999 resultados para Relato de Caso


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Trata-se do relato de caso de leishmaniose tegumentar americana, no qual houve ocorrência de traqueomalâcia e insuficiência respiratória. A natureza da enfermidade, o estado geral do paciente e a longa extensão do segmento traqueal comprometido tornaram inviável a realização de ressecção e anastomose. Optou-se pelo emprego de tubo em "T" de silicone, que se mostrou útil, motivando divulgação dó procedimento.


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RESUMO A encefalite herpética é uma doença de alta mortalidade que deve ser diagnosticada e tratada rapidamente. Cefaleia, febre e alteração de comportamento compõem a tríade clássica. Há escassos estudos sobre o tema e nenhum a respeito do manejo das manifestações psiquiátricas. O relato de caso se refere a paciente de 35 anos, que manifestou a tríade clássica, sendo diagnosticado e tratado corretamente. Após um mês, apresentou desorganização do comportamento e agitação, sendo reinternado. Foi descartada recidiva e, por sua grave agitação, ele foi transferido à Psiquiatria. Permaneceu internado por 116 dias; nesse período, teve seguidos episódios de agitação e heteroagressividade, sendo restrito ao leito na maior parte do tempo. Apresentou crises epilépticas do tipo parcial complexa, somente realizando eletroencefalograma sob a terapêutica de três anticonvulsivantes, quando pôde colaborar para a realização do exame, com resultado normal. Houve intercorrências infecciosas tratadas, e conseguiu-se estabilização parcial com o uso de seis psicotrópicos em doses elevadas. Na alta, apresentava comportamento desorganizado, déficit de memória, raciocínio fragmentado, construção de conceitos de forma errática, com interpretações delirantes, impulsividade latente, mas sem agressividade. Desafios do caso: internação prolongada pela refratariedade terapêutica, riscos, desgaste físico e emocional para paciente, família e equipe de saúde. O resultado final demonstra a possibilidade de melhora parcial em um caso polimórfico de encefalite herpética.


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Resumo Introdução: A síndrome nefrite tubulointersticial e uveíte (síndrome TINU) é uma entidade clínica incomum e a maioria dos pacientes são adolescentes e mulheres jovens. O caso relatado a seguir refere-se a uma paciente idosa com manifestações oftalmológicas que antecederam às renais, sendo provavelmente o primeiro caso descrito no Brasil. Relato de Caso: Paciente feminina, 60 anos, procurou atendimento médico por queixa de "olhos vermelhos". Três meses após o primeiro episódio do quadro ocular, a paciente cursou com sintomas sistêmicos e disfunção renal. A biópsia renal evidenciou nefrite tubulointersticial com sinais de atividade. Discussão: A fisiopatologia da síndrome TINU permanece pouco entendida, provavelmente envolvendo a imunidade celular e humoral. Essa síndrome pode ser diferenciada de condições sistêmicas associadas à uveíte e à nefrite, sendo necessária a exclusão de outras doenças antes de se confirmar seu diagnóstico, especialmente na presença de achados oftalmológicos. Conclusão: A suspeição clínica e o conhecimento do manejo desta patologia por nefrologistas, internistas e oftalmologistas são mandatórios no tratamento do paciente com Síndrome TINU.


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El tumor de células granulares (tumor de Abrikossoff) es una neoplasia benigna en un 98% de casos. Su presentación es escasa y la estirpe celular del tumor es controvertida; sin embargo, la detección positiva de proteína S-100 sugiere un origen neural. Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 16 años de edad con diagnóstico histopatológico de tumor de células granulares en el estudio de espécimen de resección quirúrgica de nódulo lingual.


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Artigo apresentado em congresso nacional de comunicação


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The apical surgery with simultaneous root filling consists in the elimination of the local etiologic factors concomitant with the shaping and obturation of the root canal system. This technique is indicated when there is no possibility of obturating the root canal by conventional methods. Some adverse factors may difficult the clinical procedures, such as the radiographic interpretation. Periapical radiographs must not be used as the main diagnostic resource due to their inherent disadvantages, such as distortion and superimposition with other anatomical structures. The aim of this clinical case report is to show the limitations of radiographic examination in an apical surgery in which a root perforation was not visible in the radiographic image, as well as the gutta-percha was not related to its real clinical location.


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The exercise of a professional activity provides the human beings the possibility of making part of the life in society, as members of a culture. In this perspective, the work confers the possibility of the construction of the professional and the personal identity. However, there are some situations in which the worker gets sick. Present e discuss a case report of sick leaves due to illness constituted the central objective of this study.


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The treatment with overdenture supported by tooth consists in complete or partial removable prosthesis confection in which some satisfactory tooth are maintained and used to aiding retention associated with any retention system. The purpose of this case report is to show the use of magnet attachment in the confection overdenture to improve the oral rehabilitation in cases with restricted intermaxillary space. The treatment was considered successful by the patient and no need for excessive alteration in the prosthesis was required in the follow-up period of 6 months.


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Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare dermatopathy that promotes subcutaneous tissue damage, associated to substantial morbidity and mortality if treatment is not initiated at the beginning of the condition. The objective of the present study is to report the occurrence of two cases of necrotizing fasciitis, one in a miniature female Pinscher and the other one in a female Poodle, both attended at the Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ/Unesp-Botucatu. The animals presented ulcerated, erythematous lesions with secretion and points of necrosis along fascial planes. Bacterial culture was positive for Streptococcus spp. The animals were treated with enrofloxacin, associated to topical cleaning of the lesions with saline solution and triclosan-based soap and rifampicin spray. Both animals presented total remission of lesions after approximately 15 days of treatment. The present report aims to alert veterinary clinicians to the severity of Streptococcus spp infections.


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Lipoma arborescens é uma condição rara de moléstia intra-articular, usualmente monoarticular, caracterizada por extensa proliferação dos vilos sinoviais e hiperplasia da gordura subsinovial. O tecido sinovial é progressivamente substituído por células maduras de gordura na membrana sinovial. O presente trabalho é o relato de caso de uma condição rara de lipoma arborescens tanto intra-articular (glenoumeral) como da bursa subacromial-subdeltoide além de ruptura do tendão do supraespinhoso. As apresentações clínicas, histológicas e radiográficas assim como o tratamento são discutidos no presente estudo. A apresentação do caso contempla também a avaliação radiográfica, ressonância magnética e exame patológico. Apesar do lipoma arborescens ser uma condição rara, tal hipótese deve ser considerada frente a um caso com hiperproliferação sinovial e lipossubstituição da sinovial.


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Olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic drug, was administered to a patient with Huntington's disease (HD) with marked choreiform movements. Brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO was performed before and after treatment. Brain SPECT imaging has been performed in patients with HD in order to determine the status of basal ganglia perfusion. The use of brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO before and after treatment in patients with HD has not been yet reported. The marked hypoperfusion of the basal ganglia on brain SPECT performed before therapy with olanzapine improved significantly after treatment.


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Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare genetic disease characterized by widespread soft tissue ossification and congenital stigmata of the extremities. We report on a male child followed for ten years since the age of 3 years and 9 months, when the diagnosis was made. He was born with bilateral hypoplasic hallux valgus and ventricular septal defect, corrected by transsternal approach when 32 months old. Restriction of neck mobility followed and foci of ectopic ossification appeared. Four crises of disease exacerbation were treated with oral prednisone and/or other antiinflammatory drugs. Sodium etidronate 5 to 10 mg/kg/day was prescribed intermittently during about six years but was discontinued due to osteopenia. The disease course has been relentless, with severe movement restriction including the chest wall. A review showed few similar case reports in the Brazilian literature. We revisit the criteria for diagnosis and the essentials of management and treatment.


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The occurrence of de novo psychogenic seizures after epilepsy surgery is rare, and is estimated in 1.8% to 3.6%. Seizures after epilepsy surgery should be carefully evaluated, and de novo psychogenic seizures should be considered especially when there is a change in the ictal semiology. We report a patient with de novo psychogenic seizures after anterior temporal lobe removal for refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Once psychogenic seizures were diagnosed and psychiatric treatment was started, seizures stopped.


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Administration of fractionated doses of irradiation is part of the adjutant therapy for CNS tumours such as craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas. It can maximise cure rates or expand symptom-free period. Among the adverse effects of radiotherapy, the induction of a new tumour within the irradiated field has been frequently described. The precise clinical features that correlate irradiation and oncogenesis are not completely defined, but some authors have suggested that tumors are radiation induced when they are histologically different from the treated ones, arise in greater frequency in irradiated patients than among normal population and tend to occur in younger people with an unusual aggressiveness. In this article, we report a case of a papillary astrocytoma arising in a rather unusual latency period following radiotherapy for craniopharyngioma.


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We report the case of a 73-year-old female who presented facial numbness and pain in the first division of the trigeminal nerve, ptosis, diplopia and visual loss on the right side for the previous four months. The neurological, radiological and histological examination demonstrated a rare case of invasive fungal aspergillosis of the central nervous system, causing orbital apex syndrome, later transformed in temporal brain abscess. She died ten months later due to respiratory and renal failure in spite of specific antimycotic therapy.