966 resultados para C (Programming Language)


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Cette thse tudie des modles de squences de haute dimension bass sur des rseaux de neurones rcurrents (RNN) et leur application la musique et la parole. Bien qu'en principe les RNN puissent reprsenter les dpendances long terme et la dynamique temporelle complexe propres aux squences d'intrt comme la vido, l'audio et la langue naturelle, ceux-ci n'ont pas t utiliss leur plein potentiel depuis leur introduction par Rumelhart et al. (1986a) en raison de la difficult de les entraner efficacement par descente de gradient. Rcemment, l'application fructueuse de l'optimisation Hessian-free et d'autres techniques d'entranement avances ont entran la recrudescence de leur utilisation dans plusieurs systmes de l'tat de l'art. Le travail de cette thse prend part ce dveloppement. L'ide centrale consiste exploiter la flexibilit des RNN pour apprendre une description probabiliste de squences de symboles, c'est--dire une information de haut niveau associe aux signaux observs, qui en retour pourra servir d' priori pour amliorer la prcision de la recherche d'information. Par exemple, en modlisant l'volution de groupes de notes dans la musique polyphonique, d'accords dans une progression harmonique, de phonmes dans un nonc oral ou encore de sources individuelles dans un mlange audio, nous pouvons amliorer significativement les mthodes de transcription polyphonique, de reconnaissance d'accords, de reconnaissance de la parole et de sparation de sources audio respectivement. L'application pratique de nos modles ces tches est dtaille dans les quatre derniers articles prsents dans cette thse. Dans le premier article, nous remplaons la couche de sortie d'un RNN par des machines de Boltzmann restreintes conditionnelles pour dcrire des distributions de sortie multimodales beaucoup plus riches. Dans le deuxime article, nous valuons et proposons des mthodes avances pour entraner les RNN. Dans les quatre derniers articles, nous examinons diffrentes faons de combiner nos modles symboliques des rseaux profonds et la factorisation matricielle non-ngative, notamment par des produits d'experts, des architectures entre/sortie et des cadres gnratifs gnralisant les modles de Markov cachs. Nous proposons et analysons galement des mthodes d'infrence efficaces pour ces modles, telles la recherche vorace chronologique, la recherche en faisceau haute dimension, la recherche en faisceau lagu et la descente de gradient. Finalement, nous abordons les questions de l'tiquette biaise, du matre imposant, du lissage temporel, de la rgularisation et du pr-entranement.


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En la actualidad, el uso de las tecnologas ha sido primordial para el avance de las sociedades, estas han permitido que personas sin conocimientos informticos o usuarios llamados no expertos se interesen en su uso, razn por la cual los investigadores cientficos se han visto en la necesidad de producir estudios que permitan la adaptacin de sistemas, a la problemtica existente dentro del mbito informtico. Una necesidad recurrente de todo usuario de un sistema es la gestin de la informacin, la cual se puede administrar por medio de una base de datos y lenguaje especfico, como lo es el SQL (Structured Query Language), pero esto obliga al usuario sin conocimientos a acudir a un especialista para su diseo y construccin, lo cual se ve reflejado en costos y mtodos complejos, entonces se plantea una pregunta qu hacer cuando los proyectos son pequeas y los recursos y procesos son limitados? Teniendo como base la investigacin realizada por la universidad de Washington[39], donde sintetizan sentencias SQL a partir de ejemplos de entrada y salida, se pretende con esta memoria automatizar el proceso y aplicar una tcnica diferente de aprendizaje, para lo cual utiliza una aproximacin evolucionista, donde la aplicacin de un algoritmo gentico adaptado origina sentencias SQL vlidas que responden a las condiciones establecidas por los ejemplos de entrada y salida dados por el usuario. Se obtuvo como resultado de la aproximacin, una herramienta denominada EvoSQL que fue validada en este estudio. Sobre los 28 ejercicios empleados por la investigacin [39], 23 de los cuales se obtuvieron resultados perfectos y 5 ejercicios sin xito, esto representa un 82.1% de efectividad. Esta efectividad es superior en un 10.7% al establecido por la herramienta desarrollada en [39] SQLSynthesizer y 75% ms alto que la herramienta siguiente ms prxima Query by Output QBO[31]. El promedio obtenido en la ejecucin de cada ejercicio fue de 3 minutos y 11 segundos, este tiempo es superior al establecido por SQLSynthesizer; sin embargo, en la medida un algoritmo gentico supone la existencia de fases que amplan los rangos de tiempos, por lo cual el tiempo obtenido es aceptable con relacin a las aplicaciones de este tipo. En conclusin y segn lo anteriormente expuesto, se obtuvo una herramienta automtica con una aproximacin evolucionista, con buenos resultados y un proceso simple para el usuario no experto.


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Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach the generation of source code in different programming languages.


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The process of developing software that takes advantage of multiple processors is commonly referred to as parallel programming. For various reasons, this process is much harder than the sequential case. For decades, parallel programming has been a problem for a small niche only: engineers working on parallelizing mostly numerical applications in High Performance Computing. This has changed with the advent of multi-core processors in mainstream computer architectures. Parallel programming in our days becomes a problem for a much larger group of developers. The main objective of this thesis was to find ways to make parallel programming easier for them. Different aims were identified in order to reach the objective: research the state of the art of parallel programming today, improve the education of software developers about the topic, and provide programmers with powerful abstractions to make their work easier. To reach these aims, several key steps were taken. To start with, a survey was conducted among parallel programmers to find out about the state of the art. More than 250 people participated, yielding results about the parallel programming systems and languages in use, as well as about common problems with these systems. Furthermore, a study was conducted in university classes on parallel programming. It resulted in a list of frequently made mistakes that were analyzed and used to create a programmers' checklist to avoid them in the future. For programmers' education, an online resource was setup to collect experiences and knowledge in the field of parallel programming - called the Parawiki. Another key step in this direction was the creation of the Thinking Parallel weblog, where more than 50.000 readers to date have read essays on the topic. For the third aim (powerful abstractions), it was decided to concentrate on one parallel programming system: OpenMP. Its ease of use and high level of abstraction were the most important reasons for this decision. Two different research directions were pursued. The first one resulted in a parallel library called AthenaMP. It contains so-called generic components, derived from design patterns for parallel programming. These include functionality to enhance the locks provided by OpenMP, to perform operations on large amounts of data (data-parallel programming), and to enable the implementation of irregular algorithms using task pools. AthenaMP itself serves a triple role: the components are well-documented and can be used directly in programs, it enables developers to study the source code and learn from it, and it is possible for compiler writers to use it as a testing ground for their OpenMP compilers. The second research direction was targeted at changing the OpenMP specification to make the system more powerful. The main contributions here were a proposal to enable thread-cancellation and a proposal to avoid busy waiting. Both were implemented in a research compiler, shown to be useful in example applications, and proposed to the OpenMP Language Committee.


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In this thesis, I designed and implemented a virtual machine (VM) for a monomorphic variant of Athena, a type-omega denotational proof language (DPL). This machine attempts to maintain the minimum state required to evaluate Athena phrases. This thesis also includes the design and implementation of a compiler for monomorphic Athena that compiles to the VM. Finally, it includes details on my implementation of a read-eval-print loop that glues together the VM core and the compiler to provide a full, user-accessible interface to monomorphic Athena. The Athena VM provides the same basis for DPLs that the SECD machine does for pure, functional programming and the Warren Abstract Machine does for Prolog.


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We study four measures of problem instance behavior that might account for the observed differences in interior-point method (IPM) iterations when these methods are used to solve semidefinite programming (SDP) problem instances: (i) an aggregate geometry measure related to the primal and dual feasible regions (aspect ratios) and norms of the optimal solutions, (ii) the (Renegar-) condition measure C(d) of the data instance, (iii) a measure of the near-absence of strict complementarity of the optimal solution, and (iv) the level of degeneracy of the optimal solution. We compute these measures for the SDPLIB suite problem instances and measure the correlation between these measures and IPM iteration counts (solved using the software SDPT3) when the measures have finite values. Our conclusions are roughly as follows: the aggregate geometry measure is highly correlated with IPM iterations (CORR = 0.896), and is a very good predictor of IPM iterations, particularly for problem instances with solutions of small norm and aspect ratio. The condition measure C(d) is also correlated with IPM iterations, but less so than the aggregate geometry measure (CORR = 0.630). The near-absence of strict complementarity is weakly correlated with IPM iterations (CORR = 0.423). The level of degeneracy of the optimal solution is essentially uncorrelated with IPM iterations.


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Based on examples provided by 27 graduate psychology faculty, this self-test incorporates many of the more common errors in style, language, and referencing found in student papers. Taking this self-test helps students to recognize common errors and encourages them to refer the APA Publication Manual on a regular basis. In addition, students begin to think about how to use correctly the language of psychological research. This self-test should take about 30 minutes to complete and score. It is composed of three parts: a) a mock Discussion section, where students are asked to act as editors and find the errors, p. 2 (10 minutes). b) a corrected Discussion section, where students find the errors they missed, p. 3 (5 minutes) and, c) a full description of each error with illustrations of correct usage, pp. 4-7 (15 minutes). This exercise assumes some knowledge of APA style. Thus, it is best-suited for advanced undergraduates who need to write research reports and all levels of graduate students. It may be taken at home or in class. Although the self-test is designed to be fully self-directed, instructors may wish to use it at the beginning or end of a classroom discussion on APA style. It could also be used in a pre-test-post-test fashion to evaluate students learning over the course of a term.


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In this session we look at the different types of loop in the Java language, and see how they can be used to iterate over Arrays.


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These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!


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El presente proyecto viene a ser una labor ya experimentada desde hace cuatro aos. Se trata de una aproximacin a la Lengua Inglesa de COU de una forma totalmente innovadora. A partir de una serie de tpicos o temas de actualidad o considerados de inters por los alumnos, se elaboran unas tareas o actividades a realizar por el alumnado. Estos tpicos se trabajan a partir de material autntico, tanto escrito como audiovisual, atendiendo tanto a razones de complejidad lingstica como de complejidad conceptual. Su contenido oscilar desde lo puramente morfosintctico-lxico hasta el ms puramente comunicativo. El proyecto afecta a todos los grupos de COU de los siguientes centros de Bachillerato: Anaga, Toms de Iriarte, Padre Anchieta, Tejina, Cabrera Pinto, y de Formacin Profesional Los Realejos, todos de la isla de Tenerife. Se llev a cabo una evaluacin continua a travs de observacin directa, participacin y trabajo en clase, pruebas orales y escritas, etc. No constan resultados ni valoraciones al respecto.


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Se analizan los procesos de aprendizaje y las estrategias para la adquisicin de la lengua extranjera.


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Se analiza la conveniencia de usar textos simplificados o en su formato original para propositos pedaggicos dentro de la enseanza de la segunda lengua. El autor considera que ambas clases de textos (simplificados u originales) pueden formar el nivel intermedio de aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.