995 resultados para Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.). College Library.
Opinions concerning the 7th article of the treaty.
Commonplace book containing excerpts on religion, philosophy, geometry and other subjects; with two fold-out tables, one concerning the "partition of sciences" and the other "grand divisions of Europe."
Notes on and excerpts of materials used by Harvard undergraduates in the 17th and early 18th cent.; including Prolegomena de arte in genere; William Brattle's A compendium of logick; Alexander Richardson's In dialecticam brevis commentatio; Grammatica hebraea; and other works.
Notes concerning verses of the Bible, and moral and religious issues.
1. Diary with entries dated 30 July-13 Oct. 1711; concerning the Quebec expedition (ff. 1r-16r) -- 2. Notes on books of the Bible (18r-92v).
Autograph manuscript, signed, probably written in Boston.
With sections on numeration, surveying, trigonometry and other topics, accompanied by diagrams and hand-colored illustrations.
The small volume holds the notebook of Tristram Gilman interleaved on unlined pages in a printed engagement calendar. The original leather cover accompanies the notebook, but is no longer attached. The inside covers of the original leather binding are filled with scribbled words and notes. The volume holds a variety of handwritten notes including account information, transcriptions of biblical passages and related observations, travel information, community news, weather, and astronomy. The volumes does not follow a chronological order, and instead seems to have been repurposed at various times.
A half-page handwritten list of books with the author's surname, title, and location in the old Harvard Library, signed "Mr. Marsh." The list includes the note, "Shuckford's Connection is charged to you." The document is undated but presumably was created following the Harvard Hall Fire of 1764 as part of the College's efforts to inventory volumes that were spared because they were checked out at the time of the fire. Many of the books are listed in a charging record for Thomas Marsh recorded in a Harvard library account book (UAIII 50.15.60, Volume 1, Box 95), including "Shuckford's connection" which was charged to Marsh on September 23, 1763.
This small paper notebook contains a twenty-one-page handwritten oration on learned societies delivered by Phi Beta Kappa member Thaddeus Mason Harris (1768-1842; Harvard AB 1787) during the anniversary meeting of the Alpha Chapter at Harvard University on September 1, 1790. The oration is followed by five pages of "notes and illustrations" on the text.
Map showing the whole of New Jersey and its borders with as well as part of Pennsylvania and New York. Map is drawn in black ink with green, pink, and yellow watercolors used to show features such as waterways, borders, and places of interest. Notes on map concern border disputes between New Jersey and New York.
This leather-bound volume contains substantial transcriptions copied by Samuel Dunbar from textbooks while he was a student at Harvard in 1721 and 1722. There is a general index to texts at the end of the volume. Dunbar's notebook provides a window into the state of higher education in the eighteenth century and offers a firsthand account of academic life at Harvard College. Notably, he often indicated the number of days spent copying texts into his book.
This small soft-cover notebook contains a manuscript copy of the valedictory address given at the July 6, 1718 Harvard Commencement by graduate John Eyre. The fly leaf lists six names of individuals who died in 1720. The text includes edits and struck-through words.
Notebook of unlined pages holding a handwritten copy of Tutor Flynt's "Catechism" copied by Harvard student Hull Abbot (1702-1774, Harvard AB 1720). The volume lists questions and accompanying answers on various academic subjects.
Eight-page handwritten essay written by Harvard graduate Robert Fowle for the 1786 Harvard College Commencement ceremonies. The essay begins, "While different objects crowd the inraptur'd Mind..." and contains classical illusions. The text contains struck-out words and edits.