897 resultados para Criticism, Textual
Ce mémoire porte sur les retraductions françaises du XXe siècle d’Al Moqaddima (Les Prolégomènes) (1377) d’Ibn Khaldoun, un traité historique et philosophique du XIVe siècle. La première traduction française, Les Prolégomènes, est réalisée par De Slane entre 1840 et 1863. Elle est suivie de deux retraductions, à savoir Discours sur l’histoire universelle (1967- 1968) réalisée par Vincent-Mansour Monteil, et Le Livre des Exemples I : Autobiographie, La Muqaddima (2002) réalisée par Abdesselam Cheddadi. L’objet de ce mémoire est de mener une analyse contextuelle, paratextuelle et discursive de ces deux retraductions de l’œuvre monumentale d’Ibn Khaldoun, afin de dégager les principaux facteurs déterminant, dans chaque cas, le choix de retraduire. Notre approche théorique s’inscrit dans le contexte récent de remise en cause de ladite « hypothèse de la retraduction » d’Antoine Berman, qui privilégie une analyse textuelle de l’œuvre (re)traduite en négligeant quelque peu l’analyse contextuelle éclairant les conditions de production des retraductions, et en limitant le positionnement du traducteur à sa relation envers la « vérité » du texte source. Ainsi, en retraçant l’histoire des différentes éditions des Prolégomènes au XXe siècle, en exposant le contexte qui entoure les retraductions, et en nous nous attachant aux stratégies discursives déployées par les traducteurs en marge de ces dernières, nous tenons compte des réflexions récentes sur les « causalités multiples » du phénomène de la retraduction, tout en montrant comment la subjectivité du traducteur, ses décisions et ses motivations sont reliées à tous les éléments extratextuels ou contextuels mis en valeur par les théoriciens. Nous montrons par notre analyse que les deux retraductions au corpus sont motivées par des facteurs internes au texte (tels que l’authenticité de leur original, une meilleure connaissance du texte, de la langue et de la culture source, la nécessité de corriger des erreurs dans les traductions antérieures), mais aussi par de nouveaux éléments externes au texte (tels que le changement de normes sociales, littéraires et traductionnelles, l’émergence de nouvelles interprétations du texte, le positionnement idéologique du retraducteur, sa volonté de s’imposer comme une autorité, etc.). La retraduction s’avère donc un phénomène complexe motivé par une combinaison de facteurs, à la fois internes (textuels), externes (contextuels) et personnels, propres au (re)traducteur.
The aim of this paper is to consider the emergence of nostalgia videogames in the context of playable game criticism. Mirroring the development of the nostalgia film in cinema, an increasing number of developers are creating videogames that are evocative of past gaming forms, designs, and styles. The primary focus of this paper is to explore the extent to which these nostalgia videogames could be considered games-on-games: games that offer a critical view on game design and development, framed by the nostalgia and cultural memory of both gamers and game developers. Theories of pastiche and parody as applied to literature, film, and art are used to form a basis for the examination of recent nostalgia videogames, all of which demonstrate a degree of reflection on the videogame medium.
The present study extends previous findings by examining whether defense styles, selfobject needs, attachment styles relate to Neediness and Self-Criticism, as maladaptive personality dimensions focused, respectively, on relatedness and self-definition in an Iranian sample. Three hundred and fifty two participants completed a socio-demographic questionnaire as well as the Persian forms of the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, Experience of Close Relationships-Revised, Defense Style Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory–II and Selfobject Needs Inventory. Two Multiple Linear Regression Analyses, entering Self-criticism and Neediness as criterion variables, were computed. According to the results high Attachment anxiety, high Immature defenses, high depressive symptoms, and high need for idealization were related to self-criticism, and explained 47% of its variance. In addition, high attachment anxiety, low mature defenses, high neurotic defenses, high avoidance of mirroring, and low avoidance of idealization/twinship were related to neediness, and explained 40% of its variance. A Principal Component Analysis was performed, entering all the studied variables. Three factors emerged; one describing a maladaptive form of psychological functioning and two describing more mature modes of psychological functioning. The results are discussed in their implications for the understanding of neediness and self-criticism as maladaptive personality dimensions focused, respectively, on relatedness and self-definition.
Recibido 05 de mayo de 2010 • Aceptado 24 de junio de 2010 • Corregido 05 de agosto de 2010 Resumen. Con base en el aporte del crítico literario y pensador palestino Said (1983), quien acuña el término “crítica secular,” este artículo analiza la posibilidad de aplicar dicho concepto a la enseñanza de la literatura, tanto en niveles de educación primaria y secundaria, como en niveles superiores. Por crítica secular se debe entender el modo de análisis textual que ve a la literatura inherentemente ligada a las experiencias humanas, a las realidades sociales de los contextos en que es producida y a las instituciones de poder que la propician o la reprimen. La principal propuesta será, entonces, el plantear una metodología para abordar, en el salón de clase, los textos literarios desde una perspectiva mundana; es decir, ligándolos al mundo exterior, al que está fuera de las aulas. En este sentido, y utilizando tanto ejemplos textuales primarios como teoría literaria, el artículo propondrá convertir el estudio de la literatura en una herramienta de análisis, cuestionamiento, desafío y cambio de las realidades que la producen.
In this paper, are presented studies of the adjective and its enunciative expressivity in. According to the singular form that Callou and Serra (2003a, 2003b) describe the studies specifically stated on the adjective. This depends on the order which takes over the noun, may submit change of meaning in three ways: the first with the respect to the free position of the adjective with meaning change, the second with the mandatory position on the adjective, and, the third related to the free position of the adjective without a change of meaning. Demonstrating that not all cases can be checked diversity semantics and pragmatics of the adjective in the description. It is made a reflection about the use of enunciative expressions in the adjective use in discursive contexts in order to describe the assumptions of Sales (2006) on the influence of the genre in the order of the adjective to be relevant and, if applicable to this study.
Regarding the importance the reader takes on in studies about reading and literary genres, this paper presents reflections about the reader’s role in the constitution of the literary genres as esthetics conventions which the writer dialogues, as well as, about the literary genres theory issues, important to literary analysis, and allow to an useful understanding, and consequently, the esthetical experience in reading literary texts. This paper focuses particularly, in a reflection about the reading concepts and esthetical conventions of the fantastic genre, from the theoretical assumptions of Tzvetan Torodov and Vincent Jouve. From reflections developed related to reception theories, about the reading processing and the reader’s contribution in the creation of the fantastic genre, was possible propose an approach and establish analogies between the referential from de Todorov and Jouve Both authors recognize the importance of the reader’s role to the literary text completeness and suggest the text to present features and conventions, as textual strategies of stylistic, linguistic and formal order which conduct the reader to the achievement of the text meanings.
A importância da prática da leitura para o desenvolvimento social, intelectual e sócio-político do leitor é assunto de muita relevância. No entanto, sabemos das limitações pelas quais passam alunos e professores no processo de ensino aprendizagem dessa prática. Este trabalho, objetiva conscientizar o professor da necessidade de proporcionar, desde as séries iniciais, no ambiente escolar, condições para práticas de leituras interativas, despertando o gosto do aluno pela leitura com intenção de formar leitores atuantes. Portanto, propomos um estudo sobre novas possibilidades de concepção de leitura. Além de exaltar a importância do professor leitor nesse processo. A abrangência e o aprofundamento deste estudo, ainda são limitados, porém bastante promissora.
This paper aims to verify how the presence of the author Adelino Magalhães (1887-1969) has been portrayed over the years by both the Brazilian literary historiography and the specialized literary criticism. Given that the author raises, both in the historiography and in the criticism, dissonant opinion, the present article tries to establish the largest possible number of studies that deal with Magalhães’s prose, as well as to show the status of discussions about his inclusion or omission within the Brazilian Modernism. To conclude so, it was made, at first, a path of the major Brazilian literary historiography, trying to highlight the uncertain presence and, often conflicting, of the writer in a given period and/or in certain literary aesthetics. In a second moment, there were covered paths on Magalhães’s critical work by studying his critical fortune.
Tutameia - Terceiras Estórias was published in July 1967 and it is the last book published by João Guimarães Rosa. The minimum narratives that make up the volume clash against the style presented by the author in previous works. Originally written for publication in the journal O Pulso, the 40 stories represent the capacity of the author to synthesize the fact narrated at the same the time the narrative extends the significant disposal through the words unspoken. The space unfolding narrative is the same that characterizes others works from Guimarães Rosa, populated by gangsters, cowboys, cattle herds and buritis. This article deals with the memorialist narrative strategy in “– Uai, Eu?” by Guimarães Rosa, a short story presented in Tutameia (1967). To accomplish that task, it was checked the literary criticism on the theme, highlighting considerations from Araújo (2001), Candido (2002), Coutinho (1997), Bosi (1988), Duarte (2001), Riedel (1980) and Santos (1991). As literary analysis procedure resorts on observation of the issues that make up the narrative organization of the short story, according to the narratological perspective by Gérard Genette, in Narrative discourse. The compositional details observation indicates a narrative strategy that works as an adjunct in narrator’s triparted goal: intelligence, kindness and justice. It concludes that the reformed and testimonial Jimirulino’s behaviour, represented by its own voice in narration, works as an argument in favor of the deponent that, through it, seems unable to perceive the contradictions in his own behavior at the crime time, in the past.
This paper examines the perception of the characteristics of a set of Textual Genres based on Linguistic Analysis, drawing on a Textual Linguistics investigation and offering Semantics considerations as support. This is an attempt to show how relevant semantic investigations are to extend a perception on the characteristics of Textual Genres, without excluding pragmatic and discourse elements. The texts analyzed in this study were taken from a questionnaire designed to assess freshman and senior university students from courses of Bachelor of Arts in Language, in terms of knowledge about different Textual Genres and their characteristics. The analyses focus on the semantic elements that act in respect of question and answer in the questionnaire, and which include: A Semantics-Pragmatics interface, the considerations of the propositional calculus, the theories of tense and aspect of verbal and semantic primitives. On these terms, it is set a relationship between the cognitive mechanisms that operate in the production and reception of texts and a look at the functions that organize semantic text processing. The main analysis in this paper will concern the interface of Textual Linguistics, from authors as Beaugrande and Dressler (1981) and Adam (2011), with Semantic investigations in terms of meaning processing.
This article focuses on the difficulties encountered in text production students of the first phase of an undergraduate distance learning course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina with regard to working with the gender discourse academic review. The research question that drives this study is: In terms of social experiences with written language system, which factors are inferreds in the analysis of problems of adaptation to the visualized gender in textual production reviews in the academic sphere in the course of Portuguese Language distance? The study developed is anchored in theories of literacy based on Street (1984; 2003; 2009), Hamilton (2000), Barton and Hamilton (2004), among other authors who discuss the new studies of literacy through ethnographic perspectives; as well as the theories of genres of Bakhtin and his Circle (2003 [1952/53]). The results show problems (not) appropriate to the genre, both in terms of compositional configuration as in relation to the thematic content and style and signal distinctions between school and family literacy practices and academic literacy practices, demanding methodological resignifications in addressing gender in the academic sphere. The study contributes to the Applied Linguistics area paying attention to the need to undertake a teaching preparation (Halte, 2008) that includes the experiences of students and their weaknesses, so as to focus on them.
Colonial strategies, including degradation and the othering of the colonial subject are analyzed in the short story “Little Tembi” by Doris Lessing. The manner an African boy is othered by white plantation owners and his resistance against the colonial and apartheid system through sly civility and crime are investigated.
It is showed in this text, discussion about the textual (re)writing process in activity that was propitiated through the development of a research project applied in a public school of Parana state, whose goal was to develop the argumentative writing production at the 9th year students, of the basic education. The research project focused on the teaching of a scientific paper and the use of conjunctions as constituent elements of argumentation. It was applied strategies grounded on Argumentative Semantics which were concerned with the conjunctions use as argumentative elements and, for the expansion of ideas. After the produced material analysis, it was selected this work’s corpus, which is constituted of the last version of the written text by one student whose production was well qualified. It was verified that the textual genre suggested and the conjunctions usage as argumentation organizer element was considered by the student, at the writing activities.
Sounds of the Suburb was a commissioned public art proposal based upon a brief set by Queensland Rail for the major redevelopment at their Brunswick Street Railway Station, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. I proposed a large scale, electronic artwork to be distributed across the glass fronted structure of their station’s new concourse building. It was designed as a network of LED based ‘tracking’ - along which would travel electronically animated, ‘trains’ of text synchronised to the actual train timetables. Each message packet moved endlessly through a complex spatial network of ‘tracks’ and ‘stations’ set both inside, outside and via the concourse. The design was underpinned by large scale image of sound waves etched onto the architecture’s glass and was accompanied by two inset monitors each presenting ghosted images of passenger movements within the concourse, time-delay recorded and then cross-combined in realtime to form new composites.----- Each moving, reprogrammable phrase was conceived as a ‘train of thought’ and ostensibly contained an idea or concept about popular cultures surrounding contemporary music – thereby meeting the brief that the work should speak to the diverse musical cultures central to Fortitude Valley’s image as an entertainment hub. These cultural ‘memes’, gathered from both passengers and the music press were situated alongside quotes from philosophies of networking, speed and digital ecologies. These texts would continually propagate, replicate and cross fertlise as they moved throughout the ‘network’, thereby writing a constantly evolving ‘textual soundcape’ of that place. This idea was further cemented through the pace, scale and rhythm of passenger movements continually recorded and re-presented on the smaller screens.