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Em finais da década de sessenta, um grupo de investigadores descobriu que para um conjunto de emoções básicas existem expressões não-verbais distintas, universais, e provavelmente inatas. Desde então, multiplicaram-se os estudos em diferentes culturas que pretendem testar a tese da universalidade. Muitos deles consistiram no desenvolvimento e validação de sistemas de codificação de acção muscular facial para as expressões das diferentes emoções. Recentemente, têm surgido evidências de universalidade das expressões de algumas emoções auto-conscientes. Esta investigação teve como objectivo testar o comportamento na população portuguesa do University of California, Davis, Set of Emotion Expressions, ou UCDSEE (Tracy, Robins, & Schriber, 2009), um conjunto de 47 fotografias com expressões emocionais básicas e auto-conscientes. Participaram nesta investigação 427 estudantes universitários, a quem foi pedido que as observassem e identificassem as respectivas emoções. As expressões das emoções em estudo foram reconhecidas pela população portuguesa num nível superior ao acaso, exceptuando as de vergonha. O reconhecimento das expressões das emoções básicas foi superior ao das emoções auto- conscientes. O UCDSEE mostrou-se adequado para futuros estudos com a população portuguesa.
This paper is a study of the phonological test, Identifying Early Phonological Needs, and determining whether it is useful to plan speech therapy for young unintelligible hearing impaired children.
Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Julio Echeverría, EL DESAFÍO CONSTITUCIONAL, CRISIS INSTITUCIONAL Y PROCESO POLÍTICO EN EL ECUADOR, Quito, Editorial Abya-Yala / ILDIS, 2006, 145 pp. -- Hemán Salgado Pesantes, MANUAL DE JUSTICIA CONSTITUCIONAL ECUATORIANA, Serie Fortalecimiento de la Justicia Constitucional en Ecuador, vol. 5, Quito, Corporación Editora Nacional/Instituto de Derecho Público Comparado de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid / Comisión Europea / Tribunal Constitucional, 2004, 232 pp. -- Luis Toscano Soria, PROCEDIMIENTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS Y CONTENCIOSOS EN MATERIA TRIBUTARIA, Quito, Pudeleco Editores S.A., 2006, 427 pp.
It has been suggested that higher in-group identifiers primed with an out-group stereotype show contrastive behavioral responses because they activate the in-group, social-self. However, priming the personal-self can lead to contrastive judgments. We investigated whether personal self-activation was also evident for higher identifiers primed with an out-group. An experiment demonstrated that higher identifiers primed with an out-group showed faster responses to self-words than higher identifiers primed with the in-group. This findings suggest that the personal-self is also activated for higher identifiers primed with an out-group, and this self-activation may underlie their contrastive responding.
Despite the acknowledged benefits of reducing SFA intake few countries within the EU meet recognised targets. Milk and dairy products represent the single largest source of dietary SFA in most countries, yet epidemiological evidence indicates that milk has cardioprotective properties such that simply reducing consumption of dairy foods to meet SFA targets may not be a sound public health approach. The present paper explores the options for replacing some of the SFA in milk fat with cis-MUFA through alteration of the diet of the dairy cow, and the evidence that such changes can improve the indicators for CHD and CVD in general for the consumer. In addition, the outcome of such changes on risk factors for CHD and CVD at the population level is examined in the light of a modelling exercise involving data for eleven EU member states. Given the current and projected costs of health care, the results indicate that urgent consideration should be given to such a strategy.
Despite the acknowledged benefits of reducing SFA intake few countries within the EU meet recognised targets. Milk and dairy products represent the single largest source of dietary SFA in most countries, yet epidemiological evidence indicates that milk has cardioprotective properties such that simply reducing consumption of dairy foods to meet SFA targets may not be a sound public health approach. The present paper explores the options for replacing some of the SFA in milk fat with cis-MUFA through alteration of the diet of the dairy cow, and the evidence that such changes can improve the indicators for CHD and CVD in general for the consumer. In addition, the outcome of such changes on risk factors for CHD and CVD at the population level is examined in the light of a modelling exercise involving data for eleven EU member states. Given the current and projected costs of health care, the results indicate that urgent consideration should be given to such a strategy.