910 resultados para Nível hidrostático


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O sono é imprescindível à existência humana, assumindo uma panóplia de funções cruciais nas diferentes faixas etárias. São inúmeros os fatores que podem contribuir para a sua alteração, sendo a vida universitária um deles. Tendo em conta os dados de incidência e prevalência de alterações neurocognitivas na população portuguesa, torna-se fundamental o estudo da qualidade do sono e as suas implicações a nível da ansiedade, depressão e stress nos estudantes de Ensino Superior do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Objetivou-se “Avaliar a qualidade do sono dos estudantes do ensino superior” e “Analisar os níveis de ansiedade, depressão e stress vivenciados pelos estudantes do ensino superior”. Face aos objetivos delineados optou-se por um estudo descritivo-correlacional inserido no paradigma quantitativo e num plano transversal, com uma amostragem não probabilística por conveniência de 358 estudantes representativos do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Para a colheita de dados utilizou-se uma Ficha Sociodemográfica, o Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pittsburgh (IQSP) de Ramalho (2008) e a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (EADS-21) de Pais Ribeiro, Honrado e Leal (2004). Como principais resultados, destaca-se a qualidade de sono, evidenciando-se que 53,6% (192) dos estudantes apresenta má qualidade de sono e os restantes 46,4% (166) têm boa qualidade de sono. Os estudantes com má qualidade de sono apresentaram níveis médios de stress, ansiedade e depressão mais elevados que os estudantes com boa qualidade de sono. Os níveis de stress, ansiedade e depressão evidenciados nos estudantes foram considerados díspares entre eles, sendo que o stress foi o mais significativo. Ao constatarmos que a má qualidade de sono é frequente nos estudantes do ensino superior tendo esta repercussões na sua saúde física e mental, concluímos que estamos perante um risco de saúde pública.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Avaliação da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2016


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e Espanhol, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016


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A apoptose constitui um processo fisiológico de morte celular, caracterizado por alterações morfológicas distintas e mecanismos bioquímicos e moleculares bem definidos. O seu papel de destaque em numerosos eventos biológicos e importantes processos patológicos conduziu a um crescente interesse na investigação dos mecanismos celulares que regulam o processo apoptótico. A aplicação de metodologias capazes de identificar células apoptóticas despoletou um enorme desenvolvimento de técnicas. No entanto, as propriedades demonstradas por estes ensaios nem sempre se aplicam ao estudo de amostras tecidulares, pelo que a escolha dos diferentes métodos deverá ser criteriosamente avaliada, tendo em conta a aplicação pretendida e as alterações morfológicas que se pretendem detetar. Das várias técnicas disponíveis para deteção da apoptose em tecidos, muitos investigadores recomendam o método TUNEL, o qual se baseia na marcação de produtos endonucleossómicos resultantes da fragmentação do DNA. Outros métodos histoquímicos também disponíveis incluem a deteção do citocromo c, libertado da mitocôndria ou a deteção das proteínas pró e anti-apoptóticas, Bax, Bidm e Bcl-2, envolvidas nos mecanismos intrínsecos da apoptose. Mais recentemente, a marcação de produtos específicos resultantes da clivagem de proteínas alvo pelas caspases, tem vindo a ser considerada uma abordagem promissora. Como principal objectivo deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar a técnica imunohistoquímica como método de deteção da apoptose a nível celular, em tecidos animais, tendo por base o método TUNEL, o qual permite a deteção de fragmentos de DNA. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, apesar do método TUNEL possuir as suas limitações ao nível da sensibilidade e especificidade, o mesmo constitui um mecanismo imunohistoquímico útil na deteção de células apoptóticas. Contudo, segundo opinião de vários autores, adverte-se para a necessidade da aplicação de pelo menos dois métodos imunohistoquímicos como forma de validar a ocorrência do processo apoptótico, razão pela qual se optou pela deteção do citocromo c citosólico como método complementar, uma vez que a sua libertação para o espaço citosólico se encontra implicada na ativação da apoptose.


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A literacia financeira é um tópico que tem ganho acuidade no passado recente, principalmente após a crise financeira global. O presente trabalho move-se entre dois objectivos essenciais: 1) mensurar o nível de literacia financeira dos jovens que frequentam o ensino superior em Portugal; 2) averiguar quais são os determinantes que explicam o nível de literacia financeira apurado. Em termos metodológicos, optou-se pela elaboração de um inquérito por questionário, enviado para as instituições de ensino superior nacionais, composto por questões que procuravam estabelecer o perfil, a experiência financeira e os conhecimentos financeiros dos inquiridos. Foram obtidas 550 respostas, que permitiram evidenciar o reduzido nível de literacia financeira da amostra, ao mesmo tempo que a idade e o nível de rendimento do agregado familiar variam positivamente com o nível de conhecimento financeiro dos inquiridos. Observou-se ainda que os indivíduos com formação na área das ciências empresariais tendem a revelar um nível mais elevado de conhecimento financeiro, o mesmo sucedendo com os inquiridos do género feminino, sendo que este último resultado contraria o entendimento presente na literatura.


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No mundo dos negócios as organizações colocam-se numa procura contínua por diferenciações estratégicas e buscam o talento humano em profissionais cada vez mais competentes. A competência está relacionada ao desempenho e pode ser treinada e desenvolvida de acordo com as atividades e o trabalho prestado. A educação para o trabalho adquire maior importância à medida que aumenta seu papel na dinâmica da sociedade moderna que exige atualização contínua dos saberes e busca reduzir a evasão dos cursos como um de seus desafios. Esta pesquisa procura compreender a evasão escolar a partir da diferença salarial entre grupos de estudantes que abandonaram e finalizaram o curso, entre outras análises. Os dados foram coletados entre alunos ingressantes em dez cursos técnicos de nível médio de uma escola técnica estadual na cidade de São Paulo entre os anos 2009 e 2011. A pesquisa permite concluir que os alunos formados conseguem melhores salários que os evadidos, sendo a média dos salários dos que conseguiram se formar superior em 16,6% à média salarial dos evadidos. A maioria dos alunos evadidos aponta o trabalho como principal causa da evasão escolar. Evidencia-se a presença das políticas públicas para o crédito educacional entre os respondentes, já que 34,8% da amostra possuem bolsas de estudo, do PROUNI ou do crédito educativo do FIES.


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A budapesti közösségi közlekedési eszközpark jelentős része meghaladta beszerzéskor tervezett hasznos élettartamát. Ezen eszközök továbbüzemeltetése a jelenleg rendelkezésre álló információk alapján még hosszú ideig szükséges, ezért – a hasznos élettartam növelésére vonatkozó komplex és teljes körű módszertan hiányában – 2012-ben a Budapesti Közlekedési Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság (továbbiakban BKV Zrt., Társaság) vezetése szakmai döntést hozott e hiány pótlását szolgáló, tudományosan megalapozott rendszer kidolgozására. A hasznos élettartamot tudományos alapon növelő módszertan és technológia kidolgozására vonatkozó együttműködés eredményeképpen előállt az úgynevezett tudományos alapú továbbüzemeltetési protokoll (továbbiakban: TTP) modell. Az új, időtálló modell a továbbüzemeltetés feltételeit műszaki, biztonsági és gazdasági szempontok komplex rendszerbe integrálásával, objektív értékelési módszertan alapján határozza meg, és ezáltal a Társaság menedzsmentje szerint vállalhatónak ítélt szintre mérsékelve az üzemeltetői kockázatok és felelősség mértékét.


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The Amazon holds over half of the planet's remaining tropical forests and comprises the largest biodiversity in the world, accounting for approximately 60 % of the Brazilian territory. However, deforestation fires in the region causes serious problems to exposed human. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical compounds as well as the cellular and molecular effects after exposure to organic material extracted from particulate matter less than 10 µm (PM10) in the Amazon region. As for the chemical composition, n-alkanes analysis showed a prevalence of anthropogenic influence during the fires in the region. In addition, there was a predominance of monosaccharides from biomass burning markers. Also, the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and their derivatives have also been identified in samples collected in the Amazon. By using the PAH concentrations was possible to calculate the BaP-equivalent and it was found that the dibenz(a) anthracene contributes with 83% to potential carcinogenic risk. As for the potential mutagenic risk, the benzo (a) pyrene is the HPA that has a major contribution in this analysis. It may be noted that the retene was the most abundant PAH. This compound was genotoxic and cause death by necrosis in the human lung cells. In biological tests, the data showed that organic PM10 is capable of causing genetic damage in both plant cells and in human lung cells. This damage cause an arrest in the G1 phase of the cell cycle exposed, increasing the expression of p53 and p21. Additionally, the PM10 caused cell death by apoptosis, increasing the foci of histone - H2AX. Given these results, it is important to emphasize the reduction and better control of biomass burning in the Amazon region thus improving the quality of health of the population being exposed. As clearly stated recently by the World Health Organization, the reduction of air pollution could save millions of lives annually.


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The study of mortality by various differentials has been an important tool to guide public health policies, due to better describing the events of deaths in a population. This research aims to seek disparities in mortality according to educational level, sex and adulthood in large Brazilian regions and consequently for Brazil as a whole. A vast literature has shown that people with more education tend to have lower risk of death. Studies on inequalities in mortality by level of education in Brazil are still very specific and has still known very little about Brazil about mortality according to educational level, due to lack of information about the well-filled school in the records of deaths arising from the Mortality Information System (MIS) of the Ministry of Health. This data source has shown improvement in the coverage of sub reports in the last decade, however, it has still perceived negligence in completing the question regarding schooling of death (about 30% of registered deaths in 2010 to Brazil, Given this scenario, this work contributes to the national literature on the behavior of adult mortality differentials having as proposed, using data from the new variable mortality of the 2010 Census (CD 2010), assuming the characteristics of education of the head the household for deaths occurring in the same. It is therefore considered that the probability of mortality is homogeneous within the household. Events of deaths were corrected only for the records come from households where the head possessed levels of schooling and Instruction Elementary Education No Incomplete and Primary Education and Secondary Education Complete Incomplete through the Generations Extinct Adjusted method. With deaths already corrected, probabilities of death were calculated between 15 and 60 years life, as well as tables by sex and level of education to all regions of Brazil. No que se refere às probabilidades de morte por idade, nas idades entre 15 e 60 anos as maiores probabilidades seguem um gradiente, maior probabilidade para os menos escolarizados. Results corroborate the literature, the more educated the population is, the greater the life expectancy. In all Brazilian regions, life expectancy of the female population is greater than that of men at all levels of schooling. With respect to probabilities of death by age between the ages of 15 and 60 years the most likely follow a gradient, most likely to the least educated. At older ages (from 70 years), this behavior has presented another pattern, the lowest level of education has the lowest odds in the regions, North, Northeast, South and Midwest, except in the Southeast region


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The thesis deals with the concepts of technical tra ining of middle level adopted by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of R io Grande do Norte (IFRN). Discusses these concepts from the four political-pedagogical projects built in the period 1970 to 2010, spanning three institutionalities: Federal Technica l School of Rio Grande do Norte (1970- 1998), Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (1999-2008) and IFRN (from 2008) as well as three important politic al contexts of the country: Civil-Military Dictatorship, New Republic and Period of neoliberal ideas in Brazil. The goal is to analyze the configuration of the conceptions of training adopte d in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN, with emphasis on the specificities and (dis) contin uities, placing them in the context of political, economic and educational change in development in t he country. Addresses the relationship work, education and human development in capitalist society, in order to grasp the concept of employee training engendered by that company as wel l as the possibility of a counter- hegemonic formation. We analyze the formation of mi d-level concepts outlined in the educational reforms implemented in the country. We investigate the concepts of training outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN . Makes use of the historical-dialectical materialism, the literature review, the documentary research and interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the working group coordinator of the drafting of the political- institutional educational projects. The results sho w that the training of workers in capitalist society has a unilateral character; that the traini ng required by the working class is the omnilateral training; that the formative ideas that permeated the educational reforms in the country between 1970 and 2010 were all envisaged by unilateral training; that, in certain contexts, conceptions of technical training medium level outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN reflect the formative perspectives th at guide educational reforms in the country (unilateral training) and, at other times, the inst itution adopts concepts (training omnilateral) that are not consistent with such prospects; and th at between the political-pedagogical projects built from 1970 to 2010 there are more continuities than breaks in relation to the concepts of training adopted. We conclude that the challenge is to institutionalize the IFRN their educational actions omnilateral designing training undertaken in the political-pedagogical project 2009.


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In the coastal region of Ceará, between the municipalities of Acaraú and Itapipoca, thirteen sites were identified containing indicators of relative sea level, six of these being dated by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon. Ages obtained supports that were formed prograding beaches in the study area. In the eastern portion, beaches in coastal plain deposits occur while a system lagoon/barrier paleomangrove occurs in the western portion of the study area. In both cases the coastal deposits prograde from east to west. Higher sea levels were identified between the current: (a) 3.110-2.830 cal. yr. BP; (b) 1.830 yr. BP (OSL) - 1.490 cal. yr. BP; (c) between 1.240-1.060 cal. yr. BP; (d) 845-715 yr. BP (OSL). Since then the sea level suffered by lowering the current level. Variations in sea level are interpreted as responses to changes in the pattern of marine circulation and do not exclude possible tectonic disturbances in the basin of the continental margin. The indicators of relative sea level west coast of Ceará present differently from other curves constructed in the coastal northeast, suggesting that local factors mentioned above contributed to sea level fluctuations.


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The post-menopause stage is characterized by hormonal and organic alterations of ovarian failure. One of the most important of these is muscles alterations of the pelvic floor (MPF). According to current literature, in young women gynecological and obstetric factors, as well as lifestyles and habits influence that loss of function. However, there is still uncertainty about the influence of those variables in the MPF functions in post-menopause women. Thus, this study aimed at seeing if there is an influence from number of births, the type of birth and the level of physical activity on the MPF of post-menopause women. Another objective of this study was to compare MPF force in women who had had vaginal births with those who had been subjected to cesarean sections, those with different levels of physical activity and those with artificial and natural menopause in the initial and latter stages. Furthermore, the test of muscular force was compared to perineometry. Using observational, analytical and transversal observations, 100 women in the post-menopausal stage of life, between the ages of 45 and 65, were examined. They were divided according to the menopausal stage into three groups: women who had undergone hysterectomies, those in the initial stages of postmenopause and those in the late stage of postmenpause. The patients were questioned about social, demographic, gynecological and obstetric factors. All the volunteers were submitted to a physical examination where their height and weight were measured to arrive at the corporal mass index and their waist measurements were taken. The evaluation of the pelvic floor was conducted with muscular force tests and perineometry. These results were analyzed with statistical description and ANOVA statistical tests, multiple regression and Kolmogorov-Smirnov evaluations. The results showed homogeneity with regard to social demographic and anthropometric characteristics among the women in the final test sample (n=85). It was also seen that most of the women in all three groups were married (p=0.51) and catholic (p=0.13). The average per capital income varied between $R585.47 (+/-466.67) and $R1,271.83 (+/-1,748.95), with no significant difference between the groups (p=0.05). The G>6 group presented an average age between 58.95 (+/-3.96) which was significantly greater that the G<6 group´s average age (53.21+/- 3.88) (p=0.000). There was no difference between the groups´ anthropometric characteristics of weight (p=0.32), height (p=0.72) and corporal mass index (p=0.34), nor in the waist measurements (p=0.33). Furthermore, no significant difference was noted in the MPF function of women who had had normal births, cesarean sections or a combination of the two (TFM p=0.897; perineum measurement p=0.502). Likewise, no differences were seen in the MPF function of women who had one, two to three or four or more births (TFM p=0.28, perineum measurement p=0.13). Finally, no difference was perceived among those with different levels of physical activity (TFM p=0.663; perineum measurement p=0.741). Therefore, we found that the type of delivery, number of births and physical activity had no influence on the muscular function of the pelvic floor among the women studied. It is believed that decline in muscular function in post-menopause women is fundamentally related to the process of aging.


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The objective of this study was to verify the association between some mobility items of the International Classification Functionality (ICF), with the evaluations Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-88), 1-minute walk test (1MWT) and if the motor impairment influences the quality of life in children with Cerebral Palsy (PC), by using the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL 4.0 versions for children and parents). The study included 22 children with cerebral palsy spastic, classified in levels I, II, and III on the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), with age group of 9.9 years old. Among those who have participated, seven of them were level I, eight of them were level II and seven of them were level III. All of the children and teenagers were rated by using check list ICF (mobility item), GMFM-88, 1-minute walk test and PedsQL 4.0 questionnaires for children and parents. It was observed a strong correlation between GMFM-88 with check list ICF (mobility item), but moderate correlation between GMFM-88 and 1-minute walk test (1MWT). It was also moderate the correlation between the walking test and the check list ICF (mobility item). The correlation between PedsQl 4.0 questionnaires for children and parents was weak, as well as the correlation of both with GMFM, ICF (mobility item) and the walking test. The lack of interrelation between physical function tests and quality of life, indicates that, regardless of the severity of the motor impairment and the difficulty with mobility, children and teenagers suffering of PC spastic, functional level I, II and III GMFCS and their parents have a varied opinion regarding the perception of well being and life satisfaction.