998 resultados para Vietnã, Guerra do, 1961-1975


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En este estudio abordaremos fundamentalmente el análisis de tres obras de literatura de guerra quecreemos representativas del género en un momento, tras la I Guerra Mundial, en que éste toma unaposición de apología del movimiento antibelicista. El fuego (diario de una escuadra) (1916) deHenri Barbusse, Sin novedad en el frente (1929) de Erich Maria Remarque e Imán (1930) de RamónJ. Sender dan una visión detallada de un fenómeno, la guerra, que causa un punto de inflexión en eldiscurso literario tradicional. Por ende, este estudio, podría decirse, trata sobre la literatura de guerray su apología del antibelicismo, aunque sería quedarse algo corto. Este pequeño tratado intentaráexplicar cómo la literatura, a lo largo de la historia, construye el tropo del héroe que acabaconvirtiéndose en una especie de figura moral de la sociedad occidental y cómo él mismo esfagocitado, devorado o deconstruido por la propia literatura y ética humana.


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El propòsit d’aquest article és endreçar la cronologia dels programes femenins que les estacions de ràdio pioneres emetien a Catalunya abans de la Guerra Civil i conèixer-ne els trets diferenciadors que tenien. Tal com ja he posat de manifest en les conclusions de la meva tesi doctoral, i en alguns dels articles que se n’han derivat, els programes femenins que les emissores catalanes varen dur a terme abans de 1939 van ser els primers espais de la radiodifusió espanyola que varen tenir el que ara coneixem com a format. Aquesta manera d’entendre un programa de ràdio, que ja va tenir una locutora a finals dels anys vint, ha permès que ara investiguem, per ordenar-los cronològicament, aquests espais tan vells i tan preuats de la ràdio pionera, i que a més a més puguem revelar quines característiques comunes tenien tots aquests espais femenins, a partir de saber els detalls de tots els que varen coincidir, en el temps, a les ones de Barcelona


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Why we fight és un grup de set pel·lícules de format documental que van formar part d’un ampli programa d’informació, formació i propaganda impulsat per l’exèrcit nord-americà, en el moment en què els Estats Units ja s’havien implicat en la Segona Guerra Mundial. És també un dels més reeixits exercicis de retòrica cinematogràfica nord-americana d’aquell període que permet analitzar com els països democràtics van gestionar qüestions tan compromeses com la propaganda de guerra. La pretensió d’aquest treball de recerca és aprofundir en la complexitat ideològica i formal de la sèrie, que faci possible descobrir-ne els orígens, els objectius i la manera com aquests van ser assolits per un grup d’especialistes cinematogràfics, coordinats pel director Frank Capra, tots els quals havien triomfat fins llavors a Hollywood


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Con la implicación definitiva de los Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el gobierno y el alto mando militar decidieron impulsar un amplio programa audiovisual que utilizando la letra impresa, la radio y el cine intentaría explicar –principalmente, aunque no exclusivamente, a millares de civiles reclutados para la ocasión– el porqué de la guerra y la necesaria implicación de los Estados Unidos en la contienda. Naturalmente, a esta voluntad pedagógica se unía otra propagandística. Por lo que respecta al cine, y contando con los destacados antecedentes del cine soviético y las producciones cinematográficas del régimen nazi, se decidió poner en marcha un exhaustivo programa para la producción cinematográfica de documentales que cubriría estos dos aspectos esenciales: el formativo y el propagandístico –bautizado, eufemísticamente, como “orientación moral”. De entre las producciones cinematográficas de orientación moral, impulsadas por el ejército, destaca, por su ambición y calidad intrínseca, una serie de siete documentales presentada bajo el título genérico de Why We Fight


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This summary of legislation enacted by the General Assembly has been prepared for the use of legislators and other interested parties. The summary of each legislative enactment has been assigned to a major subject category. This compilation provides interested persons with quick reference to legislation enacted in specific areas and generally informs persons of the contents and effective date of the legislation. NOTE: This is a large file and may take a few minutes to load.


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Data tables describing the length and vehicle-miles of travel on Iowa's 1975 proposed interstate system, broken down by interstate. No text is available.


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This manual provides a set of procedural rules and regulations for use in functionally classifying all roads and streets in Iowa according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is a requirement of the 1973 Code of Iowa (Chapter 306) as amended by Senate File 1062 enacted by the 2nd session of the 65th General Assembly of Iowa. Functional classification is defined as the grouping of roads and streets into systems according to the character of service they will be expected to provide, and the assignment of jurisdiction over each class to the governmental unit having primary interest in each type of service. Stated objectives of the legislation are: "Functional classification will serve the legislator by providing an equitable basis for determination of proper source of tax support and providing for the assignment of financial resources to the governmental unit having responsibility for each class of service. Functional classification promotes the ability of the administrator to effectively prepare and carry out long range programs which reflect the transportation needs of the public." All roads and streets in legal existence will be classified. Instructions are also included in this manual for a continuous reporting to the Highway Commission of changes in classification and/or jurisdiction resulting from new construction, corporation line changes, relocations, and deletions. This continuous updating of records is absolutely essential for modern day transportation planning as it is the only possible way to monitor the status of existing road systems, and consequently determine adequacy and needs with accuracy.


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As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. One of these, an old pinconnected high-truss single-lane bridge, was selected for a testing program which included ultimate load tests. The purpose of the ultimate load tests, which are summarized in this report, was to relate design and rating procedures presently used in bridge design to the field behavior of this type of truss bridge. The ultimate load tests consisted of ultimate load testing of one span of the bridge, of two I-shaped floorbeams, and of two panels of the timber deck. The theoretical capacity of each of these components is compared with the results from the field tests.


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La Guerra al Cor és un espectacle a mig camí entre el concert coral i el recital literari. A partir de la lectura i la tria d'un gran corpus de literatura catalana al voltant de la Guerra Civil i de la tria d'un repertori coral universal i heterogeni, s'ha confeccionat un guió entrellaçant ambdós elements. En aquest treball escrit s'argumentarà aquesta tria mitjançant la reflexió sobre els concerts interdisciplinars i l'estudi del context històric, literari i musical del conflicte en qüestió.


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This inventory of transit services in Iowa covers urban transit, intercity passenger bus carriers and charter operators, taxicab operations, rural transit services and special services, and includes the results of questionnaire and interview surveys, and the resulting recommendations. The recommendations urge a centralized source of data and expertise, a public information program, the utilization of federal aid, the continuance of existing transit services with no dimunition of service level, the establishment of new services in communities of over 20,000 population, the sponsorship of demonstrations in communities with populations of 10,000 to 20,000, and the development and improvement of rural transit service. Based on state and local community experience, recommendations are made concerning revenue sources to support transit in Iowa, and four alternative state transit assistance programs are presented.


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As a result of the construction of the Saylorville Dam and Reservoir on the Des Moines River, six highway bridges crossing the river were scheduled for removal. Two of these were incorporated into a comprehensive test program to study the behavior of old pin-connected high-truss single-lane bridges. The test program consisted of ultimate load tests, service load tests and a supplementary test program. The results reported in this report cover the service load tests on the two bridges as well as the supplementary tests, both static and fatigue, of eyebar members removed from the two bridges. The field test results of the service loading are compared with theoretical results of the truss analysis.