998 resultados para GT-Power, turbocompressore, motore Wankel
Työn tavoitteena on kehittää ABB:lle palvelutuote, jota voidaan tarjota voimalaitosasiakkaille. Uuden palvelutuotteen tulee vastata ABB:n uuden strategian linjauksiin. Palvelulla tarjotaan asiakkaille 1.1.2015 voimaan tulleen energiatehokkuuslain määrittelemien pakollisten toimenpiteiden suoritusta. Työssä kerätään, käsitellään ja analysoidaan tietoa voimalaitosasiakkaille suunnatun palvelun tuotteistamisprosessin päätöksenteon tueksi. Palvelutuotteen kehittämistä varten tutkitaan ABB:n nykyisiä palvelutuotteita, osaamista ja referenssi projekteja, energiatehokkuuslakia, voimalaitosten energiatehokkuus-potentiaalia ja erilaisia energiakatselmusmalleja. Päätöksenteon tueksi tehdään referenssiprojektina energia-analyysi voimalaitokselle, jossa voimalaitoksesta tehdään ipsePRO simulointiohjelmalla mallinnus. Mallinnuksen ja koeajojen avulla tutkitaan voimalaitoksen minimikuorman optimointia. Markkinatutkimuksessa selvitetään lainsäädännön vaikutusta, nykyistä markkinatilannetta, potentiaalisia asiakkaita, kilpailijoita ja ABB:n mahdollisuuksia toimia alalla SWOT–analyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella tehdään päätös tuotteistaa voimalaitoksille palvelutuote, joka sisältää kaikki toimet energiatehokkuuslain asettamien vaatimusten täyttämiseen yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilön, energiakatselmuksen ja kohdekatselmuksien teon osalta. Lisäksi työn aikana Energiavirasto myönsi ABB:lle pätevyyden toimia yrityksen energiakatselmuksen vastuuhenkilönä, mikä on edellytyksenä palvelun tarjoamiselle.
Currently widely accepted consensus is that greenhouse gas emissions produced by the mankind have to be reduced in order to avoid further global warming. The European Union has set a variety of CO2 reduction and renewable generation targets for its member states. The current energy system in the Nordic countries is one of the most carbon free in the world, but the aim is to achieve a fully carbon neutral energy system. The objective of this thesis is to consider the role of nuclear power in the future energy system. Nuclear power is a low carbon energy technology because it produces virtually no air pollutants during operation. In this respect, nuclear power is suitable for a carbon free energy system. In this master's thesis, the basic characteristics of nuclear power are presented and compared to fossil fuelled and renewable generation. Nordic energy systems and different scenarios in 2050 are modelled. Using models and information about the basic characteristics of nuclear power, an opinion is formed about its role in the future energy system in Nordic countries. The model shows that it is possible to form a carbon free Nordic energy system. Nordic countries benefit from large hydropower capacity which helps to offset fluctuating nature of wind power. Biomass fuelled generation and nuclear power provide stable and predictable electricity throughout the year. Nuclear power offers better energy security and security of supply than fossil fuelled generation and it is competitive with other low carbon technologies.
Repowering existing power plants by replacing coal with biomass might offer an interesting option to ease the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and promote a fur-ther expansion of bioenergy in Europe, on account of the potential to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other pollutants (SOx, NOx, etcetera). In addition, a great part of the appeal of repowering projects comes from the opportunity to reuse the vast existing invest-ment and infrastructure associated with coal-based power generation. Even so, only a limited number of experiences with repowering are found. Therefore, efforts are required to produce technical and scientific evidence to determine whether said technology might be considered feasible for its adoption within European conditions. A detailed evaluation of the technical and economic aspects of this technology constitutes a powerful tool for decision makers to define the energy future for Europe. To better illustrate this concept, a case study is analyzed. A Slovakian pulverized coal plant was used as the basis for determining the effects on perfor-mance, operation, maintenance and cost when fuel is shifted to biomass. It was found that biomass fuel properties play a crucial role in plant repowering. Furthermore, results demon-strate that this technology offers renewable energy with low pollutant emissions at the cost of reduced capacity, relatively high levelized cost of electricity and sometimes, a maintenance-intensive operation. Lastly, regardless of the fact that existing equipment can be reutilized for the most part, extensive additions/modifications may be required to ensure a safe operation and an acceptable performance.
The purpose of this Thesis is to find the most optimal heat recovery solution for Wärtsilä’s dynamic district heating power plant considering Germany energy markets as in Germany government pays subsidies for CHP plants in order to increase its share of domestic power production to 25 % by 2020. Different heat recovery connections have been simulated dozens to be able to determine the most efficient heat recovery connections. The purpose is also to study feasibility of different heat recovery connections in the dynamic district heating power plant in the Germany markets thus taking into consideration the day ahead electricity prices, district heating network temperatures and CHP subsidies accordingly. The auxiliary cooling, dynamical operation and cost efficiency of the power plant is also investigated.
Nowadays the energy efficiency has become one of the most concerned topics. Compressors are the equipment, which is very common in industry. Moreover, they tend to operate during long cycles and therefore even small decrease in power consumption can significantly reduce electricity costs during the year. And therefore it is important to investigate ways of increasing the energy efficiency of the compressors. In the thesis rotary screw compressor alongside with different control approaches is described. Simulation models for various control types of rotary screw compressor are developed. Analysis of laboratory equipment is conducted and results are compared with simulation. Suggestions of the real laboratory equipment improvement are given.
The global interest towards renewable energy production such as wind and solar energy is increasing, which in turn calls for new energy storage concepts due to the larger share of intermittent energy production. Power-to-gas solutions can be utilized to convert surplus electricity to chemical energy which can be stored for extended periods of time. The energy storage concept explored in this thesis is an integrated energy storage tank connected to an oxy-fuel combustion plant. Using this approach, flue gases from the plant could be fed directly into the storage tank and later converted into synthetic natural gas by utilizing electrolysis-methanation route. This work utilizes computational fluid dynamics to model the desublimation of carbon dioxide inside a storage tank containing cryogenic liquid, such as liquefied natural gas. Numerical modelling enables the evaluation of the transient flow patterns caused by the desublimation, as well as general fluid behaviour inside the tank. Based on simulations the stability of the cryogenic storage and the magnitude of the key parameters can be evaluated.
Increased heart rate variability (HRV) and high-frequency content of the terminal region of the ventricular activation of signal-averaged ECG (SAECG) have been reported in athletes. The present study investigates HRV and SAECG parameters as predictors of maximal aerobic power (VO2max) in athletes. HRV, SAECG and VO2max were determined in 18 high-performance long-distance (25 ± 6 years; 17 males) runners 24 h after a training session. Clinical visits, ECG and VO2max determination were scheduled for all athletes during thew training period. A group of 18 untrained healthy volunteers matched for age, gender, and body surface area was included as controls. SAECG was acquired in the resting supine position for 15 min and processed to extract average RR interval (Mean-RR) and root mean squared standard deviation (RMSSD) of the difference of two consecutive normal RR intervals. SAECG variables analyzed in the vector magnitude with 40-250 Hz band-pass bi-directional filtering were: total and 40-µV terminal (LAS40) duration of ventricular activation, RMS voltage of total (RMST) and of the 40-ms terminal region of ventricular activation. Linear and multivariate stepwise logistic regressions oriented by inter-group comparisons were adjusted in significant variables in order to predict VO2max, with a P < 0.05 considered to be significant. VO2max correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with RMST (r = 0.77), Mean-RR (r = 0.62), RMSSD (r = 0.47), and LAS40 (r = -0.39). RMST was the independent predictor of VO2max. In athletes, HRV and high-frequency components of the SAECG correlate with VO2max and the high-frequency content of SAECG is an independent predictor of VO2max.
The purpose of this thesis is to find development areas for site operations in power plant construction projects delivered by Wärtsilä. The inspected operations are subcontractor management, site material management and work scheduling. The contractor's role in EPC project is to respond for engineering, procurement, and construction supervision. Geographical and cultural differences brings challenges for finding development areas as Wärtsilä delivers projects world-wide. Searching for development area is mainly made with survey, which answers were collected from the target company's site personnel. Based on the results, with good planning and preparation various problems would be avoided. An external view for the thesis was collected by an expert interview, which was held to three expe-rienced construction operating executives. Interviewees believed that with the se-lection of right site personnel and clearly defined areas of responsibility will great-ly affect the outcome of the project. Some of the theory has been collected from areas, which have helped to under-stand the inspected operations on site. Improving competence knowledge has been important due to the broad scope of work and the author’s inexperience of the topic. Also generally effective practices from construction projects has been col-lected to the theory part. Functionality of general practices have been reflected together with the results of empirically collected data for Wärtsilä's projects. As a result, a model was generated where development proposals and the benefits from new procedures were presented.
This work focuses on the 159.5 kW solar photovoltaic power plant project installed at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2013 as an example of what a solar plant project could be in Finland. The project consists of a two row carport and a flat roof installation on the roof of the university laboratories. The purpose of this project is not only its obvious energy savings potential but also to serve as research and teaching laboratory tool. By 2013, there were not many large scale solar power plants in Finland. For this reason, the installation and data experience from the solar power plant at LUT has brought valuable information for similar projects in northern countries. This work includes a first part for the design and acquisition of the project to continue explaining about the components and their installation. At the end, energy produced by this solar power plant is studied and calculated to find out some relevant economical results. For this, the radiation arriving to southern Finland, the losses of the system in cold weather and the impact of snow among other aspects are taken into account.
Resistance training increases muscle strength in older adults, decreasing the effort necessary for executing physical tasks, and reducing cardiovascular load during exercise. This hypothesis has been confirmed during strength-based activities, but not during aerobic-based activities. This study determined whether different resistance training regimens, strength training (ST, constant movement velocity) or power training (PT, concentric phase performed as fast as possible) can blunt the increase in cardiovascular load during an aerobic stimulus. Older adults (63.9 ± 0.7 years) were randomly allocated to: control (N = 11), ST (N = 13, twice a week, 70-90% 1-RM) and PT (N = 15, twice a week, 30-50% 1-RM) groups. Before and after 16 weeks, oxygen uptake (VO2), systolic blood pressure (SBP), heart rate (HR), and rate pressure product (RPP) were measured during a maximal treadmill test. Resting SBP and RPP were similarly reduced in all groups (combined data = -5.7 ± 1.2 and -5.0 ± 1.7%, respectively, P < 0.05). Maximal SBP, HR and RPP did not change. The increase in measured VO2, HR and RPP for the increment in estimated VO2 (absolute load) decreased similarly in all groups (combined data = -9.1 ± 2.6, -14.1 ± 3.9, -14.2 ± 3.0%, respectively, P < 0.05), while the increments in the cardiovascular variables for the increase in measured VO2 did not change. In elderly subjects, ST and PT did not blunt submaximal or maximal HR, SBP and RPP increases during the maximal exercise test, showing that they did not reduce cardiovascular stress during aerobic tasks.
The striatum, the largest component of the basal ganglia, is usually subdivided into associative, motor and limbic components. However, the electrophysiological interactions between these three subsystems during behavior remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that the striatum might be particularly active during exploratory behavior, which is presumably associated with increased attention. We investigated the modulation of local field potentials (LFPs) in the striatum during attentive wakefulness in freely moving rats. To this end, we implanted microelectrodes into different parts of the striatum of Wistar rats, as well as into the motor, associative and limbic cortices. We then used electromyograms to identify motor activity and analyzed the instantaneous frequency, power spectra and partial directed coherence during exploratory behavior. We observed fine modulation in the theta frequency range of striatal LFPs in 92.5 ± 2.5% of all epochs of exploratory behavior. Concomitantly, the theta power spectrum increased in all striatal channels (P < 0.001), and coherence analysis revealed strong connectivity (coefficients >0.7) between the primary motor cortex and the rostral part of the caudatoputamen nucleus, as well as among all striatal channels (P < 0.001). Conclusively, we observed a pattern of strong theta band activation in the entire striatum during attentive wakefulness, as well as a strong coherence between the motor cortex and the entire striatum. We suggest that this activation reflects the integration of motor, cognitive and limbic systems during attentive wakefulness.
Esophageal cancer (EC) is a common malignancy worldwide. The X-ray repair cross-complementing 1 gene (XRCC1) is one of the most important candidate genes for influencing susceptibility to EC. This study aimed to investigate the effect of XRCC1 genetic variants on susceptibility to EC. A total of 383 EC patients (males: 239, females: 144, mean age: 56.62) and 387 cancer-free controls (males: 251, females: 136, mean age: 58.23) were enrolled in this study. The c.910A>G genetic variant of theXRCC1 gene was determined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing methods. The allele and genotype frequencies indicated statistical differences between EC patients and cancer-free controls. The c.910A>G genetic variant was statistically associated with increased susceptibility to EC [GGvs AA: odds ratio (OR)=1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.12-2.86, P=0.014; GG vs AG/AA: OR=1.76, 95%CI=1.13-2.75, P=0.013; G vs A: OR=1.25, 95%CI=1.01-1.55, P=0.041]. The allele G and genotype GG could contribute to the increased susceptibility to EC. Our findings suggest that the c.910A>G genetic variant is associated with susceptibility to EC in the Chinese Han population, and might be used as a molecular marker for detecting susceptibility to EC.
This study aimed to analyze the agreement between measurements of unloaded oxygen uptake and peak oxygen uptake based on equations proposed by Wasserman and on real measurements directly obtained with the ergospirometry system. We performed an incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET), which was applied to two groups of sedentary male subjects: one apparently healthy group (HG, n=12) and the other had stable coronary artery disease (n=16). The mean age in the HG was 47±4 years and that in the coronary artery disease group (CG) was 57±8 years. Both groups performed CPET on a cycle ergometer with a ramp-type protocol at an intensity that was calculated according to the Wasserman equation. In the HG, there was no significant difference between measurements predicted by the formula and real measurements obtained in CPET in the unloaded condition. However, at peak effort, a significant difference was observed between oxygen uptake (V˙O2)peak(predicted)and V˙O2peak(real)(nonparametric Wilcoxon test). In the CG, there was a significant difference of 116.26 mL/min between the predicted values by the formula and the real values obtained in the unloaded condition. A significant difference in peak effort was found, where V˙O2peak(real)was 40% lower than V˙O2peak(predicted)(nonparametric Wilcoxon test). There was no agreement between the real and predicted measurements as analyzed by Lin’s coefficient or the Bland and Altman model. The Wasserman formula does not appear to be appropriate for prediction of functional capacity of volunteers. Therefore, this formula cannot precisely predict the increase in power in incremental CPET on a cycle ergometer.
This master’s thesis studies the case company’s current purchase invoice process and the challenges that are related to it. Like most of other master’s thesis this study consists of both theoretical- and empirical parts. The purpose of this work is to combine theoretical and empirical parts together so that the theoretical part brings value to the empirical case study. The case company’s main business is frequency converters for both low voltage AC & DC drives and medium voltage AC Drives which are used across all industries and applications. The main focus of this study is on the current invoice process modelling. When modelling the existing process with discipline and care, current challenges can be understood better. Empirical study relays heavily on interviews and existing, yet fragmented, data. This, along with own calculations and analysis, creates the foundation for the empirical part of this master’s thesis.