721 resultados para school-based occupational therapy
Berichtet wird über die Evaluation eines schulischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogramms, wobei es spezifisch um Wechselwirkungen zwischen Programmeffekten und schulklimatischen Bedingungskonstellationen (Klassenklima/Lehrerrückhalt) auf Wissen über, Erwartungen an und Konsum von Zigaretten geht. An der Untersuchung waren 388 Schüler und Schülerinnen achter und neunter Klassen beteiligt. Im Rahmen eines quasi-experimentellen Untersuchungsdesigns wurde in der Hälfte der Schulklassen ein 28stündiges Unterrichtsprogramm zur Gesundheitsförderung durchgeführt, während die andere Hälfte als Kontrollgruppe ohne Treatment diente. In der Interventionsgruppe zeigten sich Wissenszuwächse sowie positive Veränderungen in den Ergebniserwartungen, zum Teil in Abhängigkeit von den Klassenklimavariablen. Positive Veränderungen im Konsumverhalten als Folge der Intervention ergaben sich bei jüngeren Raucher/innen, und es zeigten sich Zusammenhänge zwischen Veränderungen in den Erwartungen an den Zigarettenkonsum und solchen im Konsumverhalten. (DIPF/Orig.)
Anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed group of mental disorders in children (Kessler et al., 2012). Resiliency, defined as a child’s ability to successfully overcome an adverse event (Newland, 2014) is believed to be comprised of protective factors such as self-esteem and positive coping strategies (Rutter, 1987). These protective factors are related to child anxiety in that their presence or absence may augment or hinder a child’s resiliency towards anxiety-provoking events and situations (Lo Casico, Guzzo, & Pace, 2013; Thorne, Andrews, & Nordstokke, 2013). The FRIENDS for Life (FFL) program is a school-based anxiety prevention program which aims to decrease anxiety and increase resiliency in 8- to 11-year-old children (Barrett & Sonderegger, 2003). Previous studies have shown FFL to be an effective tool in decreasing anxiety and increasing resiliency; however, not all previous studies have utilized control or comparison groups (Brownlee et al., 2013; Neil & Christensen 2007; Stopa, Barrett, & Golingi, 2011). Moreover, existing FRIENDS literature has not previously considered the potential role of parent anxiety in child outcomes. The present study aimed to evaluate child anxiety, resiliency, and parent anxiety in relation to the FFL program while including a no-treatment control group. It was hypothesized that child anxiety would decrease and child resiliency would increase following FFL. Results obtained from a non-identified school-based sample were not entirely consistent with predictions, such that decreases in anxiety and increases in resiliency were observed in both the experimental and control groups.
Background Physical activity in children with intellectual disabilities is a neglected area of study, which is most apparent in relation to physical activity measurement research. Although objective measures, specifically accelerometers, are widely used in research involving children with intellectual disabilities, existing research is based on measurement methods and data interpretation techniques generalised from typically developing children. However, due to physiological and biomechanical differences between these populations, questions have been raised in the existing literature on the validity of generalising data interpretation techniques from typically developing children to children with intellectual disabilities. Therefore, there is a need to conduct population-specific measurement research for children with intellectual disabilities and develop valid methods to interpret accelerometer data, which will increase our understanding of physical activity in this population. Methods Study 1: A systematic review was initially conducted to increase the knowledge base on how accelerometers were used within existing physical activity research involving children with intellectual disabilities and to identify important areas for future research. A systematic search strategy was used to identify relevant articles which used accelerometry-based monitors to quantify activity levels in ambulatory children with intellectual disabilities. Based on best practice guidelines, a novel form was developed to extract data based on 17 research components of accelerometer use. Accelerometer use in relation to best practice guidelines was calculated using percentage scores on a study-by-study and component-by-component basis. Study 2: To investigate the effect of data interpretation methods on the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities, a secondary data analysis was conducted. Nine existing sets of child-specific ActiGraph intensity cut points were applied to accelerometer data collected from 10 children with intellectual disabilities during an activity session. Four one-way repeated measures ANOVAs were used to examine differences in estimated time spent in sedentary, moderate, vigorous, and moderate to vigorous intensity activity. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni adjustments were additionally used to identify where significant differences occurred. Study 3: The feasibility on a laboratory-based calibration protocol developed for typically developing children was investigated in children with intellectual disabilities. Specifically, the feasibility of activities, measurements, and recruitment was investigated. Five children with intellectual disabilities and five typically developing children participated in 14 treadmill-based and free-living activities. In addition, resting energy expenditure was measured and a treadmill-based graded exercise test was used to assess cardiorespiratory fitness. Breath-by-breath respiratory gas exchange and accelerometry were continually measured during all activities. Feasibility was assessed using observations, activity completion rates, and respiratory data. Study 4: Thirty-six children with intellectual disabilities participated in a semi-structured school-based physical activity session to calibrate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity. Participants wore a hip-mounted ActiGraph wGT3X+ accelerometer, with direct observation (SOFIT) used as the criterion measure. Receiver operating characteristic curve analyses were conducted to determine the optimal accelerometer cut points for sedentary, moderate, and vigorous intensity physical activity. Study 5: To cross-validate the calibrated cut points and compare classification accuracy with existing cut points developed in typically developing children, a sub-sample of 14 children with intellectual disabilities who participated in the school-based sessions, as described in Study 4, were included in this study. To examine the validity, classification agreement was investigated between the criterion measure of SOFIT and each set of cut points using sensitivity, specificity, total agreement, and Cohen’s kappa scores. Results Study 1: Ten full text articles were included in this review. The percentage of review criteria met ranged from 12%−47%. Various methods of accelerometer use were reported, with most use decisions not based on population-specific research. A lack of measurement research, specifically the calibration/validation of accelerometers for children with intellectual disabilities, is limiting the ability of researchers to make appropriate and valid accelerometer use decisions. Study 2: The choice of cut points had significant and clinically meaningful effects on the estimation of physical activity intensity and sedentary behaviour. For the 71-minute session, estimations for time spent in each intensity between cut points ranged from: sedentary = 9.50 (± 4.97) to 31.90 (± 6.77) minutes; moderate = 8.10 (± 4.07) to 40.40 (± 5.74) minutes; vigorous = 0.00 (± .00) to 17.40 (± 6.54) minutes; and moderate to vigorous = 8.80 (± 4.64) to 46.50 (± 6.02) minutes. Study 3: All typically developing participants and one participant with intellectual disabilities completed the protocol. No participant met the maximal criteria for the graded exercise test or attained a steady state during the resting measurements. Limitations were identified with the usability of respiratory gas exchange equipment and the validity of measurements. The school-based recruitment strategy was not effective, with a participation rate of 6%. Therefore, a laboratory-based calibration protocol was not feasible for children with intellectual disabilities. Study 4: The optimal vertical axis cut points (cpm) were ≤ 507 (sedentary), 1008−2300 (moderate), and ≥ 2301 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 81−88%, specificity 81−85%, and AUC .87−.94. The optimal vector magnitude cut points (cpm) were ≤ 1863 (sedentary), ≥ 2610 (moderate) and ≥ 4215 (vigorous). Sensitivity scores ranged from 80−86%, specificity 77−82%, and AUC .86−.92. Therefore, the vertical axis cut points provide a higher level of accuracy in comparison to the vector magnitude cut points. Study 5: Substantial to excellent classification agreement was found for the calibrated cut points. The calibrated sedentary cut point (ĸ =.66) provided comparable classification agreement with existing cut points (ĸ =.55−.67). However, the existing moderate and vigorous cut points demonstrated low sensitivity (0.33−33.33% and 1.33−53.00%, respectively) and disproportionately high specificity (75.44−.98.12% and 94.61−100.00%, respectively), indicating that cut points developed in typically developing children are too high to accurately classify physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. Conclusions The studies reported in this thesis are the first to calibrate and validate accelerometry for the estimation of physical activity intensity in children with intellectual disabilities. In comparison with typically developing children, children with intellectual disabilities require lower cut points for the classification of moderate and vigorous intensity activity. Therefore, generalising existing cut points to children with intellectual disabilities will underestimate physical activity and introduce systematic measurement error, which could be a contributing factor to the low levels of physical activity reported for children with intellectual disabilities in previous research.
There is variation in how teachers and schools implement bullying prevention programs. Although this variation has been discussed, there has been little empirical research concerning the relationship between implementation fidelity and program outcomes. This thesis contains three studies, each of them in the context of implementing the KiVa antibullying program, and examines teachers’ actions in preventing and intervening in school bullying. The first aim of this thesis is to examine implementation degree of the KiVa curriculum and its’ association with reductions in victimization and bullying perpetration (Study I). The second aim is to clarify why teachers displayed different degrees of adherence to the KiVa curriculum during a school year (Study II). Thirdly, it is investigated whether recognizing victimization can be difficult for school staff (Study III). In addition to these peer-reviewed studies, the thesis includes a qualitative analysis (unpublished) of the teachers’ open answers concerning their implementation experiences. The data were collected from elementary school teachers (Studies I–II; the unpublished study), elementary school students (Study I), and students on the elementary and middle school levels (Study III) during the evaluation of the effectiveness of KiVa antibullying program between 2007 and 2009. The findings demonstrate that a larger reduction in victimization can be achieved in classrooms where teachers display higher levels of adherence to the KiVa curriculum and invest more time for preparing the lessons. Bullying perpetration, however, was not equally affected by the level of curriculum implementation. With respect to the implementation process over one year, there was significant variation between individual teachers’ activity—ranging from systematic and high implementation to declining delivery from lesson to lesson. The sustained actions (high and moderate levels of implementation) were premised on principal support for antibullying work. Lesson preparation was associated with keeping implementation high throughout the school year. The findings also implied that the belief in the effectiveness of the program is important for a higher implementation degree at starting point of the process. Finally, there are severe flaws in teachers’ ability to identify students who are victimized. As it turns out, it is possible that only one-fourth of chronically victimized students are helped by the school staff. Especially when the victims are middle-school-aged girls, when they bully others themselves, or when they do not tell adults about bullying, reaching out for them is difficult. Implementation and dissemination of research-based interventions will take a good deal of time and effort. The findings demonstrate that active implementation is important for improving program outcomes. They also show how implementation can be sustained—there are both individual and interpersonal factors that facilitate or inhibit high-quality implementation. Thus, implications for future research regarding the implementation of school-based programs are suggested.
The reviewed literature provides evidence that beliefs about the causes of obesity may actually have an influence on eating habits. In this work we wanted to analyze the relationship that may exists between beliefs about obesity, dietary restraint and body image perception. For that purpose, 258 female and male students of a High School and Occupational Training School in Seville (Spain) were recruited to conduct the study. According to our results, it was found that beliefs about obesity were positively related with dietary restraint and body image perception. Additionally, it was found that people high in beliefs about the controllability of the weight scored more in dietary restraint and body image perception than participants that did not believe that obesity was under personal control. No differences were found in Body Mass Index. Finally, it is suggested, according to the results that we found, that in order to be effective, public health campaigns may need to target people's beliefs just as much as they target their behaviours.
Kompetenzraster sind pädagogische Instrumente, die zum kompetenzorientierten, individualisierten und selbstgesteuerten Lernen in beruflichen Schulen eingesetzt werden. Sie werden üblicherweise im Rahmen eines pädagogischen Gesamtkonzeptes genutzt, indem die Raster oft ein zentrales Instrument in einem komplexen Gefüge schulischer Lern- und Lehrprozesse sind. Kompetenzraster sind häufig der Fixpunkt, an dem sich andere Instrumente (wie Checklisten und Lernjobs) orientieren und sie definieren die Ausgangs- und Zielpunkte der Lernprozesse. Dabei werden den Schülern üblicherweise Freiheitsgrade eingeräumt, so dass sie (mit-) entscheiden ob, was, wann, wie und woraufhin sie lernen. Die schulische Arbeit mit den Rastern kann als ein Versuch angesehen werden, die Lernenden in den Mittelpunkt pädagogischen Denkens und Handelns zu stellen. Dieser Beitrag hat das Ziel, selbstgesteuertes Lernen aus einer distanzierten, vom einzelnen pragmatischen Modell abstrahierenden und eher theoretischen Perspektive auf das individualisierte Lernen mit Kompetenzrastern zu beziehen. Im Kern wird ein Systematisierungsansatz entwickelt, in dem die komplexen Zusammenhänge des Lernens mit Kompetenzrastern im Kontext von selbstgesteuertem Lernen dargestellt werden. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Elaboration des Lernens mit Kompetenzrastern in beruflichen Schulen geleistet werden. Konkret wird die folgende Frage fokussiert: Was können Kompetenzraster im Rahmen selbstgesteuerten Lernens leisten? (DIPF/Orig.)
En la actualidad se han evaluado numerosas intervenciones preventivas de drogodependencias en el medio escolar. Sin embargo, en España son pocos los estudios que analizan la influencia precisa de cada uno de los componentes específicos a los programas con el fin de determinar cuáles se consideran cruciales para el cambio de conducta de consumo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de una nueva versión del programa de prevención del consumo de drogas Saluda en la que se prescinde del componente fomento del ocio saludable y las tareas para casa. Esta versión reducida fue dirigida a una muestra de 106 escolares (44.6 % chicos) entre 14 y 17 años (M = 15.20; DT = 0.92) de un centro de Educación Secundaria. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio de tipo cuasi experimental y un diseño pre-post de un único grupo. Se realizó diferencia de proporciones mediante la prueba Z y diferencia de medias mediante la prueba T para muestras relacionadas. Los resultados muestran una reducción en el porcentaje de episodios de embriaguez, así como un efecto de mejora significativa sobre las variables protectoras del consumo. Se discuten estos hallazgos y se realizan propuestas para la mejora de futuras intervenciones.
Background: Pre-eclampsia is a hypertensive disorder specific to pregnancy responsible for significant maternal morbidity and mortality in Africa. The majority of deaths related to pre-eclampsia could be avoided with timely and effective care. “Phase one delays” arise because of lack of knowledge. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the knowledge levels of women living in Makole ward, comparing respondent subgroups with different demographic characteristics. It also aimed to compare knowledge levels in respect to six subtopics of pre-eclampsia. This was to allow for planning of appropriate activities to reduce delays in seeking health care. Methods: This study surveyed 200 adult women randomly identified in the community. They were asked 36 questions on preeclampsia requiring yes / no answers. The data was analysed quantitatively. Results: Overall knowledge levels were low with an average of 41% of correct answers. Minor differences in the knowledge levels of demographic subgroups were found. Statistically significant differences were identified between sub-topics of preeclampsia; signs and symptoms were the least well known. Conclusion: Educational systems (formal and informal) are failing to provide communities with potentially life-saving information. Health centre, community and school based education programmes are recommended.
La mise en œuvre d’activités de prévention de la consommation de substances psychoactives (SPA) (tabac, alcool et cannabis) en milieu scolaire est une stratégie couramment utilisée pour rejoindre un grand nombre de jeunes. Ces activités s’inspirent, soit de programmes existant, soit d’innovations dictées par le contexte d’implantation ou l’existence de données de recherche. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, l’évaluation de ces programmes représente la meilleure voie pour mesurer leur efficacité et/ou connaître comment ceux-ci sont implantés. C’est cet impératif qui a motivé une commission scolaire du Québec a recommandé l’évaluation de l’Intervention en Réseau (IR), un programme développé en vue de retarder l’âge d’initiation et de réduire la consommation problématique de SPA chez les élèves. Ce programme adopte une approche novatrice avec pour principal animateur un intervenant pivot (IP) qui assure le suivi des élèves de la 5e année du primaire jusqu’en 3e secondaire. Inspiré des modèles en prévention de la santé et de l’Approche École en santé (AES), le rôle de l’IP ici se démarque de ceux-ci. Certes, il est l’interface entre les différents acteurs impliqués et les élèves mais dans le cadre du programme IR, l’IP est intégré dans les écoles primaires et secondaires qu’il dessert. C’est cet intervenant qui assure la mobilisation des autres acteurs pour la mise en œuvre des activités. Cette thèse vise à rendre compte de ce processus d’évaluation ainsi que des résultats obtenus. L’approche d’évaluation en est une de type participatif et collaboratif avec des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies par le biais de questionnaires, d’entrevues, de groupes de discussion, d’un journal de bord et de notes de réunions. Les données ont été analysées dans le cadre de trois articles dont le premier concerne l’étude d’évaluabilité (ÉÉ) du programme. Les participants de cette ÉÉ sont des acteurs-clés du programme (N=13) rencontrés en entrevues. Une analyse documentaire (rapports et journal de bord) a également été effectuée. Cette ÉÉ a permis de clarifier les intentions des initiateurs du programme et les objectifs poursuivis par ces derniers. Elle a également permis de rendre la théorie du programme plus explicite et de développer le modèle logique, deux éléments qui ont facilité les opérations d’évaluation qui ont suivi. Le deuxième article porte sur l’évaluation des processus en utilisant la théorie de l’acteur-réseau (TAR) à travers ses quatre moments du processus de traduction des innovations (la problématisation, l’intéressement, l’enrôlement et la mobilisation des alliés), l’analyse des controverses et du rôle des acteurs humains et non-humains. Après l’analyse des données obtenues par entrevues auprès de 19 informateurs-clés, les résultats montrent que les phases d’implantation du programme passent effectivement par les quatre moments de la TAR, que la gestion des controverses par la négociation et le soutien était nécessaire pour la mobilisation de certains acteurs humains. Cette évaluation des processus a également permis de mettre en évidence le rôle des acteurs non-humains dans le processus d’implantation du programme. Le dernier article concerne une évaluation combinée des effets (volet quantitatif) et des processus (volet qualitatif) du programme. Pour le volet quantitatif, un devis quasi-expérimental a été adopté et les données ont été colligées de façon longitudinale par questionnaires auprès de 901 élèves de 5e et 6e année du primaire et leurs enseignants de 2010 à 2014. L’analyse des données ont montré que le programme n’a pas eu d’effets sur l’accessibilité et les risques perçus, l’usage problématique d’alcool et la polyconsommation (alcool et cannabis) chez les participants. Par contre, les résultats suggèrent que le programme pourrait favoriser la réduction du niveau de consommation et retarder l’âge d’initiation à l’alcool et au cannabis. Ils suggèrent également un effet potentiellement positif du programme sur l’intoxication à l’alcool chez les élèves. Quant au volet qualitatif, il a été réalisé à l’aide d’entrevues avec les intervenants (N=17), de groupes de discussion avec des élèves du secondaire (N=10) et d’une analyse documentaire. Les résultats montrent que le programme bénéficie d’un préjugé favorable de la part des différents acteurs ayant participé à l’évaluation et est bien acceptée par ces derniers. Cependant, le roulement fréquent de personnel et le grand nombre d’écoles à suivre peuvent constituer des obstacles à la bonne marche du programme. En revanche, le leadership et le soutien des directions d’écoles, la collaboration des enseignants, les qualités de l’IP et la flexibilité de la mise en œuvre sont identifiés comme des éléments ayant contribué au succès du programme. Les résultats et leur implication pour les programmes et l’évaluation sont discutés. Enfin, un plan de transfert des connaissances issues de la recherche évaluative est proposé.
Background: Previous studies have reported errors in Activities of Daily Living (ADL) under the presence of distracting objects in dementia and brain injury patients. However, little is known about which distractor-target objects relation might be more harmful for performance. Method: We compared the ADL execution in frontal brain injured patients and control participants under two conditions: One in which target objects were mixed with distractor objects that constituted an alternative semantically related but non-required task (contextual condition) and another in which target objects were mixed with related but isolated distractors that did not constituted a coherent task (non-contextual condition). We separately analyzed ADL commission errors (repetitions, substitutions, objects manipulations, failures in sequence, extra actions) and omissions. In addition, the participants were evaluated with a neuropsychological protocol including a very specific executive functions task (Selective attention, Stimulus-Stimulus and Stimulus-Response conflict). Results: We found that frontal patients produced more commission errors compared to control participants, but only under the contextual condition. No between groups significant differences were found in omissions in both conditions or commission errors in non-contextual conditions. Scores in the Stimulus-Response conflict was significantly correlated with commission errors in the contextual condition. Conclusion: The presence of different non-target objects in ADL performance could require different cognitive process. Contextual ADL conditions required a higher level of executive functions, especially at the level of response (Stimulus-Response conflict). Application to Practice: Occupational therapists should control the presence of objects related to the target task according to the intervention objectives with the patients.
Purpose: To observe the clinical effects of sirolimus (SRL) immunosuppressive therapy in patients with progressively increasing levels of serum creatinine (Scr) after renal transplant. Methods: In total, 180 patients whose Scr levels had been rising after renal transplant were given an oral calcineurin inhibitor (CNI): either cyclosporine A (CsA) or tacrolimus (FK506). All patients were treated at People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, China, between January 2011 and December 2013, and were given SRL-based conversion treatment. Scr level and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were observed before and 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment initiation. In addition, liver function, blood glucose, blood lipid levels, rejection reaction incidence, and mortality were recorded to evaluate the effects of SRL. Results: Scr levels were 116.60 ± 30.60 μmol/L and 119.00 ± 24.60 μmol/L, and GFR was 70.00 ± 19.70 mL/min and 75.90 ± 15.60 mL/min, at 3 and 6 months after treatment, respectively. The 3- and 6- month Scr and GFR values were statistically different (p < 0.05) compared to pre-treatment levels (Scr: 144.10 ± 61.70 μmol/L vs and GFR: 59.10 ± 16.20 mL/min. Acute rejection (AR) occurred in 20 patients (13.30 %) within 6 months of treatment initiation, but rejection was reversed with conventional methylprednisolone therapy. Twenty-one patients (11.70 %) developed lung infections, but all were cured. There were no significant differences in liver function before and after treatment. Conclusion: SRL-based immunosuppressive therapy is effective in treating patients with increased Scr levels after renal transplant.
Thesis (Ph.D, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-04 17:37:07.888
A delinquência juvenil representa um problema social em crescimento e é influenciada por um conjunto de fatores de risco muitas vezes presentes no estilo de vida dos jovens. Desta forma, a pertinência deste estudo foca-se na compreensão dos estilos de vida dos jovens e os comportamentos desviantes ou delinquentes para melhor compreender e intervir no combate à delinquência. A amostra foi constituída por 80 participantes de ambos os sexos pertencentes à localidade de Ponte de Lima. Para tal recorreu-se à administração de um questionário, construído para o efeito, e o qual contempla itens para a caracterização sociodemográfica dos participantes, o seu funcionamento escolar/ocupacional e familiar, o estilo de vida e a ocupação de tempos livres e, por último, procura-se caracterizar a frequência da prática de certos comportamentos e desvios por parte dos adolescentes, nos últimos 12 meses. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que apesar da maior parte dos jovens se revelarem satisfeitos com o seu ambiente familiar, uma percentagem não negligenciável caraterizou esse ambiente como razoável, apelando à necessidade de haver mais tempo para a família e mais diálogo. Os relatos dos participantes apontam para a ausência de supervisão parental nas saídas à noite, falta de imposição de regras e tarefas diárias. A maior parte dos participantes classificou o ambiente escolar como razoável, admitindo a existência de alguns conflitos com colegas, professores e funcionários, falta de hábitos de estudo e atividades extracurriculares; a maior parte dos jovens admitiu realizar essencialmente atividades em grupos de pares, desde as saídas à noite como atividades de lazer; os comportamentos desviantes e delinquentes que mais se destacaram nos últimos 12 meses foram o envolvimento em agressões com colegas, professores e funcionários, o dano intencional de objetos de outra pessoa, e o download de filmes, músicas e documentos e o envolvimento em grupos de pares desviantes; os comportamentos delinquentes descritos foram a invasão em propriedades privadas, os furtos, e o tráfico de droga. O sexo masculino destacou-se na prática de crimes. Os dados deste estudo apontam, assim para a necessidade de se apostar mais na prevenção precoce de comportamentos de risco, de forma a diminuir comportamentos desviantes ou delinquentes futuros.
Esta investigación analiza el impacto del Programa de Alimentación Escolar en el trabajo infantil en Colombia a través de varias técnicas de evaluación de impacto que incluyen emparejamiento simple, emparejamiento genético y emparejamiento con reducción de sesgo. En particular, se encuentra que este programa disminuye la probabilidad de que los escolares trabajen alrededor de un 4%. Además, se explora que el trabajo infantil se reduce gracias a que el programa aumenta la seguridad alimentaria, lo que consecuentemente cambia las decisiones de los hogares y anula la carga laboral en los infantes. Son numerosos los avances en primera infancia llevados a cabo por el Estado, sin embargo, estos resultados sirven de base para construir un marco conceptual en el que se deben rescatar y promover las políticas públicas alimentarias en toda la edad escolar.
Esta revisión sistemática de la literatura tuvo como objetivo investigar sobre la depresión en personas con epilepsia en la última década (2005-2015), enfocándose en identificar en el paciente con epilepsia: características sociodemográficas, prevalencia de la depresión, tipos de intervención para el manejo de la depresión, factores asociados con la aparición y el mantenimiento de la depresión y por último, identificar las tendencias en investigación en el estudio de la depresión en pacientes con epilepsia. Se revisaron 103 artículos publicados entre 2005 y 2015 en bases de datos especializadas. Los resultados revelaron que la prevalencia de depresión en pacientes con epilepsia es diversa y oscila en un rango amplio entre 3 y 70 %, por otro lado, que las principales características sociodemográficas asociadas a la depresión está el ser mujer, tener un estado civil soltero y tener una edad comprendida entre los 25 y los 45 años. A esto se añade, que los tratamientos conformados por terapia psicológica y fármacos, son la mejor opción para garantizar la eficacia en los resultados del manejo de la depresión en los pacientes con epilepsia. Con respecto a los factores asociados a la aparición de la depresión en pacientes con epilepsia, se identificaron causas tanto neurobiológicas como psicosociales, asimismo los factores principales asociados al mantenimiento fueron una percepción de baja calidad de vida y una baja auto-eficacia. Y finalmente los tipos de investigación más comunes son de tipo aplicado, de carácter descriptivo, transversales y de medición cuantitativa.