996 resultados para FSH-P


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New 2-arylidene-p-menthane-3-ones containing the ether bridging group in the arylidene fragment have been synthesized and studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures. The ferroelectric properties of these compositions were compared with those for compositions including chiral dopants that do not contain any bridging group. The influence of bridging group and terminal alkyl substituent length in the dopant molecule on the ferroelectric parameters of systems studied is discussed. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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This study document effects of short-term (96h) sublethal levels of copper, cadmium and their mixture on the amino acid composition of postlarvae of the penaeid shrimp, P.monodon and P.penicillatus . All experimental conditions were kept constant, temperature between 25-27•C and salinity 21-22 ppt. The estimated LD50 for Cu was 200 ug/L, for Cd 177.5 ug/L and for Cu.Cd mixture 250ug/L. In P. penicillatus at the same concentration of each metal, there was significant reduction in amino acid content, which was 8.01% higher than the control. Almost similar reduction in some amino acids was observed in P.monodon. At the maximum concentration of 400 ug/L, cadmium caused higher reduction in amino acid composition than did copper. Thus, amino acid composition may be regarded as a sensitive biochemical indicator of Cu and Cd toxicity because of the effect of these metals on protein synthesis, a signal of physiological stress in marine organisms subjected to heavy metal pollution.


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目的 从体外培养成熟囊胚中分离并鉴定猕猴胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell , ES cell) 。方法 猕猴卵母细 胞经体外成熟培养、体外受精和早期胚胎体外成熟培养后,获得猕猴囊胚。当囊胚由透明带自然孵出后,用细玻璃针剥离 囊胚中的内细胞团(inner cell mass , ICM) 并与饲养细胞进行共培养。由ICM分离,培养并鉴定胚胎干细胞集落。结果 由 4 只FSH 超排猕猴中共取得92 个处于GV 期的猕猴卵母细胞,选取其中的22 个用HECM210 培养基培养后,获得6 个高质 量的囊胚,由此6 个囊胚中分离得到3 个内细胞团,并由此最终获得1 株猕猴ES 细胞,即RS5 细胞。RS5 细胞具高比例核P 质比,核仁多,其细胞集落边缘平整,其内各单个细胞清晰。经约5 个月的连续传代后,仍保持了正常二倍体的核型,其染 色体数目为42 条。碱性磷酸酶细胞组织化学染色为阳性,说明RS5 细胞为未分化态的胚胎干细胞。经高密度和长时间 培养后,RS5 细胞可进一步分化为多种类型细胞。结论 RS5 细胞株具有自我更新能力和多分化潜能,属于胚胎干细胞。


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Effects of age and season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and FSH-stimulated rhesus monkeys were examined, Immature cumulus-oocyte complexes were matured in vitro in modified CMRL-1066 medium containing 20% bovine calf serum and


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BACKGROUND: Effects of 17beta-estradiol and progesterone on rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro were evaluated by embryo development subsequent to IVF. METHODS AND RESULTS: In experiment 1, immature cumulus-oocyte complexes collected from unstimulated adult females during the non-breeding season were matured in modified medium CMRL-1066 containing various combinations of gonadotrophins (FSH + LH), estradiol and/or progesterone. Formation of morulae and blastocysts was greatest in oocytes matured in medium containing estradiol and/or progesterone, with or without gonadotrophins (morula 38-46%, blastocyst 14-20%) than in control oocytes matured without estradiol or progesterone (morula 14%, blastocyst 0%). In experiment 2, cumulus-oocyte complexes from unstimulated prepubertal female monkeys were matured in medium with gonadotrophins, estradiol or progesterone. The best development to the morula stage was obtained with oocytes matured with gonadotrophins and estradiol or gonadotrophins and progesterone (43 and 25 morulae, respectively), while control oocytes matured with gonadotrophins but without steroid hormones gave the poorest morula developmental response (12%). However, there was no difference in blastocyst development across all groups (0-3%). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that during rhesus monkey oocyte maturation in vitro: (i) estradiol or progesterone can improve oocyte developmental competence; (ii) immature oocytes from prepubertal versus adult females have differential responses to challenge with estradiol or progesterone.


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Hemorrhagic toxins are widely distributed in viperid and crotalid snake venoms. Envenomation of Trimeresurus stejnegeri, a member of Crotalidae family, caused potent systemic and local hemorrhage. Up to now, there is no report on hemorrhage toxins from th


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A new metalloproteinase-disintegrin, named Jerdonitin, was purified from Trimeresurus jerdonii venom with a molecular weight of 36 kDa on SDS-PAGE. It dose-dependently inhibited ADP-induced human platelet aggregation with IC50 of 120 nM. cDNA cloning and sequencing revealed that Jerdonitin belonged to the class II of snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) (P-II class). Different from other P-II class SVMPs, metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains of its natural protein were not separated, confirmed by internal peptide sequencing. Compared to other P-II class SVMPs, Jerdonitin has two additional cysteines (Cys219 and Cys238) located in the spacer domain and disintegrin domain, respectively. They probably form a disulfide bond and therefore the metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains cannot be separated by posttranslationally processing. In summary, comparison of the amino acid sequences of Jerdonitin with those of other P-II class SVMPs by sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis, in conjunction with natural protein structure data, suggested that it was a new type of P-II class SVMPs. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We report high hole and electron mobilities in nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) top-gate staggered thin-film transistors (TFTs) fabricated by direct plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) at 260°C. The n-channel nc-Si:H TFT with n+ nc-Si:H ohmic contacts shows a field-effect electron mobility (μnFE) of 130 cm2/Vs, which increases to 150 cm2/Vs with Cr-silicide contacts, along with a field-effect hole mobility (μhFE) of 25 cm2/Vs. To the best of our knowledge, the hole and electron mobilities reported here are the highest achieved to date using direct PECVD. © 2005 IEEE.


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Comparative fishing operations with the conventional two seams net and a 29.26 m. long wing shrimp trawl of four seam type were undertaken. The result showed that the four seams net gave nearly twice prawn catch than that of the conventional type. It was also found that the four seams net can be developed into a combination trawl for the effective exploitation of both prawns and fish along the coasts off Kakinada.


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The culture of Penaeus monodon has explicitly defined the need for diet formulations or supplementary feeds that would promote optimum growth and survival of the animal. A total of 28 feed combinations were developed for P. monodon. Fish meal, shrimp head meal, squid head meal, Ascetes spp. rice bran, and soybean cake were used as primary ingredients in these feeds. The commercial vitamin mix No. 22 was added to the dry ingredients. Gelatinized corn starch and wheat flour were used as binders. The pellets were extruded using a portable kitchen grinder with a diameter of 4 mm. The products were either sun-dried for 8 hours or oven-dried overnight at 50 degree C to stabilize moisture at 8-10%. The pellets were then kept in covered glass bottles and stored in the laboratory at room temperature. The cost of the feeds excluding labour were also computed. The pellets were analyzed for protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fiber, ash, and moisture contents using standard procedures. They were also analyzed for water stability. To test the stability of pellets in water, 2-g samples were placed in plankton nets (mesh #40) and suspended in water for two, and six hours. The undissolved samples were then vacuum-dried and the moisture determined. Cost of the feeds ranged from P1.10 to P2.60 per kg depending on the feed ingredient. Squid and Ascetes spp. were rather expensive for use as basic ingredients. Proximate analysis of dry weight showed percentage protein content ranged from 20-63 g; fat, 8-20 g; carbohydrate (by difference), 11-36 g; ash, 8-28 g; moisture, 6-11 g; and crude fiber, 5 . 13 g. Stability tests showed that after two hours, 35-88% of solids remained intact and after 6 hours, 20-55% of the pellets remained undissolved. When a pellet disintegrates easily, pollution of the water occurs. Chances for the shrimp to feed on the pellet is minimized when the pellet is unstable. Thus, the search for a more compact feed pellet has to be continued.


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Rice bran is widely used by fish farmers as supplementary feed while soybean cake is used both as feed and as fertilizer in fishponds. Both fish meal and shrimp head have been found acceptable as feed ingredients. However, not much is known of the acceptability and efficiency of a mixture of these ingredients as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae. Ninety 127-day old P. monodon were measured for length and weight and were randomly divided into nine aquaria each containing 20 liters of water. These were fed 'lampirong' for two months previous to the study. There were three replications for each treatment. Length, weight, and survival rates were used to compare the efficiency of the diets. Weighed amounts of pellets equivalent to 100% of the body weight were fed during the first three days and reduced to 50% thereafter. A stopwatch was used to determine the length of time that elapsed before the shrimps would approach the pellet. Ten shrimps approximately 4 months in age were placed in 10 liters of water in a 25-liter aquarium. Two grams of each pellet type were placed simultaneously on opposite sides of the aquarium. The time that elapsed from the moment the pellets sunk to the bottom up to the time that any one shrimp approached the pellets was recorded. The group fed the imported pellets gained the most. Those fed FP-2s-77 elongated faster than those fed FP-1s-77. Survival rate of those fed FP-2s-77 was 37% while those fed imported pellets was 73%. Both 1s and 2s pellets disintegrated in water easily but the imported pellets were stable even after six hours in water. The attractability test for the pellets showed that the prawns were more readily attracted to the pellets 1s and 2s than to the imported pellets.


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P. monodon larvae were studied for the effects of temperature, ammonia, and nitrite on survival. Toxicity levels of nitrite were found to vary with larval stage. Larvae could tolerate ammonia up to about 10 ppm, with the effect more clearly shown by the zoea stage. Survival and growth were not significantly affected by temperature, although moulting was enhanced at temperatures higher than 29 C. Larvae of P. monodon have lower tolerance toward nitrite and ammonia compared to postlarvae. Although high survival was obtained at low levels of nitrite and ammonia, it is still necessary to know their effects on metabolism, in order to examine possible biochemical parameters for diagnosing sublethal toxicity or stress.


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