984 resultados para Fluvial
The continental margin off SE South America hosts one of the world’s most energetic hydrodynamic regimes but also the second largest drainage system of the continent. Both, the ocean current system as well as the fluvial runoff are strongly controlled by the atmospheric circulation modes over the region. The distribution pattern of particular types of sediments on shelf and slope and the long-term built-up of depositional elements within the overall margin architecture are, thus, the product of both, seasonal to millennial variability as well as long-term environmental trends. This talk presents how the combination of different methodological approaches can be used to obtain a comprehensive picture of the variability of a shelf and upper-slope hydrodynamic system during Holocene times. The particular methods applied are: (a) Margin-wide stratigraphic information to elucidate the role of sea level for the oceanographic and sedimentary systems since the last glacial maximum; (b) Palaeoceanographic sediment proxies combined with palaeo-temperature indicating isotopes of bivalve shells to trace lateral shifts in the coastal oceanography (particularly of the shelf front) during the Holocene; (c) Neodymium isotopes to identify the shelf sediment transport routes resulting from the current regime; (d) Sedimentological/geochemical data to show the efficient mechanism of sand export from the shelf to the open ocean; (e) Diatom assemblages and sediment element distributions indicating palaeo-salinity and the changing marine influence to illustrate the Plata runoff history. Sea level has not only controlled the overall configuration of the shelf but also the position of the main sediment routes from the continent towards the ocean. The shelf front has shifted frequently since the last glacial times probably resulting from both, changes in the Westerly Winds intensity and in the shelf width itself. Remarkable is a southward shift of this front during the past two centuries possibly related to anthropogenic influences on the atmosphere. The oceanographic regime with its prominent hydrographic boundaries led to a clear separation of sedimentary provinces since shelf drowning. It is especially the shelf front which enhances shelf sediment export through a continuous high sand supply to the uppermost slope. Finally, the Plata River does not continuously provide sediment to the shelf but shows significant climate-related changes in discharge during the past centuries. Starting from these findings, three major fields of research should, in general, be further developed in future: (i) The immediate interaction of the hydrodynamic and sedimentary systems to close the gaps between deposit information and modern oceanographic dynamics; (ii) Material budget calculations for the marginal ocean system in terms of material fluxes, storage/retention capacities, and critical thresholds; (iii) The role of human activity on the atmospheric, oceanographic and solid material systems to unravel natural vs. anthropogenic effects and feedback mechanisms
This paper presents for the first time a morphological and surface sediment characterization of the Uruguayan outer continental shelf and slope. The study is based on a high-resolution coverage using hydrographical, geomorphological and sedimentological sampling and several textural and productivity proxies. Along slope terraces and an important canyon system characterizes continental slope morphology, indicating that across- and down-slope sedimentary processes control large-scale sedimentation. Terraces represent the prolongation of the Argentinean Contouritic Depositional System that vanishes in the study area, presumably as a result of the dynamic of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence. Canyons incised in the upper slope are likely related to low-stand sea level conditions. At the outer shelf and shallow upper slope (170-250 m depth), off-shelf sand transport is inferred from the distribution of relict sand and reworked biogenic gravel. In the upper continental slope, the northern region is characterized by an erosive environment controlled by a steep slope and the southward flowing Brazil current. In the south, a depositional environment is enhanced by the presence of a gentler slope and seaward incised canyons and is mainly controlled by hemipelagic processes associated with nutrient-rich Sub-Antarctic Waters (SAW), by its confluence with South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW) and by the Rio de la Plata’s (RdlP) influence. Additionally, within the upper slope, the occurrence of igneous-metamorphic cobbles and pebbles in canyon and mound lag deposits suggests the influence of glacial fluvial discharge and/or iceberg transport processes. In the middle slope, sedimentation is controlled by thermohaline-induced deep-water bottom currents. The decreasing influence of the erosive Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is evident in a northward diminution in grain size. The variety of transport and sedimentary processes identified reflect the control of the Brazil-Malvinas confluence zone and the Rio de la Plata’s discharge.
Los foraminíferos bentónicos representan un excelente proxy geológico, ya que sus caparazones son incorporados en el sedimento y pasan a comportarse como granos sedimentares durante los eventos de transporte y erosión, permitiendo así, el registro de condiciones y eventos que ocurren en los océanos. De este modo, son usados para describir patrones de hidrodinámica y evaluar índices de deposición, erosión y retrabajamiento del sedimento en los ambientes marinos. Concretamente, las regiones costeras representan zonas de alta complejidad ambiental, debido a que en ellas se da la mezcla de agua tanto de origen continental como marino, y a su vez, al efecto de la descarga fluvial que aporta material particulado del continente para el océano. El Río de la Plata (RdLP) representa el cuarto mayor estuario del mundo y el segundo del continente americano, lo cual convierte al sistema RdLP-Océano Atlántico en un complejo gradiente estuarino de interés en estudios sedimentológicos con posteriores aplicaciones paleo-climáticas y paleo-ecológicas del Cuaternario Superior. En el presente estudio, se registra a partir de las asociaciones muertas, para la región del estuario entrada de agua marina hasta la zona del frente termohalino. Dichas asociaciones se caracterizaron por especies típicas de plataforma y aguas frías. La región marina del RdlP registró los mayores porcentajes de abrasión y fragmentación de caparazones, indicando una zona de alta energía. Por otro lado, en la región más oceánica las asociaciones muertas reflejaron un transporte en dirección norte, influenciado por la pluma del RdlP. Cabe resaltar la presencia en esta región de una isla barrera, vestigio de una paleo-costa producto de una regresión Holocénica. Este local se caracterizó por un aumento de la abrasión y fragmentación mostrando la gran hidrodinámica presente. En todos los casos existió correlación entre las señales tafonómicas y los datos geo-químicos (sedimentología, pH, oxígeno disuelto, carbono orgánico y nitrógeno total).
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros
[ES] Se presenta el análisis morfológico de un sector del replano RIOOO' El sector escogido está colgado por encima de la red fluvial actual. Este hecho permite atribuir a los cursos que drenan el replano un carácter semi funcional. Se han identificado once niveles de terrazas erosivas, que corresponden al desmantelamiento del replano inicial. La geometría de la red permite suponer que la organización actual se alcanzó mediante sucesivas capturas. Por otra parte, se han distinguido dos trazados de la red (centrípeta y en bayoneta); la red centrípeta define una superficie hueca y la red en bayoneta una superficie en rampas escalonadas. Se propone que ambas morfologías corresponderían a diferentes estadios de un mismo proceso: el vaciado del RIOOO' Por último, se propone la hipótesis de un descabalamiento tectónico del Rgoo para el origen de los Llanos.
[EN] This paper deals with the relief generation in Ourense, an interior territory of the Galicia Country, at NW Spain, after the breakdown of Pangea 200 million years ago. The rupture of supercontinent causes the main effects in the outer part of Galicia, the present coast line and the shelf, but also the inner parts of Galicia where the landscape changes dramatically mainly ruled by fluvial incision connected with uprising, (orogenic, epirogenic, or isostatic origin), or even with eustatic oscillations, that shaped the previous old mesozoic landscape. Various things complicate the correct understanding of Galician geomorphology:1) the prevalent hercynian structure, (presumably reactivated during the Alpine Orogeny), causes that the epigenic processes, (fluvial, glaciar, marine and etching), acting on Galicia from Mesozoic to present times, produce end forms identified erroneously at the previous literature as tectonic and not as etch forms profiting from lithological or structural contrasts. 2) the common morphotectonic model accepted by all previous researchers establishes for the whole of Galicia a blocky pattern, (horst and graben like), due to extensional tectonic regime. This model is proved as no longer valid because the Galician tertiary basins, even were described at the past as graben depressions never have this origin. 3) big differences exist between the north and western sides of Galicia that show contrasted tectonic regime: compressional (with forms as the so called raised platforms), at the northern coast border, and extensional (with forms so typical as the Rias), at the western side. The study area is located at the confluence of two tectonic domains where the above mentioned effects are coincidents and specially well showed through different effects: prominent assimetry of fluvial captures (west facing), pronounced river incision and different kinds of tertiary basins: either strike slipe faults (Maceda, Xinzo de Limia, etc), or overslipped by inverse faults, (Quiroga, A Rúa, etc.), or even corresponding with depressions never, (or anywise passively), affected by tectonic movements, (Monforte). The paper include a detailed inventory of surfaces and terrace levels and their incision sequence which allow stablish a relative chronology of geomorphic evolution at this area of NW Spain during meso-cainozoic times.
[EN] We present a geomorphological analysis of Ourense Province (NW Spain) characterized by: a general narrowing of the fluvial network, highlands with smooth reliefs partially eroded and lowlands with residual reliefs, several extensive plains of erosion frequently limited by fractures -among which Tertiary grabens are inserted-, some ?Hollow Surface?-type morphology, absence of sedimentary deposits outside the grabens, and a generalized outcrop of the Hercynian Massif substratum. Traditionally, this ?piano?s keyboard morphology? has been interpreted as expression of block tectonics in tensile regimen; instead we suggest the existence of: an isostatic upheaval simultaneous to a sequence of tectonic pulses of compressive regimen with activity in favour of transcurrent faults, a General Surface (R600), several plains that present a ?Hollow Surface?-type morphology (R1600 R1400 R1000), a generalized alteration that correspond to a same process of decomposition associated to fluctuating conditions of redox equilibrium, a erosional terraces related principaly to the palaeo-fluvial nets; moreover, we propose the existence of two morphoestructural lineament: the first one represented by the Fault of Vila Real (NE-SW) -a ramification of the ?Basal Pyrenean Overthrust?-, that would have been active at an early moment of the tectonic sequence with a left transcurrent fault, secondly the lineament represented by the Fault of Maceda (NNW-SSE) that would be related to the ?Fault System NW-SE? and would have produced a right transcurrent fault during a late tectonic pulse.
[ES] La cartografía geomorfológica es especialmente difícil en áreas con depósitos escasos, poco significativos y de cronología incierta,con formas multiedad y multiorigen. Tal es el caso de Galicia. Este trabajo es un intento de reconstruir la historia geomorfológica de Galicia durante el Cenozoico en un área especialmente relevante por su situación geodinámica. Se ha hecho un inventario exhaustivo de los niveles de terrazas erosivas y de acumulación en un tramo específico, por sus características morfológicas del curso principal del río Miño. Se presentan aquí los sistemas de terrazas entre Chantada y As Neves y se relacionan con las tres superficies de corrosión química (etched surfaces) más relevantes en la zona: R800, R600 y R400. Se analiza también su relación con el perfil longitudinal del río. Utilizando los únicos criterios existentes (continuidad topográfica y altitud), se propone para el sector estudiado un modelo evolutivo esencialmente determinado por la incisión fluvial asociada a la colisión entre la Placa Euroasiática y la Ibérica durante el Paleógeno y que geomorfológicamente se inicia a partir de la formación del aplanamiento R600, equivalente en Galicia a la Superficie Fundamental Peninsular.
[ES] Se presenta la cartografía geomorfológica y el análisis de cuatro formaciones superficiales que recubren algunos sectores de los Llanos de Castro Caldelas, una planicie topográficamente aislada por el profundo encajamiento de la red fluvial del río Sil y por la falla de Maceda, de edad alpina. Sobre este replano erosivo se ha identificado una red fluvial fosil, parcialmente capturada por el río Sil y varios niveles de terrazas erosivas que corresponden al desmantelamiento del replano inicial R1000. La relación entre morfologías y depósitos permitió elaborar una secuencia de procesos desencadenada por un pulso tectónico que descabaló el replano R800 y produjo el levantamiento relativo de los Llanos de Castro Caldelas y otras áreas adyacentes
[ES] Se describen los sistemas de terrazas del Río Sil desde el Bierzo hasta la confluencia con el Miño. En este tramo el río se encaja profundamente sobre las principales superficies de erosión del SE gallego (R400, R600, R800, RlOOO y R1200). Junto a los niveles de terraza con depósitos se observa la presencia de superficies terraza y aplanamientos de mayor extensión, siempre asociados al encajamiento fluvial. Se analiza la morfometría y los perfiles longitudinales de la red; así como la distribución de las terrazas y aplanamientos incluidos en el encajamiento. Se reconocen algunos cambios en la evolución de la red simultáneos a la sedimentación de las fosas terciarias (Monforte de Lemos, Quiroga, A Rúa-O Barco). La antigüedad de la red y un descenso generalizado en el nivel de base del Sistema Miño-Sil, podría justificar estos acontecimientos. Sin embargo, existen indicios de cierto control tectónico. Por último se propone un modelo evolutivo del tramo estudiado, para la etapa posterior a la formación del aplanamiento RlOOO.
Organizado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, RALEY (Estudios costeros) ; colaboran, Ministerio de Fomento, Puertos del Estado, Fundación Puertos de Las Palmas, en la Sala de Grado de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, los días 24 al 30 de mayo de 2013
The Calabrian-Peloritani arc represents key site to unravel evolution of surface processes on top of subducting lithosphere. During the Pleistocene, in fact the arc uplifted at rate of the order of about 1mm/yr, forming high-standing low-relief upland (figure 2). Our study is focused on the relationship between tectonic and land evolution in the Sila Massif, Messina strait and Peloritani Mts. Landforms reflect a competition between tectonic, climatic, and surficial processes. Many landscape evolution models that explore feedbacks between these competing processes, given steady forcing, predict a state of erosional equilibrium, where the rates of river incision and hillslope erosion balance rock uplift. It has been suggested that this may be the final constructive stage of orogenic systems. Assumptions of steady erosion and incision are used in the interpretation of exhumation and uplift rates from different geologic data, and in the formulation of fluvial incision and hillslope evolution models. In the Sila massif we carried out cosmogenic isotopes analysis on 24 samples of modern fluvial sediments to constrain long-term (~103 yr) erosion rate averaged on the catchment area. 35 longitudinal rivers profiles have been analyzed to study the tectonic signal on the landscape evolution. The rivers analyzed exhibit a wide variety of profile forms, diverging from equilibrium state form. Generally the river profiles show at least 2 and often 3 distinct concave-up knickpoint-bounded segments, characterized by different value of concavity and steepness indices. River profiles suggest three main stages of incision. The values of ks and θ in the lower segments evidence a decrease in river incision, due probably to increasing uplift rate. The cosmogenic erosion rates pointed out that old landscape upland is eroding slowly at ~0.1 mm/yr. In the contrary, the flanks of the massif is eroding faster with value from 0.4 to 0.5 mm/yr due to river incision and hillslope processes. Cosmogenic erosion rates mach linearly with steepness indices and with average hillslope gradient. In the Messina area the long term erosion rate from low-T thermochronometry are of the same order than millennium scale cosmogenic erosion rate (1-2 mm/yr). In this part of the chain the fast erosion is active since several million years, probably controlled by extensional tectonic regime. In the Peloritani Mts apatite fission-track and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry are applied to constraint the thermal history of the basement rock. Apatite fission-track ages range between 29.0±5.5 and 5.5±0.9 Ma while apatite (U-Th)/He ages vary from 19.4 to 1.0 Ma. Most of the AFT ages are younger than the overlying terrigenous sequence that in turn postdates the main orogenic phase. Through the coupling of the thermal modelling with the stratigraphic record, a Middle Miocene thermal event due to tectonic burial is unravel. This event affected a inner-intermediate portion of the Peloritani belt confined by young AFT data (<15 Ma) distribution. We interpret this thermal event as due to an out-of–sequence thrusting occurring in the inner portion of the belt. Young (U-Th)/He ages (c. 5 Ma) record a final exhumation stage with increasing rates of denudation since the Pliocene times due to postorogenic extensional tectonics and regional uplift. In the final chapter we change the spatial scale to insert digital topography analysis and field data within a geodynamic model that can explain surface evidence produced by subduction process.
ZusammenfassungSpätarchaische Sedimentgesteine (ca. 2,65 Milliarden Jahre alt) wurden in Grünsteingürteln des Simbabwe Kratons untersucht. In dem Belingwe Grünsteingürtel ist granitoides Grundgebirge von einer allochthonen Einheit aus vulkanischen Gesteinen und Vorlandbeckensedimenten überlagert. Die sedimentäre Abfolge besteht aus Flachwasserkalken und Turbiditen. Unterschiedliche Faziestypen der Kalksteine sind in sedimentäre Verflachungszyklen angeordnet. Eustatische Meeresspiegelschwankungen werden als Ursache der zyklischen Sedimentation angenommen. Sedimentologische, geochemische und strukturelle Analysen zeigen die Bedeutung horizontal-tektonischer Prozesse für die Entstehung dieses Grünsteingürtels an.Sedimentgesteine des Midlands Grünsteingürtels lagern zwischen ozeanischen, mafischen Vulkaniten und kontinentalen, granitoiden Gneisen. Die Art der Abfolge sedimentärer Fazies, beginnend mit Turbiditen und überlagert von flachmarinen Schelfsedimenten und alluvialen Ablagerungen, sowie geologische und geochemische Hinweise aus den benachbarten Gesteinsserien lassen auf Ablagerung während der Kollision zwischen einem ozeanischen Plateau/Inselbogen und einem kontinentalen Krustenfragmentes schließen.In dem Bindura-Shamva Grünsteingürtel können zwei Sedimentgesteinseinheiten unterschieden werden, eine alluvialflachmarine Abfolge und eine tiefmarinfluviatile Abfolge. Extensionstektonik verursachte wahrscheinlich die Bildung des Sedimentbeckens. Die spätere Phase der Beckenbildung war jedoch ähnlich jener in modernen Vorlandbecken.Schichtparallele Eisensteinhorizonte sind häufig entlang von Sediment-Vulkanit-Kontakten zu finden. Diese Gesteine werden als silifizierte und von Sulfiden imprägnierte Scherzonen interpretiert. Syntektonische hydrothermale Alteration von Gesteinen entlang der Störungszonen führte zur Bildung dieser 'tektonischen Eisensteine'.
The Northern Apennines (NA) chain is the expression of the active plate margin between Europe and Adria. Given the low convergence rates and the moderate seismic activity, ambiguities still occur in defining a seismotectonic framework and many different scenarios have been proposed for the mountain front evolution. Differently from older models that indicate the mountain front as an active thrust at the surface, a recently proposed scenario describes the latter as the frontal limb of a long-wavelength fold (> 150 km) formed by a thrust fault tipped around 17 km at depth, and considered as the active subduction boundary. East of Bologna, this frontal limb is remarkably very straight and its surface is riddled with small, but pervasive high- angle normal faults. However, west of Bologna, some recesses are visible along strike of the mountain front: these perturbations seem due to the presence of shorter wavelength (15 to 25 km along strike) structures showing both NE and NW-vergence. The Pleistocene activity of these structures was already suggested, but not quantitative reconstructions are available in literature. This research investigates the tectonic geomorphology of the NA mountain front with the specific aim to quantify active deformations and infer possible deep causes of both short- and long-wavelength structures. This study documents the presence of a network of active extensional faults, in the foothills south and east of Bologna. For these structures, the strain rate has been measured to find a constant throw-to-length relationship and the slip rates have been compared with measured rates of erosion. Fluvial geomorphology and quantitative analysis of the topography document in detail the active tectonics of two growing domal structures (Castelvetro - Vignola foothills and the Ghiardo plateau) embedded in the mountain front west of Bologna. Here, tilting and river incision rates (interpreted as that long-term uplift rates) have been measured respectively at the mountain front and in the Enza and Panaro valleys, using a well defined stratigraphy of Pleistocene to Holocene river terraces and alluvial fan deposits as growth strata, and seismic reflection profiles relationships. The geometry and uplift rates of the anticlines constrain a simple trishear fault propagation folding model that inverts for blind thrust ramp depth, dip, and slip. Topographic swath profiles and the steepness index of river longitudinal profiles that traverse the anti- clines are consistent with stratigraphy, structures, aquifer geometry, and seismic reflection profiles. Available focal mechanisms of earthquakes with magnitude between Mw 4.1 to 5.4, obtained from a dataset of the instrumental seismicity for the last 30 years, evidence a clear vertical separation at around 15 km between shallow extensional and deeper compressional hypocenters along the mountain front and adjacent foothills. In summary, the studied anticlines appear to grow at rates slower than the growing rate of the longer- wavelength structure that defines the mountain front of the NA. The domal structures show evidences of NW-verging deformation and reactivations of older (late Neogene) thrusts. The reconstructed river incision rates together with rates coming from several other rivers along a 250 km wide stretch of the NA mountain front and recently available in the literature, all indicate a general increase from Middle to Late Pleistocene. This suggests focusing of deformation along a deep structure, as confirmed by the deep compressional seismicity. The maximum rate is however not constant along the mountain front, but varies from 0.2 mm/yr in the west to more than 2.2 mm/yr in the eastern sector, suggesting a similar (eastward-increasing) trend of the apenninic subduction.
Lo studio dei processi biogeochimici che avvengono all’interfaccia acqua-sedimento riveste grande importanza per comprendere quali fattori ambientali siano responsabili di un eventuale modifica nel bilancio del carbonio organico e di altri elementi maggiori o minori e può` fornire un' indicazione su quali siano le aree più sensibili a tali processi. In questo studio sono stati analizzati i meccanismi che guidano la mineralizzazione della sostanza organica in aree caratterizzate da differenti condizioni idrodinamiche, batimetriche e trofiche nel Mediterraneo centrale. In particolare sono state prelevate carote di sedimento e analizzate le acque interstiziali in siti localizzati nell'Adriatico centro-meridionale, caratterizzati da basse profondità, alti tassi di sedimentazione e elevati apporti di sostanza organica, e in siti localizzati nello Ionio centro-settentrionale, caratterizzati da profondità crescenti, minori tassi di sedimentazione e ridotti apporti fluviali. L'analisi dei processi di degradazione della sostanza organica evidenzia differenze regionali tra il bacino adriatico e quello ionico: processi di mineralizzazione ossica e subossica appaiono intensi nei sedimenti adriatici, diversamente il bacino ionico appare caratterizzato principalmente da processi di degradazione ossica della sostanza organica. Inoltre, relativamente ai flussi bentici di Carbonio Inorganico Disciolto (DIC) flussi inversi sono stati registrati nei due bacini: i sedimenti adriatici si comportano come sourse di DIC, mentre i sedimenti Ionici si comportano come dei sink di DIC suggerendo una possibile precipitazione di carbonati nel bacino ionico.