859 resultados para sandy beaches
Os espumantes produzidos segundo o método Champanhês são obtidos após uma segunda fermentação em garrafa. Quando o vinho é vertido no copo, o CO2 produzido é libertado, sendo a espuma formada o resultado da sua interacção com os constituintes do vinho. A quantidade e a estabilidade da espuma do vinho espumante estão relacionadas com a sua composição química. Para além da espuma, o aroma é também um parâmetro importante de qualidade na apreciação geral de um vinho espumante. O aroma de um vinho espumante provém do contributo das uvas assim como do processo fermentativo. Dependendo do estado de maturação da uva, o contributo dos compostos voláteis para o aroma é diferente. Em virtude da vindima para os vinhos espumantes ser realizada antes da vindima para os vinhos maduros, dependendo da variedade, as uvas poderão não ser colhidas na expressão máxima do seu aroma, podendo verificar-se uma perda significativa do seu potencial varietal volátil. O objectivo desta dissertação é relacionar o aroma e a espuma dos vinhos espumantes com o potencial enológico das uvas e dos vinhos. Para isso, foi estudada a composição volátil das duas castas principais da Bairrada, a casta branca Fernão-Pires (FP) e a casta tinta Baga (BG), sendo estas duas das castas usadas para a produção de espumante. Para estudar a composição volátil das uvas durante a maturação, com vista a avaliar este efeito na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis, foi optimizada para este propósito a metodologia de microextracção em fase sólida em espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME). As uvas foram colhidas semanalmente, em duas vinhas, do pintor à pós-maturidade sendo posteriormente analisadas pela metodologia de HS-SPME seguida de cromatografia de gás acoplada à espectrometria de massa com quadrupolo (GC–qMS). No caso das uvas BG, observou-se um aumento acentuado na expressão máxima de compostos voláteis próximo da maturidade da uva determinada pelo teor em açúcar e acidez titulável, mantendo-se constante durante a pós-maturidade. Na determinação do perfil volátil das uvas ao longo da maturação foram identificados 66 compostos varietais nas uvas provenientes de uma vinha (Pedralvites) e 45 da outra vinha (Colégio). Em ambas as vinhas foram identificados 23 sesquiterpenóides, 13 monoterpenóides, 6 norisoprenóides, 2 álcoois aromáticos e 1 diterpenóide. Os sesquiterpenóides, devido à sua abundância em número e em área cromatográfica, podem ser considerados marcadores da casta BG. As uvas FP apresentaram um comportamento diferente do das uvas BG, sendo a expressão máxima de compostos voláteis expressa durante um curto período de tempo (1 semana), que coincide com a maturidade da uva. Depois de atingido este pico, observa-se uma diminuição drástica logo na semana seguinte. Este comportamento foi observado em ambas as vinhas, onde foram identificados 20 compostos voláteis varietais e 5 pré-fermentativos (álcoois e aldeídos em C6). Estes resultados mostram que quando estas castas são colhidas precocemente (1 semana antes da maturidade) para a produção de espumante, é observada uma redução significativa do potencial volátil que é expresso na maturidade. Para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes foi optimizada uma metodologia de microextracção que permite usar uma maior quantidade de fase estacionária, a extracção sorptiva em barra de agitação (SBSE). O método foi optimizado usando 10 padrões de compostos voláteis representativos das principais famílias químicas presentes no vinho, nomeadamente, ésteres, monoterpenóides, sesquiterpenóides, norisoprenóides em C13 e álcoois. O método proposto apresenta uma boa linearidade (r2 > 0,982) e a reprodutibilidade varia entre 8,9 e 17,8%. Os limites de detecção para a maioria dos compostos é bastante baixo, entre 0,05 e 9,09 μg L-1. O método foi aplicado para a análise da composição volátil dos vinhos espumantes. Dentro dos vinhos espumantes analisados, foi estudada a influência da casta, do tipo de solo e do estado de maturação das uvas na sua composição volátil. A casta FP pode dar origem a vinhos com maior potencial de aroma do que a casta BG. Relativamente à avaliação dos diferentes estados de maturação, verificou-se que as uvas da maturidade e as da colheita tardia (uma semana depois da maturidade) deram origem aos vinhos com maior quantidade de compostos voláteis. Para os três tipos de solo estudados (arenoso, argiloso e argilo-calcário), o vinho obtido a partir de uvas colhidas no solo argilo-calcário foi o que mostrou a maior concentração de compostos voláteis varietais. A espuma destes vinhos espumantes foi também avaliada quanto à sua quantidade máxima (HM) e tempo de estabilidade (TS). O vinho espumante que apresentou um maior TS foi o vinho produzido a partir da casta FP proveniente de uma colheita tardia e solo argiloso. Os vinhos provenientes dos solos arenosos e argilo-calcários são os que apresentaram valores mais baixos de TS. Com vista a avaliar quais os conjuntos de moléculas do vinho que estão relacionados com as propriedades da espuma e possíveis sinergismos entre eles, para cada vinho espumante foi separada a fracção hidrofóbica de baixo peso molecular (MeLMW), a fracção de elevado peso molecular (HMW) e duas fracções de peso molecular intermédio (AqIMW e MeIMW). As propriedades da espuma dos vinhos modelo, reconstituídos com estas fracções e suas misturas, foram avaliadas. A combinação da fracção HMW com a MeLMW aumentou o TS 2,7 vezes quando comparado com o observado para a fracção HMW isoladamente, produzindo um efeito sinergético. Este aumento do TS ainda foi maior quando se combinou a fracção HMW com as subfracções obtidas a partir da fracção MeLMW, principalmente para as fracções menos apolares. A subfracção hidrofóbica menos apolar foi caracterizada por espectrometria de massa de ionização por electrospray (ESI-MS/MS) tendo sido identificada uma série de oligómeros de polietileno glicol e um potencial composto tensioactivo, o 8-hidroxi-tridecanoato de dietilenoglicolglicerilacetato. A fracção MeLMW foi também isolada da espuma do vinho espumante e caracterizada por ESI-MS/MS, permitindo identificar vários compostos potenciais tensioactivos, nomeadamente, dois monoacilgliceróis e quatro derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol. Estes resultados confirmam que estes compostos relacionados com a estabilidade da espuma existem em maior número na espuma do que no vinho. O vinho foi ainda fraccionado em 12 grupos de moléculas: 3 fracções de manoproteínas, 3 de arabinogalactanas, 3 de misturas de polissacarídeos, proteínas e compostos fenólicos e 3 fracções de peso molecular intermédio e baixo, compostas por uma mistura de hidratos de carbono, peptídeos e compostos fenólicos. Foram usados vinhos modelo reconstituídos com cada uma das fracções isoladas na concentração em que estas se encontraram no vinho. Foram também efectuados ensaios com soluções modelo dez vezes mais concentradas e com misturas de algumas das fracções. Todas as soluções formadas foram avaliadas quanto às propriedades da espuma. O aumento da concentração para dez vezes faz com que a solução contendo a fracção rica em manoproteínas (MP1) aumente para mais do dobro a HM e 7,4 vezes mais o TS. A combinação entre a fracção MP1 e a MeLMW produziu um aumento significativo nos parâmetros de HM e TS. A combinação da fracção HMW (manoproteínas com baixo teor em proteína) com a MeLMW (tensioactivos derivados de ácidos gordos com gliceriletilenoglicol) contém os compostos chave de um vinho espumante para se obter uma maior quantidade e estabilidade da espuma.
In Portugal, there is an old tradition in using clayey materials for therapeutic purposes. They are applied in pelotherapy, at several beaches of the Atlantic coast in the form of clay-sea water mixtures (peloids) to treat skin and rheumatic diseases. During many generations, peloids have been applied without scienti c studies that prove their therapeutic validity. In the last decade, the Portuguese scienti c community has become increasingly more interested in assessing the properties that make clayey materials suitable for therapeutic purposes. The abundance of clayey formations and the established practices of medical hydrology in our country turned this interest into a new perspective of application. The studied materials include di erent clays (in age and origin) mainly collected from well-known Mesozoic-Cenozoic formations, in some cases outcropping at beaches where empirical applications occur. This thesis focus in the study of silt-clay fraction (< 63 m).To determine their suitability for therapy, compositional, physicochemical, technological, thermal and rheological properties were assessed. Conventional techniques (XRD, XRF and Sedigraph) were used to assess compositional features of silt-clay fraction. Electron microscopy (SEM, VPSEM, HREM) was used to study the micromorphology and composition of clay fraction (< 2 m). Physicochemical properties (cation exchange and speci c surface) were assessed using the Ammonium Acetate and BET methods. Technological properties (plasticity and abrasivity indices) were assessed using the Atterberg limits and Einlehner abrasion tests. Thermal properties (speci c heat and cooling kinetics) were estimated by DSC analysis and cooling tests. Pharmacotechnical tests (compressibility index, sediment volume and Brook eld viscosity) were used to assess the powder owability as well as the physical stability and viscosity of clay-water dispersions. We selected as suitable Portuguese clays for health applications the samples A-Pe, A-Be2, A-Sd, J-Fr , M-To, C-Lu1, C-Lu2, Pl-Ba, M-Ga and J-Ab because they represent safe materials, with an adequate composition, good technological, physicochemical and thermal properties for application, also presenting an adequate rheology when dispersed in water. Their most relevant characteristics are the high clay minerals content, abundant smectite, illite and kaolinite, and safe hazardous concentrations. They also showed moderate capacity to exchange Ca 2+, high plasticity, low abrasivity, high speci c heat and slow cooling kinetics. They evidenced fair powder owability and good potential to formulate viscous dispersions when stabilized. Because the majority of the assessed characteristics are in accordance with those presented by clays applied in European spas for pelotherapy, we considered this group of clays also suitable for medical hydrology treatments in Portuguese spas.
O turismo costeiro é a atividade turística mais relevante em Portugal. Este facto deve-se essencialmente à extensa e diversificada linha de costa e à crescente procura destas áreas pelas suas características paisagísticas, que levou a um forte desenvolvimento da atividade turísticas ao longo das últimas décadas. No entanto, o turismo que se tem vindo a praticar nas áreas costeiras portuguesas não responde às questões da sustentabilidade que cada vez mais estão na base da competitividade dos destinos turísticos. A garantia de sustentabilidade e a atração pelo novo e pelo diferente são fatores essenciais à capacidade de atração e competitividade de um determinado território. O sector turístico não foge à regra. Como tal é necessário inverter o modelo massificado que caracteriza o turismo costeiro e inovar nos métodos e nos modelos de desenvolvimento deste turismo A região da Ria de Aveiro, composta por 11 municípios, é uma região com fortes potencialidades turísticas, mas que se encontram subaproveitadas ou incorretamente geridas. Esta região apresenta um forte potencial para a prática de um turismo sustentável, valorizando os recursos naturais e culturais que possui. É uma região que tem como ponto de conexão a “Ria de Aveiro”, sendo uma das principais zonas húmidas do território português. Além da Ria, possui variadíssimos recursos turísticos tais como praias marítimas e fluviais, frentes ribeirinhas, marinhas de sal, florestas, áreas de interesse conservacionista, aldeias serranas, património arquitetónico, nomeadamente religioso, casas de interesse (arte nova, palheiros), museus, azulejaria, estações arqueológicas, entre outros. A proximidade entre o mar e a serra cria condições para a diversificação da paisagem, surgindo áreas tipicamente serranas que contrastam com a planície costeira e lagunar. Esta variedade de recursos constitui uma excelente oportunidade para os municípios que compõem a região, porque podem ajudar a definir e a sustentar estratégias de desenvolvimento turístico mais competitivas e associadas ao quadro de recursos naturais disponíveis. É necessário, assim, uma aposta nas singularidades e especificidades da região, oferecendo o que outros destinos não conseguem oferecer, através da exploração sustentável dos recursos endógenos. No entanto, é fundamental existir vontade política para que se possam promover e aplicar estratégias de turismo sustentável neste território. Pretende-se com este trabalho apresentar um modelo estratégico para o sector do turismo da região da Ria de Aveiro, através de uma abordagem diferenciadora, que promova e potencie, de forma integrada o quadro de recursos existentes. Esta abordagem baseia-se em quatro premissas que pretendem estruturar e orientar o modelo estratégico apresentado, sendo elas a identidade da região, a sustentabilidade e competitividade, a construção de redes e a coesão sociocultural.
This investigation focused on the development, test and validation of methodologies for mercury fractionation and speciation in soil and sediment. After an exhaustive review of the literature, several methods were chosen and tested in well characterised soil and sediment samples. Sequential extraction procedures that divide mercury fractions according to their mobility and potential availability in the environment were investigated. The efficiency of different solvents for fractionation of mercury was evaluated, as well as the adequacy of different analytical instruments for quantification of mercury in the extracts. Kinetic experiments to establish the equilibrium time for mercury release from soil or sediment were also performed. It was found that in the studied areas, only a very small percentage of mercury is present as mobile species and that mobility is associated to higher aluminium and manganese contents, and that high contents of organic matter and sulfur result in mercury tightly bound to the matrix. Sandy soils tend to release mercury faster that clayey soils, and therefore, texture of soil or sediment has a strong influence on the mobility of mercury. It was also understood that analytical techniques for quantification of mercury need to be further developed, with lower quantification limits, particularly for mercury quantification of less concentrated fractions: water-soluble e exchangeable. Although the results provided a better understanding of the distribution of mercury in the sample, the complexity of the procedure limits its applicability and robustness. A proficiency-testing scheme targeting total mercury determination in soil, sediment, fish and human hair was organised in order to evaluate the consistency of results obtained by different laboratories, applying their routine methods to the same test samples. Additionally, single extractions by 1 mol L-1 ammonium acetate solution, 0.1 mol L-1 HCl and 0.1 mol L-1 CaCl2, as well as extraction of the organometallic fraction were proposed for soil; the last was also suggested for sediment and fish. This study was important to update the knowledge on analytical techniques that are being used for mercury quantification, the associated problems and sources of error, and to improve and standardize mercury extraction techniques, as well as to implement effective strategies for quality control in mercury determination. A different, “non chemical-like” method for mercury species identification was developed, optimised and validated, based on the thermo-desorption of the different mercury species. Compared to conventional extraction procedures, this method has advantages: it requires little to no sample treatment; a complete identification of species present is obtained in less than two hours; mercury losses are almost neglectable; can be considered “clean”, as no residues are produced; the worldwide comparison of results obtained is easier and reliable, an important step towards the validation of the method. Therefore, the main deliverables of this PhD thesis are an improved knowledge on analytical procedures for identification and quantification of mercury species in soils and sediments, as well as a better understanding of the factors controlling the behaviour of mercury in these matrices.
The sustainable viticulture of a region passes, among other aspects, for maximizing the varieties potential minimizing subsequent interventions during winemaking, which should contribute to the production of quality wines maintaining their typicity and rationalizing costs. The detailed knowledge of each Appellation specificities, namely vineyard parcel (soil type and topographical peculiarities) and harvest climatic conditions is crucial for sustainability in this sector. Thus, in line with this current trend, the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis was to evaluate the oenological potential of different varieties cultivated throughout Bairrada Appellation (Portugal). During maturation several changes in grape varieties occur, namely berries become sweeter, less acidic, and they develop flavour, aroma and colour properties. The development of these characteristics is essential to define grapes oenological potential, i.e. to estimate the possibility of their usage to produce specific wines. A three years sampling plan was designed to evaluate the effect of harvest year and parcel characteristics on V. vinifera cv. Arinto, Bical, Sauvignon Blanc, Baga, Castelão, Touriga Nacional, and Sousão grapes composition. For each variety, 3 parcels with different characteristics were selected. Several physicochemical parameters were evaluated, during maturation: berry weight, pH, titratable acidity, sugar and phenolic contents, antiradical activity, and volatile composition (free fraction). Special attention was devoted to grapes at technologic maturity, since, besides these parameters, glycosidically-linked fraction was also considered. By using the results obtained at technologic maturity, a comprehensive approach was applied to identify the significance of harvest and parcel characteristics effects on each variety composition. Considering all the parameters under study, it may be highlighted some significant differences. According to the obtained results determined during maturation, it was possible to conclude that Arinto, Bical and Sauvignon Blanc grapes from parcels with clay-sandy and clay-calcareous soils have higher phenolic content and antiradical activity. Otherwise, Sauvignon Blanc presented similar volatile composition for grapes cultivated in the 3 parcels, while Arinto and Bical exhibited higher volatile content in grapes from claysandy and clay-calcareous soils. For Baga, Castelão and Touriga Nacional red varieties, grapes with higher phenolic content, antiradical activity, and volatile content were obtained from clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Furthermore, for Touriga Nacional, parcels altitude seems also to modulate grapes composition. Beyond parcel effect, harvest year conditions also influence grapes composition: 2011 harvest was related with lower phenolic and volatile contents, as well as lower antiradical activity.For grapes collected at technologic maturity, analysis of variance-simultaneous component analysis (ASCA) was applied combining all the parameters under study, in order to assess the influence of harvest and parcel characteristics on each variety oenological potential. The results obtained using this comprehensive approach is closely related with those observed during maturation and revealed that harvest was the main factor that influenced grapes composition (53% to 68% of the total data set variance) followed by parcel characteristics, explaining ca. 15-19% of the total data set variance. The oenological potential of each variety may be different from one parcel to another, i.e., clay-sandy and clay-calcareous related-environments seem to favour Arinto and Bical white grapes composition, but for the red varieties, grapes composition was favoured by clayey and clay-calcareous soils. Besides, also higher altitude seems to favour Touriga Nacional grapes composition. Sauvignon Blanc seems to be a variety well adapted to the different parcel characteristics. In order to go forward in the valuation of these varieties, the aroma properties of 6 monovarietal wines were studied based on an aroma network-approach, linking molecular data related to volatile composition and aroma data about the key odor active molecules. This approach allowed to identify different wine aroma properties and to infer about the consumer’s sensory perception. It was found that aroma properties differ from one wine variety to another: while Arinto and Sauvignon Blanc wine exhibited higher tree fruity, sweety and flowery aromas, related essentially with ester compounds and C13 norisoprenoids, the opposite was obtained for Bical wine, corroborating the aroma sensory perceptions of the trained panel. Sauvignon Blanc also exhibited higher toasted aromas (related with thiols, mainly with 2-methyl-3-furanthiol). Touriga Nacional red wine exhibited higher tree, tropical, and berry fruits notes (sensory described as sweet fruits), toasted and flowery aromas, while these are similar for the other red wines under study. Besides Portuguese Bairrada wines, this aroma network approach is a tool that can be used to explain the aroma properties of wines worldwide. The grape and wine data generated under the present PhD thesis, in the context of Bairrada Appellation, shows the unique character of each variety, and may be used by growers and wine producers as a support for decisionmaking based on objective criteria, increasing the sustainability in this sector. For instance, it is possible to take advantage of the natural resources and produce products with different characteristics obtained from the same variety, minimizing costs during the winemaking process.
This dissertation introduces several methodological approaches which integrate a proposed coastal management model in an interdisciplinary perspective. The research presented herein is displayed as a set of publications comprising different thematic outlooks. The thesis develops an integrated coastal geoengineering approach which is intrinsically linked to the studied maritime environments. From sandy coasts and marine works to rocky platforms and sea cliffs, this study includes field work between Caminha – Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) and Galicia (NW Spain). The research also involves an analysis and geological-geotechnical characterisation of natural rock (armourstone) and artificial units (concrete blocks) applied to coastal structures. The main goal is to contribute to the characterisation and re-evaluation of georesources and to determine armourstone suitability and availability from its source (quarry). It was also important to diagnose the geomaterials in situ concerning their degradation/deterioration level on the basis of the current status of the coastal protection works in order to facilitate more efficient monitoring and maintenance, with economic benefits. In the rocky coast approach the coastal blocks were studied along the platform, but also the geoforms were studied from a coastal morphodynamics point of view. A shoreline evolution analysis was developed for sandy coasts through Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. In addition, the spatial and statistical analysis applied to sea cliffs allowed the establishment of susceptibility zones to erosion and hazardous areas. All of these studies have different purposes and results however, there is a common denominator – GIS mapping. Hence, apart from the studied coastal environment, there is an integrated system which includes a sequence of procedures and methodologies that persisted during the research period. This is a step forward in the study of different coastal environments by using almost the same methodologies. This will allow the characterisation, monitoring and assessment of coastal protection works, rocky coasts, and shore platforms. With such data, it is possible to propose or recommend strategies for coastal and shoreline management based on several justifications in terms of social, economic, and environmental questions, or even provide a GIS-based planning support system reinforced by geocartographic decisions. Overall the development of the applied cartography embraces six stages which will allow the production of detailed maps of the maritime environment: (1) high-resolution aerial imagery surveys; (2) visual inspection and systematic monitoring; (3) applied field datasheet; (4) in situ evaluation; (5) scanline surveying; and (6) GIS mapping. This thesis covers fundamental matters that were developed over the course of scientific publication and as a consequence they represent the results obtained and discussed. The subjects directly related to the thesis architecture are: (i) cartography applied to coastal dynamics (including an art historical analysis as a tool to comprehend the coastal evolution and the littoral zone); (ii) georesources assessment (the role of cartography in georesources zoning, assessment and armourstone durability); (iii) coastal geoengineering applications and monitoring (Espinho pilot site in NW Portugal as an experimental field); (iv) rocky coast and shore platform studies and characterisation; (v) sandy and mixed environment approaches; (vi) coastal geosciences GIS mapping and photogrammetric surveying (coastal geoengineering); and (vii) shoreline change mapping and coastal management strategies (the CartGalicia Project as an example – NW Spain). Finally, all of these thematic areas were crucial to generate the conceptual models proposed and to shape the future of integrated coastal coastal geoengineering management.
O estágio realizado teve como premissa principal perceber o comportamento da planta face ao seu crescimento em altura da própria planta e em número em função de diferentes épocas de sementeira, e de condições de cultivo, nomeadamente de tipos de solo. O trabalho realizado inclui todo o processo desde a apanha, preparação das sementes e dos campos, e a sementeira propriamente dita. Foi acompanhado o crescimento das plantas em 3 alturas diferentes, por contagem do número de plantas e do comprimento das plantas aéreas. Igualmente foram realizadas análises da granulometria dos solos. Determinaram-se os metais pesados nos solos e nas plantas, assim como os açúcares após a hidrólise e derivatização das amostras liofilizadas, tanto da raíz como da parte aérea. Foi possível concluir que a planta nasce com maior abundância em solos franco-siltosos do que em solos franco-arenosos, onde o seu crescimento é muito pobre ou mesmo nulo. Os valores de cádmio e chumbo encontram-se a níveis adequados para o consumo humano. Coloca-se a hipótese da existência de arabinoglucoronoxilanas como constituinte da raiz desta planta.
Tese de Doutoramento, Ecologia, Especialidade de Ecofisiologia, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de Mestrado, Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha (Ecologia e Conservação Marinhas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
The purpose of this study on beach quality assessment and management was to evaluate the quality of five beaches in the Algarve Sotavento region of Portugal and to identify beach users’ preferences and priorities regarding their visit to a beach. The Algarve is one of the country’s most internationally known regions and it is generally perceived as a major tourist destination. Because of the increasing level of tourists, there is a specific need to address beach quality, as overcrowding can result in excessive litter, reduce water quality and consequently reduce the socio-economic value of the area. The main methodology for the evaluation of the beach quality in this pilot project was the Bathing Area Registration and Evaluation framework (BARE), which recognizes five beach types (rural, remote, resort, urban and village) through five main priority issues of concern to beach users (water quality, scenery, litter, safety, facilities) and evaluates the beach quality, ranging from one (low) to five (high) stars. After overall bathing area classification, Quarteira-Vilamoura, Ilha do Farol, Ilha Deserta and Ilha da Armona received three-star rating and Quinta do Lago site obtained a one-star rating. The quantitative research data on beach users’ preferences and priorities was obtained through administration of 50 questionnaires per beach and showed that beach users at all sites expressed the need for improved cleanliness, safety and facilities on the beach. The BARE framework, together with the questionnaire surveys, allowed the identification of management priorities required to improve the quality of individual beaches and therefore increase income from tourism.
The main goal of this thesis is to analyse tourism as a contributor to sustainable development, from a supply and demand perspective, in Timor-Leste, a destination not only “young” but also framed in an early stage of touristic development. From the supply side, studies 1 and 2 present a literature review on the concept of sustainable development, in small islands destinations, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities, and whose attractiveness lies in an integrated set of natural resources (attractive beaches, biodiversity, the coral triangle, a rich fauna and flora), its geographic location, tropical climate, socio cultural tradition and a Luso-Timorense cultural mix, that can meet the needs of important segments of the tourist demand. In these studies, the focus is on the residents’ attitudes in relation to sustainable development and, in particular, on the perceptions of local leaders about the importance of the operationalization of the concept. As Timor-Leste is a “young” destination, it is travel industry is still faced with several problems in order to be able to satisfy the demand and to meet the tourists’ motivations, preferences and requirements. In this perspective, the study 3 examines diaspora tourism, while a niche market, allowing for not only the entry of Timor-Leste in the international tourism market, but also an articulation between the people of Timor-Leste in the diasporas and the development of sustainable tourism . In general, the results show that the development of sustainable tourism cannot be successfully implemented without the involvement of all stakeholders such as residents, public sector (local government, policy makers, planners), private sector (tourism operators), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that include civil society, religious institutions, the academic community (the supply side), and Timorese diasporas tourists as consumers (the demand side).
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Geofísicas e da Geoinformação (Geofísica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015