878 resultados para Depth Estimation,Deep Learning,Disparity Estimation,Computer Vision,Stereo Vision
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Texture image analysis is an important field of investigation that has attracted the attention from computer vision community in the last decades. In this paper, a novel approach for texture image analysis is proposed by using a combination of graph theory and partially self-avoiding deterministic walks. From the image, we build a regular graph where each vertex represents a pixel and it is connected to neighboring pixels (pixels whose spatial distance is less than a given radius). Transformations on the regular graph are applied to emphasize different image features. To characterize the transformed graphs, partially self-avoiding deterministic walks are performed to compose the feature vector. Experimental results on three databases indicate that the proposed method significantly improves correct classification rate compared to the state-of-the-art, e.g. from 89.37% (original tourist walk) to 94.32% on the Brodatz database, from 84.86% (Gabor filter) to 85.07% on the Vistex database and from 92.60% (original tourist walk) to 98.00% on the plant leaves database. In view of these results, it is expected that this method could provide good results in other applications such as texture synthesis and texture segmentation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Recently there has been a considerable interest in dynamic textures due to the explosive growth of multimedia databases. In addition, dynamic texture appears in a wide range of videos, which makes it very important in applications concerning to model physical phenomena. Thus, dynamic textures have emerged as a new field of investigation that extends the static or spatial textures to the spatio-temporal domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dynamic texture segmentation based on automata theory and k-means algorithm. In this approach, a feature vector is extracted for each pixel by applying deterministic partially self-avoiding walks on three orthogonal planes of the video. Then, these feature vectors are clustered by the well-known k-means algorithm. Although the k-means algorithm has shown interesting results, it only ensures its convergence to a local minimum, which affects the final result of segmentation. In order to overcome this drawback, we compare six methods of initialization of the k-means. The experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art segmentation methods.
Dynamic texture is a recent field of investigation that has received growing attention from computer vision community in the last years. These patterns are moving texture in which the concept of selfsimilarity for static textures is extended to the spatiotemporal domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for dynamic texture representation, that can be used for both texture analysis and segmentation. In this method, deterministic partially self-avoiding walks are performed in three orthogonal planes of the video in order to combine appearance and motion features. We validate our method on three applications of dynamic texture that present interesting challenges: recognition, clustering and segmentation. Experimental results on these applications indicate that the proposed method improves the dynamic texture representation compared to the state of the art.
[ES] Los erizos de mar han servido como modelo prototípico de organismo en el desarrollo de la Biología. La irrupción de este animal como especie invasora en los fondos canarios, combinada con el éxito reproductivo que ha tenido en nuestras aguas, ha creado un problema medioambiental importante que se ha intentado atajar con la puesta en marcha de proyectos e iniciativas orientados a su erradicación (matanzas masivas) o su contención con intentos de estimular su explotación comercial para uso gastronómico. En el transcurso de este trabajo se pretende explorar la robustez con la que se pueden clasificar visualmente diferentes tipos de erizos (principalmente Diadema antillarumy y Erizos autóctonos) a partir tanto de imágenes estáticas como de secuencias de vídeo para evaluar si, mediante el empleo de técnicas de visión por computador, es posible resolver estas tareas mediante la inspección automática de vídeos e imágenes.
[EN] In this paper we study a variational problem derived from a computer vision application: video camera calibration with smoothing constraint. By video camera calibration we meanto estimate the location, orientation and lens zoom-setting of the camera for each video frame taking into account image visible features. To simplify the problem we assume that the camera is mounted on a tripod, in such case, for each frame captured at time t , the calibration is provided by 3 parameters : (1) P(t) (PAN) which represents the tripod vertical axis rotation, (2) T(t) (TILT) which represents the tripod horizontal axis rotation and (3) Z(t) (CAMERA ZOOM) the camera lens zoom setting. The calibration function t -> u(t) = (P(t),T(t),Z(t)) is obtained as the minima of an energy function I[u] . In thIs paper we study the existence of minima of such energy function as well as the solutions of the associated Euler-Lagrange equations.
[EN] In this paper we present some real problems which appear in computer vision which yields to nonlinear system of algebraic equations. We study the problem of camera calibration. Roughly speaking camera calibration consists in looking at the camera position in the 3- D world using as information the projection of a 3- D Scene in a 2-D plane (the photogram). The problem is quite different when we use a single view or several views (stereo vision) of the 3-D scene. We will show in this paper how these problems yields to nonlinear algebraic system of equations.
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[EN]In this paper, we address the challenge of gender classi - cation using large databases of images with two goals. The rst objective is to evaluate whether the error rate decreases compared to smaller databases. The second goal is to determine if the classi er that provides the best classi cation rate for one database, improves the classi cation results for other databases, that is, the cross-database performance.
[EN]In this paper, we focus on gender recognition in challenging large scale scenarios. Firstly, we review the literature results achieved for the problem in large datasets, and select the currently hardest dataset: The Images of Groups. Secondly, we study the extraction of features from the face and its local context to improve the recognition accuracy. Diff erent descriptors, resolutions and classfii ers are studied, overcoming previous literature results, reaching an accuracy of 89.8%.
[EN]Gender information may serve to automatically modulate interaction to the user needs, among other applications. Within the Computer Vision community, gender classification (GC) has mainly been accomplished with the facial pattern. Periocular biometrics has recently attracted researchers attention with successful results in the context of identity recognition. But, there is a lack of experimental evaluation of the periocular pattern for GC in the wild. The aim of this paper is to study the performance of this specific facial area in the currently most challenging large dataset for the problem.
[EN]Parliamentary websites have become one of the most important windows for citizens and media to follow the activities of their legislatures and to hold parliaments to account. Therefore, most parliamentary institutions aim to provide new multimedia solutions capable of displaying video fragments on demand on plenary activities. This paper presents a multimedia system for parliamentary institutions to produce video fragments on demand through a website with linked information and public feedback that helps to explain the content shown in these fragments. A prototype implementation has been developed for the Canary Islands Parliament (Spain) and shows how traditional parliamentary streaming systems can be enhanced by the use of semantics and computer vision for video analytics...
[EN]In this work local binary patterns based focus measures are presented. Local binary patterns (LBP) have been introduced in computer vision tasks like texture classification or face recognition. In applications where recognition is based on LBP, a computational saving can be achieved with the use of LBP in the focus measures. The behavior of the proposed measures is studied to test if they fulfill the properties of the focus measures and then a comparison with some well know focus measures is carried out in different scenarios.
[EN]Perceptual User Interfaces (PUIs) aim at facilitating human-computer interaction with the aid of human-like capacities (computer vision, speech recognition, etc.). In PUIs, the human face is a central element, since it conveys not only identity but also other important information, particularly with respect to the user’s mood or emotional state. This paper describes both a face detector and a smile detector for PUIs. Both are suitable for real-time interaction.