939 resultados para Esposas de ex-combatentes - Wives of war veterans


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This article makes an historical analysis of the manner in which crimes againsthumanity have acquired an independent status from crimes of war and aggressionever since the concept was first introduced in discussions between the Allies duringthe establishment of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. It describes themanner in which the concept has evolved and been discussed in several internationalbodies, and how it was finally included in the Rome Statute of the International CriminalCourt. The article shows how the Nuremberg trials have a fundamental legaland historical meaning in that they institutionalized individual responsibility for anew category of crimes before an international tribunal. It also shows how after theNuremberg trials, crimes against humanity have been gradually withdrawn fromthe competency of government sovereignty to become a matter for the internationalcommunity of nations.


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The academic literature specialized on processes of conflict resolution has focused on how third party intervention and mediation can contribute to end violent conflict, however it has also ignored the potential role of the state in countries affected by internal war. This article calls for a better understanding of the state, not only as a source of contemporary conflict but as a potential advocate of conflict resolution processes. It suggests that it is necessary and possible to involve the state in more effective processes of conflict resolution through the implementation of a State Peace Policy. The central argument is that some of the critical elements that should guide the state action when confronting the destructive logic of war and violence can be effectively undertaken through a public policy focused on building peace. After suggesting a general definition of State Peace Policy and highlighting some of its main attributes, the article recognizes that this sort of policy can also orientate the unfinished process of state consolidation in Colombia and other countries affected by internal conflict. The role of the state in the process of conflict resolution is crucial; however there are some issues normally ignored within the policy-making process, they must be seriously taken into account in order to eliminate the underlying structures that perpetuate conflict and delay the consolidation of sustainable peace.-----La literatura académica especializada en procesos de resolución de conflictos se ha centrado en el estudio de cómo la intervención de terceras partes y la labor de mediación pueden contribuir a poner fin a los conflictos violentos, sin embargo, también ha ignorado el rol potencial del estado en aquellos países afectados por la guerra interna. Este artículo llama la atención sobre la necesidad de estudiar al estado no sólo como la fuente de los conflictos contemporáneos, sino como un colaborador potencial en procesos de resolución de conflictos. Se sugiere que es necesario y también posible involucrar al estado en este tipo de procesos de una manera más efectiva a través de la implementación de una Política de Estado centrada en la Paz. El argumento central es que algunos de los elementos claves que deben guiar la acción del estado cuando éste se enfrenta a la lógica destructiva de la guerra y la violencia, pueden ser efectivamente tratados a través de una política pública que de prioridad a la construcción de la paz. Luego de sugerir una definición general y destacar algunos de los principales atributos de ésta clase de Política de Estado, el artículo reconoce que ésta podría también orientar el proceso inacabado de consolidación del estado en Colombia y en otros países afectados por conflictos internos. El rol del estado en el proceso para resolver los conflictos es crucial, sin embargo hay algunos aspectos normalmente ignorados durante el proceso de formulación de políticas que deben ser tomados en cuenta seriamente para eliminar las estructuras que perpetúan el conflicto y que retrasan la consolidación de la paz sostenible.


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El presente trabajo de investigación busca analizar el papel de la Diplomacia Cultural de Corea del Sur en el posicionamiento de su marca país en Colombia en el periodo 2011-2013. Se pretende demostrar que desde el 2011 la diplomacia cultural de Corea del Sur ha sido usada como estrategia sistemática y armónica del Gobierno de Lee Myung Bak en alianza con los sectores público y privado, a fin de posicionar su marca país en Colombia y promover a través de la llamada “Ola Coreana” la demanda por parte de la sociedad colombiana de productos culturales y educativos coreanos. Al ser este un estudio de caso que aborda experiencias concretas durante un periodo de tiempo de 3 años, el diseño metodológico será longitudinal dentro de un marco cualitativo de investigación, usando como principal técnica el análisis documental.


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El interés de este Estudio de Caso es investigar la manera en que la Misión de Paz de la ONU en Sierra Leona (UNAMSIL) redireccionó el programa Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR) hacia los niños soldados durante el post-conflicto en el país. Se analiza cómo a través de la coordinación de diferentes Agencias y Organizaciones Internacionales con UNAMSIL, el Gobierno y la Sociedad Civil hace posible que se refuerce el rol de los Interim Care Centers (ICCs) en donde se enfrentaron las necesidades esenciales de los menores excombatientes para lograr un mejor proceso de su desmovilización y reintegración. Se explica de igual forma, las diferentes herramientas que sirven para llevar a cabo la resolución del conflicto y la reconstrucción de la paz, enfocándose en el peacekeeping, peacemaking y peacebuilding, como mecanismos que ayudaron a crear un espacio seguro para los niños exsoldados. Por último, se exponen los alcances y límites de los ICCs con respecto a la reintegración de los menores excombatientes


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Esta investigación aborda las condiciones bajo las que se llevó a cabo en Colombia, en el primer gobierno del presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2006), la negociación entre el Estado y los grupos paramilitares. Se establecen las características de ese proceso de paz, su correspondencia con modelos tradicionales de negociación y sus alcances sobre el proceso de Desmovilización, Desarme y Reinserción (DDR) de las organizaciones paramilitares.


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Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.


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Durante las dos últimas décadas, la etapa final de los programas modernos de Desarme, Desmovilización y Reintegración (DDR), se ha convertido en un componente decisivo en los procesos de transición hacia la paz. Aun así, no existe suficiente análisis conceptual sobre la Reintegración. Esta investigación analiza cómo desde sus inicios, las experiencias de práctica e implementación de programas de DDR ha influenciado y contribuido a la aparición y transformación del concepto de reintegración de excombatientes a la vida civil. La investigación toma tres categorías de análisis de la metodología historiográfica Historia de los Conceptos, propuesta por Reinhart Koselleck, y a partir de cuatro casos, Namibia, República Democrática del Congo, la provincia de Aceh, Indonesia y Colombia, traza una línea de tiempo que evidencia elementos permanentes y discontinuidades al interior del concepto a nivel diacrónico, y la complejización que el término ha sufrido desde 1989 hasta el 2015 a nivel sincrónico


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Inside the stones of its most famous buildings, Évora keeps mysteries and secrets which constitute the most hidden side of its cultural identity. A World Heritage site, this town seems to preserve, in its medieval walls, a precious knowledge of the most universal and ancient human emotion: fear. Trying to transcend many of its past and future fears, some of its historical monuments in Gothic style were erected against the fear of death, the most terrible of all fears, which the famous inscription, in the Bones Chapel of the Church of São Francisco, insistently reminds us, through the most disturbing words: “Nós ossos que aqui estamos pelos vossos esperamos”. If the first inquisitors worked in central Europe (Germany, northern Italy, eastern France), later the centres of the Inquisition were established in the Mediterranean regions, especially southern France, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. Consequently, the roots of fear in Évora are common to other towns, where the Inquisition developed a culture of fear, through which we can penetrate into the dark side of the Mediterranean, where people were subjected to the same terrifying methods of persecution and torture. This common geographical and historical context was not ignored by one of the most famous masters of American gothic fiction, Edgar Allan Poe. Through the pages of The Pit and the Pendulum, readers get precise images of the fearful instruments of terror that were able to produce the legend that has made the first grand inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, a symbol of ultimate cruelty, bigotry, intolerance, and religious fanaticism, which unfortunately are still the source of our present fears in a time when religious beliefs can be used again as a motif of war and destruction. As Krishnamurti once suggested, only a fundamental realization of the root of all fear can free our minds.


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We have investigated differences in bovine limbal epithelial cell differentiation when expanded upon intact (amniotic epithelial cells and basement membrane remaining) and denuded human amniotic membrane, a commonly used substrate in ophthalmic surgery for corneal stem cell transplantation. Ex vivo expansion of the epithelial cells, in supplemented media, continued for 2 weeks followed by 1 week under ‘air-lifting’ conditions. Before and after air-lifting the differentiated (K3/K12 positive) and undifferentiated (K14 positive) cells were quantified by immunohistochemistry, Western blotting and quantitative PCR. Limbal epithelial cells expanded upon amniotic membrane formed 4-6 stratified layers, both on intact and denuded amniotic membrane. On denuded amniotic membrane the proportion of differentiated cells remained unaltered following airlifting. Within cells grown on intact amniotic membrane, however, the number of differentiated cells increased significantly following air-lifting. These results have important implications for both basic and clinical research. Firstly, they show that bovine limbal epithelia can be used as an alternative source of cells for basic research investigating ex vivo limbal stem cells expansion. Secondly, these findings serve as a warning to clinicians that the affect of amniotic membrane on transplantable cells is not fully understood; the use of intact or denuded amniotic membrane can produce different results in terms of the amount of differentiation, once cells are exposed to the air.


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The official history of the Royal Army Education Corps' involvement in Operation 'Desert Storm', the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation in 1991, their roles including prisoner of war interrogation, psychological operations, IT services and acting as interpreters for senior officers.


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The ability to germinate, tolerate desiccation and survive in air-dry storage was investigated during early seed development in planta and subsequent ex planta maturation of sumauma (Ceiba pentandra). Immature fruits were collected on three different dates (i.e. from about 5 days before until 7 days after mass maturity). Immature fresh seeds were not able to germinate. Fruits or seeds were subjected immediately after each collection to three different drying treatments with progressively slower rates of dessication: (i) seeds were extracted from the fruits and dried immediately; (ii) fruits were dried in a thin layer; (iii) fruits were dried in a tied polyethylene bag (with 10 holes of 1cm diameter). Drying was in a room maintained at 25 degrees C +/- 3 degrees C and 65%+/- 5% r.h. For treatment (i) the seeds were dried for 6 days in order to reduce moisture content to around 13% ( +/- 2%) moisture content. For treatments (ii) and (iii) the fruits were subjected to different periods of drying depending upon collection date. The results of these post-collection treatments showed generally that the more immature the seeds the slower the rate of drying that is required to improve ability to germinate, ability to tolerate desiccation and potential longevity, but at the third harvest, 7 days after mass maturity, the intermediate drying rate treatment was the most beneficial. Thus post fruit collection treatments can be modified depending upon the stage of seed development in order to provide good to high quality seeds of sumauma when collection has to be made at a site with difficult access at less than ideal times. The results are relevant to seed collection practices for both forestry and ex situ plant biodiversity conservation.


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Background: Dietary a-linolenic acid (ALA) can be converted to long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in humans and may reproduce some of the beneficial effects of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on cardiovascular disease risk factors. Objective: This study aimed to compare the effects of increased dietary intakes of ALA and EPA+DHA on a range of atherogenic risk factors. Design: This was a placebo-controlled, parallel study involving 150 moderately hyperlipidemic subjects randomly assigned to 1 of 5 interventions: 0.8 or 1.7 g EPA+DHA/d, 4.5 or 9.5 g ALA/d, or an n-6 PUFA control for 6 mo. Fatty acids were incorporated into 25 g of fat spread and 3 capsules to be consumed daily. Results: The change in fasting or postprandial lipid, glucose, or insulin concentrations or in blood pressure was not significantly different after any of the n-3 PUFA interventions compared with the n-6 PUFA control. The mean (+/-SEM) change in fasting triacylglycerols after the 1.7-g/d EPA+DHA intervention (-7.7 +/- 4.99%) was significantly (P < 0.05) different from the change after the 9.5-g/d ALA intervention (10.9 +/- 4.5%). The ex vivo susceptibility of LDL to oxidation was higher after the 1.7-g/d EPA+DHA intervention than after the control and ALA interventions (P < 0.05). There was no significant change in plasma a-tocopherol concentrations or in whole plasma antioxidant status in any of the groups. Conclusion: At estimated biologically equivalent intakes, dietary ALA and EPA+DHA have different physiologic effects.


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The experiments were designed to use photochemically cross-linked plastically compressed collagen (PCPCC) gel to support corneal epithelial cells. A plastically compressed collagen (PCC) scaffold was photo cross-linked by UVA in the presence of riboflavin to form a biomaterial with optimal mechanical properties. The breaking force, rheology, surgical suture strength, transparency, ultrastructure, and cell-based biocompatibility were compared between PCPCC and PCC gels. The breaking force increased proportionally with an increased concentration of riboflavin. The stress required to reach breaking point of the PCPCC scaffolds was over two times higher compared to the stress necessary to break PCC scaffolds in the presence of 0.1% riboflavin. Rheology results indicated that the structural properties of PCC remain unaltered after UVA cross-linking. The PCC gels were more easily broken than PCPCC gels when sutured on to bovine corneas. The optical density values of PCPCC and PCC showed no significant differences (p > 0.05). SEM analyses showed that the collagen fibres within the PCPCC gels were similar in morphology to PCC gels. No difference in cell-based biocompatibility was seen between the PCPCC and PCC scaffolds in terms of their ability to support the ex vivo expansion of corneal epithelial cells or their subsequent differentiation evidenced by similar levels of cytokeratin 14. In conclusion, PCPCC scaffold is an optimal biomaterial for use in therapeutic tissue engineering of the cornea.