916 resultados para Subterranean rodent
Titan has clouds, rain and lakes-like Earth-but composed of methane rather than water. Unlike Earth, most of the condensable methane (the equivalent of 5 m depth globally averaged(1)) lies in the atmosphere. Liquid detected on the surface (about 2 m deep) has been found by radar images only poleward of 50 degrees latitude(2,3), while dune fields pervade the tropics(4). General circulation models explain this dichotomy, predicting that methane efficiently migrates to the poles from these lower latitudes(5-7). Here we report an analysis of near-infrared spectral images(8) of the region between 20 degrees N and 20 degrees S latitude. The data reveal that the lowest fluxes in seven wavelength bands that probe Titan's surface occur in an oval region of about 60 x 40 km(2), which has been observed repeatedly since 2004. Radiative transfer analyses demonstrate that the resulting spectrum is consistent with a black surface, indicative of liquid methane on the surface. Enduring low-latitude lakes are best explained as supplied by subterranean sources (within the last 10,000 years), which may be responsible for Titan's methane, the continual photochemical depletion of which furnishes Titan's organic chemistry(9).
Pieri N.C.G., Alicia M. Flamini A.M., Barbeito C.G., Casals J.B., Roque K.B., Favaron P.O., Miglino M.A. & Martins D.S. 2012. [Shape and function of the perineal muscles of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus).] Forma e funcao dos musculos perineais da viscacha (Lagostomus maximus). Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(2):183-187. Departamento de Zootecnia, Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte 225, Pirassununga, SP 13635-900, Brazil. E-mail: daniele@usp.br. Among the rodent species studied we can highlight the wide variation in the morphology of the male reproductive system. Thus, considering the ecological importance of rodents, and the large number and geographical representation of this animal, as well as shortages regarding the reproductive anatomy, we developed this study with viscacha, a South American histricomorph rodent. As this species has some very peculiar reproductive features, we described the gross anatomy of the perineal muscles and the role of copulatory behavior. The perineal region of viscacha is composed of five muscles, three of which are arranged in the superficial genitourinary diaphragm, as Musculus ischiocavernosus, M. bulbocavernosus and M. bulbospongiosus, and the muscles that lie at the pelvic diaphragm, M. levator ani and M. retractor penis. Therefore, we emphasize that the study of the pelvic floor in wild animals is of great value, then contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms related to erection and ejaculation or collaborate with studies on the reproduction of animals.
We studied the development of the inverted yolk sac in a New World rodent, Necromys lasiurus during early placentation. Ten implantation sites were investigated by means of histology, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. The yolk sac was villous near its attachment to the placenta. Elsewhere it was non-villous and closely attached to the uterus. The uterine glands were shallow and wide mouthed. They were associated with vessels and filled with secretion, suggesting the release of histotroph. This feature was absent at later stages. The intimate association of the yolk sac with specialized glandular regions of the uterus may represent a derived character condition of Necromys and/or sigmodont rodents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: Aging is characterized by alterations in body composition such as an increase in body fat and decreases in muscle mass (sarcopenia) and bone density (osteopenia). Leucine supplementation has been shown to acutely stimulate protein synthesis and to decrease body fat. However, the long-term effect of consistent leucine supplementation is not well defined. This study investigated the effect of leucine supplementation during aging. Methods: Six-month-old rats were divided into three groups: an adult group (n = 10) euthanized at 6 mo of age, a leucine group (n = 16) that received a diet supplemented with 4% leucine for 40 wk, and a control group (n = 19) that received the control diet for 40 wk. The following parameters were evaluated: body weight, food intake, chemical carcass composition, indicators of acquired chronic diseases, and indicators of protein nutritional status. Results: Body weight and fat were lower in the leucine group after 40 wk of supplementation compared with the control group but still higher than in the adult group. The lipid and glycemic profiles were equally altered in the control and leucine groups because of aging. In addition, leucine supplementation did not affect the changes in protein status parameters associated with aging, such as decreases in body and muscle protein and total serum protein. Conclusion: The results indicate that leucine supplementation attenuates body fat gain during aging but does not affect risk indicators of acquired chronic diseases. Furthermore, supplemented animals did not show signs of a prevention of the decrease in lean mass associated with aging. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We investigated the Amblyomma fuscum load on a pullulating wild rodent population and the environmental and biological factors influencing the tick load on the hosts. One hundred and three individuals of Thrichomys laurentius were caught in an Atlantic forest fragment in northeastern Brazil, as part of a longitudinal survey on ticks infesting non-volant small mammals. Ticks (n = 342) were found on 45 individuals and the overall mean intensity of infestation was 7.6 ticks per infested rodent. Ticks were highly aggregated in the host population and the negative binomial distribution model provides a statistically satisfactory fit. The aggregated distribution was influenced by sex and age of the host. The microhabitat preference by T. laurentius probably increases contact opportunities between hosts and aggregated infesting stages of the ticks and represents important clues about the habitat suitability for A. fuscum.
The recently described genus Philcoxia comprises three species restricted to well lit and low-nutrient soils in the Brazilian Cerrado. The morphological and habitat similarities of Philcoxia to those of some carnivorous plants, along with recent observations of nematodes over its subterranean leaves, prompted the suggestion that the genus is carnivorous. Here we report compelling evidence of carnivory in Philcoxia of the Plantaginaceae, a family in which no carnivorous members are otherwise known. We also document both a unique capturing strategy for carnivorous plants and a case of a plant that traps and digests nematodes with underground adhesive leaves. Our findings illustrate how much can still be discovered about the origin, distribution, and frequency of the carnivorous syndrome in angiosperms and, more generally, about the diversity of nutrient-acquisition mechanisms that have evolved in plants growing in severely nutrient-impoverished environments such as the Brazilian Cerrado, one of the world's 34 biodiversity hotspots.
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) leads to the death of 600,000 nonsmokers annually and is associated with disturbances in antioxidant enzyme capacity in the adult rodent brain. However, little is known regarding the influence of ETS on brain development. The aim of this study was to determine levels of malonaldehyde (MDA) and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT), as well as enzymatic antioxidant activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), in distinct brain structures. BALB/c mice were exposed to ETS twice daily for 1 h from postnatal day 5 through postnatal day 18. Acute exposure was performed for 1 h on postnatal day 18. Mice were euthanized either immediately (0) or 3 h after the last exposure. Immediately after an acute exposure there were higher GR and GST activities and MDA levels in the hippocampus, higher GPx and SOD activities in the prefrontal cortex, and higher GST activity and MDA levels in the striatum and cerebellum. Three hours later there was an increase in SOD activity and MDA levels in the hippocampus and a decrease in the activity of all enzymes in the prefrontal cortex. Immediately after final repeated exposure there were elevated levels of GST and GR activity and decreased GPx activity in the hippocampus. Moreover, a rise was found in GPx and GST activities in the prefrontal cortex and increased GST and GPx activity in the striatum and cerebellum, respectively. After 3 h the prefrontal cortex showed elevated GR and GST activities, and the striatum displayed enhanced GST activity. Data showed that enzymatic antioxidant system in the central nervous system responds to ETS differently in different regions of the brain and that a form of adaptation occurs after several days of exposure.
Little is known about the benefits of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on improvement of stability of dental implants. The aim of this randomized clinical study was to assess the LLLT effect on implants stability by means of resonance frequency analysis (RFA). Thirty implants were distributed bilaterally in the posterior mandible of eight patients. At the experimental side, the implants were submitted to LLLT (830 nm, 86 mW, 92.1 J/cm(2), 0.25 J, 3 s/point, at 20 points), and on the control side, the irradiation was simulated (placebo). The first irradiation was performed in the immediate postoperative period, and it was repeated every 48 h in the first 14 days. The initial implant stability quotient (ISQ) of the implants was measured by means of RFA. New ISQ measurements were made after 10 days, 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks. The initial ISQ values ranged from 65-84, with a mean of 76, undergoing a significant drop in stability from the 10th day to the 6th week in the irradiated group, and presenting a gradual increase from the 6th to the 12th week. The highest ISQ values were observed on the 10th day in the irradiated group, and the lowest in the 6th week in both groups. Under the conditions of this study, no evidence was found of any effect of LLLT on the stability of the implants when measured by RFA. Since high primary stability and good bone quality are of major relevancy for a rigid bone-implant interface, additional LLLT may have little impact macroscopically.
Oligoryzomys (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae) is a common rodent genus from South America that includes a couple of very similar species. Related species have been used as experimental model for understanding several diseases for which these species are reservoirs. In order to provide a better understanding of the embryological aspects of this group, herein we showed data on the embryonic and fetal development in Oligoryzomys sp. Eight specimens of different stages of gestation were obtained from the Collection of the Zoology Museum of University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Gestational ages were estimated by crown-rump-length according to Evans and Sack (1973). To address our analysis after examining the gross morphology, tissues from several organs were processed for light and scanning electron microscopy. Morphological data on the systems (nervous system, cardiorespiratory system, intestinal tract and urogenital system) were described in detail. Finally, the findings were compared with what is known about embryological aspects in other rodent species in order to establish similarities and differences during the organogenesis in different species.
Foi realizada uma análise espacial da ocorrência de leptospirose humana e canina na Supervisão de Vigilância em Saúde do Butantã, situada no município de São Paulo, no ano de 2007, associada a variáveis ambientais de risco, tais como: focos de enchente e áreas de desratização. Foram encontrados aglomerados espaciais de pontos de alagamentos em 12 setores censitários e de casos de leptospirose humana em quatro setores censitários, sem correlação entre ambos. Não foram encontrados agrupamentos de casos em cães, possivelmente devido à subnotificação. As proporções casos humanos de leptospirose : população humana dentro e fora da área de desratização foram 7:199.600 e 9:257.980, respectivamente. Conclui-se que medidas de controle de roedores como a desratização foram responsáveis pela minimização dos efeitos dos fatores de risco para a transmissão de leptospirose para humanos.
Background: The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in numerous mechanisms highly relevant to the maintenance of body homeostasis, such as the control of food intake and energy expenditure. Impairment of these mechanisms has been associated with the metabolic disturbances involved in the pathogenesis of obesity. Since rodent species constitute important models for metabolism studies and the rat hypothalamus is poorly characterized by proteomic strategies, we performed experiments aimed at constructing a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) profile of rat hypothalamus proteins. Results: As a first step, we established the best conditions for tissue collection and protein extraction, quantification and separation. The extraction buffer composition selected for proteome characterization of rat hypothalamus was urea 7 M, thiourea 2 M, CHAPS 4%, Triton X-100 0.5%, followed by a precipitation step with chloroform/methanol. Two-dimensional (2-D) gels of hypothalamic extracts from four-month-old rats were analyzed; the protein spots were digested and identified by using tandem mass spectrometry and database query using the protein search engine MASCOT. Eighty-six hypothalamic proteins were identified, the majority of which were classified as participating in metabolic processes, consistent with the finding of a large number of proteins with catalytic activity. Genes encoding proteins identified in this study have been related to obesity development. Conclusion: The present results indicate that the 2-DE technique will be useful for nutritional studies focusing on hypothalamic proteins. The data presented herein will serve as a reference database for studies testing the effects of dietary manipulations on hypothalamic proteome. We trust that these experiments will lead to important knowledge on protein targets of nutritional variables potentially able to affect the complex central nervous system control of energy homeostasis.
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects humans and other warm-blooded animals; it uses feral and domestic cats as the definitive hosts. Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite of animals whose life cycle is very similar to T. gondii but uses canids as definitive hosts. Small rodents play an important role in the life cycle of T. gondii, and a few findings indicated that they may be natural intermediate hosts for N. caninum. The present study was aimed at identifying infections by T. gondii and N. caninum in urban rodents. Infections by T. gondii were quantified using isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice; molecular methods were also used for both parasites. Overall, 217 rodents were captured. Brain and heart tissues of all rodents were bioassayed in mice for the detection of T. gondii infection. Brain and heart tissues of 121 rodents had the DNA extracted for molecular analysis. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay from a single rodent. From the 121 rodents tested for the presence of T. gondii DNA, 2 animals were positive. In contrast, DNA of N. caninum was not detected in any of the samples. In conclusion, the surveys of N. caninum and T. gondii infection in Rattus rattus, Rattus norvegicus, and Mus musculus captured in urban areas of Sao Paulo reveal a striking low frequency of occurrence of these infections.
Samples from seven different locations of the genus Pimelodella were genetically examined, two caves (exclusively subterranean, upper Tocantins River and Sao Francisco River) and five epigean (from upper Parana River basin). Cytogenetic analyses revealed the same diploid number (2n=46) for all species besides similarities in both number and location of nucleolar organizer regions and C bands. FISH with 5S rDNA probes and CMA(3) staining indicated significant differences among the studied species. Application of PCR-RFLP in ATPase 6 and 8 mitochondrial genes allowed building a minimum evolution phenogram identifying the close evolutionary relationship among groups. Both chromosomal and molecular data were useful to infer the relationships among studied Pimelodella species.
Evaluation of: Rodriguez D, Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza G, Rodriguez JR et al. Vaccine efficacy against malaria by the combination of porcine parvovirus-like particles and vaccinia virus vectors expressing CS of Plasmodium. PLoS ONE 7(4), e34445 (2012). Recently, a vaccine against malaria was successfully tested in a human Phase III trial. The efficacy of this vaccine formulation, based on the Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein, was approximately 50% and correlated with the presence of antibodies specific to the infective stages of the malaria parasites. Different strategies are being pursued to improve vaccine efficacy levels. One such strategy is the induction of specific cytotoxic T cells that can destroy the intracellular hepatocyte stages of the malaria parasite. In this study, a novel vaccination protocol was developed to elicit strong immune responses mediated by CD8(+) cytotoxic cells specific to the circumsporozoite protein. As proof-of-concept, the authors used the rodent malaria Plasmodium yoelii parasite. The vaccination strategy consisted of a heterologous prime-boost vaccination regimen involving porcine parvovirus-like particles for priming and the modified vaccinia virus Ankara for the booster immunization, both of which expressed the immunodominant CD8 epitope of the P. yoelii circumsporozoite protein. Results from this experimental model were extremely meaningful. This vaccination strategy led to a significant T-cell immune response mediated by CD8(+) multifunctional T effector and effector-memory cells. However, most importantly for the malaria vaccine development was the fact that following a sporozoite challenge, immunized mice eliminated more than 97% of the malaria parasites during the hepatocyte stages. These results confirm and extend a vast body of knowledge showing that a heterologous prime-boost vaccination strategy can elicit strong CD8(+) T-cell-mediated protective immunity and may increase the efficacy of malaria vaccines.
Termites are social cockroaches and this sociality is founded on a high plasticity during development. Three molting types (progressive, stationary and regressive molts) are fundamental to achieve plasticity during alate/sexual development, and they make termites a major challenge to any model on endocrine regulation in insect development. As the endocrine signatures underpinning this plasticity are barely understood, we studied the developmental dynamics and their underlying juvenile hormone OH) titers in a wood-dwelling termite. Cryptotermes secundus, which is characterized by an ancestral life style of living in dead wood and individuals being totipotent in development. The following general pattern elements could be identified during winged sexual development (i) regressive molts were accompanied by longer intermolt periods than other molting types, (ii) JH titers decreased gradually during the developmental transition from larva (immatures without wing buds), to nymph (immatures with wing buds), to winged adult, (iii) in all nymphal stages, the JH titer rose before the next molt and dropped thereafter within the first week, (iv) considerable variation in JH titers occurred in the midphase of the molting cycle of the 2nd and 3rd nymphal instar, inferring that this variation may reflect the underlying endocrine signature of each of the three molting types, (v) the 4th nymphal instar, the shortest of all, seems to be a switch point in development, as nymphs in this stage mainly developed progressively. When comparing these patterns with endocrine signatures seen in cockroaches, the developmental program of Cryprotermes can be interpreted as a co-option and repetitive use of hormonal dynamics of the post dorsal-closure phase of cockroach embryonic development. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All tights reserved.