959 resultados para changing management.
Background: Physical activity (PA) patterns are likely to change in young adulthood in line with changes in lifestyle that occur in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether key life events experienced by young women in their early twenties are associated with increasing levels of inactivity. Methods: This was a 4-year follow-up of 7281 participants (aged 18 to 23 years at baseline) in the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health, with self-reported measures of PA, life events, body mass index (BMI), and sociodemographic variables. Results: The cross-sectional data indicated no change in PA between baseline (57% active) and follow-up (56% active). However, for almost 40% of the sample, PA category changed between baseline and follow-up, with approximately 20% of the women changing from being active to inactive, and another 20% changing from being inactive to active. After adjustment for age, other sociodemographic variables, BMI, and PA at baseline, women who reported getting married, having a first or subsequent child, or beginning paid work were more likely to be inactive at follow-up than those who did not report these events. Conclusions: The results suggest that life events such as getting married, having children, and starting work are associated with decreased levels of PA in young adult women. Strategies are needed to promote maintenance of activity at the time when most women experience these key life-stage transitions.
O presente estudo mostra o papel desempenhado pelas institui????es de pesquisa econ??mica, na forma????o das elites administrativas encarregadas da gest??o das pol??ticas macroecon??micas no Brasil, e como elas contribu??ram para a transforma????o de seus membros em importantes interlocutores pol??ticos. S??o, assim, analisados os mais significativos organismos governamentais e n??o-governamentais de pesquisa econ??mica aplicada, como o Ibre/FGV, o Ipea e a Fipe/USP. Alguns aspectos principais se destacam. Como think tanks, isto ??, ag??ncias independentes, mas produtoras de subs??dios para as pol??ticas governamentais, estes institutos s??o espa??os intermedi??rios entre o mundo acad??mico e o governo, a?? residindo sua particularidade. Indica-se ainda a import??ncia dos v??nculos estabelecidos entre estas institui????es de pesquisa, universidades americanas e organismos internacionais. Isso permitiu, relativamente, uma grande homogeneidade dos paradigmas te??ricos e pol??ticos orientadores das a????es dos gestores das pol??ticas econ??micas no pa??s, afinados com aqueles em vigor em ag??ncias como FMI, Banco Mundial, etc. Por fim, deve-se mencionar a quest??o da instabilidade institucional. Refletindo caracter??sticas mais amplas do sistema pol??tico brasileiro, as ag??ncias de pesquisa, especialmente as governamentais, t??m seu destino definido por vari??veis contingenciais, tais como o peso pol??tico de um patrono que as prestigie junto aos ??rg??os financiadores ou demandadores de encomendas p??blicas.
O artigo discute o processo de reforma da administra????o p??blica nos pa??ses da Am??rica Latina, expondo fatores que t??m impulsionado uma maior valoriza????o social pela efici??ncia, pela efic??cia e pela boa administra????o. S??o observadas algumas dificuldades para se implantar um novo modelo gerencial, destacando o elemento cultural como o mais importante, sendo identificados tipos de culturas relacionadas ??s mudan??as estrat??gicas. Indica o papel do gerente nos processos de mudan??as culturais, imputando-lhe a miss??o de facilitador e sensibilizador, de forma a se permitir chegar ao estado desejado com a menor quantidade poss??vel de interfer??ncias no curso do processo, sendo enfatizadas as rela????es com o comportamento humano. Enfatiza a necessidade de ado????o de a????es que favorecer??o um processo de ???reconvers??o institucional???, definindo a capacidade gerencial como de fundamental import??ncia, expondo ?? an??lise das caracter??sticas da ger??ncia p??blica para os pr??ximos anos. Destaca os gerentes p??blicos cada vez mais profissionalizados, mais prestigiados e melhor remunerados, como sendo a tend??ncia internacional que n??o se pode escapar.
O trabalho apresenta e analisa os resultados de uma pesquisa de campo realizada junto aos gerentes-executivos de programas do Plano Plurianual (PPA) sobre a possibilidade de aplica????o do conceito de organiza????o virtual no setor p??blico. Em uma organiza????o virtual, os parceiros compartilham informa????es e infra-estrutura de maneira sin??rgica, incrementando a efetividade para um n??vel que nenhum deles poderia alcan??ar sozinho. Nesta nova Era, tradicionais conceitos s??o abandonados ou questionados, e o pr??prio conceito de ???organiza????o??? est?? mudando, de forma a refletir os desafios inerentes ao novo ambiente. O trabalho descreve e analisa o contexto que molda essa nova abordagem para o processo de planejamento governamental, e os resultados de pesquisa de campo, na qual foram avaliados os fatores e estrat??gias que impactam a coordena????o interorganizacional requerida para o adequado funcionamento de uma organiza????o virtual. Entre as conclus??es, destaca-se a possibilidade de aplica????o, no setor p??blico, do conceito de organiza????es virtuais, as quais operam necessariamente a partir do compartilhamento de recursos, informa????es e de objetivos de organiza????es formalmente independentes, o que requer lidar com diferentes impress??es sobre autonomia, poder e controle e diferentes culturas organizacionais, alterando, radicalmente, conceitos e pr??ticas acerca de fronteiras organizacionais, propriedade de recursos, gest??o da informa????o e processo decis??rio.
This report sets out the findings and recommendations of a review of the Public Management Career (EPPGG) undertaken between 5 and 9 January 2009. The purpose of the review was to clarify EPPGG???s role, functions and profile, and to develop proposals for improving its effectiveness and management, taking account of the context within which such improvements would have to be implemented. Specific objectives were to examine a number of human resources management (HRM) aspects of the career in the light of international practice, including recruitment; initial education; professional development; performance evaluation; deployment; mobility and networking.
Este artigo busca revelar o processo de desenvolvimento da categoria dos auditores fiscais da Receita Federal do Brasil (AFRFBs), a partir das mudanças no contexto social e profissional, e a forma como essas mutações concorreram para a construção de uma identidade profissional própria desses servidores. O que se pretende é entender como o contexto político-econômico vem alterando as percepções que esses profissionais têm de si próprios e como as reformas transformaram o modo de exercerem suas funções. A pesquisa, que se dá a partir de uma proposta de transação "quanti-quali", permitiu explorar, na trilha teórica de Dubar, aspectos relevantes do contínuo processo de construção das identidades profissionais ou de perfis identitários desses servidores. Os conhecimentos sobre o trabalho e as formas de identificação profissional na categoria dos auditores fiscais da Receita Federal do Brasil podem contribuir para a reflexão sobre relações de trabalho e processos de gestão pública no Brasil.
Este trabalho analisa a importância da propaganda no setor da construção imobiliária nos municípios de Vitória e Serra no Espírito Santo, localizados na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (RMGV). Esse setor tem produzido uma série de transformações no espaço urbano da RMGV, onde a propaganda situa-se como parte destas estratégias, constituindo-se numa importante ferramenta. A partir de informações oriundas de entrevistas e de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, investigamos por que a propaganda vai modificando-se com as formas diferenciadas de produção imobiliária e ganhando importância nos lançamentos de empreendimentos entre as décadas de 1950 a 2010, nos municípios de Vitória e Serra. Ao longo da pesquisa foi possível constatar que os mecanismos institucionais criados pelo Estado trouxeram modificações ao referido setor, o que acarretou na elaboração de estratégias de produção e criação de novos produtos. Tais modificações manifestaram-se na propaganda imobiliária, que atualmente ocupa um lugar de destaque na gestão de marketing implantada nas construtoras e incorporadoras capixabas. Os resultados mostram que ao longo das décadas o setor da construção imobiliária vem elaborando estratégias para criação de novas formas de distinção de seus produtos com intuito de apropriação do espaço urbano nos municípios estudados.
La presente comunicación tiene como objetivo analizar la complementariedad y la posibilidad de integración entre las herramientas de gestión Cuadro de Mando Integral (CMI), Activity Based Costing (ABC) y Activity Based management (ABM). Para la realización del estudio empírico hemos recurrido a los datos obtenidos mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario postal a 591 organizaciones públicas (ayuntamientos, hospitales, empresas municipales y empresas intermunicipales) y 549 organizaciones privadas (grandes empresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas) portuguesas, con una tasa de respuesta total del 31,3%. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, contrariamente al registrado en las organizaciones públicas, observamos que un número significativo de organizaciones privadas ya utilizaba los sistemas ABC/ABM antes del CMI y que los han integrado (total o parcialmente) o esperan integrar en el CMI.
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyse the development of environmental management practices by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach: The data were collected by sending a postal questionnaire. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental management practices an index of environmental management practices (EMPI) was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of 16 environmental management practices have been implemented by the entities included in the sample. Four variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices by local entities, namely type of entity, size, proactive environmental strategy and Local Agenda 21 Findings: Results indicate the degree of development of environmental management practices in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, entity size, the adoption of proactive environmental strategies and the implementation of Local Agenda 21 are explaining factors of the degree of development of such practices. Originality/value: This study adds to the international research on environmental management in public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the development of environmental management practices by Portuguese local entities and their determining factors. Design/methodology/approach – The data were collected by sending a postal questionnaire. In order to measure the degree of development of environmental management practices, an index of environmental management practices (EMPI) was developed, which reflects the extent to which a set of 16 environmental management practices have been implemented by the entities included in the sample. In total, four variables are considered in this study as possible factors that drive the development of environmental management practices by local entities: type of entity; size; proactive environmental strategy; and Local Agenda 21. Findings – Results indicate the degree of development of environmental management practices in Portuguese local entities is low. Additionally, entity size, the adoption of proactive environmental strategies and the implementation of Local Agenda 21 are explaining factors of the degree of development of such practices. Originality/value – The paper adds to the international research on environmental management in the public sector by providing empirical data from a country, Portugal, where empirical evidence is still relatively limited.
Management systems standards (MSSs) have developed in an unprecedented manner in the last few years. These MSS cover a wide array of different disciplines, aims and activities of organisations. Also, organisations are populated with an enormous diversity of independent management systems (MSs). An integrated management system (IMS) tends to integrate some or all components of the business. Maximising their integration in one coherent and efficient MS is increasingly a strategic priority and constitutes an opportunity for businesses to be more competitive and consequently, promote its sustainable success. Those organisations that are quicker and more efficient in their integration and continuous improvement will have a competitive advantage in obtaining sustainable value in our global and competitive business world. Several scholars have proposed various theoretical approaches regarding the integration of management sub-systems, leading to the conclusion that there is no common practice for all organisations as they encompass different characteristics. One other author shows that several tangible and intangible gains for organisations, as well as to their internal and external stakeholders, are achieved with the integration of the individual standardised MSs. The purpose of this work was to conceive a model, Flexible, Integrator and Lean for IMSs, according to ISO 9001 for quality; ISO 14001 for environment and OHSAS 18001 for occupational health and safety (IMS–QES), that can be adapted and progressively assimilate other MSs, such as, SA 8000/ISO 26000 for social accountability, ISO 31000 for risk management and ISO/IEC 27001 for information security management, among others. The IMS–QES model was designed in the real environment of an industrial Portuguese small and medium enterprise, that over the years has been adopting, gradually, in whole or in part, individual MSSs. The developed model is based on a preliminary investigation conducted through a questionnaire. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. Among the main findings of the survey we highlight: the creation of added value for the business through the elimination of several organisational wastes; the integrated management of the sustainability components; the elimination of conflicts between independent MS; dialogue with the main stakeholders and commitment to their ongoing satisfaction and increased contribution to the company’s competitiveness; and greater valorisation and motivation of employees as a result of the expansion of their skill base, actions and responsibilities, with their consequent empowerment. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) constitute the support, in a perspective of business excellence, to the follow up of the organisation’s progress towards the vision and achievement of the defined objectives in the context of each component of the IMS model. The conceived model had many phases and the one presented in this work is the last required for the integration of quality, environment, safety and others individual standardised MSs. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritised the conception of an IMS–QES model, to be implemented at the company where the investigation was conducted, but also a generic model of an IMS, which may be more flexible, integrator and lean as possible, potentiating the efficiency, added value both in the present and, fundamentally, for future.
The purpose of this study was to characterize the situation of Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) concerning the certification of their Quality Management Systems (QMS), Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS), in their individually form, to identify benefits, drawbacks and difficulties associated with the certification process and to characterize the level of integration that has been achieved. This research was based on a survey carried out by the research team; it was administered to 46 Portuguese SMEs. Our sample comprised 20 firms (43%) from the Trade/Services activity sector, 17 (37%) from the Industrial sector, 5 (11%) from the Electricity/Telecommunications sector and 4 (9%) from the Construction area. All SMEs surveyed were certified according to the ISO 9001 (100%), a quarter of firms were certified according to the ISO 14001 (26.1%) and a few certified by OHSAS 18001 (15.2%). We undertook a multivariate cluster analysis, which enabled grouping variables into homogeneous groups or one or more common characteristics of the SMEs participating in the study. Results show that the main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, among others, an improvement of both their internal organization and external image. We also present the main difficulties in achieving certification. Overall, 7 of the Portuguese SMEs examined indicated that the main benefits of the IMS implementation management included costs reduction, increased employee training and easier compliance of legislation. The respective drawbacks and difficulties are also presented. Finally, we presented the main integrated items in the certified Portuguese SMEs we examined.
The success of tourism development depends on the capacity of a region’s tourism agents to establish and sustain networks, involving both private-sector companies and the public sector. Creating an attractive destination able to compete with others that are better positioned and consolidated requires cooperative behaviour among the various agents involved. This behaviour will facilitate both external and internal competition, which in turn will assure better product quality, continuous product renewal, a strong offer of unique experiences and the efficient use of endogenous resources. In this paper, the authors discuss the results of a survey of restaurant owners and of interviews conducted with the main institutional agents concerned with tourism promotion and the economic development of the Minho–Lima region. Such an approach, the authors argue, can be valuable in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the area in question with regard to future tourism development. The authors work from the premise that the commitment of tourism agents constitutes a precondition for the success of the strategy to be defined. This is especially applicable to Minho–Lima, which to date has suffered from an absence of commitment and coordination on the part of those agents.