997 resultados para Demand reduction


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The aim of the thesis was to find the effects of World Trade Organization and economic integration on the wood sourcing process from Russia to Finland and to the European Union. Also, the fo reign direct investments to Russian forest industry are studied within the WTO and Economic integration framework. Qualitative interviews were carried out as primary data (total of 5 interviews). Research studies and articles regarding the same subject were used as secondary data. Results show that companies may increase their volumes of imported timber from Russia due to the reduction of custom tariffs. Russian companies are becoming more productive, but there are still several problems with legislation, infrastructure, availability and harvesting profitability in some areas. These suggest that sourcing process may not be profitable in the future. The Russian forest industry sector will not gain significant foreign direct investments in the recent years because of the infrastructure and overall atmosphere of investments. Forest industry is not seen as profitable enough. The demand for cellulose and paper in Russia is not increasing fast enough and the cost inflation is cutting the profits made from producing in Russia.


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The purpose of this thesis was to study the design of demand forecasting processes. A literature review in the field of forecasting was conducted, including general forecasting process design, forecasting methods and techniques, the role of human judgment in forecasting and forecasting performance measurement. The purpose of the literature review was to identify the important design choices that an organization aiming to design or re-design their demand forecasting process would have to make. In the empirical part of the study, these choices and the existing knowledge behind them was assessed in a case study where a demand forecasting process was re-designed for a company in the fast moving consumer goods business. The new target process is described, as well as the reasoning behind the design choices made during the re-design process. As a result, the most important design choices are highlighted, as well as their immediate effect on other processes directly tied to the demand forecasting process. Additionally, some new insights on the organizational aspects of demand forecasting processes are explored. The preliminary results indicate that in this case the new process did improve forecasting accuracy, although organizational issues related to the process proved to be more challenging than anticipated.


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This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases – a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcing services in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company’s investment productivity is illustrated.


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee kaupallisten yhtiöiden julkaisemia lehdistötiedotteita, joissa ilmoitetaan henkilöstövähennyksistä. Erityisenä tutkimuskohteena ovat lehdistötiedotteiden informatiiviset ja promotionaaliset päämäärät ja tarkoitukset sekä näiden päämäärien ja tarkoitusten ilmentyminen tekstin retorisen rakenteen, valittujen retoristen strategioiden sekä leksikaalisten ja kieliopillisten valintojen kautta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 50 englanninkielisestä lehdistötiedotteesta, jotka sisältävät ilmoituksen henkilöstövähennyksistä. Lehdistötiedotteet kerättiin yritysten verkkosivuilta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehityksenä toimivat soveltavan kielentutkimuksen alalla erityisesti ammattikielentutkimuksessa (ESP, English for Specific Purposes) laajalti käytetty Swalesin (1990) tekstilajia (genre) koskeva määritelmää ja Bhatian (1993) kehittämä geneerisen analyysin malli. Ennen aineiston kielitieteellistä analysointia tutkimuksessa perehdyttiin Bhatian (1993) mallin mukaisesti lehdistötiedotteiden historiaan, kohdeyleisöihin, diskurssiyhteisöön ja sen tuottamiin muihin tekstilajeihin, aikaisempiin lehdistotiedotteita käsitteleviin kielitieteellisiin tutkimuksiin sekä erityisesti yritysten henkilövähennyksiin liittyvään tilannekontekstiin. Kielitieteellisessä analyysissä tutkittavista teksteistä tunnistettiin kahdeksan retorista vaihetta (move), jotka olivat tyypillisiä tutkituille teksteille. Kunkin retorisen vaiheen yksittäiset ilmentymät koottiin yhteen erillisiksi aineistoiksi, joista pyrittiin tunnistamaan kullekin vaiheelle tyypilliset retoriset strategiat sekä toistuvat leksikaaliset ja kieliopilliset valinnat. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että vaikka tutkittujen lehdistötiedotteiden pääasiallinen tarkoitus oli yhtiön toiminnasta tiedottaminen, niillä oli myös promotionaalinen päämäärä, joka ilmeni mm. pyrkimyksenä välittää yhtiöstä mahdollisimman positiivinen kuva eri kohdeyleisöille, erityisesti sijoittajille. Tämän positiivisen kuvan välittämiseen käytettyjä keinoja olivat mm. odotettavissa olevien saavutusten korostaminen, ulkoisten tekijöiden nimeäminen nykyisen tilanteen aiheuttajaksi, passiivin käyttö sekä erilaiset yrityksen julkisen kuvan säilyttämiseen pyrkivät (face-saving) strategiat.


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Lateksinvalmistusprosessin aikana syntyvää jätevettä käsitellään täytekappalekolonnissa siinä olevien haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden poistamiseksi. Käsittelyprosessin aikana jätevedessä oleva kiintoaine kiinnittyy täytekappaleiden pinnalle, lopulta tukkien ne. Täytekappaleiden vaihtotyö sekä likaantuneiden täytekappaleiden pesu aiheuttavat kustannuksia. Lainsäädäntö ja sopimus kunnallisen jäteveden käsittelyn kanssa vaativat, että haihtuvien yhdisteiden päästöt lasketaan tietyn tason alapuolelle. Työn ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia lateksitehtaan jätevesivirtojen koostumusta massa- ja ainetaseiden avulla, erityisesti täytekappalekolonnia likaavan aineen osalta. Toisena tavoitteena oli löytää menetelmiä pidentää täytekappalekolonnin ajojaksoa nykyisestä. Kolmantena tavoitteena oli löytää tai kehittää esikäsittelymenetelmä likaavan aineen poistamiseksi ennen täytekappalekolonnia. Viimeisenä tavoitteena oli optimoida prosessin ajotapa, josta saavutettaisiin säästöjä vähentyneenä energiankulutuksena. Tutkimuksen perusteella täytekappalekolonni poistaa syntyvästä jätevedestä haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitä 100 prosenttia sekä kemiallista hapenkulutusta 99,5 prosenttia. Täytekappalekolonnin ajojaksoa voidaan pidentää ennakoimalla kolonnin ylä- ja alapään paine-eron perusteella sen likaantumisastetta ja täytekappaleiden vaihtotarvetta. Tutkimuksen perusteella soveltuvia jäteveden esikäsittelymenetelmiä ovat dekantointi, jossa kuuden tunnin viipymällä poistetaan kiintoainetta sekä hallittu kiintoaineen saostus, jossa kymmenen minuutin viipymällä poistetaan sekä haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitä, että kiintoainetta. Energiankulutusta voidaan optimoida vähentämällä höyryn virtausta täytekappalekolonniin erotustehokkuuden siitä kärsimättä.


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Process planning is a very important industrial activity, since it determines how a part or a product is manufactured. Process planning decisions include machine selection, tool selection, and cutting conditions determination, and thus it is a complex activity. In the presence of unstable demand, flexibility has become a very important characteristic of today's successful industries, for which Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) have been proposed as a solution. However, we believe that FMS control software is not flexible enough to adapt to different manufacturing system conditions aiming at increasing the system's efficiency. One means to overcome this limitation is to include pre-planned alternatives in the process plan; then planning decisions are made by the control system in real time to select the most appropriate alternative according to the conditions of the shop floor. Some of the advantages of this approach reported in the literature are the reduction of the number of tool setups, and the selection of a replacement machine for executing an operation. To verify whether the presence of alternatives in process plans actually increases the efficiency of the manufacturing system, an investigation was carried out using simulation and design of experiments techniques for alternative plans on a single machine. The proposed methodology and the results are discussed within this paper.


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Energiatehokkuus on nykyaikana yksi tärkeimmistä energiataloudellisista tekijöistä voimalaitosten sähköntuotannossa. Varsinkin yhteistuotantolaitoksissa joissa sähkö on lämpöenergian lisänä saatava sivutuote, sähkön tuotannon optimointi voi merkitä laitostalouden ja yrityksen kannalta huomattavia lisätuloja tai -säästöjä. Kaukaan Voima Oy:n biovoimalaitos on vuonna 2009 kaupalliseen käyttöön valmistunut moderni yhteistuotantolaitos, joka sijaitsee Lappeenrannassa UPM Kaukas sellutehtaan tehdasalueella. Voimalaitos tuottaa kaukolämpöä ja sähköä Lappeenrannan kaupungille sekä prosessihöyryä ja sähköä UPM Kaukaan tehtaille. Tämän työn tavoitteena on tarkastella biovoimalaitoksen omakäyttösähkön kulutusta kuukausitasolla verrattuna laitoksella tuotettavan höyryn määrään sekä etsiä voimalaitokselta kohteita, joiden omakäyttösähkön kulutusta voidaan vähentää vaikuttamatta höyryntuotantoon ja näin parantaa laitoksen energiatehokkuutta ja hyötysuhdetta. Työ rajataan käsittelemään voimalaitoksen apulaitteiden ja -järjestelmien omakäyttösähkön kulutusta. Työssä tarkastellaan vuodenaikojen vaihtelun ja kaukolämmön sekä prosessihöyryn tarpeen muutoksen vaikutusta voimalaitoksen ajomalliin sekä höyryntuotannon ja omakäyttösähkön kulutuksen suhteisiin. Työssä esiin nousseiden kohteiden potentiaaliset sähköenergian säästöt ovat noin 2500 MWh vuodessa joka tarkoittaa keskimäärin 3,7 % vähennystä voimalaitoksen kuukausittaiseen omakäyttösähkön kulutukseen. Kohteet eivät käytännössä vaadi minkaanlaista investointirahaa, vaan uusia ajojärjestelyitä. Keskeisimmiksi säästökohteiksi valikoitui laitoksen pumppausjärjestelmien paineenalennukset.


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Roguing is a practice used to reduce the seed source of red rice escapes to control in Clearfield-rice areas. However, there is great difficulty in performing it in large and heavily infested rice fields. This objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the use of imazamox herbicide, applied in different rates and times, on plants of Clearfield-rice and red rice. Four experiments were conducted during the 2007/08 and 2008/09 growing seasons, in completely randomized block design and treatments arranged in factorial design, using three replications per treatment. The treatments had increasing rates of imazamox, application times and rice cultivars. The rice cultivars tested were IRGA 417, IRGA 422 CL, Avaxi CL and Puitá INTA CL. The variables evaluated were the number of panicles m-2, number of grains panicle-1, spikelet sterility in rice and red rice; and, rice grain yield and its components. The imazamox reduced the seed production of red rice escapes in a simulated situation of commercial Clearfield-rice area. The greater percentage reductions were obtained when this herbicide was applied at final formation of the panicle or panicle exertion of the red rice plant escapes to control. The Puitá INTA CL cultivar has high level of resistance to imazamox, independent of rate and application times tested, becoming the only alternative to the use of this practice.


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Today’s electrical machine technology allows increasing the wind turbine output power by an order of magnitude from the technology that existed only ten years ago. However, it is sometimes argued that high-power direct-drive wind turbine generators will prove to be of limited practical importance because of their relatively large size and weight. The limited space for the generator in a wind turbine application together with the growing use of wind energy pose a challenge for the design engineers who are trying to increase torque without making the generator larger. When it comes to high torque density, the limiting factor in every electrical machine is heat, and if the electrical machine parts exceed their maximum allowable continuous operating temperature, even for a short time, they can suffer permanent damage. Therefore, highly efficient thermal design or cooling methods is needed. One of the promising solutions to enhance heat transfer performances of high-power, low-speed electrical machines is the direct cooling of the windings. This doctoral dissertation proposes a rotor-surface-magnet synchronous generator with a fractional slot nonoverlapping stator winding made of hollow conductors, through which liquid coolant can be passed directly during the application of current in order to increase the convective heat transfer capabilities and reduce the generator mass. This doctoral dissertation focuses on the electromagnetic design of a liquid-cooled direct-drive permanent-magnet synchronous generator (LC DD-PMSG) for a directdrive wind turbine application. The analytical calculation of the magnetic field distribution is carried out with the ambition of fast and accurate predicting of the main dimensions of the machine and especially the thickness of the permanent magnets; the generator electromagnetic parameters as well as the design optimization. The focus is on the generator design with a fractional slot non-overlapping winding placed into open stator slots. This is an a priori selection to guarantee easy manufacturing of the LC winding. A thermal analysis of the LC DD-PMSG based on a lumped parameter thermal model takes place with the ambition of evaluating the generator thermal performance. The thermal model was adapted to take into account the uneven copper loss distribution resulting from the skin effect as well as the effect of temperature on the copper winding resistance and the thermophysical properties of the coolant. The developed lumpedparameter thermal model and the analytical calculation of the magnetic field distribution can both be integrated with the presented algorithm to optimize an LC DD-PMSG design. Based on an instrumented small prototype with liquid-cooled tooth-coils, the following targets have been achieved: experimental determination of the performance of the direct liquid cooling of the stator winding and validating the temperatures predicted by an analytical thermal model; proving the feasibility of manufacturing the liquid-cooled tooth-coil winding; moreover, demonstration of the objectives of the project to potential customers.


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This study examines the practice of supply chain management problems and the perceived demand information distortion’s (the bullwhip effect) reduction with the interfirm information system, which is delivered as a cloud service to a company operating in the telecommunications industry. The purpose is to shed light in practice that do the interfirm information system have impact on the performance of the supply chain and in particularly the reduction of bullwhip effect. In addition, a holistic case study of the global telecommunications company's supply chain is presented and also the challenges it’s facing, and this study also proposes some measures to improve the situation. The theoretical part consists of the supply chain and its management, as well as increasing the efficiency and introducing the theories and related previous research. In addition, study presents performance metrics for the bullwhip effect detection and tracking. The theoretical part ends in presenting cloud -based business intelligence theoretical framework used in the background of this study. The research strategy is a qualitative case study, supported by quantitative data, which is collected from a telecommunication sector company's databases. Qualitative data were gathered mainly with two open interviews and the e-mail exchange during the development project. In addition, other materials from the company were collected during the project and the company's web site information was also used as the source. The data was collected to a specific case study database in order to increase reliability. The results show that the bullwhip effect can be reduced with the interfirm information system and with the use of CPFR and S&OP models and in particularly combining them to an integrated business planning. According to this study the interfirm information system does not, however, solve all of the supply chain and their effectiveness -related problems, because also the company’s processes and human activities have a major impact.


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The purpose of this thesis was to study the design of demand forecasting processes and management of demand. In literature review were different processes found and forecasting methods and techniques interviewed. Also role of bullwhip effect in supply chain was identified and how to manage it with information sharing operations. In the empirical part of study is at first described current situation and challenges in case company. After that will new way to handle demand introduced with target budget creation and how information sharing with 5 products and a few customers would bring benefits to company. Also the new S&OP process created within this study and organization for it.


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Induced mutations by gamma radiation (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 kR doses) and reciprocal crosses were tested as mechanisms of enhancing genetic variability for plant height in two triticale cultivars, BR4 and EMBRAPA18. The reciprocal crosses and all doses of radiation showed similar increase in genetic amplitude for this trait, being suitable for increasing variability in breeding programs. Genotypes showed different responses as the gamma ray doses were increased, expressing shorter plant height. The decision of using induced mutations or artificial crosses depends on the resources available and the selection method to be used


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A rapid increase in allergic diseases in Western societies has led to the conclusion that our modern lifestyle is a risk factor for immune dysregulation. Potential culprits and benefactors are searched among early dietary and microbial exposures, which may act to program later allergic disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of early maternal and child nutrition in reducing the risk of child allergy. The study population comprised of 256 mother – child pairs from families with a history of allergy participating in a randomized controlled dietary counseling and probiotic intervention (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12) study from early pregnancy onwards. The dietary counseling aimed for a diet complying with dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, with special attention to fat quality. Maternal dietary counseling was reflected in cord blood fatty acids suggesting better essential fatty acid status in infants in the counseling group. Dietary counseling with probiotics or placebo had no effect on child allergy risk, but associations between maternal diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding and child allergic outcomes were found in secondary analyses. During pregnancy, milk intake was related to decreased and cheese intake to increased risk of child atopic eczema. During breastfeeding, intake of vitamin C was related to increased risk of asthma and intake of egg was related to decreased risk of atopic eczema. The timing of introduction of complementary foods to infant’s diet was not associated with risk of atopic eczema, when adjusted with parental opinion of child allergic symptoms (i.e., potential reverse causality). In conclusion, the results demonstrate that infant fatty acid supply can be modified via maternal dietary changes. In addition, interesting associations of maternal diet with child allergy risk were discovered. However, no difference in the incidence of allergic diseases with dietary counseling was observed. This suggests that more potent dietary interventions might be necessitated to induce clinical risk reduction of allergy. Highrisk families can safely adhere to dietary recommendations for pregnant and lactating women, and the results support the current conception that no additional benefit is gained with delaying introduction of complementary feeding.