706 resultados para Noncommunicable chronic diseases (NCDS)
Introdução: as quedas são um importante problema na saúde nos idosos, apresentando os idosos institucionalizados um risco específico, determinado pela mudança de ambiente, diminuição da atividade física e alterações na independência funcional. Objetivo: estimar a prevalência e avaliar o risco de quedas nos idosos institucionalizados na ULDM – Sta Maria Maior de Miranda do Douro no período compreendido entre 02/12/2008 e 31/08/2014. Conhecer quais as estratégias de prevenção implementadas para evitar a recorrência de quedas nos idosos com histórico de quedas. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo e analítico de caráter retrospetivo, sobre uma amostra constituída por utentes com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, internados numa Unidade de Longa Duração e Manutenção, no período compreendido entre 02/12/2008 e 31/08/2014 (N=158). Resultados: A prevalência de quedas foi de 14%. As quedas tiveram como principais fatores de risco a idade avançada, a presença de doenças crónicas, a mobilidade reduzida, défice cognitivo e polimedicação. O quarto e o WC foram os espaços físicos onde ocorreram com mais frequência. As principais causas foram, por esta ordem, a perda de apoio, episódio de desorientação/agitação e a perda de consciência. A maior parte das quedas não tiveram consequências físicas para o idoso ou limitaram-se a lesões traumáticas. As medidas de prevenção mais frequentemente aplicadas foram as medidas de apoio e a contenção física. Conclusão: nos resultados obtidos verifica-se uma prevalência de quedas muito superior quando comparada com outros estudos nesta área. Os dados apontam à necessidade de implementação de políticas institucionais de prevenção de quedas.
Eating fruit provides health benefits. People who eat more vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health, such as potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C, and folate (folic acid). Most fruits are naturally low in fat, sodium, and calories. None have cholesterol. Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as a part of the Fruit Group. Fruits may be fresh, canned, frozen, or dried, and may be whole, cut-up, or pureed.
Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, or another cereal grain is a grain product. Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, and grits are examples. Grains are divided into two subgroups, whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel—the bran, germ, and endosperm. People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases
A crescente camada de população idosa que reside em Trás-os-Montes e no Douro e a prevalência de doenças crónicas e incapacitantes, conduz ao aumento do número de pessoas dependentes de cuidados, assim como de uma terceira pessoa que auxilie na satisfação das suas atividades de vida diária. A criação da Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados é uma mais-valia constituindo uma resposta adequada a pessoas que se encontram em situação de dependência, assim como aos seus familiares. Face à antevisão de alta da unidade e consequente regresso a casa, o cuidador familiar é, por vezes, assoberbado com múltiplas dúvidas e inseguranças, pelo que, merecem ser compreendidos. Com o objetivo de compreender vivências, sentimentos e expetativas que caraterizam o período que rodeia a alta do familiar da Unidade de Cuidados Continuados onde esteve internado desenvolveu-se o presente estudo que, face ao tipo de problemática a estudar, fez recurso da metodologia qualitativa, enveredando-se pela abordagem fenomenológica. Com base num guião de entrevista, inquiriram-se sete cuidadores informais que tinham, ou tiveram anteriormente, familiares internados numa Unidade de Cuidados Continuados. Perante a eminência da alta os cuidadores informais vivenciam um momento difícil que requer adaptação ao seu novo papel. A prestação de cuidados é uma tarefa exigente, contribuindo para uma ambivalência de sentimentos mencionada pelos participantes do estudo. Os sentimentos positivos traduzem-se em amor e gratificação, enquanto os sentimentos negativos estão relacionados com o medo, ansiedade e insegurança, face ao ato de cuidar. As redes de apoio informal/formal, manifestadas por apoio técnico, psicológico, financeiro e a necessidade de formação são fatores fundamentais, revelados pelos cuidadores informais do estudo. As expetativas referidas pelos participantes do estudo face às Unidades de Cuidados Continuados são: a adequação dos cuidados à situação da pessoa, promoção da autonomia e a humanização dos cuidados em saúde.
Introdução: A crescente incidência de doenças crónicas, nomeadamente a patologia renal, dificulta o desfrutar de uma vida normal, dadas as modificações ocorridas no quotidiano. Objetivos: Caracterizar a qualidade de vida percebida pelas crianças com patologia renal que frequentam campos de férias e analisar a relação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas. Metodologia: Estudo Ibérico descritivo-correlacional e transversal, misto: quantitativo e qualitativo. A amostra é composta por 29 crianças espanholas e 13 portuguesas, com patologia renal crónica, que frequentaram campos de férias com idades entre 7 e 17 anos. Utilizou-se a escala KINDL (Bullinger & Ravens-Sieberer, 1998a, 1998b), que contempla 7 dimensões: Bem-estar Físico, Bem-Estar Emocional, Autoestima, Família, Amigos, Escola e Situação Clínica. Agregaram-se 6 questões sociodemográficas e um bloco de notas. Resultados: Os participantes revelaram uma perceção positiva da qualidade de vida. A dimensão “Autoestima” foi a melhor percecionada e o “Bem-estar Emocional” a pior. As crianças de nacionalidade espanhola percecionaram melhor qualidade de vida. Relativamente às restantes variáveis, as diferenças não foram estatisticamente significativas. Pela análise de conteúdo efetuada aos testemunhos, emergiram sentimentos positivos, o que nos permite inferir que o campo de férias foi uma atividade que contribuiu para a socialização e melhoria da qualidade de vida das crianças. Conclusão: Estes dados revelam que seria benéfico um acompanhamento individualizado, mais direcionado às necessidades específicas de cada criança, por uma equipa multidisciplinar. Os campos de férias enquanto formativos e lúdicos são essenciais. Palavras-chave: Qualidade de vida; Doença renal; Acampamento.
Dissertação de Mestrado realizada apresentada no Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica em Clínica
Background: Body composition is affected by diseases, and affects responses to medical treatments, dosage of medicines, etc., while an abnormal body composition contributes to the causation of many chronic diseases. While we have reliable biochemical tests for certain nutritional parameters of body composition, such as iron or iodine status, and we have harnessed nuclear physics to estimate the body’s content of trace elements, the very basic quantification of body fat content and muscle mass remains highly problematic. Both body fat and muscle mass are vitally important, as they have opposing influences on chronic disease, but they have seldom been estimated as part of population health surveillance. Instead, most national surveys have merely reported BMI and waist, or sometimes the waist/hip ratio; these indices are convenient but do not have any specific biological meaning. Anthropometry offers a practical and inexpensive method for muscle and fat estimation in clinical and epidemiological settings; however, its use is imperfect due to many limitations, such as a shortage of reference data, misuse of terminology, unclear assumptions, and the absence of properly validated anthropometric equations. To date, anthropometric methods are not sensitive enough to detect muscle and fat loss. Aims: The aim of this thesis is to estimate Adipose/fat and muscle mass in health disease and during weight loss through; 1. evaluating and critiquing the literature, to identify the best-published prediction equations for adipose/fat and muscle mass estimation; 2. to derive and validate adipose tissue and muscle mass prediction equations; and 3.to evaluate the prediction equations along with anthropometric indices and the best equations retrieved from the literature in health, metabolic illness and during weight loss. Methods: a Systematic review using Cochrane Review method was used for reviewing muscle mass estimation papers that used MRI as the reference method. Fat mass estimation papers were critically reviewed. Mixed ethnic, age and body mass data that underwent whole body magnetic resonance imaging to quantify adipose tissue and muscle mass (dependent variable) and anthropometry (independent variable) were used in the derivation/validation analysis. Multiple regression and Bland-Altman plot were applied to evaluate the prediction equations. To determine how well the equations identify metabolic illness, English and Scottish health surveys were studied. Statistical analysis using multiple regression and binary logistic regression were applied to assess model fit and associations. Also, populations were divided into quintiles and relative risk was analysed. Finally, the prediction equations were evaluated by applying them to a pilot study of 10 subjects who underwent whole-body MRI, anthropometric measurements and muscle strength before and after weight loss to determine how well the equations identify adipose/fat mass and muscle mass change. Results: The estimation of fat mass has serious problems. Despite advances in technology and science, prediction equations for the estimation of fat mass depend on limited historical reference data and remain dependent upon assumptions that have not yet been properly validated for different population groups. Muscle mass does not have the same conceptual problems; however, its measurement is still problematic and reference data are scarce. The derivation and validation analysis in this thesis was satisfactory, compared to prediction equations in the literature they were similar or even better. Applying the prediction equations in metabolic illness and during weight loss presented an understanding on how well the equations identify metabolic illness showing significant associations with diabetes, hypertension, HbA1c and blood pressure. And moderate to high correlations with MRI-measured adipose tissue and muscle mass before and after weight loss. Conclusion: Adipose tissue mass and to an extent muscle mass can now be estimated for many purposes as population or groups means. However, these equations must not be used for assessing fatness and categorising individuals. Further exploration in different populations and health surveys would be valuable.
Objective: This study aims to evaluate the association of depression with menopausal status and some menopause symptoms (vasomotor symptoms and poor sleep). Methods: A total of 743 participants aged 40-60 years were recruited. Depression status was evaluated by using Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS). Sleep quality and vasomotor symptoms were evaluated by specific symptoms questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of depression among participants was 11.4%. Depression was found more likely to occur in participants with poor sleep (OR, 6.02; 95%CI, 3.61, 10.03) or with vasomotor symptoms (VMS) (OR, 2.03; 95%CI, 1.20, 3.44) after controlling for age, education level, marital status, menopause status, monthly family income and chronic diseases. Menopause status was not associated with depression. Stratification analysis showed a significant association between poor sleep and depression across different menopause stages, while VMS were associated with depression only in premenopausal status. Conclusion: The majority of Chinese rural midlife women do not experience depression. The relationship between depression, VMS and sleep disturbances tends to change with menopausal status in Chinese rural midlife women.
Health monitoring has become widespread these past few years. Such applications include from exercise, food intake and weight watching, to specific scenarios like monitoring people who suffer from chronic diseases. More and more we see the need to also monitor the health of new-born babies and even fetuses. Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) are the main cause of deaths among babies and doctors do not know most of these defects. Hence, there is a need to study what causes these anomalies, and by monitoring the fetus daily there will be a better chance of identifying the defects in earlier stages. By analyzing the data collected, doctors can find patterns and come up with solutions, thus saving peoples’ lives. In many countries, the most common fetal monitor is the ultrasound and the use of it is regulated. In Sweden for normal pregnancies, there is only one ultrasound scan during the pregnancy period. There is no great evidence that ultrasound can harm the fetus, but many doctors suggest to use it as little as possible. Therefore, there is a demand for a new non-ultrasound device that can be as accurate, or even better, on detecting the FHR and not harming the baby. The problems that are discussed in this thesis include how can accurate fetus health be monitored non-invasively at home and how could a fetus health monitoring system for home use be designed. The first part of the research investigates different technologies that are currently being used on fetal monitoring, and techniques and parameters to monitor the fetus. The second part is a qualitative study held in Sweden between April and May 2016. The data for the qualitative study was collected through interviews with 21 people, 10 mothers/mothers-to-be and 11 obstetricians/gynecologists/midwives. The questions were related to the Swedish pregnancy protocol, the use of technology in medicine and in particular during the pregnancy process, and the use of an ECG based monitoring device. The results show that there is still room for improvements on the algorithms to extract the fetal ECG and the survey was very helpful in understanding the need for a fetal home monitor. Parents are open to new technologies especially if it doesn't affect the baby's growth. Doctors are open to use ECG as a great alternative to ultrasound; on the other hand, midwives are happy with the current system. The remote monitoring feature is very desirable to everyone, if such system will be used in the future.
Este trabalho debruça-se sobre as exigências/expectativas de famílias com crianças com doença crónica face ao atendimento dos serviços de saúde, assim como na identificação de aspectos passíveis de serem melhorados. Neste processo, foi ainda sentida a necessidade de compreender como é que as famílias lidam com a problemática da doença crónica na criança, não só na vertente institucional, mas também familiar. Caracterizar as respostas institucionais face às famílias com crianças com doença crónica, no âmbito da Unidade de Saúde de Almada, Seixal e Sesimbra, constitui o objectivo principal da pesquisa. Metodologicamente utiliza-se a entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a familiares e a profissionais de saúde. ABSTRACT; This work approaches the demands/expectations of families with children with chronic diseases face to health services, as well as the identification of the aspects to be improved. In this process, it was felt the need to understand how families deal with the problem of the chronic condition, not only in the institutional but also in the family point of view. The main goal of this research is to characterize institutional answers face to families with children with chronic conditions, in the Unit of Health of Almada, Seixal and Sesimbra. The methodological approach is based on the semi-structured interview to family members and health professionals.
Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialidade Psicologia da Saúde
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Nutrição, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição Humana, 2016.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar os efeitos de uma intervenção psicoeducativa em grupo que foi planejada para fortalecer o autocuidado em idosos do sexo masculino. Participaram treze homens recrutados em um Centro de Convivência para Idosos em funcionamento em uma universidade privada localizada em Brasília, Brasil, com idades entre 62 e 78 anos (M= 69,5), todos eles casados, alfabetizados, aposentados e com doenças crónicas. Dados referentes aos hábitos de vida dos idosos foram obtidos mediante entrevistas individuais conduzidas antes e após o engajamento destes em nove encontros temáticos em grupo embasados no modelo cognitivo-comportamental. Os resultados evidenciaram o fortalecimento, no repertório comportamental dos participantes, da prática de exercícios físicos, de um padrão de alimentação saudável e de comportamentos assertivos, além da maior ênfase em crenças quanto aos benefícios de condutas promotoras de saúde. A intervenção mostrou-se vantajosa para maximizar hábitos de vida saudáveis, embora tenha evidenciado efeitos maiores para sensibilização e manutenção do que para modificação de comportamentos. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
The Republic of Korea (Korea) has been composed of a single ethnic group and, until very recently, has had little or no experience with large-volume of immigrants. The country, once known for its large-scale emigration, has emerged as a popular destination. As the foreign-born populations continue to grow, they experience dietary pattern changes. Dietary changes of immigrants are often associated with weight increase and consequently the risk of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. This study examined the association of demographic variables and dietary habits on Body Mass Index (BMI) of foreign nationals living in Korea, based on a cross-sectional sample of 193 foreign-born men (120) and women (73). A web-based survey program, Zoho survey, was used to capture self-reported region of origin, socio-demographic variables, weight, height, frequency of physical activity, and food frequencies. For the entire sample (n=193), the World Health Organization (WHO) classification and the Korean Society for the Study of Obesity cut-off points of BMI were used. The average BMI was 24.6 (SD=3.6) kg/m2. Significant associations were observed between BMI and age (χ² (8, N=193) =26.22, p<.01), gender (χ² (2, N=193) =11.45, p<.01), and religious affiliation (χ² (4, N=191) =9.53, p<.05). On average, participants had meat and carbonated drinks 2.2 times a week; high calorie foods 1.5 times a week; and, dairy products 2.4 times a week. A significant correlation (r=.14, p<.05) between BMI and eating meat was also observed. This study showed that the BMI varied with age, gender and religion. Frequent consumption of meat was associated with a significant increase in BMI. This increase in BMI could be associated with the dietary changes experienced by the newcomers or absence of more familiar products. Consequently, as the volume of immigrants continues to increase in Korea, it is imperative to consider designing and implementing public health policies specifically in relation to a healthy diet that can impact the prevalence of preventable chronic diseases. Thus, health education among foreign-born population in Korea should focus on reducing the intake of meat and high energy foods.
Background: Adequate calcium intake may have a crucial role with regards to prevention of many chronic diseases, including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, different types of cancer, obesity and osteoporosis. In children, sufficient calcium intake is especially important to support the accelerated growth spurt during the preteen and teenage years and to increase bone mineral mass to lay the foundation for older age. Objectives: This study aimed to assess daily calcium intake in school-age children to ensure whether they fulfill the FGP dairy serving recommendations, the recommended levels of daily calcium intake and to assess the relationship between dietary calcium intake and major bone health indicators. Patients and Methods: A total of 501 Iranian school-age children were randomly selected. Calcium intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Bone health indicators were also assessed. Results: Dairy products contributed to 69.3% of the total calcium intake of the children. Daily adequate intake of calcium was achieved by 17.8% of children. Only 29.8% met the Food guide pyramid recommendations for dairy intake. Dietary calcium intake was not significantly correlated with serum calcium and other selected biochemical indicators of bone health. Conclusions: The need for planning appropriate nutrition strategies for overcoming inadequate calcium intake in school age children in the city of Tehran is inevitable.