677 resultados para Ems dispatch
International audience
Esta tese incide sobre o desenvolvimento de modelos computacionais e de aplicações para a gestão do lado da procura, no âmbito das redes elétricas inteligentes. É estudado o desempenho dos intervenientes da rede elétrica inteligente, sendo apresentado um modelo do produtor-consumidor doméstico. O problema de despacho económico considerando previsão de produção e consumo de energia obtidos a partir de redes neuronais artificiais é apresentado. São estudados os modelos existentes no âmbito dos programas de resposta à procura e é desenvolvida uma ferramenta computacional baseada no algoritmo de fuzzy-clustering subtrativo. São analisados perfis de consumo e modos de operação, incluindo uma breve análise da introdução do veículo elétrico e de contingências na rede de energia elétrica. São apresentadas aplicações para a gestão de energia dos consumidores no âmbito do projeto piloto InovGrid. São desenvolvidos sistemas de automação para, aquisição monitorização, controlo e supervisão do consumo a partir de dados fornecidos pelos contadores inteligente que permitem a incorporação das ações dos consumidores na gestão do consumo de energia elétrica; SMART GRIDS - COMPUTATIONAL MODELS DEVELOPMENT AND DEMAND SIDE MANAGMENT APPLICATIONS Abstract: This thesis focuses on the development of computational models and its applications on the demand side management within the smart grid scope. The performance of the electrical network players is studied and a domestic prosumer model is presented. The economic dispatch problem considering the production forecast and the energy consumption obtained from artificial neural networks is also presented. The existing demand response models are studied and a computational tool based on the fuzzy subtractive clustering algorithm is developed. Energy consumption profiles and operational modes are analyzed, including a brief analysis of the electrical vehicle and contingencies on the electrical network. Consumer energy management applications within the scope of InovGrid pilot project are presented. Computational systems are developed for the acquisition, monitoring, control and supervision of consumption data provided by smart meters allowing to incorporate consumer actions on their electrical energy management.
The paper explores the trade competitiveness of seven major shrimp exporting countries, namely Vietnam, China, Thailand, Ecuador, India, Indonesia and Mexico, to the USA. Specifically, we investigate whether the United States (US) antidumping petitions impact upon the bilateral revealed comparative advantage (RCA) indexes for each of the seven shrimp exporting countries with the USA. Monthly data from January 2003 to December 2014 and the panel data model are used to examine the determinants of the RCA for the shrimp exporting countries. The empirical results show the shrimp exporting countries have superior competitiveness against the shrimp market in the USA. Moreover, the RCA indexes are significantly negatively influenced by shrimp prices, and are positively affected by US income per capita. However, the EMS (Early Mortality Syndrome) shrimp disease, domestic US shrimp quantity, exchange rate, and US antidumping laws are found to have no significant impacts on the RCA indexes. In terms of policy implications, the USA should try to reduce production costs of shrimp in the US market instead of imposing antidumping petitions, and the shrimp exporting countries should maintain their comparative advantage and diversify into new markets.
We report here about a series of international workshops on e-learning of mathematics at university level, which have been jointly organized by the three publicly funded open universities in the Iberian Peninsula and which have taken place annually since 2009. The history, achievements and prospects for the future of this initiative will be addressed.
The behaviour of bone tissue during drilling has been subject of recent studies due to its great importance. Because of thermal nature of the bone drilling, high temperatures and thermal mechanical stresses are developed during drilling that affect the process quality. However, there is still a lack information with regard to the distribution of mechanical and thermal stresses during bone drilling. The present paper describes a sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis to assess the mechanical and thermal stress distribution during bone drilling. A three-dimensional thermo-mechanical model was developed using the ANSYS/LSDYNA finite element code under different drilling conditions. The model incorporates the dynamic characteristics of drilling process, as well as the thermo-mechanical properties of the involved materials. Experimental tests with polyurethane foam materials were also carried out. It was concluded that the use of higher feed-rates lead to a decrease of normal stresses and strains in the foam materials. The experimental and numerical results were compared and showed good agreement. The proposed numerical model could be used to predict the better drilling parameters and minimize the bone injuries.
In a principal-agent model we analyze the firm’s decision to adopt an informal or a standardized Environmental Management System (EMS). Our results are consistent with empirical evidence in several respects. A standardized EMS increases the internal control at the cost of introducing some degree of rigidity that entails an endogenous setup cost. Standardized systems are more prone to be adopted by big and well established firms and under tougher environmental policies. Firms with standardized EMS tend to devote more effort to abatement although this effort results in lower pollution only if public incentives are strong enough, suggesting a complementarity relationship between standardized EMS and public policies. Emission charges have both a marginal effect on abatement and a qualitative effect on the adoption decision that may induce a conflict between private and public interests. As a result of the combination of these two effects it can be optimal for the government to distort the tax in a specific way in order to push the firm to choose the socially optimal EMS. The introduction of standardized systems can result in win-win situations where firms, society and the environment get better off.
Purpose: To investigate the effect and mechanism of action of Ermiao san (EMS), a traditional Chinese herbal formula, on inflammation development and production of inflammatory mediators in adjuvantinduced arthritis (AIA). Methods: AIA was induced by injection of 0.1 ml Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA, 10 mg/ml) in the left hind footpad of the rats. AIA rats were intragastricly treated with 0.5, 1, 2 g/kg EMS or 0.1 g/kg methotrexate from day 7 to 28 after FCA challenge. Foot volume and histological score were measured. Osteoclast number was calculated by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining assay. Levels of prostaglandin (PG) E2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) -α and interleukin (IL)-1β in serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) while the level of nitric oxide (NO) in serum was analyzed by Griess reaction method. Results: Foot volume, histological score, osteoclast number and serum levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, PGE2 and NO were all increased in AIA group rats on day 28 after FCA challenge (all p < 0.01) compared with control. EMS (1 and 2 g/kg) significantly decreased the foot volume of AIA rats by 10 % (p < 0.05) and 19 % (p < 0.01), respectively, compared with AIA group. Furthermore, 1 and 2 g/kg EMS significantly reduced histological score by about 28 % (p < 0.05) and 46 % (p < 0.01), respectively, as well as osteoclast number by 12 % (p < 0.05) and 15 % (p < 0.05), respectively, compared with AIA group. In addition, 1 and 2 g/kg EMS significantly decreased the serum levels of TNF-α about 23 % (p < 0.05) and 43 % (p < 0.01), IL-1β by15 % (p < 0.05) and 26 % (p < 0.01), NO 13 % (p < 0.05) and 26 % (p < 0.01) as well as PGE2 by 11 % (p < 0.05) and 15 % (p < 0.01), respectively, compared with AIA group. Conclusion: These results suggest that EMS probably alleviates arthritis development and joint destruction by decreasing the production of inflammatory mediators in AIA rats.
We seek to examine the efficacy and safety of prereperfusion emergency medical services (EMS)–administered intravenous metoprolol in anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing eventual primary angioplasty. This is a prespecified subgroup analysis of the Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction trial population, who all eventually received oral metoprolol within 12 to 24 hours. We studied patients receiving intravenous metoprolol by EMS and compared them with others treated by EMS but not receiving intravenous metoprolol. Outcomes included infarct size and left ventricular ejection fraction on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 1 week, and safety by measuring the incidence of the predefined combined endpoint (composite of death, malignant ventricular arrhythmias, advanced atrioventricular block, cardiogenic shock, or reinfarction) within the first 24 hours. From the total population of the trial (N=270), 147 patients (54%) were recruited during out-of-hospital assistance and transferred to the primary angioplasty center (74 intravenous metoprolol and 73 controls). Infarct size was smaller in patients receiving intravenous metoprolol compared with controls (23.4 [SD 15.0] versus 34.0 [SD 23.7] g; adjusted difference –11.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] –18.6 to –4.3). Left ventricular ejection fraction was higher in the intravenous metoprolol group (48.1% [SD 8.4%] versus 43.1% [SD 10.2%]; adjusted difference 5.0; 95% CI 1.6 to 8.4). Metoprolol administration did not increase the incidence of the prespecified safety combined endpoint: 6.8% versus 17.8% in controls (risk difference –11.1; 95% CI –21.5 to –0.6). Out-of-hospital administration of intravenous metoprolol by EMS within 4.5 hours of symptom onset in our subjects reduced infarct size and improved left ventricular ejection fraction with no excess of adverse events during the first 24 hours.
El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar los cambios en el rendimiento en función de dos métodos de entrenamiento, el desarrollado mediante electro-estimulación muscular integral (EMI) frente a otro en el que se utilizaron bandas elásticas y que denominamos entrenamiento funcional con elásticos (EFE). La muestra estuvo compuesta por un grupo de diez (N=10) personas físicamente activas (23,04 ± 2,5 años). Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con medidas pre-post. Y fueron analizados los resultados de las pruebas: salto vertical con ayuda de brazos; y velocidad de desplazamiento en una carrera de ida y vuelta de 12 metros de distancia (6+6). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de casos y medias. Y dado el tamaño de la muestra se calculó el tamaño del efecto, el cual fue bajo o moderado (d<0,5). Por último se compararon las diferencias de las medias de los grupos mediante la U de Mann Whitney, y las diferencias de las medias en función del tiempo (pre-post) mediante Friedman; en ambos casos los resultados no fueron significativos (p<0,5). En cuanto a los valores descriptivos del pre-post en ambos grupos: el grupo que entrenó con bandas elásticas obtuvo mejores resultados en ambas pruebas que el grupo que entrenó con EMI. En conclusión, el entrenamiento con bandas elásticas, a pesar de no ser significativo, parece mostrarse más efectivo que el entrenamiento con electro-estimulación muscular integral. Si bien, dadas las limitaciones del estudio estos datos hay que tomarlos con la pertinente cautela.
Esta investigación midió la percepción del personal asistencial sobre la cultura de seguridad de los pacientes en un hospital de primer nivel de complejidad por medio de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se utilizó como herramienta de medición la encuesta ‘Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Cultura’ (HSOPSC) de la Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) versión en español, la cual evalúa doce dimensiones. Los resultados mostraron fortalezas como el aprendizaje organizacional, las mejoras continuas y el apoyo de los administradores para la seguridad del paciente. Las dimensiones clasificadas como oportunidades de mejora fueron la cultura no punitiva, el personal, las transferencias y transiciones y el grado en que la comunicación es abierta. Se concluyó que aunque el personal percibía como positivo el proceso de mejoramiento y apoyo de la administración también sentía que era juzgado si reportaba algún evento adverso.
El presente estado del arte se propone abordar lo concerniente a la ética en las actuaciones de los servidores públicos en Colombia, mediante una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura pertinente que existe del tema, así como de las distintas normas regulatorias y documentos oficiales que versan sobre los servidores públicos. De esta manera, se hará especial énfasis en los cambios que ha tenido la organización, el funcionamiento y el control de quienes sirven al Estado colombiano desde la instauración de la actual Constitución Política de 1991. En consecuencia, se encontrarán algunas reflexiones sobre el tema, las cuales provienen de la investigación y de entrevistas realizadas a servidores públicos.
Esta investigación describe la situación portuaria del estado de Veracruz, ubicado en México, con el fin de analizar sus capacidades, infraestructura y funcionamiento, permitiendo una visualización de los modelos usados por el puerto, registrar sus prácticas, entre otros. Partiendo del funcionamiento, algunas estrategias y destrezas que se realizan en el puerto Azteca se tomarán como ejemplo, asimismo se realizará un análisis para el puerto de Buenaventura ubicado en Colombia. Lo anterior, con el propósito que el puerto colombiano evalué algunas de estas estrategias y así logre un aumento en su competitividad, mejore su infraestructura, tenga mayor eficiencia y eficacia a la hora del cargue, descargue, distribución y despacho de mercancías. A partir de este estudio, se concluyó que el puerto de Buenaventura necesita mejoras en su capacidad para albergar buques con mayor capacidad de transporte, infraestructura ferroviaria y de grúas y la implantación de una zona de libre comercio.
Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada al interior de dos contextos. Por un lado, el teórico, en el marco de uno de los discursos más relevantes en los campos de la estrategia organizacional, de la managerial and organizational cognition (MOC) y, en general, de los estudios organizacionales (organization studies): la construcción de sentido (sensemaking). Por el otro, el empírico, en una de las grandes compañías multinacionales del sector automotriz con presencia global. Esta corporación enfrenta una permanente tensión entre lo que dicta la casa matriz, en relación con el cumplimiento de metas y estándares específicos, considerando el mundo entero, y los retos que, teniendo en cuenta lo regional y lo local, experimentan los altos directivos encargados de hacer prosperar la empresa en estos lugares. La aproximación implementada fue cualitativa. Esto en atención a la naturaleza de la problemática abordada y la tradición del campo. Los resultados permiten ampliar el actual nivel de comprensión acerca de los procesos de sensemaking de los altos directivos al enfrentar un entorno estratégico turbulento.
This thesis presents advances in integration of photovoltaic (PV) power and energy in practical systems, such as existing power plants in buildings or directly integrated in the public electrical grid. It starts by providing an analyze of the current state of PV power and some of its limitations. The work done in this thesis begins by providing a model to compute mutual shading in large PV plants, and after provides a study of the integration of a PV plant in a biogas power plant. The remainder sections focus on the work done for project PVCROPS, which consisted on the construction and operation of two prototypes composed of a PV system and a novel battery connected to a building and to the public electrical grid. These prototypes were then used to test energy management strategies and validate the suitability of the two advanced batteries (a lithium-ion battery and a vanadium redox ow battery) for households (BIPV) and PV plants. This thesis is divided in 7 chapters: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to explain and develop the main research questions studied for this thesis; Chapter 2 presents the development of a ray-tracing model to compute shading in large PV elds (with or without trackers); Chapter 3 shows the simulation of hybridizing a biogas plant with a PV plant, using biogas as energy storage; Chapters 4 and 5 present the construction, programming, and initial operation of both prototypes (Chapter 4), EMS testing oriented to BIPV systems (Chapter 5). Finally, Chapters 6 provides some future lines of investigation that can follow this thesis, and Chapter 7 shows a synopsis of the main conclusions of this work; Resumo: Avanços na integracão de potência fotovoltaica e producão de energia em sistemas práticos Esta tese apresenta avanços na integração de potência e energia fotovoltaica (PV) em sistemas práticos, tais como centrais existentes ou a rede eléctrica pública. Come ça por analisar o estado corrente do fotovoltaico no mundo e aborda algumas das suas limitações. O trabalho feito para esta tese de doutoramento começou pelo desenvolvimento de um modelo para calcular os sombreamentos que ocorrem em grandes campos fotovoltaicos, e depois apresenta um estudo sobre a integração um sistema fotovoltaico em uma central eléctrica a bióg as. As ultimas secções da tese focam-se no trabalho feito para o projecto PVCROPS, que consistiu na construção e operação de dois demonstratores, cada um formado por um sistema fotovoltaico e bateria conectados a um edíficio e a rede eléctrica pública. Estes protótipos foram posteriormente utilizados para testar estratégias de gestão de energia (EMS) e para validar a operação de duas baterias avançadas (bateria de Iões de Li tio e bateria de Fluxo Redox de Van adio) e a sua utiliza ção para habitações e centrais PV. A tese está dividida em 7 capitulos: O capitulo 1 apresenta uma introdução para explicar e desenvolver as principais questões que foram investigadas nesta tese; O capitulo 2 mostra o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em traçados de raios para calcular sombreamentos mútuos em grandes centrais PV (com e sem seguidores); O capitulo 3 mostra a simulação da hibridização de uma central electrica a biogas com uma central PV, e utilizando o biógas como armazenamento de energia. Os capitulos 4 e 5 apresentam a construção, programação e operação inicial dos dois demonstradores (Capitúlo 4), o teste de EMS orientadas para sistemas PV em habitações (Capítulo 5). Finalmente, o capítulo 6 sugere algumas futuras linhas de investigação que poderão seguir esta tese, e o Capítulo 7 faz uma sinopse das principais conclusões deste trabalho.
This paper focuses on computational models development and its applications on demand response, within smart grid scope. A prosumer model is presented and the corresponding economic dispatch problem solution is analyzed. The prosumer solar radiation production and energy consumption are forecasted by artificial neural networks. The existing demand response models are studied and a computational tool based on fuzzy clustering algorithm is developed and the results discussed. Consumer energy management applications within the InovGrid pilot project are presented. Computation systems are developed for the acquisition, monitoring, control and supervision of consumption data provided by smart meters, allowing the incorporation of consumer actions on their electrical energy management. An energy management system with integration of smart meters for energy consumers in a smart grid is developed.