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Tutkielmassa selvitetään Herbert Olssonin käsitystä luonnollisen lain sisällöstä, sen suhteesta rakkauden vaatimukseen ja kultaiseen sääntöön. Lähteinä ovat Olssonin kaikki Lutheria käsittelevät tekstit, keskeisimpinä hänen väitöskirjansa Grundproblemet i Luthers socialetik sekä pääteoksensa Schöpfung, Vernunft und Gesetz in Luthers Theologie . Tutkielma jakaantuu johdannon jälkeen taustalukuun, kolmeen analyysilukuun ja loppukatsaukseen, jossa esitellään tutkimuksen tulokset. Taustaluvussa tehdään katsaus luonnollisen lain tulkintahistoriaan aikaisemmassa Luther-tutkimuksessa. Luvussa tulevat ilmi erot pohjoismaisen ja mannereurooppalaisen Luther-tutkimuksen välillä, edellisen painottaessa vahvasti luonnollista lakia, sen identtisyyttä ilmoitetun lain ja rakkauden lain kanssa sekä sen universaalisuutta kaiken moraalisen toiminnan ohjaajana. Tämän jälkeen, luvussa kolme tutkitaan systemaattisen analyysin avulla Olssonin tulkintaa Lutherin luonnonoikeuskäsityksistä sekä luonnollisen käsitteestä ja luodaan pohjaa seuraaville tutkimusluvuille. Luvuissa neljä ja viisi käsitellään luonnollista lakia sinällään, ensin Olssonin väitöskirjasta ja sen jälkeen hänen myöhemmästä tuotannostaan välittyvän kuvan kautta. Jo alusta asti Olssonin tulkintaa leimaa käsitys siitä, että luonnollinen laki kuuluu kaikille ihmisille, se on sisällöltään identtinen dekalogin ja muun ilmoitetun lain kanssa, ja että sen vaatimus voidaan tiivistää rakkauden vaatimukseksi, ts. kultaiseksi säännöksi. Kultainen sääntö koskee Olssonilla sekä suhdetta lähimmäiseen että Jumalaan, kun sen aiemmin ajateltiin liittyvän vain lähimmäissuhteeseen. Olsson ei kuitenkaan vedä kovin monia johtopäätöksiä siitä, kuinka kultainen sääntö suhteessa Jumalaan pitäisi ymmärtää. Ensisijaisesti luonnollisen lain mukaan eläminen vaikuttaa olevan Olssonin tulkinnassa samaa kuin Jumalan tahdon mukaan eläminen. Tästä seuraa kysymys, millainen on Jumalan tahto ja sitä kautta Jumalan luonto, johon luonnollisen lain oletetaan viittaavan. Tutkimuksessa tullaan siihen tulokseen, että Olsson ei oleta Jumalan luonnon olevan lahjoittava rakkaus. Myöskään luonnollinen laki ei vaadi ihmistä luopumaan hyvän tavoittelusta, vaan se juuri vaatii suuntautumista kohti hyvää. Näin ollen Olssonin tulkinnan taustalla ei ole lahjoittavan rakkauden malli luomakunnan järjestyksenä, vaan Augustinukselta ja skolastikoilta tuttu ordo caritatis -malli. Ihmisessä reaalisesti läsnä oleva, pyyteettömästi palveleva Kristus ei tästä syystä sovi Olssonin tulkintaan lainkaan, ja näin ollen hänen käsityksensä vanhurskaudesta on oltava lähinnä forenssinen, ei efektiivinen. Ylipäätään Jumalan ja ihmisen suhteessa on hänellä kyse tahdon suhteesta, ei ontologisesta Kristuksen ja ihmisen yhdistymisestä. Lahjoittavan rakkauden ja Jumala-suhteen ontologisen ulottuvuuden puuttumisen takia siis Olssonin Luther-kuva muodostuu voluntaristiseksi, Jumalan absoluuttista tahtoa korostavaksi. Toisaalta hänen tulkintansa saa myös skolastisia painotuksia, johtuen juuri hyvään suuntautuvan rakkauden korostamisesta. Kultainen sääntö vaikuttaa olevan enemmän vastavuoroisuuden sääntö kuin pyyteettömän rakkauden sääntö. Summa summarum: mainituista syistä johtuen luonnollisen lain, rakkauden vaatimuksen ja kultaisen säännön sisällöllinen ykseys jää Olssonilla hänen tavoitteistaan huolimatta saavuttamatta.
Tutkielma on kaksivaiheinen. Ensin esittelen apostolisen, Syyrialaisortodoksisen kirkon historiaa ja luostariperinnettä. Toisen osan tarkoitus on selvittää, liittyykö Pyhän Efraim Syyrialaisen luostarin munkkien luostariinjäämispäätökseen yhteiskunnallisia syitä ja mitä muita mahdollisia syitä voidaan löytää. Vertailen lopuksi varhaisia, 400-luvulla eläneiden kilvoittelijoiden Pyhän Efraim Syyrialaisen, Antonius Suuren ja Simeon Pylväspyhimyksen motiiveita nykykilvoittelijoiden motiiveihin, sikäli kuin se on mahdollista. Selvitän myös, onko Efraim Syyrialaisen esimerkillä ollut merkitystä nykykilvoittelijoille. Empiirinen aineisto kerättiin kahtena vuotena v. 2002 ja 2003. Tutkielmaa varten haastattelin kolmea Efraim Syyrialaisen luostarin munkkia. Pääinformanttini oli ko. luostarin seminaarin teologiopiskelija. Heidän kotitaustansa on syyrialaisortodoksinen, voimakkaasti uskonnollinen. Spiritualiteettia harjoitettiin jo lapsuudessa sekä kotona että kirkossa. Tutkielmani näkökulma on uskontohistoriallinen ja uskontososiologinen. Tutkin miten varhaiset- sekä nykypäivän kilvoittelijat ovat suhtautuneet yhteiskuntaan ja miten he ovat integroituneet luostariinsa. Kysymyksessä on nykypäivän osalta laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jonka metodeina ovat teemahaastattelu, jonka yhtenä osana olivat argumentit ja osallistruva havainnointi. Analysoin vastaukset sisällön analyysiä käyttäen. Haastatellut munkit korostivat syyrian kielen ja tradition opiskelun ja sen siirtämisen tärkeyttä seminaariin opiskelemaan hakeutumisensa, ja sen jälkeen munkiksi jäämisensä perusteluna. Pyhän Efraim Syyrialaisen esimerkin munkit kokivat olevan heille hyvin tärkeän tradition siirtäjän. Opiskelemisen ja matkustamisen mahdollisuus munkkina koettiin myös tärkeänä ja siitä syystä luostariin jäätiin, eli yhteiskunnallinen syy löytyi. Sisällön analyysissä ilmeni, että alkujaan koti edusti munkille primaarista tekijää. Sekundääristä tekijää edustivat kirkkoon kuuluva ryhmä, munkit ja luostari. Kodin ja kirkossa käynnin seurauksena tradition ja syyrian kielen oppimisen halu korostui ja niitä haluttiin lähteä opiskelemaan. Positiiviseksi viiteryhmäksi tällöin muodostuivat seminaariopiskelun aikana munkit ja muut luostarin asukkaat. Luostariin jäämisensä jälkeen primaarin tekijän voidaan huomata vaihtuneen luostariksi ja kodin asema on jäänyt sekundaariseksi. Yhteys luostarin ja ympäröivän yhteiskunnan kanssa tapahtui varhaisena aikana pääasiallisesti siten, että ihmiset tulivat kilvoittelijan luokse. Nykymunkit puolestaan käyvät niiden seurakuntalaisten kotona, jotka eivät pääse yhteisiin jumalanpalveluksiin ja auttavat heitä sielunhoidollisesti ja tarvittaessa taloudellisesti. Kirkon patriarkka Mar Ignatios Zakka I Iwasilla ja metropoliitta Eusthatios Matta Rohamilla on paljon yhteyksiä myös islaminuskoiseen väestönosaa Syyriassa. Ekumeenisia yhteyksiä on munkeillakin runsaasti. Ne mahdollistuvat erilaisissa kirkon kokouksissa ja konferensseissa sekä opiskelupaikkakunnalla Kreikassa.
Tämän tutkimuksen päätarkoitus on hahmottaa Tampereen Kaupunkilähetyksen kristillissosiaalista työtä ja sen toimintakenttiä niitä kohdanneissa muutoksissa toisesta maailmansodasta 1960-luvun alkuun. Tutkimuksen päämetodi on geneettinen metodi, ja päälähteinä on käytetty tämän yhdistyksen ja sen yhteistyökumppanien arkistoja ja julkaisuja. Tutkimuksen erityisenä tukena ovat olleet tekijän aiemmat tutkimukset tästä tutkimuskohteesta. Tutkimuksessa on selvitetty myös toiminnan sukupuolittumista ja ammatillistumista, sekä toiminnan vaihtelevaa suhdetta Tampereen kaupunkiin ja muihin yhteistyötahoihin. Tampereen Kaupunkilähetys on pitänyt toimintaperiaatteena perinteistä sisälähetystä, johon on kuulunut karitatiivinen ja missionaarinen puoli. Toimintaan on kuulunut niin laitosdiakoniaa kuin avohuollollista työtä. Diakonian ja uuskansankirkollisuuden läpimurto muuttivat työtapoja yhdessä sodan luomien poikkeuksellisten yhteiskunnallisten olojen kanssa. Inflaatio, vuokra- ja hintasäännöstely aiheuttivat raskaita menetyksiä Kaupunkilähetyksen toiminnalle. Samaan aikaan yhteiskunnan sosiaalityö alkoi kehityksen kohti hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa, mikä ammatillisti ja kohotti sosiaalityön tasoa. Nämä kaikki yhdessä loivat muutospaineita Kaupunkilähetykselle, joka ryhtyi tuottamaan uusia työmuotoja kristillisessä hengessä toteutettuina, kuten avioliittoneuvonnan, jota voi luonnehtia sosiaaliseksi innovaatioksi, sekä hengellistä teollisuustyötä, erilaisia lastensuojelullisia laitoksia, pullakirkon ja kehitysvammaisten teollista työtoimintaa. Samalla Kaupunkilähetyksenkin työ ammatillistui. Tampereen kaupungin kunnallispolitiikkaa hallinnut sosialidemokraattien ja kokoomuslaisten aseveliakseli tuki Tampereen Kaupunkilähetyksen työtä. Tampereen kaupungin sosiaaliviranomaiset, kuten Alpo Lumme, ehdottivat usein uusia työmuotoja Kaupunkilähetykselle. Näiden ehdotuksien mukana tuli lupaukset antaa tarvittava taloudellinen tuki. Kaupungista tuli Kaupunkilähetyksen merkittävin tukija ja yhteistyökumppani. Molemmat hyötyivät yhteistyöstä. Kaupunkilähetys pyrki vastaamaan näkemiinsä sosiaalisiin haasteisiin pikaisesti. Tämä oli myös menestyksen ydin, sillä suhteellisen nopea päätöksenteko uuden toiminnan kokeilusta oli Kaupunkilähetykselle helpompaa kuin kaupungille tai seurakunnille. Yhdistyksen uusille työmuodoille oli luonteenomaista, että joku asiaan perehtynyt henkilö ryhtyi niitä ajamaan voimakkaasti ja taitavasti kohti toteutusta. Toimintamuotojen jouduttua rahoitusvaikeuksiin tai kasvaessa selvästi julkishallinnon tehtäviksi, Kaupunkilähetys luopui tarvittaessa osuudestaan melko kivuttomasti aloittamalla usein jälleen uuden työmuodon. Tampereen Kaupunkilähetys voidaan sijoittaa sosiaalityön toimintakenttään kristillissosiaalista työtä tekevänä kolmannen sektorin toimijana. Yhdistyksen työssä ja hallinnossa oli havaittavissa sellaista sukupuolittumista, että varsinaista työtä tekivät pääosin naiset naisten johdolla. Mies-, poika- ja evankelioimistyötä tekivät puolestaan pääosin miehet. Myös johtokunnissa naisilla oli merkittävä asema, kuten jäsenistössäkin. Johtokuntatoiminta etääntyi seurakunnasta, sillä puheenjohtajaksi vaihtui maallikko jo 1940-luvulla, ja johtokunnassa oli vain vähän pappeja muutenkin. Toiminnan taloudellisena tukena olivat Tampereen kaupunki suurimpana rahoittajana, Tampereen Kaupunkilähetyksen osittain omistama hotelli Emmaus Oy, valtio, Tampereen seurakunnat, yksityiset lahjoittajat ja jäsenistö. Yhdistyksen omat kiinteistöt tuottivat välillä tappiota ja välillä voittoa, mutta niiden tärkein merkitys oli olla toimitiloina.
In What We Owe to Each Other, T.M. Scanlon formulated a new version of the ethical theory called contractualism. This theory took reasons considerations that count in favour of judgment-sensitive attitudes to be the fundamental normative notion. It then used normative reasons to first account for evaluative properties. For an object to be valuable, on this view, is for it to have properties that provide reasons to have favourable attitudes towards the bearer of value. Scanlon also used reasons to account for moral wrongness. His contractualism claims that an act is morally wrong if it is forbidden by any set of moral principles that no one could reasonably reject. My thesis consists of five previously published articles which attempt to clarify Scanlon s theory and to defend it against its critics. The first article defends the idea that normative reason-relations are fundamental against Joshua Gert. Gert argues that rationality is a more basic notion than reasons and that reasons can be analysed in terms of their rationally requiring and justifying dimensions. The second article explores the relationship between value and reasons. It defends Scanlon s view according to which reasons are the more basic than value against those who think that reasons are based on the evaluative realm. The last three articles defend Scanlon s views about moral wrongness. The first one of them discusses a classic objection to contractualist theories. This objection is that principles which no one could reasonably reject are redundant in accounting for wrongness. This is because we need a prior notion of wrongness to select those principles and because such principles are not required to make actions wrong or to provide reasons against wrong actions. The fourth article explores the distinctive reasons which contractualists claim there are for avoiding the wrong actions. The last article argues against the critics of contractualism who claim that contractualism has implausible normative consequences for situations related to the treatment of different-sized groups of people.
This study explores the EMU stand taken by the major Finnish political parties from 1994 to 1999. The starting point is the empirical evidence showing that party responses to European integration are shaped by a mix of national and cross-national factors, with national factors having more explanatory value. The study is the first to produce evidence that classified party documents such as protocols, manifestos and authoritative policy summaries may describe the EMU policy emphasis. In fact, as the literature review demonstrates, it has been unclear so far what kind of stand the three major Finnish political parties took during 1994–1999. Consequently, this study makes a substantive contribution to understanding the factors that shaped EMU party policies, and eventually, the national EMU policy during the 1990s. The research questions addressed are the following: What are the main factors that shaped partisan standpoints on EMU during 1994–1999? To what extent did the policy debate and themes change in the political parties? How far were the policies of the Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party and the National Coalition Party shaped by factors unique to their own national contexts? Furthermore, to what extent were they determined by cross-national influences from abroad, and especially from countries with which Finland has a special relationship, such as Sweden? The theoretical background of the study is in the area of party politics and approaches to EU policies, and party change, developed mainly by Kevin Featherstone, Peter Mair and Richard Katz. At the same time, it puts forward generic hypotheses that help to explain party standpoints on EMU. It incorporates a large quantity of classified new material based on primary research through content analysis and interviews. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used sequentially in order to overcome possible limitations. Established content-analysis techniques improve the reliability of the data. The coding frame is based on the salience theory of party competition. Interviews with eight party leaders and one independent expert civil servant provided additional insights and improve the validity of the data. Public-opinion surveys and media coverage are also used to complete the research path. Four major conclusions are drawn from the research findings. First, the quantitative and the interview data reveal the importance of the internal influences within the parties that most noticeably shaped their EMU policies during the 1990s. In contrast, international events play a minor role. The most striking feature turned out to be the strong emphasis by all of the parties on economic goals. However, it is important to note that the factors manifest differences between economic, democratic and international issues across the three major parties. Secondly, it seems that the parties have transformed into centralised and professional organisations in terms of their EMU policy-making. The weight and direction of party EMU strategy rests within the leadership and a few administrative elites. This could imply changes in their institutional environment. Eventually, parties may appear generally less differentiated and more standardised in their policy-making. Thirdly, the case of the Social Democratic Party shows that traditional organisational links continue to exist between the left and the trade unions in terms of their EMU policy-making. Hence, it could be that the parties have not yet moved beyond their conventional affiliate organisations. Fourthly, parties tend to neglect citizen opinion and demands with regard to EMU, which could imply conflict between the changes in their strategic environment. They seem to give more attention to the demands of political competition (party-party relationships) than to public attitudes (party-voter relationships), which would imply that they have had to learn to be more flexible and responsive. Finally, three suggestions for institutional reform are offered, which could contribute to the emergence of legitimised policy-making: measures to bring more party members and voter groups into the policy-making process; measures to adopt new technologies in order to open up the policy-formation process in the early phase; and measures to involve all interest groups in the policy-making process.
This dissertation consists of an introductory section and three theoretical essays analyzing the interaction of corporate governance and restructuring. The essays adopt an incomplete contracts approach and analyze the role of different institutional designs to facilitate the alignment of the objectives of shareholders and management (or employees) over the magnitude of corporate restructuring. The first essay analyzes how a firm's choice of production technology affects the employees' human capital investment. In the essay, the owners of the firm can choose between a specific and a general technology that both require a costly human capital investment by the employees. The specific technology is initially superior in using the human capital of employees but, in contrast to the general technology, it is not compatible with future innovations. As a result, anticipated changes in the specific technology diminish the ex ante incentives of the employees to invest in human capital unless the shareholders grant the employees specific governance mechanisms (a right of veto, severance pay) so as to protect their investments. The results of the first essay indicate that the level of protection that the shareholders are willing to offer falls short of the socially desirable one. Furthermore, when restructuring opportunities become more abundant, it becomes more attractive both socially and from the viewpoint of the shareholders to initially adopt the general technology. The second essay analyzes how the allocation of authority within the firm interacts with the owners' choice of business strategy when the ability of the owners to monitor the project proposals of the management is biased in favor of the status quo strategy. The essay shows that a bias in the monitoring ability will affect not only the allocation of authority within the firm but also the choice of business strategy. Especially, when delegation has positive managerial incentive effects, delegation turns out to be more attractive under the new business strategy because the improved managerial incentives are a way for the owners to compensate their own reduced information gathering ability. This effect, however, simultaneously makes the owners hesitant to switch the strategy since it would involve a more frequent loss of control over the project choice. Consequently, the owners' lack of knowledge of the new business strategy may lead to a suboptimal choice of strategy. The third essay analyzes the implications of CEO succession process for the ideal board structure. In this essay, the presence of the departing CEO on the board facilitates the ability of the board to find a matching successor and to counsel him. However, the ex-CEO's presence may simultaneously also weaken the ability of the board to restructure since the predecessor may use the opportunity to distort the successor's project choice. The results of the essay suggest that the extent of restructuring gains, the firm's ability to hire good outside directors and the importance of board's advisory role affect at which point and for how long the shareholders may want to nominate the predecessor to the board.
This thesis is a collection of three essays on Bangladeshi microcredit. One of the essays examines the effect of microcredit on the cost of crime. The other two analyze the functioning mechanism of microcredit programs, i.e. credit allocation rules and credit recovery policy. In Essay 1, the demand for microcredit and its allocation rules is studied. Microcredit is claimed to be the most effective means of supplying credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh. This fact has not yet been examined among households who demand microcredit. The results of this essay show that educated households are more likely to demand microcredit and its demand does not differ by sex. The results also show that microcredit programs follow different credit allocation rules for male and female applicants. Education is an essential characteristic for both sexes that credit programs consider in allocating credit. In Essay 2, the focus is to establish a link between microcredit and the incidence of rural crime in Bangladesh. The basic hypothesis is that microcredit programs jointly hold the group responsibility which provides an incentive for group members to protect each other from criminal gang in order to safeguard their own economic interests. The key finding of this essay is that the average cost of crime for non-borrowers is higher than that for borrowers. In particular, 10% increase in the credit reduces the costs of crime by 4.2%. The third essay analyzes the reasons of high repayment rate amid Bangladeshi microcredit programs. The existing literature argues that credit applicants are able to screen out the high risk applicants in the group formulation stage using their superior local information. In addition, due to the joint liability mechanism of the programs, group members monitor each others economic activities to ensure the minimal misuse of credit. The arguments in the literature are based on the assumption that once the credit is provided, credit programs have no further role in ensuring that repayments are honored by the group. In contrast, using survey data this essay documents that credit programs use in addition organizational pressures such as humiliation and harassment the non-payer to recover the unpaid installments. The results also show that the group mechanisms do not have a significant effect in recovering default dues.
The present study examines empirically the inflation dynamics of the euro area. The focus of the analysis is on the role of expectations in the inflation process. In six articles we relax rationality assumption and proxy expectations directly using OECD forecasts or Consensus Economics survey data. In the first four articles we estimate alternative Phillips curve specifications and find evidence that inflation cannot instantaneously adjust to changes in expectations. A possible departure of expectations from rationality seems not to be powerful enough to totally explain the persistence of euro area inflation in the New Keynesian framework. When expectations are measured directly, the purely forward-looking New Keynesian Phillips curve is outperformed by the hybrid Phillips curve with an additional lagged inflation term and the New Classical Phillips curve with a lagged expectations term. The results suggest that the euro area inflation process has become more forward-looking in the recent years of low and stable inflation. Moreover, in low inflation countries, the inflation dynamics have been more forward-looking already since the late 1970s. We find evidence of substantial heterogeneity of inflation dynamics across the euro area countries. Real time data analysis suggests that in the euro area real time information matters most in the expectations term in the Phillips curve and that the balance of expectations formation is more forward- than backward-looking. Vector autoregressive (VAR) models of actual inflation, inflation expectations and the output gap are estimated in the last two articles.The VAR analysis indicates that inflation expectations, which are relatively persistent, have a significant effect on output. However,expectations seem to react to changes in both output and actual inflation, especially in the medium term. Overall, this study suggests that expectations play a central role in inflation dynamics, which should be taken into account in conducting monetary policy.
In aquatic environments, endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that interfere with the endocrinology of males and females form a threat to the maintenance of populations. EDCs are a diverse group of natural and manmade chemicals that already at very low concentrations (at nanogram levels) can have severe effects on reproduction by individuals, e.g. complete sex reversal, feminisation of males, impaired reproduction even resulting in near extinction of populations. With regard to fish, despite the extensive literature on physiological effects of EDCs, very little is known about potential population-level effects. In this thesis, I examined how 17α-ethinyl estradiol (EE2), a synthetic estrogen used in oral contraceptive pills, affects the reproductive behaviour of a marine fish, the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus). The aims were fourfold. First, I investigated how exposure to EE2 affects courtship and parental care of sand goby males. Secondly, I looked at effects on the mating system and sexual selection. In the third study, I observed the effects of exposure in a social context where exposed males had to compete with non-exposed males for resources and mates. Finally, I studied the effects of exposure on male-male competition and male aggressive behaviour. This work revealed that EE2 exposure impairs the ability of males to acquire and defend a nest, as well as diminishes the attractiveness of males to females by decreasing their courtship and aggressive behaviour. These effects are harmful for a male whose reproductive success is determined by the ability to compete for limited resources and to attract mates. Furthermore, this thesis showed that selection on male size was relaxed after EE2 exposure and male size had a smaller effect on mating success. These effects can be of a profound nature as they interfere with sexual selection, and may in the long run lead to the loss of traits maintained through sexual selection. The thesis shows that an exposure to environmentally relevant levels of EE2 clearly reduces the chances of individuals to reproduce successfully. Furthermore, it strongly suggests that several types of biomarkers should be used to detect and assess the effects of EDC exposure because severe behavioural effects can sometimes be seen before effects are detectable at the molecular or morphometric level. Behavioural assays should be considered an important complementary tool for the standard ecotoxicological assays because observed behavioural changes have direct and negative effects on fitness, while the connection between changes in molecular expression and fitness may be less obvious.
This thesis focuses on how elevated CO2 and/or O3 affect the below-ground processes in semi-natural vegetation, with an emphasis on greenhouse gases, N cycling and microbial communities. Meadow mesocosms mimicking lowland hay meadows in Jokioinen, SW Finland, were enclosed in open-top chambers and exposed to ambient and elevated levels of O3 (40-50 ppb) and/or CO2 (+100 ppm) for three consecutive growing season, while chamberless plots were used as chamber controls. Chemical and microbiological analyses as well as laboratory incubations of the mesocosm soils under different treatments were used to study the effects of O3 and/or CO2. Artificially constructed mesocosms were also compared with natural meadows with regards to GHG fluxes and soil characteristics. In addition to research conducted at the ecosystem level (i.e. the mesocosm study), soil microbial communities were also examined in a pot experiment with monocultures of individual species. By comparing mesocosms with similar natural plant assemblage, it was possible to demonstrate that artificial mesocosms simulated natural habitats, even though some differences were found in the CH4 oxidation rate, soil mineral N, and total C and N concentrations in the soil. After three growing seasons of fumigations, the fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 were decreased in the NF+O3 treatment, and the soil NH4+-N and mineral N concentrations were lower in the NF+O3 treatment than in the NF control treatment. The mesocosm soil microbial communities were affected negatively by the NF+O3 treatment, as the total, bacterial, actinobacterial, and fungal PLFA biomasses as well as the fungal:bacterial biomass ratio decreased under elevated O3. In the pot survey, O3 decreased the total, bacterial, actinobacterial, and mycorrhizal PLFA biomasses in the bulk soil and affected the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere of L. pratensis, whereas the bulk soil and rhizosphere of the other monoculture, A. capillaris, remained unaffected by O3. Elevated CO2 caused only minor and insignificant changes in the GHG fluxes, N cycling, and the microbial community structure. In the present study, the below-ground processes were modified after three years of moderate O3 enhancement. A tentative conclusion is that a decrease in N availability may have feedback effects on plant growth and competition and affect the N cycling of the whole meadow ecosystem. Ecosystem level changes occur slowly, and multiplication of the responses might be expected in the long run.
Teachers who work in contexts in which their students’ lives are affected by poverty take up the challenge of learning to teach diverse students in ways that teachers in other contexts may not be required to do. And they do this work in contexts of immense change. Students’ communities change, neighborhoods change, educational policies change, literate practices and the specific effects of what it means to be poor in particular places also change. What cannot change is a commitment to high-equity, high-quality education for the students in these schools. Teachers need to analyze situations and make ongoing ethical decisions about pedagogy and curriculum. To do this, they must be able to continuously gauge the effects of their practices on different students. Hence, we argue that building teacher-researcher dispositions and repertoires is a key goal for teacher education across the teaching life-span. Drawing on a range of recent and ongoing collaborative research projects in schools situated in areas of high poverty, we draw out some principles for literacy teachers’ education.
Meckel syndrome (MKS, MIM 249000) is a severe developmental disorder that leads to death already in utero or shortly after birth. MKS diagnosis can be established by a careful ultrasound examination already at 11-14 weeks of gestation. The main features of MKS are occipital meningoencephalocele, cystic kidney dysplasia and fibrotic changes of the liver. In addition, polydactyly is frequently reported in the cases. The aim of the study was to characterize the molecular and functional defects in MKS. In this study we were able to identify two major MKS mutations in Finnish population, which cover over 90% of the cases. The first mutation is a 29 bp intronic deletion in the MKS1 gene (c.1483-7_35del) that is found in 70% of the families and the second is a C>T substitution in the coding region of CC2D2A (c.1762C>T), that is found in 20% of the MKS families. Both of these mutations result in abnormal splicing. The discovery of the disease genes has revealed that MKS is caused by primary cilia dysfunction. MKS1 gene has a conserved B9 domain, and it is found in the predicted ciliary proteome. CC2D2A protein is also found in the predicted ciliary proteome and it has a Ca2+ binding domain. The number of genes behind MKS has increased rapidly in the past years and to date, mutations have been identified in five genes (MKS1, TMEM67/MKS3, CEP290/MKS4, RPGRIP1L/MKS5 and CC2D2A/MKS6). Identification of the disease genes mutations has also revealed that MKS is an allelic disorder with other syndromes with overlapping phenotypes. Disorders that are caused by primary cilia dysfunction are collectively known as ciliopathies. Sequence analysis of all the known MKS genes in Finnish and non-Finnish families available to us, where the mutation was still unknown, revealed mutations in 14 out of the 30 families included in the study. When we collected all the reported mutations in MKS genes in different syndromes we could see that there was clearly a genotype-syndrome correlation between the mutations and the syndromes, since the same pair of mutations has never been reported in different syndromes. The basic molecular events behind MKS will not only give us information of this syndrome, but also significant novel information on early fetal development in general.
This study deals with algal species occurring commonly in the Baltic Sea: haptophyte Prymnesium parvum, dinoflagellates Dinophysis acuminata, D. norvegica and D. rotundata, and cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. The hypotheses are connected to the toxicity of the species, to the factors determining toxicity, to the consequences of toxicity and to the transfer of toxins in the aquatic food web. Since the Baltic Sea is severely eutrophicated, the fast-growing haptophytes have potential in causing toxic blooms. In our studies, the toxicity (as haemolytic activity) of the haptophyte P. parvum was highest under phosphorus-limited conditions, but the cells were toxic also under nitrogen limitation and under nutrient-balanced growth conditions. The cellular nutrient ratios were tightly related to the toxicity. The stoichiometric flexibility for cellular phosphorus quota was higher than for nitrogen, and nitrogen limitation led to decreased biomass. Negative allelopathic effects on another algae (Rhodomonas salina) could be observed already at low P. parvum cell densities, whereas immediate lysis of R. salina cells occurred at P. parvum cell densities corresponding to natural blooms. Release of dissolved organic carbon from the R. salina cells was measured within 30 minutes, and an increase in bacterial number and biomass was measured within 23 h. Because of the allelopathic effect, formation of a P. parvum bloom may accelerate after a critical cell density is reached and the competing species are eliminated. A P. parvum bloom indirectly stimulates bacterial growth, and alters the functioning of the planktonic food web by increasing the carbon transfer through the microbial loop. Our results were the first reports on DSP toxins in Dinophysis cells in the Gulf of Finland and on PTX-2 in the Baltic Sea. Cellular toxin contents in Dinophysis spp. ranged from 0.2 to 149 pg DTX-1 cell-1 and from 1.6 to 19.9 pg PTX-2 cell-1 in the Gulf of Finland. D. norvegica was found mainly around the thermocline (max. 200 cells L-1), whereas D. acuminata was found in the whole mixed layer (max. 7 280 cells L-1). Toxins in the sediment trap corresponded to 1 % of DTX-1 and 0.01 % PTX-2 of the DSP pool in the suspended matter. This indicates that the majority of the DSP toxins does not enter the benthic community, but is either decomposed in the water column, or transferred to higher trophic levels in the planktonic food chain. We found that nodularin, produced by Nodularia spumigena, was transferred to the copepod Eurytemora affinis through three pathways: by grazing on filaments of small Nodularia, directly from the dissolved pool, and through the microbial food web by copepods grazing on ciliates, dinoflagellates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates. The estimated proportion of the microbial food web in nodularin transfer was 22-45 % and 71-76 % in our two experiments, respectively. This highlights the potential role of the microbial food web in the transfer of toxins in the planktonic food web.
Transposable elements, transposons, are discrete DNA segments that are able to move or copy themselves from one locus to another within or between their host genome(s) without a requirement for DNA homology. They are abundant residents in virtually all the genomes studied, for instance, the genomic portion of TEs is approximately 3% in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 45% in humans, and apparently more than 70% in some plant genomes such as maize and barley. Transposons plays essential role in genome evolution, in lateral transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria and in life cycle of certain viruses such as HIV-1 and bacteriophage Mu. Despite the diversity of transposable elements they all use a fundamentally similar mechanism called transpositional DNA recombination (transposition) for the movement within and between the genomes of their host organisms. The DNA breakage and joining reactions that underlie their transposition are chemically similar in virtually all known transposition systems. The similarity of the reactions is also reflected in the structure and function of the catalyzing enzymes, transposases and integrases. The transposition reactions take place within the context of a transposition machinery, which can be particularly complex, as in the case of the VLP (virus like particle) machinery of retroelements, which in vivo contains RNA or cDNA and a number of element encoded structural and catalytic proteins. Yet, the minimal core machinery required for transposition comprises a multimer of transposase or integrase proteins and their binding sites at the element DNA ends only. Although the chemistry of DNA transposition is fairly well characterized, the components and function of the transposition machinery have been investigated in detail for only a small group of elements. This work focuses on the identification, characterization, and functional studies of the molecular components of the transposition machineries of BARE-1, Hin-Mu and Mu. For BARE-1 and Hin-Mu transpositional activity has not been shown previously, whereas bacteriophage Mu is a general model of transposition. For BARE-1, which is a retroelement of barley (Hordeum vulgare), the protein and DNA components of the functional VLP machinery were identified from cell extracts. In the case of Hin-Mu, which is a Mu-like prophage in Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome, the components of the core machinery (transposase and its binding sites) were characterized and their functionality was studied by using an in vitro methodology developed for Mu. The function of Mu core machinery was studied for its ability to use various DNA substrates: Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and Mu end specific hairpin substrates. The hairpin processing reaction by MuA was characterized in detail. New information was gained of all three machineries. The components or their activity required for functional BARE-1 VLP machinery and retrotransposon life cycle were present in vivo and VLP-like structures could be detected. The Hin-Mu core machinery components were identified and shown to be functional. The components of the Mu and Hin-Mu core machineries were partially interchangeable, reflecting both evolutionary conservation and flexibility within the core machineries. The Mu core machinery displayed surprising flexibility in substrate usage, as it was able to utilize Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and to process Mu end DNA hairpin substrates. This flexibility may be evolutionarily and mechanistically important.
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important bacteria that cause disease in humans, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has become the most commonly identified antibiotic-resistant pathogen in many parts of the world. MRSA rates have been stable for many years in the Nordic countries and the Netherlands with a low MRSA prevalence in Europe, but in the recent decades, MRSA rates have increased in those low-prevalence countries as well. MRSA has been established as a major hospital pathogen, but has also been found increasingly in long-term facilities (LTF) and in communities of persons with no connections to the health-care setting. In Finland, the annual number of MRSA isolates reported to the National Infectious Disease Register (NIDR) has constantly increased, especially outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. Molecular typing has revealed numerous outbreak strains of MRSA, some of which have previously been associated with community acquisition. In this work, data on MRSA cases notified to the NIDR and on MRSA strain types identified with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in Finland from 1997 to 2004 were analyzed. An increasing trend in MRSA incidence in Finland from 1997 to 2004 was shown. In addition, non-multi-drug resistant (NMDR) MRSA isolates, especially those resistant only to methicillin/oxacillin, showed an emerging trend. The predominant MRSA strains changed over time and place, but two internationally spread epidemic strains of MRSA, FIN-16 and FIN-21, were related to the increase detected most recently. Those strains were also one cause of the strikingly increasing invasive MRSA findings. The rise of MRSA strains with SCCmec types IV or V, possible community-acquired MRSA was also detected. With questionnaires, the diagnostic methods used for MRSA identification in Finnish microbiology laboratories and the number of MRSA screening specimens studied were reviewed. Surveys, which focused on the MRSA situation in long-term facilities in 2001 and on the background information of MRSA-positive persons in 2001-2003, were also carried out. The rates of MRSA and screening practices varied widely across geographic regions. Part of the NMDR MRSA strains could remain undetected in some laboratories because of insufficient diagnostic techniques used. The increasing proportion of elderly population carrying MRSA suggests that MRSA is an emerging problem in Finnish long-term facilities. Among the patients, 50% of the specimens were taken on a clinical basis, 43% on a screening basis after exposure to MRSA, 3% on a screening basis because of hospital contact abroad, and 4% for other reasons. In response to an outbreak of MRSA possessing a new genotype that occurred in a health care ward and in an associated nursing home of a small municipality in Northern Finland in autumn 2003, a point-prevalence survey was performed six months later. In the same study, the molecular epidemiology of MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strains were also assessed, the results to the national strain collection compared, and the difficulties of MRSA screening with low-level oxacillin-resistant isolates encountered. The original MRSA outbreak in LTF, which consisted of isolates possessing a nationally new PFGE profile (FIN-22) and internationally rare MLST type (ST-27), was confined. Another previously unrecognized MRSA strain was found with additional screening, possibly indicating that current routine MRSA screening methods may be insufficiently sensitive for strains possessing low-level oxacillin resistance. Most of the MSSA strains found were genotypically related to the epidemic MRSA strains, but only a few of them had received the SCCmec element, and all those strains possessed the new SCCmec type V. In the second largest nursing home in Finland, the colonization of S. aureus and MRSA, and the role of screening sites along with broth enrichment culture on the sensitivity to detect S. aureus were studied. Combining the use of enrichment broth and perineal swabbing, in addition to nostrils and skin lesions swabbing, may be an alternative for throat swabs in the nursing home setting, especially when residents are uncooperative. Finally, in order to evaluate adequate phenotypic and genotypic methods needed for reliable laboratory diagnostics of MRSA, oxacillin disk diffusion and MIC tests to the cefoxitin disk diffusion method at both +35°C and +30°C, both with or without an addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) to the Müller Hinton test medium, and in-house PCR to two commercial molecular methods (the GenoType® MRSA test and the EVIGENETM MRSA Detection test) with different bacterial species in addition to S. aureus were compared. The cefoxitin disk diffusion method was superior to that of oxacillin disk diffusion and to the MIC tests in predicting mecA-mediated resistance in S. aureus when incubating at +35°C with or without the addition of NaCl to the test medium. Both the Geno Type® MRSA and EVIGENETM MRSA Detection tests are usable, accurate, cost-effective, and sufficiently fast methods for rapid MRSA confirmation from a pure culture.