992 resultados para Condé, Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de, 1736-1818.
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Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility. Joseph Ben-David's, Roger Sperry's and Knut Erik Tranøy's Views of Science and the Scientist's Social Responsibility The aim of the study was to investigate, whether or not there is any connection between Jewish sociologist Joseph Ben-David's, American neuroscientist Roger Sperry's and Norwegian philosopher Knut Erik Tranøy's views of science and views of the scientist's social responsibility. The sources of information were their writings concerning this topic. Ben-David has a classical view of science. He thinks that the Mertonian norms of scientific activity, first written in 1942, are still valid in modern science. With the help of these norms Ben-David defends the view that science is morally neutral. Ben-David thinks that a scientist has a limited social responsibility. A scientist only reports on the new results, but he is not responsible for applying the results. In any case Ben-David's ideas are no longer valid. Sperry has a scientistic view of science. According to Sperry, science is the source of moral norms and also the best guide for moral action. The methods of natural sciences "show" how to solve moral problems. A scientist's personal views of science and social responsibility are not important. However Sperry's view is very problematic on the ethical side. Tranøy stresses the scientist's social responsibility. A scientist has common norms with the society from with he or she comes. This is why a scientist has the right, and also the responsibility, to discuss social and ethical questions between science and society. Tranøy's view has some ethical and practical problems, but it is valid in principle. Finally, Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's views of both science and the scientist's social responsibility have a connection: the view of science corresponds to the certain view of scientist's social responsibility. The result of this study is: Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's view of science have an ethical starting point as its fundamental presupposition, which include certain views of scientific knowledge, good and the scientist's ethical responsibilities. The connection between Ben-David's, Sperry's and Tranøy's views of science and views of the scientist's social responsibility means that their views of epistemology, meta-ethics and the scientist's ethical responsibilities have a connection to their views of the scientist's social responsibility. The results of this study can help the scientific community to organize the social responsibility of a scientist and deepen the conversation concerning the scientist's social responsibility.
The aim of the study was to examine the influence of school smoking policy and school smoking prevention programs on the smoking behaviour of students in high schools in Prince Edward Island using the School Health Action Planning Evaluation System (SHAPES). A total sample included 13,131 observations of students in grades 10-12 in ten high schools in Prince Edward Island over three waves of data collection (1999, 2000, and 2001). Changes in prevalence of smoking and factors influencing smoking behaviour were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests. Multi-level logistic regression analyses were used to examine how both school and student characteristics were associated with smoking behaviour (I, II, III, IV). Since students were located within schools, a basic 2-level nested structure was used in which individual students (level 1) were nested within schools (level 2). For grade 12 students, the combination of both school policies and programs was not associated with the risk of smoking and the presence of the new policy was not associated with decreased risk of smoking, unless there were clear rules in place (I). For the grade 10 study, (II) schools with both policies and programs were not associated with decreased risk of smoking. However, the smoking behaviour of older students (grade 12) at a school was associated with younger students’ (grade 10) smoking behaviour. Students first enrolled in a high school in grade 9, rather than grade 10, were at increased risk of occasional smoking. For students who transitioned from grade 10 to 12 (III), close friends smoking had a substantial influence on smoking behaviour for both males and females (III). Having one or more close friends who smoke (Odds Ratio (OR) = 37.46; 95% CI = 19.39 to 72.36), one or more smokers in the home (OR = 2.35; 95% CI = 1.67 to 3.30) and seeing teachers and staff smoking on or near school property (OR=1.78; 95% CI = 1.13 to 2.80), were strongly associated with increased risk of smoking for grade 12 students. Smoking behaviour increased for both junior (Group 1) and senior (Group 2) students (IV). Group 1 students indicated a greater decrease in smoking behaviour and factors influencing smoking behaviour compared to those of Group 2. Students overestimating the percentage of youth their age who smoke was strongly associated with increased likelihood of smoking. Smoking rates showed a decreasing trend (1999, 2000, and 2001). However, policies and programs alone were not successful in influencing smoking behaviour of youth. Rather, factors within the students and schools contextual environment influenced smoking behaviour. Comprehensive approaches are required for school-based tobacco prevention interventions. Keywords: schools, policy, programs, smoking prevention, adolescents Subject Terms: school-based programming, public health, health promotion
The book presents a reconstruction, interpretation and critical evaluation of the Schumpeterian theoretical approach to socio-economic change. The analysis focuses on the problem of social evolution, on the interpretation of the innovation process and business cycles and, finally, on Schumpeter s optimistic neglect of ecological-environmental conditions as possible factors influencing social-economic change. The author investigates how the Schumpeterian approach describes the process of social and economic evolution, and how the logic of transformations is described, explained and understood in the Schumpeterian theory. The material of the study includes Schumpeter s works written after 1925, a related part of the commentary literature on these works, and a selected part of the related literature on the innovation process, technological transformations and the problem of long waves. Concerning the period after 1925, the Schumpeterian oeuvre is conceived and analysed as a more or less homogenous corpus of texts. The book is divided into 9 chapters. Chapters 1-2 describe the research problems and methods. Chapter 3 is an effort to provide a systematic reconstruction of Schumpeter's ideas concerning social and economic evolution. Chapters 4 and 5 focus their analysis on the innovation process. In Chapters 6 and 7 Schumpeter's theory of business cycles is examined. Chapter 8 evaluates Schumpeter's views concerning his relative neglect of ecological-environmental conditions as possible factors influencing social-economic change. Finally, chapter 9 draws the main conclusions.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli soveltaa toistetun pelin teoria- ja empiriapohjaa suomalaiseen tutkimusaineistoon. Kartellin toimintadynamiikka on mallinnettu peliteorian osa-alueen, toistetun pelin kentäksi. Toistetussa pelissä samaa, kerran pelattua peliä pelataan useita kierroksia. Äärettömästi toistetusta pelistä muodostuu toistetun pelin yleinen teoria (The Folk Theorem), jossa jokaisella pelaajalla on yksilöllisesti rationaalinen käytössykli. Toisen pelaajan kanssa tehty yhteistyö kasvattaa pelaajan käytössykliltä kertyvää kokonaishyötyä. Kartellitutkimuksessa ei voi ohittaa oikeustieteellistä näkökulmaa, joten sekin on tiivistetysti mukana esityksessä. Äänettömässä tai implisiittisessä kartellissa ( tacit collusion ) ei avoimen kartellin tavoin ole osapuolten välistä kommunikointia, mutta sen lopputulos on sama. Tästä syystä äänetön kartelli on yhdenmukaistettuna käytöksenä kielletty. Koska myös tunnusmerkit ovat osin samat, kartellitutkimus on saanut arvokasta mittausaineistoa paljastuneiden kartellien käytöksestä. Pelkkään hintatiedostoonkin perustuvalla tutkimuksella on vankka teoreettinen ja empiirinen pohja. Oikeuskirjallisuudessa ja käytännössä hintayhteneväisyyden on yhdessä muiden tunnusmerkkien kanssa katsottu olevan indisio kartellista. Bensiinin vähittäismyyntimarkkinat ovat rakenteellisesti otollinen kenttä toistetulle pelille. Tutkielman empiirisessä osuudessa kohteena olivat pääkaupunkiseudun bensiinin vähittäismyyntimarkkinat ja tiedosto sisälsi otoksia hinta-aikasarjoista ajalta 1.8.2004 - 30.6.2005 kaikkiaan 116:ltä jakeluasemalta Espoosta, Helsingistä ja Vantaalta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli toistettujen mittausten varianssianalyysi post hoc-vertailuin. Tilastollisesti merkitsevä hinnoitteluyhtenevyys lähellä sijaitsevien asemien kesken löytyi 47 asemalta, ja näin ollen näillä asemilla on yksi kartellin tunnusmerkeistä. Hinnoitteluyhtenevyyden omaavat asemat muodostivat liikenneyhteyksien mukaan jaetuilla kilpailualueillaan ryhmittymiä ja kaikkiaan tällaisia yhtenevästi hinnoittelevia ryhmittymiä oli 21. Näistä ryhmittymistä 9 oli ns. sekapareja eli osapuolina olivat kylmäasema ja liikenneasema. Useimmissa tapauksissa oli kyseessä alueensa kalleimmin hinnoitteleva kylmäasema. Tutkielman tärkeimmät lähteet: Abrantes-Metz, Rosa M. – Froeb, Luke M. – Geweke, John F. – Taylor, Cristopher T. (2005): A Variance screen for collusion. Working paper no. 275, Bureau of economics, Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC 20580. Dutta, Prajit K. (1999): Strategies and Games, Theory and Practice. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England. Harrington, Joseph E. (2004): Detecting cartels. Working paper. John Hopkins University. Ivaldi, Marc – Jullien, Bruno – Rey, Patric – Seabright, Paul – Tirole, Jean (2003): The Economics of Tacit Collusion. EU:n komission kilpailun pääosaston julkaisu. Phlips, Louis (1996): On the detection of collusion and predation. European Economic Review 40 (1996), 495–510.
A deformable mirror (DM) is an important component of an adaptive optics system. It is known that an on-axis spherical/parabolic optical component, placed at an angle to the incident beam introduces defocus as well as astigmatism in the image plane. Although the former can be compensated by changing the focal plane position, the latter cannot be removed by mere optical realignment. Since the DM is to be used to compensate a turbulence-induced curvature term in addition to other aberrations, it is necessary to determine the aberrations induced by such (curved DM surface) an optical element when placed at an angle (other than 0 deg) of incidence in the optical path. To this effect, we estimate to a first order the aberrations introduced by a DM as a function of the incidence angle and deformation of the DM surface. We record images using a simple setup in which the incident beam is reflected by a 37 channel micro-machined membrane deformable mirror for various angles of incidence. It is observed that astigmatism is a dominant aberration, which was determined by measuring the difference between the tangential and sagittal focal planes. We justify our results on the basis of theoretical simulations and discuss the feasibility of using such a system for adaptive optics considering a trade-off between wavefront correction and astigmatism due to deformation. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Desde los tiempos de la conquista en el Río de la Plata, la mujer blanca ha sido prenda de interés para las culturas indígenas. La primera crónica “La Argentina manuscrita”, de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán en el siglo XVII, estaba protagonizada por la cautiva española Lucía Miranda, tomada por la fuerza como esposa por el cacique thimbu Siripo. El despecho del cacique frente al rechazo de Lucía, desencadenó la destrucción del fuerte de Sancti Spiritu.1 En 1798, José de Lavardén pondrá el drama en escena teatral en “Siripo”, nuestra primera obra de teatro nacional.2 El drama de Lucía Miranda, de endeble fundamento histórico, persistió como mito, constituyéndose la cautiva, en un símbolo nacional.
Contenido: En el centenario del nacimiento del Cardenal Desiderio Mercier / La Dirección – La actitud del Cardenal Mercier en materia de investigación filosófica / Luis de Raeymaeker – Razones seminales y formas substanciales : agustinismo y tomismo / F. J. Thonnard – El fundamento metafísico de la noción del bien / Fritz Joachim Von Rintelen – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía
Un ameno libro de circunstancia sobre la elección de Benedicto XVI, publicado apenas un mes después de esta, me servirá para iniciar mi exposición sobre la persona y labor de Joseph Ratzinger. Allí el autor, Alfredo Urdaci, ensaya una interesante tesis, ¿cómo fue posible tal elección? Porque si bien Ratzinger estaba entre los papables, no era muy probable que realmente fuera elegido. Tenía y –por qué no decirlo– sigue teniendo oposición dentro de la Curia y dentro de algunos sectores de la Iglesia. Y cómo no habría de levantarla un cardenal tan políticamente incorrecto como Ratzinger. No me detengo en sus distintas declaraciones a lo largo de su carrera, pero sí me gustaría presentar un par de frases suyas dichas tan solo días antes de su elección como Papa.
Resumen: El presente texto analiza dos cuestiones centrales en el pensamiento de Joseph Ratzinger: por un lado, el problema de la racionalidad del derecho y, en segundo lugar, el fundamento del Estado de Derecho en el mundo moderno. Para tal fin, previo diagnóstico sobre la situación jurídica contemporánea, se analizan ambos tópicos de acuerdo a los principales discursos realizados por el Cardenal Ratzinger y luego papa Benedicto XVI llegando a la conclusión de que el problema subyacente a ambos es el problema de la verdad tanto metafísica como moral.
Ao alto do título: Conde de Oeyras.
Padre Antônio Vieira nasceu em Lisboa em 6 de novembro de 1608 e morreu na Bahia em 18 de julho de 1697. Ordenado sacerdote em 1634, logo se destacou como excepcional pregador. Exerceu importante papel politico e diplomático durante o reinado de D. João IV e fez do púlpito uma tribuna a serviço da nação, em guerra com a Espanha. De 1652 a 1661 atuou como missionário no Maranhão. Em Portugal foi denunciado como herético ao Tribunal da Inquisição. Doente e encarcerado defendeu-se com extraordinário vigor, mas foi condenado a internamento numa casa jesuítica e proibido de pregar. Retirou-se em 1681 para o Brasil, onde trabalhou na edição completa dos Sermoens, iniciada em 1679. Voz sagrada... é um suplemento às Vozes saudosas. Foi publicado, após a morte do autor, por Francisco Luiz Ameno em 1748. Compõe-se de cartas, poemas e outros escritos em latim e português e uma oração fúnebre celebrada pelo Conde da Ericeira nas exéquias do Padre Vieira