter interagido com o DNA plasmidial, alterando seu padrão de migração no gel de agarose; vi) Em células da linhagem A549, a emodina causa efeitos tóxicos imediatos que parecem ser reparados ao longo do tempo. Porém, quando a droga permaneceu por 24 horas em contato com as células, houve uma diminuição na sobrevivência celular que parece ser dosedependente; vii) As concentrações de 10μM e 25μM de emodina, quando associadas ao UVA, se mostraram responsáveis pela redução de mais de 50% na sobrevivência nas células A549, chegando a 100% de morte quando a concentração de emodina foi de 50μM; viii) A radiação UVA potencializou os efeitos citotóxicos da emodina, nos 2 modelos experimentais do presente estudo, indicando que a interação da emodina com a radiação UVA seja genotóxica e portanto prejudicial à saúde.
Didaticamente, podemos dividir o espectro da radiação ultravioleta (UV) em três faixas: UVA (400 a 320 nm), UVB (320 a 290 nm) e UVC (290 a 100 nm). Apesar do UVC ou UV-curto ser eficientemente filtrado pela camada de ozônio da Terra e sua atmosfera, este é uma das faixas do espectro de UV mais usadas para explorar as consequências de danos causados ao DNA, já que a letalidade induzida por este agente está relacionada aos danos diretos no genoma celular, como as lesões dímero de pirimidina, que são letais se não reparadas. Contudo, demonstrou-se que a radiação UVC pode gerar espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO), como o oxigênio singleto (1O2). Embora, o radical hidroxil (OH) cause modificações oxidativas nas bases de DNA, alguns trabalhos indicam que o 1O2 também está envolvido nos danos oxidativos no DNA. Esta ERO é produzida por vários sistemas biológicos e reações fotossensibilização, quando cromóforos são expostos à luz visível ou são excitados pela luz UV, permitindo que essa energia possa ser transferida para o oxigênio sendo convertido em 1O2, que é conhecido por modificar resíduos de guanina, gerando 8-oxoG, que caso não seja reparada pode gerar uma transversão GC-TA. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de elucidar a participação de ERO nos efeitos genotóxicos e mutagênicos gerados pela radiação UVC, assim como as enzimas envolvidas no processo de reparação destas lesões em células de Escherichia coli. Nos ensaios as culturas foram irradiadas com o UVC (254 nm; 15W General Electric G15T8 germicidal lamp, USA). Nossos resultados mostram que o uso de quelantes de ferro não alterou a letalidade induzida pelo UVC. A azida sódica, um captador de 1O2, protegeu as cepas contra os danos genotóxicos gerados pelo UVC e também diminuiu a frequência de mutações induzidas no teste com rifampicina. A reversão específica GC-TA foi induzida mais de 2,5 vezes no ensaio de mutagênese. A cepa deficiente na proteína de reparo Fpg, enzima que corrige a lesão 8-oxoG, apresentou menos quebras no DNA do que a cepa selvagem no ensaio de eletroforese alcalina. A letalidade induzida pelo UVC foi aumentada nos mutantes transformados com o plasmídeo pFPG, ao mesmo tempo que representou uma redução na indução mutagênica. Houve dimuição na eficiência de transformação com plasmídeo pUC 9.1 na cepa fpg quando comparado a cepa selvagem. Assim como, um aumento da sensibilidade ao UVC na associação entre mutantes fpg e uvrA. Estes resultados mostram que o 1O2 participa dos danos induzidos pelo UVC, através da geração da lesão 8-oxoG, uma lesão mutagênica, que é reparada pela proteína Fpg
Al2O3/SiO2 films have been prepared by electron-beam evaporation as ultraviolet (UV) antireflection coatings on 4H-SiC substrates and annealed at different temperatures. The films were characterized by reflection spectra, ellipsometer system, atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), respectively. As the annealing temperature increased, the minimum reflectance of the films moved to the shorter wavelength for the variation of refractive indices and the reduction of film thicknesses. The surface grains appeared to get larger in size and the root mean square (RMS) roughness of the annealed films increased with the annealing temperature but was less than that of the as-deposited. The Al2O3/SiO2 films maintained amorphous in microstructure with the increase of the temperature. Meanwhile, the transition and diffusion in film component were found in XPS measurement. These results provided the important references for Al2O3/SiO2 films annealed at reasonable temperatures and prepared as fine anti-reflection coatings on 4H-SiC-based UV optoelectronic devices. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.