845 resultados para Pulpit eloquence of the 17th century
On the 15th of April, 1897, a 19 year-old European resident of Baghdad, named Alexander Richard Svoboda, set out on a long journey to Europe by caravan, boat and train. From a large and influential family of merchants, artists, and explorers settled in Ottoman Iraq since the end of the 18th century, Alexander traveled in the company of his parents and a departing British diplomat accompanied by his retinue. They followed a circuitous route through the Middle East to Cairo and thence to Europe on a three and a half month journey which Alexander described day-by-day in a journal written in the Iraqi Arabic of his time.
We find ourselves, after the close of the twentieth century, looking back at a mass of responses to the knowledge organization problem. Many institutions, such as the Dewey Decimal Classification (Furner, 2007), have grown up to address it. Increasingly, many diverse discourses are appropriating the problem and crafting a wide variety of responses. This includes many artistic interpretations of the act and products of knowledge organization. These surface as responses to the expressive power or limits of the Library and Information Studies institutions (e.g., DDC) and their often primarily utilitarian gaze.One way to make sense of this diversity is to approach the study from a descriptive stance, inventorying the population of types of KOS. This population perspective approaches the phenomenon of types and boundaries of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) as one that develops out of particular discourses, for particular purposes. For example, both DDC and Martianus Capella, a 5th Century encyclopedist, are KOS in this worldview. Both are part of the population of KOS. Approaching the study of KOS from the population perspective allows the researcher a systematic look at the diversity emergent at the constellation of different factors of design and implementation. However, it is not enough to render a model of core types, but we have to also consider the borders of KOS. Fringe types of KOS inform research, specifically to the basic principles of design and implementation used by others outside of the scholarly and professional discourse of Library and Information Studies.Four examples of fringe types of KOS are presented in this paper. Applying a rubric developed in previous papers, our aim here is to show how the conceptual anatomy of these fringe types relates to more established KOS, thereby laying bare the definitions of domain, purpose, structure, and practice. Fringe types, like Beghtol’s examples (2003), are drawn from areas outside of Library and Information Studies proper, and reflect the reinvention of structures to fit particular purposes in particular domains. The four fringe types discussed in this paper are (1) Roland Barthes’ text S/Z which “indexes” a text of an essay with particular “codes” that are meant to expose the literary rhythm of the work; (2) Mary Daly’s Wickedary, a reference work crafted for radical liberation theology – and specifically designed to remove patriarchy from the language used by what the author calls “wild women”; (3) Luigi Serafini’s Codex Seraphinianus a work of book art that plays on the trope of universal encyclopedia and back-of- the book index; and (4) Martinaus Capella – and his Marriage of Mercury and Philology, a fifth century encyclopedia. We compared these using previous analytic taxonomies (Wright, 2008; Tennis, 2006; Tudhope, 2006, Soergel, 2001, Hodge, 2000).
‘The Influence of British Rule on Elite Indian Menswear: The Birth of the Sherwani’ is a study of the influence of politics on fashion and the resulting development of new garments. This research is designed to demonstrate the effect on elite Indian menswear of the two centuries of British rule in India. It is an effort to understand how the flowing garments worn by elite Indian men in the 18th century gradually became more tailored and fitted with the passage of time. The study uses multiple sources to bring to light lesser known facts about Indian menswear, the evolution of different garments and especially of the sherwani. The sherwani is a knee-length upper garment worn by South-Asian men, and is considered to be India’s traditional menswear. My study highlights the factors responsible for the birth of the sherwani and dispels the myth that it was a garment worn by the Mughals. Simultaneously, this study examines the concept and value of ‘tradition’ in cultures. It scrutinises the reasons for the sherwani being labelled as a traditional Indian garment associated with the Mughal era, when in fact it was born towards the end of the 19th century. The study also analyses the role of the sherwani as a garment of distinction in pre- and post-independence India.
Material and immaterial security. Households, ecological and economic resources and formation of contacts in Valkeala parish from the 1630s to the 1750s. The geographical area of the thesis, Valkeala parish in the region of Kymenlaakso, is a very interesting area owing to its diversity, both in terms of natural setting and economic and cultural structure. The study begins by outlining the ecological and economic features of Valkeala and by analysing household structures. The main focus of the research lies in the contacts of the households with the outside world. The following types of contacts are chosen as indicators of the interaction: trade and credit relations, guarantees, co-operation, marriages and godparentage. The main theme of the contact analysis is to observe the significance of three factors, namely geographical extent, affluence level and kinship, to the formation of contacts. It is also essential to chart the interdependencies between ecological and economic resources, changes in the structure of households and the formation of contacts during the period studied. The time between the 1630s and the 1750s was characterized by wars, crop losses and population changes, which had an effect on the economic framework and on the structural variation of households and contact fields. In the 17th and 18th centuries Valkeala could be divided, economically, into two sections according to the predominant cultivation technique. The western area formed the field area and the eastern and northern villages the swidden area. Multiple family households were dominant in the latter part of the 17th century, and for most of the study period, the majority of people lived in the more complex households rather than in simple families. Economic resources had only a moderate impact on the structure of contacts. There was a clear connection between bigger household size and the extent and intensity of contacts. The jurisdictional boundary that ran across Valkeala from the northwest to the southeast and divided the parish into two areas influenced the formation of contacts more than the parish boundaries. Support and security were offered largely by the primary contacts with one s immediate family, neighbours and friends. Economic support was channelled from the wealthier to the less well off by credits. Cross-marriages, cross-godparentage and marital networks could be seen as manifestations of an aim towards stability and the joining of resources. It was essential for households both to secure the workforce needed for a minimum level of subsistence and to ensure the continuation of the family line. These goals could best be reached by complex households that could adapt to the prevailing circumstances and also had wider and more multi-layered contacts offering material and immaterial security.
The image of Pietism a window to personal spirituality. The teachings of Johann Arndt as the basis of Pietist emblems The Pietist effect on spiritual images has to be scrutinised as a continuum initiating from the teachings of Johann Arndt who created a protestant iconography that defended the status of pictures and images as the foundation of divine revelation. Pietist artworks reveal Arndtian part of secret, eternal world, and God. Even though modern scholars do not regarded him as a founding father of Pietism anymore, his works have been essential for the development of iconography, and the themes of the Pietist images are linked with his works. For Arndt, the starting point is in the affecting love for Christ who suffered for the humankind. The reading experience is personal and the words point directly at the reader and thus appear as evidence of the guilt of the reader as well as of the love of God. Arndt uses bounteous and descriptive language which has partially affected promoting and picturing of many themes. Like Arndt, Philipp Jakob Spener also emphasised the heart that believes. The Pietist movement was born to oppose detached faith and the lack of the Holy Ghost. Christians touched by the teachings of Arndt and Spener began to create images out of metaphors presented by Arndt. As those people were part of the intelligentsia, it was natural that the fashionable emblematics of the 17th century was moulded for the personal needs. For Arndt, the human heart is manifested as a symbol of soul, personal faith or unbelief as well as an allegory of the burning love for Jesus. Due to this fact, heart emblems were gradually widely used and linked with the love of Christ. In the Nordic countries, the introduction of emblems emanated from the gentry s connections to the Central Europe where emblems were exploited in order to decorate books, artefacts, interiors, and buildings as well as visual/literal trademarks of the intelligentsia. Emblematic paintings in the churches of the castles of Venngarn (1665) and Läckö (1668), owned by Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie, are one of the most central interior paintings preserved in the Nordic countries, and they emphasise personal righteous life. Nonetheless, it was the books by Arndt and the Poet s Society in Nurnberg that bound the Swedish gentry and the scholars of the Pietist movement together. The Finnish gentry had no castles or castle churches so they supported county churches, both in building and in maintenance. As the churches were not private, their iconography could not be private either. Instead, people used Pietist symbols such as Agnus Dei, Cor ardens, an open book, beams, king David, frankincense, wood themes and Virtues. In the Pietist images made for public spaces, the attention is focused on pedagogical, metaphorical, and meaningful presentation as well as concealed statements.
La Corte madrileña de los Austrias, al igual que el resto de las monarquías europeas del siglo XVII, generó una variada gama de fiestas públicas y privadas, como por ejemplo teatro musical, mascaradas y procesiones callejeras en las que desfilaban carros alegóricos con danzantes y músicos. Estos espectáculos no eran un mero entretenimiento sino que estaban destinados a resaltar las virtudes del monarca y a hacer conscientes a los espectadores del lugar que les cabía ocupar en esa sociedad recurriendo para ello a un complejo discurso simbólico. Las Cortes virreinales de América trasladaron a sus territorios estas prácticas que valían, fundamentalmente, para hacer presente la figura del rey y mantener viva la lealtad a la corona. Analizamos dos ejemplos de fiesta, una mascarada celebrada en Pausa (Perú) y un intermedio dramáticomusical en Sucre, que nos revelan la forma de pensamiento, las conductas y la organización de la sociedad cortesana virreinal.
[ES]Este artículo pretende analizar la situación de la actividad siderometalúrgica guipuzcoana durante el siglo XVII y testar la verdadera repercusión de la crisis del siglo XVII en dicho sector. Para ello se ha utilizado un amplio elenco documental procedente tanto de archivos locales como regionales y nacionales, que responde a una amplia variedad tipológica.
[ES]El presente trabajo presenta una fuente documental infrautilizada, la de los libros de manifestaciones, que representa un interesantísimo instrumento de estudio para el conocimiento de la realidad comercial e industrial de la Guipúzcoa de los siglos XVI y XVII. Esta documentación permite matizar algunas de las afirmaciones que durante décadas han venido marcando la historiografía vasca sobre la tan manida “crisis del siglo XVII”, más en consonancia con los criterios que en los últimos años se vienen imponiendo en los ámbitos español y europeo. Las relaciones comerciales con puertos, principalmente franceses, que se pueden seguir a través de las mencionadas fuentes permiten seguir los fluidos intercambios y las llegadas de cereales y bastimentos, así como la salida de hierro y moneda desde algunos de los principales puertos guipuzcoanos. Una de las principales conclusiones es que la exportación de hierro a los puertos franceses tuvo continuidad a fines del siglo XVI y principios del siglo XVII
A presente tese tem por finalidade refletir sobre princípios pedagógico-filosóficos para o ensino da ciência na etapa intermediária da educação escolar. Considerando que tanto a prática educativa quanto a prática científica são práticas sociais mediadoras do processo de produção, e que, portanto, não se pode pensá-las fora de um método que as integre dialeticamente a partir de determinantes que estão dados no campo da economia política, procurou-se investigar aqui qual é o estatuto hoje reservado à ciência no quadro de valores introduzidos pela economia política neoliberal e os efeitos dessas mudanças sobre o que se prescreve para a formação científica no ensino médio brasileiro a partir da última reforma educacional (LDBEN/1996). Tratou-se de sublinhar aqui as conexões que foram se firmando entre os processos de universalização da forma-mercadoria e as mudanças introduzidas no regime de produção do conhecimento, que vai cada vez mais sendo moldado pelos objetivos e prescrições do capital. Tendo por referência o materialismo histórico-dialético, o objeto desta tese foi delineado de modo a refletir o processo de constituição da produção da ciência em dois âmbitos distintos: o da macro-política, presidido hegemonicamente pelas instituições ligadas ao capital, a partir da década de 1990, e o da relação epistemológica que subjaz à prática científica contemporânea, assinalando a co-relação entre estes processos e os seus nexos causais. Para dar contas destas relações, procedeu-se a uma investigação histórica e filosófica que teve por objetivo mostrar como o conceito de natureza cunhado pelas mãos dos primeiros cientistas no século XVII futura matriz da noção de ciências da natureza tal como ela é tomada hoje no currículo , assentado numa distinção fixa entre juízos de fato e juízos de valor, deve seu conteúdo a um processo que é finalmente econômico e social. Por meio desta crítica pode-se estabelecer os vínculos entre a economia política, o viés institucional da ciência e o universo da epistemologia. Concluiu-se que há uma relação necessária entre o novo registro institucional de produção do conhecimento, garantido por um estatuto regulatório afinado com as demandas do neoliberalismo, e o novo estatuto epistemológico, assinalado por uma ênfase nos pressupostos do realismo científico ingênuo. Esta relação se projeta sobre o ensino da ciência na forma de uma intensificação de seu teor tecnicista, e dentre as suas características destacamos duas: 1) o conceito de natureza, tomado no ensino das ciências como uma abstração des-historicizada; 2) o mito da unicidade científica, isto é, a crença de que só há uma ciência: a que formulará, numa linguagem única e inequívoca, a verdade do real. Para finalizar, fizemos alusão a dois programas educacionais que, a nosso ver, avançam rumo a novas formas de ensino na medida em que refletem a experiência de um grupo de educadores e alunos com os princípios da educação politécnica: o do Instituto de Educação Josué de Castro (IEJC/ITERRA) e o da Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio (EPSJV/Fiocruz).
O propósito desta dissertação é estudar as representações femininas nas letras luso-brasileiras do século XVII, sempre levando em conta os pressupostos teóricos formulados pela crítica brasileira atual. Pretende-se examinar as práticas letradas seiscentistas pelo prisma dos critérios retórico-poéticos vigentes na época, em que se destacam a importância dos elementos visuais. O estudo tem como base o contraponto das figuras de Eva e Maria, formando o grande paradigma da dualidade feminina nas letras coloniais; tal construção da imagem da mulher como tentadora e salvadora foi um longo processo desde as letras dos tempos antigos, se intensificando no período medieval até chegar no século XVII. Desse modo, focalizamos as poesias de Gregório de Matos e alguns sermões do padre Antonio Vieira, dialogando com questões históricas, sociais e artísticas no momento de produção das obras para tentar reduzir os riscos de anacronismo, sempre presentes quando abordamos períodos tão distanciados no tempo. Analisamos variadas configurações femininas nas poesias líricas e satíricas de Gregório de Matos; já nos sermões de Vieira, percebemos que o contraponto entre as concepções mariana e eviana fica mais evidente. Mostramos como as figuras femininas examinadas se aproximavam de Eva ou de Maria, levando em conta o contexto sócio-econômico das mesmas. Notamos que o modelo ideal de mulher encarnando na figura de Maria, difundido pela Igreja com o objetivo de alcançar todas as mulheres, não correspondia à realidade das mesmas no sistema colonial e não se adequava as suas necessidades. Examinamos igualmente como tal construção feminina perfeita e submissa circulava nos manuais de boa conduta em que a família patriarcal se encaixava, atendendo às exigências dos modelos propagados pela Igreja Católica na época. Apesar de todos os esforços da Igreja Católica e do homem para domesticar a mulher, tão temida e admirada pelos mesmos, muitas mulheres fugiram aos padrões sociais e foram estigmatizadas, rotuladas, discriminadas, mas acima de tudo foram mulheres que ficaram registradas nas páginas da Inquisição, na história e principalmente, nas letras luso-brasileiras do século XVII, escritas por homens, como o poeta Gregório de Matos e o padre Antonio Vieira
Mestrado Teatro, especialização em artes performativas, teatro música
Comment le motif de la marque insensible du diable a-t-il pu se frayer un chemin au sein du discours théologique, juridique et médical de la fin de la Renaissance jusqu'à s'imposer comme une pièce essentielle du crime de sorcellerie? Selon quels mécanismes et à partir de quels systèmes de croyance cette marque corporelle en est-elle venue à connaître une si large diffusion et une aussi grande acceptation tant chez les gens du livres que parmi les couches populaires? En cette époque marquée par la grande chasse aux sorcières et le développement de l'investigation scientifique, l'intérêt que les savants portent à cette étrange sémiologie constitue une porte d'accès privilégiée pour aborder de front la dynamique du déplacement des frontières que la démonologie met en oeuvre au sein des différents champs du savoir. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier le réseau des mutations épistémologiques qui conditionne l'émergence de la marque du diable dans le savoir démonologique français à la charnière des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Nous examinerons par quels cheminements l'altérité diabolique s'est peu à peu intériorisée dans le corps et l'âme des individus sous l'influence grandissante des vertus de l'empirisme, de la méthode expérimentale et de l'observation. En analysant la construction rhétorique de la théorie des marques du diable et en la reliant aux changements qui s'opèrent sur la plateforme intellectuelle de l'Ancien Régime, nous entendons éclairer la nouvelle distribution qui s'effectue entre les faits naturels et surnaturels ainsi que les modalités d'écriture pour en rendre compte.
Le tableau de Jean-Baptiste Belin de Fontenay intitulé Vase d’or, fleurs et buste de Louis XIV est le morceau de réception que le peintre a présenté à l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture en 1687. Malheureusement peu étudié, ce tableau n’en comporte pas moins trois problématiques très intéressantes. Tout d’abord, il rassemble trois genres de peinture dans une seule composition : la nature morte, le portrait et la peinture d’histoire, illustrés respectivement par les fleurs, le buste du roi et la pièce d’armure. L’association de ces trois genres dans un tableau de nature morte est peu commune dans la peinture française du 17e siècle. Il est donc nécessaire de vérifier s’il existe un lien entre les fleurs, l’image de Louis XIV et l’armure. Ensuite, le contraste entre la polychromie des fleurs et la monochromie de la sculpture et de l’ameublement est frappante ; il est possible de lier ce contraste au phénomène des débats entre le dessin et la couleur de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture à la deuxième moitié du 17e siècle. D’ailleurs, les fleurs, qui n’étaient pas le sujet central dans le programme original de Le Brun, deviennent le sujet principal du tableau et occupent une place plus importante que le buste de Louis XIV. Cette modification n’a cependant pas choqué les juges de l’Académie puisque la toile a été acceptée sans contestation. Elle amène donc à s’interroger sur la hiérarchie des genres de peinture qui est la doctrine officielle de l’Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture de l’époque. Le noyau de la recherche consiste à vérifier si les fleurs n’occupent qu’une simple fonction décorative ou si elles peuvent être associées à des symboles. Notre recherche examine d’abord l’utilisation des symboles floraux dans la culture française du 17e siècle. Par la suite, elle étudie cette utilisation dans le domaine politique, à savoir que les fleurs pourraient être liées à la louange de Louis XIV. Enfin, elle analyse les domaines artistiques et esthétiques, c’est-à-dire la façon dont le tableau reflète, par l’utilisation des symboles floraux, l’évolution des théories de l’art, la hiérarchie des genres de peinture et les débats du dessin et de la couleur, en France, durant la deuxième moitié du 17e siècle.
Cette thèse montre comment s’est constituée la figure du génie en France au cours des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, en mettant en évidence les paradoxes qui lui ont permis de devenir l’une des notions fondamentales de la modernité. Cette analyse s’articule autour de trois axes principaux. D’abord, il s’agit d’interroger les circonstances de l’invention du terme « génie » dans la langue française, en insistant sur son bagage culturel gréco-latin. La notion de génie apparaît alors comme intimement liée au génie de la langue française et à son histoire. Ensuite, l’analyse s’intéresse au rôle que la notion de génie joue dans le cadre régulateur de la théorie poétique à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Le génie, qui se définit alors comme une aptitude naturelle à l’exercice d’une régularité normée du faire, n’a cependant de valeur que si cette régularité est transgressée, dépassée. Cette relation fait apparaître le paradoxe social que représente le génie, considéré à la fois comme exceptionnel et exemplaire. Ce paradoxe du génie est ensuite analysé dans le cadre du développement des théories esthétiques au XVIIIe siècle, fondées sur une expérience communautarisante du beau. Cette problématique est étudiée au regard de l’intérêt des philosophes sensualistes pour le problème que constitue le génie, en particulier quant aux mécanismes de l’invention et de la découverte. À l’issue de ce parcours, il apparaît que le génie est à la fois problématique pour les théories qui tentent de le circonscrire et unificateur pour la communauté qu’il permet d’illustrer.
Ce mémoire a pour objectif général de définir et de caractériser les présences amérindiennes sur l’île de Montréal au cours de la période s’échelonnant du Sylvicole supérieur à la fin du XVIIe siècle ainsi que de tenter de comprendre le rôle qu’exerça le mont Royal dans ce contexte. En nous appuyant sur des théories de l’archéologie du paysage, nous avons étudié la création consciente et inconsciente de paysages et la manière par laquelle ces lieux ont façonné les comportements et les identités de leurs occupants. Grâce à la continuité d’activités répétitives, liées au concept de taskscape, nous avons tenté d’y établir un modèle de trame d’occupation reflétant une utilisation dynamique et stratégique du paysage face aux politiques coloniales. La démarche adoptée est celle d’une approche holistique s’appuyant à la fois sur des données archéologiques, historiques, ethnohistoriques et ethnographiques émanant des rapports de fouilles archéologiques, des traditions orales et des différents documents coloniaux datant des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Cette étude a permis de déterminer différentes zones associées à des perceptions différentes du paysage reflétant une stratégie de continuité dans la conceptualisation, l’organisation et la manipulation de l’espace à la suite de l’appropriation des terres par le gouvernement colonial.